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rachel Nov 2014
I want your embrace,
a tight grip on my thighs
your hands
pushing into my back
pulling me closer

I know
the marks you leave on my body
would be so different
than those before you
rachel Nov 2014
The trees really do have souls,
And they whisper to me ways
To not be sad anymore.
rachel Dec 2014
I cannot remember
the last time I emptied
the ash tray that sits in my lungs

I like the familiar
burning glow
deep inside me

It keeps me warm
when no one else
rachel Apr 2015
and to think there was a time
before, when i
****** myself into thinking
each and every
helium-filled lie existed beyond your
illustrated delusion

jaundice driven, I needed you like a
kidney stone.
lies planted,
nested, the
open wounds
painfully festering

quit using me.
regarding a fragile
soul as a
used, atoms feverishly
vibrating for a quick
xanax head high.
yes I can finally see the letter

and not think *Zachary
a poem about my ex
rachel Nov 2014
Why did the birds
fly south without me

I would have come along,
I seek a greater warmth
as well

I'm sick of being cold,
I'm sick of being bitter
rachel Nov 2014
As I outstretched
and reached
my hand
deep into the black infinity
of flowing wonders

I pinched my fingers
on something lovely
and pulled out of the black abyss,

A lovely star
dripping with
black infinity.
rachel Nov 2014
I thought your hands
were made of magic

Because when you touched me
my skin turned shades of pink
but also green and purple,
eventually blue and yellow

I still believe magic is real
but now I'm looking in different places
rachel Nov 2014
I could write poems
on your neck
and along your chest
with my lips

I could scratch poems
into your back,

I want to breathe
my poems into you.
rachel Nov 2014
As we kissed
the constellations in the skies,
started disappearing one by one
and reappearing in his eyes.

I stumbled back
and looked with wonder,
an entire galaxy twinkled in his iris
but I spared myself from the inhuman lure.

Maybe he was a galaxy,
he was still not my world.
rachel Nov 2014
Your vibe
is contagious

Which is nice
since you make me feel
like I'm invincible
rachel Nov 2014
I want nothing more,
than to drunkenly dance
in the moonlight

Letting its glow
seep into my skin
so that maybe in the morning
I will be radiant too

Even the moon
is nothing more
than it's craters.
rachel Nov 2014
Your soul
has found its home
it is not trapped
in your shell of a body
like so many others

I can tell
because when I look deep into
your eyes
they aren't so dead as mine,
I don't see my reflection
staring back at me

I see
a world of wonders,
bright, vivid, dreamesque

I hope one day you let me visit
where ever it is
that your soul has gone.
rachel Nov 2014
I took a shot
or two,
maybe three
of my favorite *****

And then I downed
that bottle
of NyQuil

I may not wake up
but at least I won't dream
about you.
rachel Nov 2014
I swallowed a cloudy sky
and kept it down for years,
I can throw up this storm
raging inside me.
rachel Nov 2014
I will not let you
knock down my walls,
its not that easy

But if you want me enough,
you could prove it


over them.
I’m only five feet tall.
rachel Nov 2014
I've been smoking about you,
been drinking about you
even thinking about you

This drag, that swig
I'm high off your laugh,
drunk off your words.
rachel Nov 2014
Never take shelter in another human being—
we are weak foundations
no comfort within
because we all break, splinter, crumble
at some point,
concerned not where our rubble falls
and not who it destroys
but if it falls safely
rachel Nov 2014
If I could cup the stars in my hands
for a second they might glow,
then catch ablaze
and melt away


into an infinity,
of swirling illuminated darkness.
Not all beautiful things are meant to be held
collaberation with Cadence Musick
rachel Nov 2014
She* had lavender hair,
it sometimes smelled like coconuts
when she passed by me quickly.
We were so excited to leave high school
to go away
together, as always.
But things never works out nicely because

I wrote she passed away,
And they wrote she was pronounced dead.
rachel Nov 2014
You are so sweet
tasting like sugar,
sweet liquorice,
drenched honey  

I want as much of you
as my mouth will allow

I'm such a fool
for wondering why
I have a cavity
now that you've
rachel Nov 2014
A crater
similar to the moons'
Yet no where near
as grey
Your dimples
entrance me
rachel Nov 2014
If a single rock
that ended up revolving our Earth
by pure accident
of path,
has the power to move the entire sea

Then I am important too
something out there depends on me
rachel Nov 2014
You paused to look at me as if you were browsing a book shelf
and your fingers brushed ever so slightly across my skin
hesitating, lingering, at my spine.

Then you chose me
you laid me down and opened me up
it wasn’t easy because not many have read me before.

Your eyes looked me up and down, side to side
taking it all in,
engorging yourself.

You licked your fingers before you turned my pages
for a steadier and more meaningful grasp.
You said paper cuts were pretty
and that they were safe with you.

But then,
you read something you didn’t like
slammed the book shut
and shoved it back on the shelf.
rachel Nov 2014
I thought I found the diamond in the rough,
and maybe I did
I just didn't think
that your sharp edges would cut so deep,
I can't say they didn't warn me,
beauty is pain.
rachel Nov 2014
I have always felt familiar with the stars—
the nights I’m saddest,
happen to be the nights they are brightest.
And it leaves me to wonder
maybe there is an afterlife
in the sky
but not in Heaven,
except among the stars.

Don’t you find it all too curious
that the population of people
who have ever existed on Earth,
is all too similar,
to the amount of starry specks in our sky?

And why is it,
that each time a friend of mine has passed
I notice something brighter
among the clusters in space.

If this is the after life,
I’m no longer afraid.
rachel Nov 2014
Human hands are not *****
because they are covered in black,
they are ***** when covered in blood.
race is socially constructed
rachel Nov 2014
People are just as lovely
as sunsets,

Beautiful hues of pink,
will seep from their pores.
Astonishing shades of orange,
may flow from their hands.
Purple and blues
slide from their eyes.

You just have to be watching
at all the right times.
rachel Nov 2014
This chronic cough
has no mercy

I'll let it take it's toll on my body,
because it's only doing me a favor
by purging every last bit of you
out of me

Each new gasp of fresh air I take in
is a breathe of yours I breathe out
and with that
comes your "love" that I had
accidentally swallowed whole

Maybe that's why I'm choking.
rachel Nov 2014
Walk through the forest at midnight
on a summer's night,
it will speak to you in ways
not many can comprehend

The trees will whisper
their leaves will beckon you,
dirt clings to your feet
and begs you to stay

But walk through the forest at midnight
on a winter's night
when the forest is a graveyard

The voices will be hushed,
they are frozen
in time
until next spring
when they will tug at your soul
rachel Nov 2014
Act my age?
What does that mean?

The stars are billions of years old
but they're still beautiful
and if you get too close,
they'll burn you alive.
rachel Nov 2014
one day someone will love me for all the right reasons
and love finally won’t taste like the last sip of this *****,
but it will burn so
rachel Nov 2014
You thought you could use your strong hands
to fashion me into the mold you desired

But I am stronger than sculpting clay,
*you cannot
rachel Nov 2014
You took the sparkle from my eye
and placed it in the sky

Then you told me my head is always in the clouds,
I wonder why.
rachel Nov 2014
As the moon
cutting the black curtain
of nightfall open

It drips its wax,
down like shooting stars
through the night sky

Upon Earth,
where a child catches it
and cups
the small firefly
in her tiny hands.
rachel Nov 2014
Sweet temperamental bliss,
I will never allow myself to taste you again.
Even through the sugar-coated blows
it took the shocking bitterness of my own blood,
collecting at the tip of my tongue
to realize this is not
the flavor of love.
rachel Nov 2014
Blades of grass sparkle
in the reflection of the moonlight
as little crystalized
water d r o p l e t s
cling to them in spite of the biting wind

Yet not a flurry falls
but the air teases
a familiar s n o w y smell

December weather,
in early November
This is what w i n t e r feels like
at midnight
rachel Nov 2014
Let me in
the meadows of your mind
beckon me
with wild flowers
I have yet to see bloom elsewhere

Your doors are open
but also
covered by a sheer glass window
of pure, blissful ignorance

Your soul is refreshing,
we could be something

— The End —