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Aug 2016 · 550
I Will
Suhani Maui Aug 2016
I'll drink your darkness so you won't feel it
I'll bare your pain
Hold my hands high against the clouds
To stop the rain
I'll let it fill me up inside
My ears
  my mouth
    my eyes
I'll hold it in when you're around
My eyes turn black
while yours stay brown

This is for the best

  you smiles to keep you afloat
  the floors of my boat

It's right.. It's the right thing to do
I have to keep you above the water
If you drown, then I lose

Let me do this
  Share your abyss
Although I'll probably be gone tomorrow...
It's comforting; your sorrow.
Feb 2016 · 469
You Don't Cry Right?
Suhani Maui Feb 2016
feeling feelings is too easy of a feat. not feeling them is the task. how inhumane you have to become to fall out of the rabbit hole that your mother called love. waking with raw eyes, sleeping with a tight stomach. your passions no longer your passions, because let’s be honest, they were the fire in your writing, the voice in your painting, the entirety of your mind; morning, noon, and night. the sun, moon, stars, meteorites rocketing down in your mind over and over again. repeatedly leaving craters all over your body. they left their mark and you can’t seem to scrub hard enough in the shower to make them disappear. you can’t seem to keep up with your shadow, because these days it seems to be standing taller than you. see. you wilt as if you haven’t been watered and you refuse just anyone’s hydration. you need your passion’s water. you need that familiar breath. the steady breath because yours is just too unsteady lately. it’s riddled with threats of tears in your throat. but you don’t cry right? that’s what you told everyone.
Dec 2015 · 2.5k
Two Thousand Feet Deep
Suhani Maui Dec 2015
im too deep for you,
too full of answers,
and you can't handle that.
you keep holding on to all of those questions.
you like the suffocation of drowning in a sea confusion.
all those questions in your lungs.
so ill find someone who wants to swim to shore.
someone who's looking for answers. someone who wants to breath.
Jul 2015 · 752
Suhani Maui Jul 2015
we gone make love in that museum you wanted to go to
hang them legs up like art on the wall
stroke and stroke, until your water colors fall

i wanna blow on your skin until the paint dries
i wanna frame myself in your eyes
put you on display for the world to view..

..admire and critique
have them speechless with your physique
and those eyes, girl those eyes...
a poem to myself, from my ideal lover
May 2015 · 617
How to Make Love
Suhani Maui May 2015
i want you to stroke and dip your brushes onto my canvas until my symphony crescendos into the twilight zone of our love.

and if your saxophone needs blowing i'll sweep all the air from my lungs.
Feb 2015 · 528
Suhani Maui Feb 2015
lust is just love that dies
we tend to want things that flood our eyes
our hurt is just a price we pay
looking at the moon and wishing for day
in an abyss of sweet nothings we fall deep
sacrificing oxygen and sleep
for a mere glimpse of what love could be

things aren't so tender when they end
just bitter unseasoned and bland
a heap of limbs at war with each other
lost souls looking to discover
searching for love and a source of heat
the vicious cycle of hatred and deceit
turmoil boils and wrath will grow
but the fire extinguished long ago

when the mind realizes it's been famished
not a soul in the world cared to scan it
of feelings or memories or wants
or opinions or strengths or thoughts

the enemy, loneliness, born
from lack of someone to adorn
a naive love disguised as scorn
from its battered scalp grow horns

an angel in disguise it became
call it cold.. frigid.. inane..

fallen angel beseech the stars above
for the slightest symbol of love
and to no avail, no answer
her kisses could create no dammer

she dared not bind to another
for the sake of being smothered
with false ardor and affection
her ice as her protection
to shield her ***** from the swelter
that asked of no one near to help her

the delusive words of many have tried
the only thing saving her was her spirit that died
this barrier tall, affirmative with action
hurt anyone near it with ample satisfaction
this story is about my love life. im really struggling to let people in. it's a reality ive decided to face because i have been long overdue for a reality check.
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
That's Why You Hesitate
Suhani Maui Feb 2015
i won't have to
touch you, to
feel you.
peel back your
scalp, so i can
see the real you.

i could caress the answers right out of your mind
rob you blind
of your tattered old heart.
i could turn it into art.
make it better than before..
i could flourish you, grow you..
take heed of my words,
because you'll choke on yours.

underminding my ability
to have you weak in the knees,
won't help you walk.
you can barely talk.
your knees will still be weak,
i mean you studder when you speak
at least to me.

because you know your mind's at stake,
and if i want,
you'll be mine when it's late.
when the sun is underway
you'll be here
doing as i please, and what i say.

**that's why you hesitate.
Feb 2015 · 888
Song of the Sirens
Suhani Maui Feb 2015
The unknown is what I cower from.
I fear a watery grave.
Or would it actually be beautiful,
to watch the world float away?
As I sink to the symphony of the ocean,
and let it lullaby me to sleep,
I slip into paralysis and surrender my hands & feet.
The deep dark bottomless
untouched that is below us,
singing the song of the sirens.
The mysterious shadows that deny us
the glory underneath the islands.
The souls of the living and dead,
floating and gliding,
sinking and riding.
The waves of poseidon,
I dread.
Should I not be afraid of the shadow,
and not shriek in terror of the deep?
Is it really all that bad,
or is my mind playing games of deceit?
Have I been afraid for years,
not experiencing true beauty?
Are the fish keeping secrets,
of what the water holds truly?
What is down there, it drives me insane to no limit.
I want to see the city of Atlantis, and the mermaids in it.
Would that be my heaven?
A tale told on land?
And would the creatures of the sea,
tell tales of a walking man?
Im afraid, I am, of what's below the shore.
And to think, All I have to do
is fall off this cliff to explore.
What people on land would call my ending, would only be my beginning.
Jun 2014 · 693
Another Night of Us
Suhani Maui Jun 2014
i had a dream
you wrote your name in hieroglyphics on my stomach last night

we submerged ourselves
into each other
love everywhere
dripping down the walls
slowly oozing through our pores
boiling beneath the floorboards

in the pitch black
only we could see this sight
twisting and turning throughout the night
dew from our skin
cries from within
every moan
every shriek
piercing like piano keys
pain from your teeth
pleasure from your tongue
shivers from your fingers
your scent still lingers
last night we didn't have minds
or we were out of ours
we watched ourselves
get lost inside of
this abyss we call love
and outside of the parts we can't touch

we drowned ourselves in words
we suffocated on our voices
we screamed while no one heard
we tasted all of our noises
lust swelling up inside of us
like disease
we could die any second
preying on each other like felines
watching, waiting,
plotting on annihilating,
devouring flesh, making a mess
eating my soul, cleaning the bones

penetrating this flower
watching as i blossomed before you
spread open my petals just for you
my thighs as vines
you climb until you peak
reaching the top of your mind
ripping the timidness from my eyes
tempting and teasing
inhaling each other and releasing
hairs ***** on the back of our necks

the pressure inside is on the rise
my pleasure rushing to the tip of my tongue
escaping past my lips
music to your ears
muscles tense and vibrating
entangled in each other we laid
until the remnants of anger fade
limp bodies in this field of lust
another night of us

Jun 2014 · 782
Suhani Maui Jun 2014
there's a place that i go to
when i think of you
it has no address
but i know the view
the familiar face
that it belongs to
i can't replace
        Or separate
        Or numb this ache
that's caused by you
this heartache, bellyache, my headache
it's all for you
i had it in my mind
that i wouldn't fall for you
the miles between us
keep me far from you
but im there in my head
in the arms of you
i've tried to to abandon
the love that i feel
the dreams that i've had
the nights you've made me laugh
the thoughts that i think
trying to drive you from my thoughts
trying to sleep
but thoughts of you
won't let me
Suhani Maui Mar 2014
Here's another night
Where my thoughts drift to you
You told me, leave, move on, let it go
I've tried I swear
I've tried to trash what I felt
I've tried to destroy the love
But love can't be destroyed
I've tried to use and abuse other peoples love
So I could make up for your love
But it isn't the same
No one loved me to the elements like you did
No one wants to give me the stars like you did
I feel so empty sometimes without you
Wondering if you think about me
Even though I know you've forgotten about me
Hoping you'll read what I write
Wondering if my words will pull one of your heart's strings
I hate this
I can say I've never felt a love like this
To the point of desperation and humiliation
I've never felt so drawn to someone and felt like I was missing a part of myself
Like the other half of me is just lingering amongst the earth without me
Searching. . .
Looking. . .
For something or someone that isn't me. . .
Dec 2013 · 500
Pillow Full of Moments
Suhani Maui Dec 2013
For me life is about moments
It's not about what will happen
It's not about what has happened
It's about what is happening

Because nothing else in the world could possibly matter more than that moment when you're with that person and you feel that way and you're just hoping nothing can ruin this because perfect things and moments can't be ruined because you're so happy that it's you and no one else and that you didn't know that you could ever be this happy


All good things must come to an end and no matter what you do, say, or feel, your moments will become feathers of nostalgia just floating around in your mind and your memory but it's okay because moments end in order for you to make more moments and make more feathers so your head will be as filled as a pillow

A pillow of memories and happiness

Suhani Maui Nov 2013
if not for love
no one would know the deep passion for another
or the uneasy yearning for another's touch or at least a passing gaze or a fleeting glimpse from another or a hope for a brushing of fingers or shoulders or a simple hello or hand gesture or the essence of their presence or the desire to just BE... with them and hold them so close that it hurts to the point of bruises and scratches and sweet moans of agony and wet strokes of angst and ripped sheets and pillows tossed upon the floor...

if not for love
no one would know

unless walls could talk...


— The End —