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ADS May 2017
I'm sorry grandma
I was just told about what you are going through
You are in so much pain
You are literally dying right now
Dying of cancer is what they told me
Apparently you don't have long to live
I wish I could take back all those years
All those years I took you for granted
All those years where I wish we could talk
Talk about how you met my mom's dad
He really sounded like a great man
My parents tell me he was just like me
He died just a year before I was brought into this world
Oh how I wish we could talk about your life
Talk about your struggles
Talk about your greatest accomplishments

I am so thankful for you taking care of me
Taking care of my family
Being there for every struggle and every tear
That I never saw or heard
I was just an infant then
I was barely holding onto dear life
But I didn't know you were the one holding me
Holding my family together in our time of need

Then I got older and so did my sister
I feel like we didn't have those deep talks
Because I was still an infant and a little naive
I always felt like my sister overshadowed me
She always had something going on to talk about
Just because she was a bit older than me
I am not asking for forgiveness
I just want you to understand I love you
I just don't know how to rebuild this bridge
Because you live so far away from me
My grandma was diagnosed with cancer and shes in a lot of pain. She has lost her will to live and I dont know what I should do.
Joan Huggins May 2017
We are as our father.
Our blood is filled with fighting,
Thick with trauma,
Touched with love.
Our hearts pump three ingredients
To stir one strange elixir.
From the blood grew a figure,
Distorted and hungry.
We threw silver to bind it down,
Only to find that it had bound us first.
When the links shatter apart
We recognize we cannot chain the beast.
This beast born from blood does not know how to stop
The all-consuming blind rage, the only thing it sees.
So, like our father,
We had to master the spell to calm our spirit,
To remember what is behind it -
Never forget that.
Of all important lessons here,
Number one is this:
Passion must have a cause
Or you can smell the wood burning for miles.
Passion lights fire to buildings,
Whole cities of those we love.
Passion must be put to work
Or it is a force of destruction.
Don't allow yourself to walk through desolation
Or let the ashes of what you would have once died for
Now speckle your hair.
Without reason, blood and spirit,
You make the ultimate sacrifice.
Because of this, we know:
We are the children of
Angels and demons
Here, we pay the price.
blaise May 2017

angels who miss their wings at 3 am when they feel more out of place in this body then before, angels who need pain to bring themselves out of their dreams, who ink themselves with words only prophets would understand; angels who have the most ordinary jobs like bus drivers and paper boys, people see them and think about them for moments too long.

angels who turn to drinking and smoking, trying to forget the feeling of their wings pushing air behind them as they flew. angels who can't avoid the call of the sky and become pilots who are always drinking coffee because the caffeine reminds them of the golden ichor that was once flowing through their veins.

vengeful angels who become pilots as well, who terrorize the winged folk to feel powerful again, to feel control again. angels who message each other, fingers trembling as they type out their dreams, trying to grab those memories that are just out of reach, gauzy and filled with blood and silver-tinted skin and golden eyes and so many feathers. angels who live in church basements and see pictures of themselves in the stained glass windows and go unclothed, trying to reach that feeling of purity, freedom.

fallen angels who burn churches, filling their lungs with smoke as they climb to the steeple, not just from reprisal but from the feeling of mutiny. angels who ride out into the country alone with a handful of stolen cash who steal from nearly empty gas stations and throw rocks at the windows of abandoned barns after they've climbed to the roof and back to earth. angels who streak their backs with ashes because they don't have the scars that they should from having their wings torn away and the golden ichor doesnt bleed away and stain the ground like it used to.

angels who hang out in bookstores and coffee shops because they're looking for an oracle or someone, anyone, who will listen to their impossible dreams of flight and blood spattering the ground, of fighting and dying and they can't explain it.

angels with shaky hands who try to find love because there's something missing and everyone tells them that love will help them, and maybe it does, but there are always angels out there who have loved and loved and there is still something BROKEN, something LOST, and it's been pounded into their minds that they'll never know what it is. angels who run with demons and devils because there's nothing quite like the rush of running in the dark, standing at the edge of the city and feeling the wind nearly blow you off as you curl your toes on the edge of the roof, so close to the sky it takes their breath away.

Rachel Ace May 2017
I wish we were friends

Angels flying in the cold air
Incandescent auroras
Prism reflections
Uncertain ends

My lovely eyes
Electrified fences
I can't advance
The rain comes out of my eyes
Bleeding hearts on the other side

Your resplendent eyes
The young hero
Propriétaire du ciel

I was alone
Asking to myself
When the sky is going to be ours

I need a friend first
Not you?

- Codelandandmore // 23:06 PM ©
I wish we were friends
honey Apr 2017
there's an angel with thorns in his mouth, honey dripping from his lips
an angel flickering, glowing, burning like a lit cigarette
an angel with a thousand wings
an angel like a holy storm
an angel with tears of black and eyes forever closed
angels walk the earth.
they play with fire and taste like whisky.
angels are here
sol Apr 2017
statue angels and stone cold kings.
mine their hearts and steal their rings.
turn them into crowns for nobles unbound,
sitting with Arthur at a table so round.

ancient martyrs and modern heroes.
tales of rebellion and battles they go.
fighting horned demons and winged serpents,
with blood on their hands they feel the repentance.

they drink their *** and consume the alcohol,
waiting and watching for the hammer to fall.
yet no news came of the hellish flame,
that was said to burn them all.
Star BG Apr 2017
A plaintive song a black bird sang,
before he took to flight.
He did talk to remind me,
to be cautious of night.

I did see as he did fly,
he left a gift for me.
Some of what he ate that day,
flew right upon my knee.

Though he was so black as night,
I sent him a wish strong.
Telling him I was of light,
and knew I’d feel no wrong.

For the night has stars so bright.
They dance yes every night.
I have angels round me now.
Their cool and out of sight.

StarBG © 2017
inspired by Timothy. Just as I finished a black bird decided to sing. He approves. :)
Star BG Apr 2017
"The world is a stage and we are all actors.
YOU play the main character SO enjoy all its scenes,
as your guides and angels applaud you."
Have you thanked your guides and angels lately?
who does not like the feeling
that we are all protected
by our guardian angels


as the ancient Greeks
    and after them
Benjamin Franklin & others

God helps those
who help themselves
Montay Henson Apr 2017
I've seen this one angel hanging in town
she dances and sings and spreads happiness around
she's kind and funny and unique
She bathes me in light every time we meet
She grips my hand and walks with me down the street
this angel isn't mine, but she knows what I need
she knows my angles and shows them to me
she read the lines that I am hiding closely
she heats me up and melts me slowly
She brings  the light when the night is lonely
And when I look at her eyes I swear they're glowing
I know they're knowing I can see her probing
It's not easy hiding from these angles she's bringing
I want to speak, but the words are tainted
My brain is jumbled and my thoughts scream faintly
I know I'm being a selfish brat
Is it my fault that I can be myself with you?
Is my my fault that your essence is addicting?
what angle do I need to see to see you being an angel over just me?
Haven't made anything in a long time, something happened recently that made me need a release of my feelings and thoughts and well, here it is.
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