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Solaces Aug 2014
Don't blame the stars.. they still shine for you, even if they are not there..
Millions of light years
Solaces Feb 2018
Down these roads I go..
Part of my heaven I suppose..
To destination no where..
Forever on these roads to elsewhere..
Ill stop here and there..
And meet people everywhere..
Small towns for my dreams to remember..
When I sleep without surrender..
Away from the sun I drive..
And into the night I dive..
Under stars that remember me..
With music to keep me company...
Just drive.........
Solaces Feb 2017
Do you remember anything?  
" I told them I didn't, But I remember it all.  It was darkness..  A sort of darkness that for a moment I thought no light could shine in it..  I was numb all over.  At first I thought I was dead.  I started to ask myself, (Is this what its like to be dead) but then slowly the feeling would creep back into my limbs..  I then heard three different sets of voices.  They scared me to no end because what ever they were they seem to be communicating with eachother. Their voices sounded like hisses mixed in with strange deep tones from an *****. Thats the best I can explain.   I started to feel pressure in my hands and feet.  Then in my chest and stomach..  After that I felt cold and hot, then hot then cold..  Next was the crawling feeling all over my body..  It felt like large cockroaches were running all over my body.  Then came the sounds. From my left side then my right.  Then both sides, and then all around me..  I knew I was being tested on by something..  The last thing I saw was a door of light. It hurt my eyes so bad.. I then saw three silhouettes standing in the light.. After that I awoke here in the woods.. It seem like it was a dream.. But my soreness in my body told me it wasn't!
Vialarkeris:  Data Human Lifeform"""Project Helix heal""""
Male human :  W.B.C. EXTRACTION..
Our planet is being ravaged by an acute viral nasopharyngitis.. We have no way to stop it.  Millions have died. No cure can be found.. That is until today. History has been made in the most wonderful way possible.. We infected a male human lifeform with the virus and found that his body (although super feeble) was able to fight of the infection. It took a matter of only 2 days for his body to fully purge out the virus.. We were able to narrow down a cell within the human known as a white blood cell (W.B.C.) which could counter the virus and purge it out of the body. Although feeble the humans have a much better immune system than we do.  The human was returned near his home and saw it all as a dream.  Little did he know that he saved an entire advanced civilization with just a veil of his blood..
Bigger picture..
Solaces Feb 2019
Do you want to drift with me..
Past the snow and stars..
To see the light scare away the darkness..
Inside and outside of my astral song...

Things will not be left unsaid..
Simply discuss you toward me..
Smile the sun to my moon..
Let me shine in darkness and we can see things through..

Might I be your blaze..
Among this dream haze..
Where time has no control..
Now, Forward, or backwords we can soar..
Drift with no direction
Solaces Feb 2014
My roar seem to echo the entire land.. The ogres dropped there weapons and covered their ears as I screamed forth my dragon voice to a battle to the death.. I then stared down the lead ogre with my fierce dragon eyes..

I slashed my tail on the ogre to the right and then spun my body in full cirlce hitting the 2nd ogre with a overhead tail slash killing both of them! It all happen in one second.. After I killed the 2 ogres I continued to stare down the lead ogre in the same stance I had landed before.. He stood there frozen in fear.. 4 remained. The 2 ogres behind picked their spears up. The ogre to the left of me was also frozen like his leader..

My dragon sense alerted me to the stabbing spears coming for me. With my front legs I pushed ******* the ground slinging me back behind the ogres.. I moved so fast that the ogres stabbed a dragon made of air.. I then charged one of the ogres and bit down on him with my powerful jaws killing him instantly.. With my powerful neck I slung the ogre from my mouth and threw him into the dark forest..

3 now remained as I took back my stance and gave back my dragon stare to the lead ogre.. I could hear their hearts beat in fear.. I could smell their souls (which would soon be mine ) trying to leave their bodies.. All three ogres stood together shaking not knowing what to do.. I continued to stare down the lead ogre.. At long last I roared once again all while charging the ogres at full speed.. Again they covered their ears as I leapt into the sky landing on all three of them killing the left and right ogre with my dragon feet and killing the lead ogre with my jaws..
Solaces Feb 2014
My dragon nose has caught the scent of the creature that awaited me at the end of the bridge.. I could see him running as I closed my eyes and captured its scent. The creature is a type of ogre that feeds on humans. My dragon ears could now hear the screams of a village not to far from here. The creature has gone through the village and taken a young boy.

I sprint through the dark forest ever so quietly.. This will be my first hunt as a dragon.. I will not let this ogre harm that young boy. I pass the village where the boy was taken.. I heard screams yet again as I passed on through. I could only imagine what I look like running by..

My Dragon nose picked up a fire being built by the ogre.. I could smell the fear in the young boy building up.. With great stealth I came upon the ogre's camp.. He had already built the fire high using some sort of oil.. The child was very scared and did not look like a human from back home. He had a dark shiny color to his skin.. I suppose the humans left here on this world have also changed with it to better survive its harsh conditions.

The ogre then picked up an axe type weapon and walked toward the child.. His tounge licked all around his gray face.. With no sound at all I swayed my dragon body behind the ogre and stood tall.. The young boys eyes opened in awe and fear.. The ogre slowly turned around and saw what the kidnapped boy had saw.. The ogre dropped his axe and tried to run.. I struck him down and bit into his body.. My dragon teeth had no problem pierceing the tough skin of the ogre. His blood ran down both sides of my mouth! I for some reason loved the taste!
Toward the shadows
Solaces Feb 2014
The young boy climbed onto my back.. I was still connected to his mind and told him with my voice to his mind to HOLD ON! But as I thought it through I new I would be moving to fast for the boy to hold on and not fall. So I looked toward the ogres leftover equipment and found a long rope. The boy wrapped the rope around my neck and then around his hands. HERE WE GO!

I could feel the boys excitement and also his deep breathing. It was as if I was the boy! Amazing the longer I stayed connected to the boy the more I felt and saw what he was feeling and seeing. I slowly built up my speed instead of sprinting like before. The boy felt the wind at his face as I begin to go faster and faster!

I then told him again HOLD ON!! I then leaped out from the trees high above the dark forest! The boy gasp for air in awe and let out a scream of joy!! I did not realise my excitment and discovered that I had jumped a great deal higher than last time. But this jump was more of a super leap. So super I clearly jumped over the boys village and landed back at the river..

Both of us were breathing hard with excitement! I then walked the boy back home to his village.. The boy got off my back and called to his father..
Lets go for a ride!
Solaces Feb 2014
Now its time to run.. Seems that most of my balance does not come from my open feet but rather more from my tail.. In fact my tail is what slings me from left to right.. Walking is very natural to me.. Almost like a song you have to just keep up with the beat..

I did not forget that my dragon legs are very very strong.. I can only imagine how fast I can run.. Ok here goes! I pull myself forward with my front legs first! Boom! Im in the air already but I quickly open my feet and land back on them.. My tail becomes a straight line as it points back as I blur through the air. Like the song of walk there is also a song of run.. A different kind of fast paced beat is what I need to run too.. I am reminded of a lizard back at home as I am now running much like it.. It amazing! The speed! I run by this black water river and decide to jump to the otherside.. BOOM! I MADE IT!

I continue to run alongside this river and try something new.. I swing my tail over and jump and quickly change direction! The agility this dragon body has is astounding! I do it again and then again and leap back over the river! I then zig zag jump aross this river and take off at a speed I have never felt.. I see myself in the water again.. My scales are a dark gray color..
The dragon
Solaces Feb 2014
During the Dragon state I see that my senses have changed. This world parallel has gone through an evil destruction that only my dragon eyes can see. The plants and life that exist here are fed through a sort of wicked evil flow that is in the air and in the waters.. My dragon eyes see this to be a sort of purple and shadow black flow that reaches and touches everything.. My dragon eyes also see that this dark air and water are coming from a source far away..

My dragon hearing has also kicked in.. I hear wispers of help from all over the land.. Almost as if the very ghost that may have died in this destruction are calling out to me. I noticed that when I turn my head I hear this strange chime and hum coming from where my eyes see this horrible evil gas and water emit from..

I am having a very hard time adjusting to my dragon touch.. This sense seems to be the most sensetive of them all. . Its strange.. I can feel things before they happen.. I can feel and sense the land itself.. The dirt I step on seems to be filled with a type of blood ******* beetle that would eat through human skin.. However they cannot bite or pierce my scales.. My scales are also absorbing sunlight and air.. My dragon touch is sending me signals of warning for the smallest of things. I will have to learn to decipher what is a threat and what is not a threat..

This world is filled with vile smells. No human could even bare such smells.. But to my dragon nose these smells are more like information of everything that comes through my nose. I can see what I smell even if it is not there.. amazing! The smell of the dark gas and waters are coming from a large black pillar that reaches the sky. For now thats all i can see and smell from here..

( DRAGON TASTE ) I have yet to eat anything in this world. I am not hungry yet. Im sure there is something to my taste.. I will soon find out.. I must explore this land a bit. But I need to learn to walk right first..
Thus the journey begins..
Solaces Feb 2014
After killing all the ogres and saving the village I took all the ogre bodies back to the river where I consumed all of them.. After this I felt amazing! But there was of course one drawback. Eating such a big feast made my dragon body very sleepy..

I then found a cool spot by the river bank that was pretty well out of sight.. This was in case more ogres came looking for their other ogre companions.. I feel into a deep deep sleep and begin to dream...

The dream took place in this parallel land I am on currently. But the land look alot like back home.. The water in the dark river was a pure blue as well as the beautiful green trees that took the place of the dark black trees that reside here..

I found myself in human form walking right next to my dragon form.. The both of us walked by the river talking to eachother. There were 2 moons above us.. One was white and pure, the other was a deep ocean blue with a dreamlike sparkle that only a dragon dream could luster up..

I then looked into my human eyes with my dragon eyes.. I felt every thought and became connected to myself like never before.. In a short moment I felt someone else.. This was not me.. I then broke the connection and saw a different person standing there.. A young girl with long brown hair smiled at me and faded into the green forest turning everything back the way it was..

My dragon scent awoke me! Something was coming.. I took a deep breath in and felt it coming from the sky.. It was coming in fast..
Dragon dreams
Solaces Feb 2014
I know to the young boy I must look even more fearsome than the ogre I made my meal. The boy stood there in awe and in fear. I myself simply could not stop eating. I consumed the entire ogre leaving not even a drop of blood behind.. The ogre had a very nice taste to it.. It also seem like this meal was not only filling my stomach but also having other effects as well. My dragon tounge seem to be absorbing energy from the meal. I also noticed that my scales were changing color a bit.

(Dragon taste) Serpent tounge of the shadow absorbing soul:
I have realized that the meal I have comsumed is changing me. Seems that when I eat anything alive I gain its strengths as well as more enhanced senses.. I have yet to discover what other changes will take place. I seem to be drawn in killing all that is evil. Im sure this wicked ogre has made the meals of many children in his past. No longer will he put fear in any child again.

I look now to the young boy with my dragon eyes. His eyes meet mine and quickly I can see his memories and feel his thoughts. (Yet another ability of my Dragon sight.) I tell him that everything is fine, do not fear me, I am the dragon guardian. In awe once again the young boy stood but this time without fear. He reached his hand to touch my scales. I layed flat on my stomach to let the boy climb on my back. Come young lad, I will take you home.. The boy in no time climbed on my back.. Are you ready lad!?
Consume evil
Solaces Feb 2014
I roared to the skies above sending a sonic wave that open a hole in the clouds letting in the forgotten sun into this land. I defeated the wyvern and then consumed the twitching wyvern body..

Seems though I had a small audience watching as I killed the terror from the sky.. The boys memory told me that this creature was also named the terror from the sky.. Some of the village men watched me tear the wyvern head off its body and fling it into the dark river.. They also watched me eat the body of the wyvern..

The village men walked slowly toward me, wide eyed and breathing hard.. I suppose they were testing me to see if I am indeed on their side.. I however could not stop eating the wyvern body and must have seem rude to them.. I finished the wyvern and could feel it coursing through my body.. I was very curious to see what kind of power i will gain from consuming the wyvern.. I stood upright and streached my dragon body.. I then took a deep yawn showing all my teeth and my dragon serpent tounge.. I then felt the young boys familuar resonance as he came out of the dark forest and joined the village men..

The young boy then walked up to me and ran his hand against my ocean blue dragon scales.. I then took all the men back to the river where I had been residing.. All of the ogres I had been killing had gear that I also took from them.. I had a strange sense of wanting to keep things.. I suppose it is true from what I hear from the old tales and stories about dragons having their treasures.. I had a pile of ogre weapons and what also seem to be ogre jewelry..

The village men looked at the pile and then looked at me.. I then nudged the pile with my head toward them.. They took the weapons and left the jewelry.. It was then when the village men held their new swords that I saw a shine and a glow in the blades.. The glow was a reflection coming from my dragon eyes.. The glow was a deep blue shine that was very beautiful. the village men stared and stared.. I then went to take a look in the dark river at myself and saw my glowing eyes.. A new power is awakening from my dragon victory..
To the skies soon!
Solaces Feb 2014
And now for my first step. This dragon body is huge! I mean I can stand upright and see over this dark forest.. My first step is a bit wonky and I fall over to my side creating thunder on the ground. I get back up and notice my legs are to strong as they spring me up high into the sky where I begin to fall back down.. As anyone falling from some form of height I begin to scream which in turn from my dragon vocals is a rather load roar! I land on some trees breaking them alongside a second thunderous fall..

As I get back up I notice I do not really feel the impact of the fall.. My scales seem to have absorbed most of the fall.. I then realise the sound of thunder is not my large body hitting the ground, but the effect my scales have on impact.. They seem to absorb the energy from the impact and then release it in the form of thunder. I will have to experement a bit with these awesome scales!

Ok here we go.. slowly! Ok.. IM UP! I take a step again but very slowly.. I then follow again with my other legs.. Step by step I move forward.. My feet feel very tight as I walk and I am also very loud.. I try and open my feet like a human would open their hand. And boom! All my feet open up as I am able to step better with almost no sound at all.. This is yet another effect of my scales as they absorb the sound I make with my feet..

Well I am now walking so I guess running is next!
Solaces May 2013
I was truly aware..
First things first is that i took flight..

In the dream i flew over the countryside..
then over the oceans..

It was limitless!!
I could fly as fast as i wanted to..

I begin to notice an orange glow there on the cliffs by the shore..
It almost looked like a window in the rocks..

I begin to fly toward this glow and saw it to be a sort of window..
I entered into a circular room made entirley of wood..

The floor had a sort of golden and silver sand to it..
There were others there also..

At the center of this place was a flame that burned..
It burned with a green flame..

As i drew near it the flame then turned into a sky blue color..
This was my color, and as the flamed burned i could now hear the thoughts of everyone here..

" You have found a dream chamber.." you are the sky blue soul." welcome sky blue......
Solaces Jun 2013
Last night i had a dream that i was able to dream dive..
a great concept as in the dream i was able to dive into the nightmares of others and help them overcome their fears.. and so the dream went like this as best as i can remember it..::)

Through this plain of colors was the dreams of all who were sleeping..
The blue and green colors where a symbol of calm and soothing dreams..

While the red and black were nightmares..
There where also some that were black and red that seem to spirial to no end.. This meant it was a nightmare that the dreamer could not overcome and had to battle every night they went to sleep...

I passed on through this red and black spirial as i fell into a house where there was a young boy scared to death, curled up into a ball, as he shook there on the floor in this corner of the room..

I told him don't be scared anymore.. his eyes lit up as i was a new figure in his endless streaming nightmare.. I took his hand and asked him what is wrong.. He told me that he can never get out of this house and that and evil demon ghost was hurting him.. I then felt this strange pressure inside my body as the ghost was trying to take me over..

With my lucid dream experence i knew i was in control of this demon ghost and creted an amazing shine within myself that threw the demon across the room.. it screamed as it tried again to possess my soul as i shined even brighter from within sending it crashing through the walls of this prison house creating a way out..

The young boy then pulled me outside of the house and screamed " IM FREE!!" thank you so much! many ghost then came out of the house and rushed the boy.. he then created a sun in the sky that burned the demon ghost away.. he looked to me and said thank you again..

I was then back to the plain of colors and saw that the black and red spriral had turned a deep blue color.. the little boy was at peace...
Solaces Aug 2015
I knew there was no sure way to fight the addiction in his memories.  Not without interference of what his memories remember.  Doing so could alter his memory in such a way that it would not be remembered correctly and could be forgotten forever without ever being able to access the original memory.  In his sleep state galaxies are created for a short time.  These are known as dreams.  During such time all memories scramble and form moments that the sleeping mind experiences. Although not real the mind has to do such a duty in order to make the brightest of memories shine forever.  To store away light that can be used for another time.  This is where I can attack the addiction! In his dreams.  He will see it as just a dream and feel as though it is no memory at all.  And so the dream begins.

The dream is of a grand dead tree in the middle of a green field. There sitting against the tree was a shadow child with a white mask on.  The mask had the face of me.  This sent a terror down my spine for some reason.  The child spoke in two voices. " Will you play with me."  He held a ball made of pale light that seem to have a spiral of darkness at its center. He threw the ball at me and I caught it.  I held it in both my hands as the spiral of darkness seem to call to me. I then heard beautiful song notes being sung from the sky.  My celestial star owls broke me out of the trance.  I then threw the pale light ball away as the child shadow screamed in anger.  It threw off its mask and went into a hole in the tree.  It screamed louder and louder while inside as the dead tree begin to grow leaves made of darkness and pale light.  The sky turned red and the grass yellow.  This dream had become a nightmare!
Where nightmares come from
Solaces Jan 2020
The song I had in my head before I fell asleep left with me to my dreams....
Solaces Jan 2017
I dare say my best work comes on the drive home.  
In deep reverie I conjure up a dragon flying beside my truck.
I see the sky as the ocean above.
The river I pass over on the way home is made of stars and planets not water..
WAIT!  I don't remember passing over the river!  *** im already in town.    Lol!  Be careful out there folks!
In to deep of thought so much passes by without you noticing. Be careful..
Solaces Apr 2015
There is a faint signal coming from orbit... Lets check it out..
There it is!   What is it!  Look wow! Its on a crash course!
It will crash land in the Northern Pacific Ocean.. Lets go!

There it is!  


Lets pull it up!  Careful..  Look at this thing..  

Is there any way to open it? It seems dead..  Strange nothing we have will penetrate the surface..  There is no way of opening it.

Oh my god everyone come here.. Look all the light just came on!
Its leaving quick follow it!

We have been following it for days..  It has been collecting samples of dirt, water, and at times it seems to be breathing the very air itself.. Wait look something is happening..  Its taking flight!  We need to stay with it..

This will be a international effort..  We all have to work together to see what this thing is doing..   So far it has visited almost all the continents on The planet..  Today it goes back to where it crashed..  In the northern Pacific..  As it arrives it lands in the Ocean..   It then gathers a large amount of water and booms back into orbit..

It later leaves orbit..  This was a Drone.. A drone that seeks a livable Planet.. A drone heading back to a dying civilization somewhere out there..  A drone that will bring something back..  All we can do is wait..
Mission complete
Solaces Apr 2015
Its been 5 years since we saw a drone crash land here on Earth. It then seem to come to life and examine our Plant to see if it was suitable to live on..  Today we are receiving the same type of signal from an object on course to the same exact spot the Star drone crash landed.. We wait!  

This drone seems smaller in size than the one that crash landed here 5 years ago..  The entire world watched and listened..  It then sent out a radio signal in all languages.. It said this!

:::::People of the Planet Earth which is known as ( Soren 12 ) to us.. I would like to thank you for the use of your planet in composing a above average score for my intergalactic project..  I received a score of 495 out of 500!  I got points taken off because of a small program mistake where my drone picked up an enormous amount of your ocean water and dumped it in the return dock..  Your planet is very beautiful! Even more beautiful than ours..  I am in the works of becoming a Star driver.. In order to do so I must be able to find life among the stars in case I ever have to transfer myself or others in the worst case scenarios..  I may visit one day..  Thank you!!!
Lase Llr Laasa:  Intergalactic school of arts
It was all just a science project!
Solaces Feb 2020
Echoes. . . . .
Astral messages on the walls..
Celestial voices..
Seraphic poetry viewed through the third eye..

Inside. . . . .
Is inside..
The builder beholds his creation..
A creation from being inside...

The. . . .
The beginning was shown to us..
From high above..
3 winged angels sing in chorus..

Vessel. .  . .
The vessels were made in the sand..
Only shells of them..
To match the lights in the sky..

Above and beyond thoughts..
Dreamscapes and new horizons..
Unfamiliar constellations..
The hierarchy of the tower of silence. . . . . . . . .
Solaces Dec 2014
The resonating light left over was your last stance against the darkness..
You shine forth even after you are gone..
You halted the advance of such darkness..
A stalemate of shadow and light..
I am here because of your beacon..
As it calls out to me to finally push back this darkness..
This is you're echo of light::
a final stance, or perhaps still fighting on..
Solaces Jun 2013
It was on this day Eden came back to us..
Eden was 200 machines that left earth over 150 years ago.
These machines were to find and gather information on how to restore our dying planet...
One could be seen on course to earth..
It was Eden 157..
It was set to land in South Texas on Monday Oct 10th 2150 a.d..

Oct 10th 2150a.d
The army awaited the return of Eden 157..
And there it fell from the sky..
It looked like a slow comet falling from the heavens..
Eden 157 then landed..
There was a silence among everyone..
Eden 157 went through a check cycle before opening..
2 days later Eden 157's doors had opened..
Solaces Jul 2013
We were but days away of completing this strange object we were buliding for the healer of the Earth..

The Earth was already reborn again..

Its rivers fresh and clear..
Oceans clensed and blue..
Lands rich and alive..
People free of diesese..
The world singing the same song..

At last the creation was complete..
From a mountain we carved out a sort of series of shapes and arcs..
I cannot explain it..
You truly have to see it to believe it..
The healer then walked up one of the arcs and into the center..
The healer of the Earth shine brighter than our sun...
The shapes shadowed around the healer as he shined ever so..
A gate of light seem to open above the stars in the sky..
And there fell a ball of light to the healer..
The healer caught this light and held it in front of it..
The light then shaped itself into another healer..
It was his love..
At this moment I felt what he felt..
We help build a machine a sort of gate to bring his lost love back..
The gate could only be bulit by us for him..
A race had to unite and work together without conflict..
A sort of final expression to a formula to complex for us to understand..
They became colors we had never seen as they held eachother..
The entire mountain machine mankind had bulit for them begin to shine..
It then flashed and vanished all at once..
They are going home..
Solaces Jul 2013
The doors opened slowly..
There was a darkness inside..
Eden 157 then lit up the cargo bay..
Still nothing..
The army then sent in a sentry bot to examine Eden 157..
As the sentry bot rolled up the ramp it stopped and started to scan the air..
The sentry bot then finished and started to return..
They played back what the sentry bot was analyzing..
Then it appeared to us..
The colors of this being were everchaning..
It walked on down the ramp and looked to the sky..
It seem to smile, it seem happy..
It then started to stare down at the ground..
It gathered some dirt in its hand and seem to smell it..
As it smelled the dirt many colors started to fluctuate inside it..
It the put both its hands down into the ground..
And again the colors within it seem to go wild..
It seem to be in sort of a scan mode..
As if it was doing a systems check on the Earth itself..
Solaces Jul 2013
It was neverending..
People from all over the world worked on what will soon look like a halo in the mountain..
Teams would work off of the spec sheet that Eden 157's cpu provided..
Digging and breaking..
Carving and shaping..
It was good to see mankind work together as such..
Meanwhile the healer of the Earth stirred up the healing storms that swept across the lands..
It seem the harder we worked the harder it worked..
The healer of the Earth then went to the ocean..
A satellite captured an image of a hurricane made up of so many different colors..
The oncoming storm painted the sky with colors as lighting danced across this huge storm burning and cleaning the air..
The thunder sounded different..
It was sort of a tone or a musical note rather than just a normal thunderclap..
The Earth was truly singing..
This is her voice of return...
Solaces Jul 2013
And so began its journey through this dying planet..
The military assigned teams to follow it everywhere..
for 2 years it walked the Earth..
It would get in lakes, rivers, fields, volcanos, forest, all forms of of land and water..
I was there when it entered Canyon Lake..
It walked in and the whole lake seem to shine in color..
It then walked back out and continued its journey..
After its 2 year journey it returned to Eden 157 and accessed the computer..
Eden 157's computer finally showed us something..
This being wanted us to create a strange object..
It had to be carved out of a mountain from its sheer size..
In return it would restore our earth..
The next thing Eden 157's cpu showed us was that the being wanted to demonstrate something for us..
It then went back outside and looked to the skies..
There was some very strange clouds that no one had ever seen buliding up..
The lightning that would arc across the sky was different colors..
The sky lit up and then a rain fail from its clouds..
The drops would hit the ground and seem to splash a green light..
As the rain fell on me I could feel it tingle my skin..
I was scared at first but then saw something amazing..
The water that ran across my face and hands left my skin feeling tight..
The scar I had on my hand was gone..
The rain itself was healing our bodies as well as the Earth itself..
A project was already underway to create this strange object for the healer of the Earth..
Solaces Mar 2014
I send to you random messages..  Some of you will get them..  Some of you will ignore them.. They are my thoughts and dreams.. Ill show you what I see..  And they are all real to me.  A sort of memory from the otherside I suppose.  This is just the beginning.. And I smile at the thought of it all!
We leave together and return as one..
Solaces Apr 2018
They called him Sol. Sol is spanish for Sun.   He was called Sol because on our darkest hour he made the eternal night into day.  

They came to our planet and darken the skies with their megaships.  All key cities were hit all over the world first. Destroyed by impossible walking death machines.  No one was left alive.  They attacked in such a pattern that it would stray the remaining people alive toward a destination where they could be exterminated all at once.   In the flat lands of North Texas we could see them all coming in our direction from all around us. As they got closer we could hear their footsteps rumble like thunder.  It would not be long now. Everyone started to say goodbye to eachother.  

I had my eyes closed tight. I did not want to see my end happen.  But under my eyelids I begin to see red.  It was the sun above.  It shined brighter than ever before.  The sun seem to be coming down on us slowly.  It was a man in beautiful strange armor.  He then unsheathed to magnificent swords burning with blue and white fire.. He then bolted through the sky toward one of the walking death machines destroying it in a ball of white and blue light.  He then streaked toward the rest of the walking death machines destroying all of them leaving behind flames of blue and white.    

He then flew back toward us all. A beautiful sun in the sky he was.  His light was warm and beautiful.  He walked among us all healing us with his light.  I was no longer scared. All my fears were gone.  He then went after one of the megaships destroying it in the sky.  The other ships fled back to the stars.  It was the end of the end.  And the beginning of us again.  One of the kids called him El Sol.
Stardiver Sol....
Solaces Nov 2015
blue flash..
blue sun bolts of the sky..
the lightning feels me cry..

teardrops fall..
from storms of my emotions..
lightning fills this sky like an electric ocean..

lightning has made me forget the stars..
dancing and chasing..
endless blue blazing..
For the moment I forgot about the stars.
Solaces Jul 2023
Entwined in shadow string.
Light of my mind.
For so long now I've been unable to shine.

An old song anew.
Sang cosmic melodies to me.
Verses and choruses and tones to help me see.

The shadow strings begin to give way.
To the always moving forward light contained.
The cloud of all colors begins to rain.

Rays of light gleam on through.
Imaginations can reach their destinations.
To help create new constellations.

The stars shine again for me.
Under the night sky of rediscover.
As my soul begins to recover.
Solaces Aug 2015
etheral combination..
you and the sky..
wings of salvation..
and the way our light dies..

slowly fade away bright moon..
light of the night..
enter the this world again soon..
my bright little light..

away with your pale shine..
the sun is coming..
its light is unkind..
while yours is stunning..

oh moon high above..
you shine for us all..
with silver shine and love..
from borrowed light from the sun..
Sun is all light..
Solaces Jan 2017
I was at my friends dads house during the day.  I sat on his porch and talked with his son in law.  I then started to notice strange people walking in and out of the air.  I went inside and saw my dead grandmother sitting by my friends dad.  I asked her in Spanish " what are you doing here." She just smiled and pointed outside.  I looked out the window and noticed the strange people again.  They were laughing and shining brighter than the sun.  A tear ran down my dark brown eye. I knew they were here for him. All this was just an ethereal goodbye.
Solaces Nov 2015
its the everyday things
we see and feel
that are yet to be discovered
and within them is a galaxy that spins ever so..
Through them and around. Sometimes in between.  But to discover them is to find ones self in the chaos we simply create.
Solaces Jan 2014
Faint signal recived..))). among the stars you just dont run into someone. i take a deep breath before breaking off course and checking out the faint signal my vessels ears are hearing.. what I find is a long line among the stars. It is made of some kind of metal.. there seems to be no one on board this strange vessel. Then a light streaks across this metal line and a dock door opens.. I navigate into the strange vessel and find something astounding. . What I find are the last remains of life to a planet body that has been long destroyed. It seems this vessel is an ark for what remained of a civilization thought to be extinct. They were all in a sleep stasis. . The ark had used nearly all its energy and sent out its final string of signals.. although faint I was able to hook one.. so begins life again..
Star sea..
Solaces Mar 2020
The lake diamonds were light coming from the trees.  This was a wonderful world with two green moons that stole the night sky from the stars.  My name is Secalos. I am a Sapphire star blue dragon.  I am currently in my mage form (human form) staring into the lake waters.  My last memory was of me flying out of my own galaxy.  For a moment I was in a place where there were no stars or light at all.  I could not tell if I was moving forwards or backwards.  I was moving faster than the speed of light and yet the darkness moved faster than I.  I begin to see in the distance a glow of some sort.  It started out looking a lot like a green fog but then continued to change color.  I soon flew into the whimsical colored nebula and awoke here in my mage form.  Was this infinity from the inside.  Was this forever on the outside, the final number, the dream while awake, The end of space, Or simply the beginning.  Was I on a planet or still in space?  I soon discovered where I was.  I passed the darkness. I went so fast that I overtook the creation of the universe.  I have created this small section in a canvas in the cosmos.  Whatever I think it comes to life.  Until the darkness catches up with me.
The speed of thought.
Solaces Jan 2017
I have finally brought back the blue skies and old sun to this Planet covered in a veil of sad eternal gray.  I have defeated an unknown enemy not of this world.  I have gained its power and soul.   As I transform into my dragon form I notice that my scales are made of sapphire blue light.   I take flight into the blue skies and farther beyond that.  I keep going higher and higher until there is no sound, until there is no blue, until I see the stars all around me!  
     I then see the old sun.  I am with the stars!  I begin to go faster and faster until the planet behind becomes a pale blue dot.  I am in the beyond.. My wings are made of golden light mixed in with dancing blue lightning.  I am a Star Dragon!  I can fly the light waves..  I can feel the suns feeding me power beyond.   It is endless!  It is eternal! It is so beautiful!
On first flight through the stars, Secalos finds a beyond that will never end!
Solaces Feb 2016
In the summer your palms and the bottoms of your feet feel a surge of coolness, while in the winter it is a surge of warmness.   I look to the sky above me before I take off.   The feeling never gets old.  The world from above is so very peaceful.  I then fly over the river.  It is a beautiful peace to follow the winding river.   But that peace is overtaken once I hit the ocean.  Endless infinite majestic blues make love to both my eyes.  I always like to fly right above the waters..   There is no limit to my speed.. I fly as fast as I want.  My next flight will soon be to the stars.
Solaces Jul 2017
This storm came back..
This time it flooded over..
But I open the flood gates..
I got it off my chest..
I simply talked about it..
Instead of acting like I was stronger than it..
The flood waters dropped a few feet..
And they continue to drop..
Soon it will be just a river of thoughts..
Then a steady stream of them..
It will storm again soon..
And it will flood..
But don't fight the current..
Just let it pass..
Hold on to something with someone else..
Believe me, It really does help..
got it off my chest..
Solaces Jul 2016
And I open my eyes.  In a deep sleep I was.  Voices woke me up.  Sounds a lot like there is a t.v on in another room.  I could hear all sorts of different voices speaking.  I focus for a moment and listen.  There are so many.  I cannot make out what they are saying.  I then sit up in my bed and the voices stop! All at once.  Was I dreaming?  I lay my head back down on my pillow and hear nothing but my own heartbeat.  I then turn on my left side.  My ear folds in such a way that the voices come back!  What am I hearing!?  Where is it coming from?  The voices are quite beautiful.  I think it is a mixture of some form of acoustics that seem to travel in a time stream. Going either forward or backwords.  This chaos of voices cascades only on the folded ear.
Strange things in the night
Solaces Feb 2014
I have met many different souls..
Through this strange new journey..
Some are alot alike..
But in the end they always show me something different and wonderful..
They bring me comfort.
A type of comfort in knowing this is truly forever..
Forever among this expanse of dreams..
Where I will get to to see the first star being born in the infinite darkness..
See the first light shine..
Because I have already seen it..
It truly was wonderful!
Someone knows what I am feeling.
Because they have seen it also..
Its how I write...
Solaces Nov 2014
I was under for only 29 minutes..
And yet I lived a life of 67 years..
I was on the planet Earth..
I had a beautiful family and a beautiful life..
It was on my final days..
I had a visit from ghost of my past..
At least I thought they were ghost..
Turns out they were messengers..
Beautiful memories of others for me to remember..
Turns out Earth had been destroyed over 2000 years ago..
However we are provided to live one cycle there..
To remember where we came from..
To remember her in all her glory..
I awake truly 67 years later 29 minutes under..
I remember them so fondly..
My family..
I miss them..
We are scattered among the stars now..
Looking for a new home..
29 minutes, 67 years
Solaces Jun 2015
My hands glowed with an almost white brilliant shine..
The darkness in this strange dream forest was being pushed away by my light..  I then saw a strange figure that stood as high as the dark trees walking toward me..  Its hands glowed with a strange deep fiery blue..  As we got closer to each other  both our bodies grew brighter and brighter with light..  It must have stood well over 15 feet..  I looked up into its white eyes as it looked into my brown eyes..   Its body was made of a strange shadowy skin.. It looked very tough, almost as if it was wearing a skin armor over its true skin..   It then held its enormous hand out to me.. For some strange reason I trusted this creature.. I then held out my hand and grasped its long shadowy finger..  As soon as we touched my white light and its blue light created a beautiful sun colored orb..  The orb then bolted off into the stars toward an old  moon above..  As the orb hit the moon it filled in with blues and greens..  Almost all at once a planet was born before us..  This convergence of light is the beginning of new life on a once dead body among the cosmos..
This was a dream I had the other night.. thought I would share it with you guys!
Solaces Sep 2015
Sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I feel.
As though I am the dreamer.  The creator of this light wheel.
The feeling comes to me at times. Am I truly alone.
Is everyone around me truly in a different zone.
Its then I separate me from them.  And I hear and see the calls..
No longer am I trapped in these walls.
Signals of light. Echoes and transmissions.    
Strange memories I start to envision.
But only for a moment, Only for a fraction.
The reminders come to be and I lose this reaction.
So I drive on home and forget it about it all.
At least until I remember again, inside of these walls.
Lost and found.  Just to be found and lost.
Solaces Dec 2018
Four shadows, 10 minutes past midnight..
Bound to me..
Walk with me..
Under the wonder lust of the moon light..

Four shadows, 20 minutes past midnight..
Shape of me..
Changed with me..
Under the glowing warmless street lights..

Four shadows, 30 minutes past midnight..
Lost shade..
Gained life..
Under the dark blanket of dusk lights..

Four shadows, 40 minutes past midnight..
Ran with me..
Stayed with me..
Under the jealous stars outshined by moon light..

Four shadows, 50 minutes past midnight..
Head back home with me..
Tired and alive..
Breathing in the night as I breathed in the cool air..

Four shadows, after midnight..
Returned back home with me..
They wait for their time under all that is lit at night..
For me to walk and run with them and continue to live..
For about 9 weeks now I have been exercising and treating my body with better foods..  I have lost 20 lbs! The other night as I was running under the moon I took notice how much my body has changed. All of my shadows were thinner now! Lol it was pretty cool to see how much change they went through also. Under certain streetlight angles my body would cast 4 shadows.. The only time I have to work out is late at night..
Solaces May 2019
I heard thunder come out of the cloudless sky..
It resonated through my bones and came back out of my soul..
I felt the winds at my face, a message from another place..
I saw through the eyes of light and darkness..
A linking of some sort, a connection of shine and shadow..
I then heard the thunder again..
But not from the sky..
It never was from the sky..
It was coming from me..
The winds begin to spirial around me..
A cyclone of blue lightning revolved around my body..
I was connected to everything..
The stars connected the darkness as the darkness connected the stars..
I could hear the music of everything..
The lightning will arc through the darkness.....
Solaces Aug 2014
What will it be today?"  
" I'll have some garlic, pepper and coke. "
" will that be all?"

Log:  Ship Orinas last:

I made a short stop on planet earth.  I am back in route toward home.  Of course it's not every day one gets to stop and have the best spices and drink in the galaxy.
Must taste good else where.
Solaces Oct 2016
Ghost Torch: Horse: Quiet Storm

When I was a baby I was sleeping in the night.. The indian chief walked into my tent to give me a name.. he then saw a torch floating over me. It was as if a ghost was watching over me holding a torch.. From that day forward I was known as Ghost Torch.. I was taken away from my tribe at a very young age.. I do not know what type of indian I am.. This is my first entry into the Hyperion Archive.. I am 2 of 4 in this world.. I hunt the Nightmare storms that walk this Earth..

Day 1, Year 1889, Month 10..

Weapons: Composite Long bow:
Helios Transformation: Lightning Phoenix Long bow wave series S.AWAY
The hunt begins
Solaces Jan 2017
There was no sound..
At least thats how I remember it..
I forgot what the sun looked like..
We all have lived in darkness for the last 26 years.
We had to bring him here..
For what?
All he does is sleep.
We carried him all the way up here for nothing.  
I left my family to bring him here.
Some loser drug attic..
All he cares about is his high..
" Give me another hit."
"Give me another hit."
" Give me another hit."
Well we made it.
And nothing has happened..
The sky is still full of darkness..
And they are all coming for us..
All I can do is go down fighting..
We light up our swords and await our final battle..
And then it happened..
A beautiful light shined from him..
The drug attic was burning brightly..
I then realised later he was using the drugs to keep his power in check..
He then shot off to the darkest part of the sky..
The shadow heart that beats darkness..
There was no sound..
He looked like a shooting star slowly leaving the Earth..
As he hit the shadow heart light began to leak in..
And then all at once dawn arrived..
The old forgotten sun shined down a new day..
Some people are not what they seem..
Solaces Dec 2016
" The good deeds we do can help us on our path.  They fill the soul with hope and joy,  at times I look to that power.  But today I dive into a small part of my darkness. "

Sometimes you gotta go in a different direction.  All which lead to the same place.  Of course this little back road will lead through an area without street lights.  The only light I see out here is the silver pale moon light.  This is where I summon GlOW skull.  He is a small dark part of me.  Dark enough to dim the light I need to fight.  You see certain individuals are standing to close to the light.  Wanting it all for themselves.  In this case they are standing so close to the light that they do not realise how big the shadow they cast is behind them.  So I need a little bit of darkness and shade to dim these big lights.  Just for balance, no more, no less.
Call to the shadow and shade, remember darkness was there first before the light got there.  -G l O W
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