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Sep 2020 · 247
Underground, Underwater
Zoe Rain Sep 2020
Dawn breaks open new revelations like geodes in my mind
and they sparkle with amazement at this previously unearthed way of thinking
deep seated in deep caves of thought processes
unchanged over a lifetime
I finally found the light
and it’s funny that I was the one hiding it all this time
back seat divers
breathing second hand oxygen
delirious from the fumes
one can only assume
Sep 2020 · 272
Between the Clouds
Zoe Rain Sep 2020
There is a serpent in the sky between the clouds, he distorts and morphs into the whirlpools of my mind.
He slithers in negative space and hisses at cloud shapes, he disappears into thunder and his tongue licks lightning strikes.
There is a serpent in the sky and his beady eyes are black holes, the scales on his body are lights in my galaxy and I trace constellations with his scars.
We dance together to a distant melody and he twirls me around the moons scattered on the dance floor. He wraps me up and hugs me tight until I can’t breathe anymore.
Apr 2020 · 168
Zoe Rain Apr 2020
again, the switch has flipped in my mind
something blew a fuse
and I'm left sitting in the dark
wondering if the ceiling is still there to stare at
and if it isn't
the night sky will do fine.

again, the switch has flipped
and my thoughts present themselves differently
slower, darker, like a river of tar
and I let it take me
because there's something calming
about this river.

again, the switch has flipped
and deep in my mind
I know rapids lie ahead
a waterfall maybe
beautiful from afar
but deadly if you're in its midst

again, the switch has flipped
but I never try to flip it back
I always liked the dark of night
even though it scared the sh*t out of me.
Apr 2020 · 194
fear... and then, nothing.
Zoe Rain Apr 2020
fear has kept me alive for this long.
if I didn't feel fear, I might not feel anything.

and it fades, subtly at first, almost unrecognisable, then in an instant, nothing.
and I find myself asking a common question,

at what point do you draw the line between being alive and just existing?

is it when you wake up and dread the day ahead?
is it when you wake up only to pretend you're not asleep?
is it when you wake up and think maybe I really am dead?
is it when you stand in the shower holding your breath wishing you were at the bottom of the deep end of a strangers pool?
is it when you're not drowning, but not swimming either?
just floating, not contributing, not living, just existing, just quietly, just with closed eyes.
just here,

Mar 2020 · 168
Zoe Rain Mar 2020
Anger wells inside me like a brewing storm.
But I am not a violent person so I don't know what to do.
The agitation makes me want to break things, but it'll be me who has to clean it up so I refrain.
So I don't let it loose and now it is concentrated and pulsing through my body.
I want to scream.
But I sit, boiling over in silence.
Mar 2020 · 157
Zoe Rain Mar 2020
Maybe I will never love them as much as they love me.
Where did my love go?
Did I use it up on the ocean, trees and inanimate things?

Maybe I will never care for them as much as they care for me.
Although I want to, my efforts will be futile.
For I need to learn how to care at all, if only just for me.

But if it always ends in heartbreak what's the ******* point?
Feb 2020 · 200
Please Remember
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
Please remember, you are beauty.
Moulded by the hands of the ones you love.
Carved by the tools of those you despise.
Sculpted by the ancients who inspire you.
Glazed with joy and laughter.
Fired by the flames of passion.
And displayed for all to admire.
Please remember, my dear, you are art of the purest form.
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
When my eyes are open

I can see this intricate, layered, sculpture in all its coloured and textured glory. I can see the colours of light, the shades of darkness. But sometimes vision is overwhelming. Sometimes I need to turn that sense off, to focus on the rest.

When my eyes are closed

I can feel more intensely, I can feel sounds as if they originate from the depths of my being. Bubbling up and oozing out of my perceived edges, dissolving them in the quest to be heard. If I listen long enough, eventually I become the sound, all sound, the wind, the insects, vehicles, children playing, the washing machine. It all comes out of the same silence that is at my very core.

I can see further with my eyes closed.
Feb 2020 · 167
The silent scream
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
Scream the silent scream, because you are too polite to inconvenience others.
Dream the lucid dream, because it's easier to influence than this reality.
Feb 2020 · 189
A garden in your soul
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
If you wish to worship something
look deep into your soul
find the flowers that grow there
and revel in their beauty.
When they perish
cover their seeds in your soil
and water them with your tears.
Next season they will be more beautiful than ever.
Feb 2020 · 313
The reality of dreams
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
I pinch myself to the point of drawing blood and still remain unconvinced that this is not a dream. I wonder if you are also skeptical. Proof exists in all states and it is up to the observer to choose that which they believe is real. There is no wrong answer, every dream is real. Take the path of most appeal, not the one of least resistance.
Feb 2020 · 135
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
If you were me,
would I lie to you,
like I lie to me?

If you could see,
would I still pretend to be,
the me I thought,
I'd always be?

If you believed,
that we're all free,
would I hold back,
in uncertainty?
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
Here it comes, another downward spiral into existential dread and the meager meaning of life. I don't know what emotions feel like anymore. Strip myself down to the core and blast that into ******* oblivion. You wouldn't even know. Look deeper. Look deeper. Look deeper. There's nothing there! ******* and your conniving business partners! Instilling false hope in the minds of people who really just need to be chucked out on their *****, into the dead of night, onto the cold hard ground of true reality. And all the while you're expecting payment.
Feb 2020 · 294
I in this moment
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
The pulsating loneliness of reality in the flesh haunts me like the ghosts of my other selves.
Who am I in this moment and how will I choose to show it?
The constant motion of life paves the way to a grasping of something more.
Fleeting emptiness is always shattered by a falling leaf.
How can I sit here and not be effected by the push and pull of humanities breath?
How to be stoic when I am but a cloud of dust on the open plains?
The instant you choose to bare all in transparency, you find out there is nothing there.
Now to live with that as if everything were fine.
Walk the long road to your current location and be disappointed when its not what you expected it to be.
Hold us down with flesh and blood till it rots away and takes with it your sense of identity.
Embrace myself as the stagnating pool of emotions that I am, and ***** the symbols of sounds I hear in my head, into existence on a creased piece of paper.
Feb 2020 · 134
Storm Chaser
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
The calm before the storm
This is what my insides feel like, and I don't know how to get it out.
I feel frustrated and useless.
This is all I can feel, right now.
Everything else is empty.
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
You can not have nature without art, the very essence of nature is creativity, everything created is art.
The art of nature is everywhere.
Every form is an expression of creativity, every flower, every rock, every animal is a piece of art.
We live in an ever changing, evolving, art gallery.
And we humans are as much a part of it as any form.
How can we possibly think we are separate from this?
Why would we be the only thing in the entire existence of life that isn't connected to the whole?
Don't flatter yourself.
Feb 2020 · 342
The Fools high horse
Zoe Rain Feb 2020
Trample my thoughts like you have the authority to say what is right or wrong.
Hack down my ideas like this mighty forest is your personal play-thing.
These ropes you've tied me down with are but a construct of your twisted imagination. As effective as dental floss restraining an elephant.
Get off your high horse you tiny fool.

— The End —