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Nov 2022 · 747
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2022
The whole world sees me
Because I could not linger
I am untraveled
Apr 2022 · 688
Loves Prisoner
Seán Mac Falls Apr 2022
I wanted to know the sighs
Of mercy.  On the bed she lied,
Laid bare in the shocking light
That twitches, as she rolls
I hover and cage her in question,
With moist eyes, abandoned
By loves interrogations,
I stab at the untruths and confusions.
I wanted to hear the supplicant
Murmur of indolence and shame.
With windy caresses I break
Her arms, she ropes me red
In tangled hair and I struggle
To let go.  I wanted to taste
The twin defeats of victory
And indifference, when in the light
Of darkest night there are cries of yes
And no and false accusations,
There is consuming pain and excruciating
Pleasure and as we squirm
And seethe, she teases,
Goading me and then,
I loose it.
Feb 2022 · 1.6k
Rose Alone with Crow
Seán Mac Falls Feb 2022
In straps, of wire saplings,
Becomes one wild rose.
Alone in the dawn,
A solitary crow knows
That this is beauty,
Greater than his own
Shiny black robe.
Impossibly regal
Red as a scarlet wail,
A siren, amongst all
The greens and yellows
Of a meadow, of the entire
World, is the rose, above those,
Especially the bleak, envious
Crow, latched to a branch
As scaly and gnarled as his soul,
Blacker than eternal night,
Beside the shining light
Of the rightly charmed
Wild rose,

             Sorry is the crow—
Most of all unmatched, strikingly
To long flame of chalk faced moon,
Rides in airs, misbegotten, makes
Desolate cries, of wounding caws,
Self inflicted, so, somehow seems
Unalive, tarred, undead as smoke,
His fettered, black, unfeathering
Eyes.  Not like the blooming spark
And flash of the stunning, runner,
Unbeaten, indomidible, shocking,
Wild rose, unmired by bramble,
Wood nor motley thorn of bush,
A star of life, razor cut, blistering,
Free, this spirited, ****** heart,
Set, a rage, on jagged leaf.

In tangled straps of green wire saplings,
A Rose is even more a rose, next to crow.
Feb 2022 · 654
My Aphrodite
Seán Mac Falls Feb 2022
Out of Greek myth, she
Glowed at the party and proved,
Stories I had told.
Feb 2022 · 542
Sonnet of Morning
Seán Mac Falls Feb 2022
Before the wings and spring of words,

Were cradle-held in a cloud of sleep,

Soft footfalls to hear ourselves turning

And ever new dreams were lofty keys,

We could not see the frost branching

And winter never was, nor winds cold,

In our temple eyes, the sun crowning

Imbued visions, fine as woven gold,

Draped in silks so rare, spun spinning,

To hear the birds sing in ears blossom,

For the very first time, true beginnings

And the flower's colour never forgotten,

All is mourning now— song, sings singer,

To morn, to wake, dream, dreams dreamer.
Jan 2022 · 716
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2022
So many words between us—
The caustic breech of abatement, ruin
Runs atonal, in recitals of indifference,
How even the ****** birds now sound
Discordant and rain crushes as it falls,

The pinprick stars are merely eyes
Undraped to the worn soul's veil
And gorgon time roils setting our feet
In the crust of wishes and delusions

The bullet riddled skies in absence
Of colour are but particulates of lime
To the moonless night.  Words have no
Eyes, they can only finger.

O the sorrows of the untouched—
The cruelty of the sightless and bent blind,
Drab vermillion stars felled like forced tears.
Dec 2021 · 9.7k
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2021
Young bodies writhing
As willow trees undulate
In the moaning breeze
Dec 2021 · 344
Under Blue Mountain
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2021
Ravens scatter outside my pain.
A throw of die against the winters

First snow and the window needs cleaning,
Maybe later.  The running glass

Is watery and after I make love
With you, I wake to the severing light

That is always silent.  The phone
Does not ring, as my cat has told me

Many times, let us play she says,
The way it used to be under

The red wood beams on the hard wood
Floors, you would cry in that vacancy.

Though we lived in a one bedroom
Unfurnished, I called it a dance hall

And we danced silly tangos.  I tried
To lift you then, but now outside

My window, ravens dervish and never
Fly in formation, under blue mountain.
Nov 2021 · 273
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2021
Dimples on her face,
Walking long miles without her,
Pebble in my shoe
Nov 2021 · 2.7k
I Will Kiss . . .
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2021
Rose of your ear,
Lantern in your eyes,
Forest of branching hair,
In Inverness of your midlands,
I shall broach lit vernal deltas,
Kiss deep into darkling depths,
Climb the leaved trunks of thigh,
Drunk in the moisted, muted sighs
Of promise, tendered to surrender,
I shall know your ripened *******,
As bloom of moon paints moons
At night, I will be ****** in milk—
That offers itself to leeching babe,
With little, lithe fingers you rake one,
A wan vagabond, *****, homeward,
I shall know your flowing wetness,
Below my desert, with purpose,
I am lost, in sleep and dream,
May I never wake, may I
Sleep, never, may eye
Always open, keep
In tableaus of oil,
Strokes, hues,
Of you.
Nov 2021 · 276
Body of Ocean Milk and Sky
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2021
Body of ocean, milk and sky,
We are tangled in the hope of night.
The lips of the milky way, creaming us,
Stains and is **** with a taste keening;
All is creation.  My meteors crash
Into your ruptured Earth.  I flame
Upon your must and moisted furrows
And my toes are locked, rooted in yours.

Body of ocean, milk and sky,
In the deserts of the day you are true
Oasis.  The curves and waft of your sands
Seethe and sodden my barren plains,
Are erasing all my wandering memories
Of an endless sky and now your eyes
Are the only stars I know, and your skin;
A sheet that holds the heavens shimmering.

Body of ocean, milk and sky,
Your ******* are the heaving of grasses
And wind, loft and laden in the rounded
Hills, a hoard of ****** bread, bountiful,
Ripe and strange.  Your hair is an endless
Savannah, your valleys are gold and honeyed
With milk, seared, filled by my penetrating sun.
In passion we play; low on earth and deep in sky.
Nov 2021 · 796
Unbound Spectre
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2021
Lifeless owl takes wing
Moon rising behind branches
Sundown for lost mouse
Nov 2021 · 270
Love Breaking
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2021
Under the white sheets
Flesh twined in the dark opaque
Till dawning broke us
Nov 2021 · 2.0k
10 Images of the Raven
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2021

Black God

Huge cumulus clouds,
Exploding into the blue,
  .  .  .  Shadowed by raven

Valley Morn

Dark hands working fields,
Raven tracing mountain crests,
  .  .  .  Carnal tillers wake

Raven Spell

Dark sound raven makes,
Chortles top fir tree, haunting—
  .  .  .  Druids incantation


Snow covers valley—
Solitary raven staining world,
  .  .  .  Love has turned black


Many years alone,
Suddenly— old thoughts of her,
  .  .  .  Lone raven in sky


Lone raven cackles  .  .  .
Clouds splinter across the sky,
  .  .  .  Mist cuts down the woods


Full moon crowns tall pine,
Raven landing in cross hairs,
  .  .  .  Dark angels halo


Raven knows a charm,
A child's costume jewelry,
  .  .  .  Colours a black eye

Tall Tale

Zenith of winter—
Lone raven in naked tree,
  .  .  .  Spring only legend

Dark Angel

In his feathered dress  .  .  .
Raven shrouds beneath the clouds,
  .  .  .  Even eyes are black
Nov 2021 · 1.2k
I Will Sail A Boat
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2021
Someday, soon I will sail a boat,
Away from all the modern seas,
I shall be cast aside, with wind,
The four corners, all calamities.

And gentle waves will carry me
Afar, sailing lost under the stars,
To live in dreamy breaths happily
And never wake, forever slumber,

Free as ocean birds, downy gliding
With currents that are leading true,
To the domes, new heavens hiding,
This is my plan, my soul to renew.

Farewell, fated blue world spinning;
I'm off a rocker, for lofty beginnings.
Oct 2021 · 6.4k
First Consummation
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2021
His gift— her moist lips
The perpendicular smile
Each ****** a new kiss
Oct 2021 · 1.0k
The Sheltering Sky
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2021
In a drearing height on grave dead bones of branch,
Where leaves conspicuously kept craven distance,
Forsaken lovers set about to roost on topple-
Down sprig to break each side of their own family
Tree.  With a clutch of ruff stones, pulled hardly
Rare, with green hearts a-glowing from gizzards,
They fed six hatchling harpies, all tooth and wail
But one, whom they feared would not take to tearing
Flesh and to them appeared a foundling, not a rock,
But some down weathered creature, without lift,
All weight and no sun, savage grace had shaped
A new bound Prometheus, still dying for sleep.

                                                         ­         Provided
At birth, with nest and wings, each lashing rigged
In wax.  My father, who from a race of lions,
A king and the last of his kind, built, whilst mother
Destroyed and she, the culling raptor, by incestuous
Murdering, would pick and scrape to clean the marrow
From our souls, preening, like a clip winged eagle,
Would screech throughout all season, suffering close
To the essence of faith, my father, who with her formed
Two halves of a wounded gryphon, un-noble in pride
With a bent on fatal flights of his own undoing,
Marveled at her eyes, gray and gay as accusers,
She cursed in sight of angels, all wings below

My brothers, exotic birds all, limbo dancers,
Preferring the colder climes, flopped after me
And never became fliers, for feathers to them
Were but fantails for a harpy, or for gathering
Dust or at best, something to support their own
Lying.  And I found myself, the mid-heiring brood,
In a state when the soul is after dreaming to its body,
Hobbled-de-boyed at the abyss and I saw through
That air and my fold, I dreaded like omens and echoes
Of extinction, like mixed messages of flightless birds
And managed to pierce the innards of ovate shrouds,
To spike that filmy firmament and the yoke, fell away
And the seep hole ground was spurting and the sky,
An ocean of bloom, in all direction, winked—
With a maelstrom eye, for amongst my family, full
Of strangers, I heard that soul lifting love only God
Could send, sleepwalking on thresholds of faith.

I awoke from a dream and felt that I could fly,
Not like the yearning Icarus but, like a rash
Of spirit or that Arabian bird— simply leave
This earth and make my way through its mantle, blithely
Fallow, shedding my harrowed bone, I dropped off,
Sprung from my ashen bed of down and rose—
Out of doors, splintering from the smote that cut
Down the youth of my days, almost smothered away
And I blazed above the icy coal pelted perch,
My wings spreading far from gross flames as they died,
Unfettered in judgements, scaled so feathery, they conceived
That weight was a lie and the waste I kept, from eyes,
As leaves, became a parish of open palms as I spred
My plume and breath now bore an atmosphere
And lungs, they powered the wind and streaming rays;
My frozen veins, burst, blinding an earthen sun
And fled my shadow, transfigured in flight, into
Being, some aerial creature— not a pure spirit,
But like a child soaring, whose wound was as a wing,
On the heal.

— a metamorphosis
Oct 2021 · 937
Early Psalms
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2021
Morning doves cooing
Neighborhood singing in mist
Both songs from elsewhere
Oct 2021 · 908
Shining Things
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2021

Our tryst was sore, more like pain or penance,
What kerfuffles in our unspoken for eyes
And love grew low, by unanswered questions.
How could we laugh, live in such indifference,

Long, unmerciful time, grinding us down
With not even limitless skies for leaven?
Each day was comic-tragedy, no Eden,
Lives flooded about, simple pleasures drowned.

Yet, each day we dreamed with harnessed wings
Bound together in the throngs, restless journey,
A promise was made on some green gentle isle
And we made our golden shifts such shining things,

Running to rays, future dawns never to come,
Shining things falling mute in dry rots of sun.
Oct 2021 · 740
Seán Mac Falls Oct 2021
Man thrusts at night
Some genital tsunami
Woman breaks like dawn
Sep 2021 · 903
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2021
Once a bird singing
Before hawk shows on wire
Now feathers grounded
Sep 2021 · 965
Love Doomed
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2021
One dream shall ever die,
Words promised only said,
Two gold rings tossing ayes
By gleems of moon we laid,
So gentle was strike of time,
Cruel night conquering day.
Sep 2021 · 720
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2021
Young man lusts in youth
Sees her dress bellow in wind
Life is so unfair
Sep 2021 · 609
Poet To My Eyes
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2021
Poet to my eyes, you are the sight of whitecaps
On the sea water, or the sudden turn of a bird
In flight and as the wave I roll and break,
With drowning wings that lift toward you, my sky.

Mistress to my soul, I am the nave of your holy
Cathedral.  My head is but an occluded riff,
De-noting songs you make in aisling airs of light
Polyphony, my star over-sings the windy globe,

She swallows heaven, like swallows blacken the dusk.
Shearwater bird, strip my surface with your cutting
Wings.  My waves peak to reach you starling girl.

The sloughing chill of winter dies quick in sighs
Waft asunder my little Indian summer, wake me
From sleep and I shall dream but once for your kiss.
aisling (ash-ling)  |  Gaelic word meaning:  a vision of promise.
Sep 2021 · 496
Seán Mac Falls Sep 2021
She has old stories
Things she tells only strangers
Nothing left of me
Aug 2021 · 1.1k
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
Little yellow bird
So seldom does she appear
Winter veils breaking
Aug 2021 · 622
The Unsaid
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
Without word
How I know you.
Without kiss —
How we are twined.
There is feint space,
Which has no dimension
That is, binding us.
You see my face —
As I look away and know
That blindness illuminates.
You pretend we are separate
And I will have none of this,
I make believe we are in a dream
And there is no end to that slumber,
No awakening.  This confuses you
And makes me weep.  Why are we
Without each other when the whole
Universe is exploding all this emptiness —
Which we feel — like newborns deeply hugged
By strangers that say we belong with only smiles,
Touches, that solidify, without words, as ancient light.
Aug 2021 · 846
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
Dull grey starlings come
Parade on gardens not won
Never too soon— gone
Aug 2021 · 923
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
So many ****** birds,
Grey, brown and black,
Suited as they sully in sun,
In feather and windy-speak
And dream, drifting to profit
Points, marring the globe,
They have so many ways
Of singing on their swings
Behind bars, murky birdies,
Gawking in the crowded fields,
Fielding, flighty questions without
Answer, winging all souls to oblivion,
Who fly, flustering, dusting with song
Twisting the air into pure falsehoods,
Curious, grounded pets for kingdoms,
For masters, fly-hoping in their cages.
Aug 2021 · 8.1k
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
By open window
She towels herself with me
Moon cries in bathtub
Aug 2021 · 8.2k
14 Sensual/Erotic ~ Haiku
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
Wet welling from earth
Deep valleys, hills, sweating *******
I plung into her

We are lost at sea
In moonless night our soft cries
Curled waves drowning us

Above her in bed
Little breaths lifting our bodies
Eyes, fingers, dreaming

Her green eyes are set
Jewels from sargasso seas
My ghost ship is wrecked

Her long hair tangles
No struggle in rising— then
We are rapt in bed

Her eyes blinding me
Milky way of her body
There is a heaven

In forest we taste
Each other in evergreens
Hot dews on the moss

Blissful time kissing
My bare thighs sink into hers
Running sands so quick

As olive or grape
So shed, paired souls are threshed
Out of their bodies

Hummingbirds share truths
Nature sounds with all sweetness
Bee in the flower

Always in a field
Wild flowers— a bunch to pick
Herself a bouquet

In the park we walk
Flocks of white birds taking flight
Two hearts light as air

We kissed under moon
Pox of stars grew flowering
Nightshade of her lips

She took me to bed
Skinned in bliss— was reborn, lost
In her satin folds
Aug 2021 · 1.0k
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
Bright summer coastlines
Young women giddy with life
The sea wafting in
Jul 2021 · 840
Love Sonnet
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2021
To gaze upon you in the dusky dark
There is light, light as fine as breath,
Spun gold, light that only the blind
Know, as they dream in blue daylight,
Eyes infilled.  I see you as mystics do,
I colour your face with mute wishes,
That time has allowed and moments show,
My being unstrung as one abandonment,
A broken guitar in an alley so flayed
Of cat gut and new sorrows unplayed.
If you were any more ethereal —
I would simply lay down into dust.
Jul 2021 · 722
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2021
It is over now.
I bow my head as you leave,
Rain fills your footprints
Jul 2021 · 725
String Along
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2021
Live slowly in youth
Precious time recedes with age
Plaintive as guitar
Jul 2021 · 4.7k
Japanese Iris
Seán Mac Falls Jul 2021
Shy petals shiver
Lavender belle ringing love
Undressed in the rains
Jun 2021 · 600
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2021
I never saw eyes,
Like hers, now we walk together,
Lake water sparkles.
Jun 2021 · 409
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2021
Shelter my eyes, with lighted skin,
Touch me with printed flame, rapt
In songs of joy, for I am unarmed,

Lift me to the spiral keeps of soul,
Spires thrusting in hearts firmament,
Set free in curled locks of your hair,

Let us be new as babes are nestled,
Long in the pines of the bristlecones,
Ageless and evergreen in cloudy bed,

Close the lids of night in sensate blue,
In eyes piercing painted skies of dark,
See my shroud cast out with the dawn.
Bristlecone pines are known for attaining great ages.  Some bristlecone pine individuals are more than 5,000 years old and are the oldest known individuals of any species. Bristlecone pine grow in scattered subalpine groves at high altitude in arid regions of the Western United States.
May 2021 · 343
Flailing Joy
Seán Mac Falls May 2021
Like trees when friends meet
Windy gesticulations . . .
The heartbeat of boughs
May 2021 · 260
Seán Mac Falls May 2021
Without rains sun pools
Unruly lilacs next door
Feeds ambrosia
May 2021 · 527
May Flies
Seán Mac Falls May 2021
In my darkest hour, by the rage of sun,
I met her in a shower of April days,
Riding to the moon in twined études,
The dry chrysalis of winter shells
Gave way to lightness, glaze,
The rain in our eyes, amaze,
Her voice as it fluted, broke,
Like feathers from a wandering bird,
Were my wings of iridescence and joy
And we were blind when we were born,
We were blind as bells of floating grace,
Lived forever by such a new shore,
Such ends of buzzing time,
As May flies.
May 2021 · 973
Seán Mac Falls May 2021
To serve some Sake
Soft light bathing the mountains
Eyes gleam as we pour
From Wikipedia:
In Japan, where it is the national beverage, sake is often served with special ceremony, where it is gently warmed in a small earthenware or porcelain bottle and sipped from a small porcelain cup called a sakazuki.
Sake is often consumed as part of Shinto purification rituals. Sake is served to gods as offerings.
Apr 2021 · 756
Seán Mac Falls Apr 2021
Sake with old friends
Leaves spring forth from hazel tree
Sharing ancient boughs
From Wikipedia:
In Japan, where it is the national beverage, sake is often served with special ceremony, where it is gently warmed in a small earthenware or porcelain bottle and sipped from a small porcelain cup called a sakazuki.
Sake is often consumed as part of Shinto purification rituals. Sake is served to gods as offerings.
Apr 2021 · 666
Seán Mac Falls Apr 2021
Owls speak at night
Voices breaking in darkness
Always in questions
Apr 2021 · 1.7k
Loves Prisoner
Seán Mac Falls Apr 2021
I wanted to know the sighs
Of mercy.  On the bed she lied,
Laid bare in the shocking light
That twitches, as she rolls
I hover and cage her in question,
With moist eyes, abandoned
By loves interrogations,
I stab at the untruths and confusions.
I wanted to hear the supplicant
Murmur of indolence and shame.
With windy caresses I break
Her arms, she ropes me red
In tangled hair and I struggle
To let go.  I wanted to taste
The twin defeats of victory
And indifference, when in the light
Of darkest night there are cries of yes
And no and false accusations,
There is consuming pain and excruciating
Pleasure and as we squirm
And seethe, she teases,
Goading me and then,
I loose it.
Feb 2021 · 220
Hazel Tree
Seán Mac Falls Feb 2021
In braze, silent breeze of dreams incantations,
Shiva arms sway in the forest dark, mushroom,
Cloud, lord with fungi, mosses whose clinging
Shades of branches, braids deep, forking stories
Of old, brooding cauldron Druids, sidles Eastern
Spindrift words of Sanskrit spake, told in veined
Sacred hands unfound, celestial spines, moulded
Green, in the windy monkish statutes of the fallen
And single handed claps of the missionary leaves.
The hazel's unusual branch formations make it a delight to ponder, and was often used for inspiration in art, as well as poetry.

The bards, ovates and druids of the Celtic day would intently observe its crazy curly-Q branches. Doing this would lead them into other worlds of delightful fantasy. Much the same way our modern imaginations can be captured by a good movie, the creative Celts were artistically motivated by the seemingly random and wild contortions of the hazel.

A more commonly known fact is that the hazel is considered a container of ancient knowledge. Ingestion of the hazel nuts is proposed to induce visions, heightened awareness and lead to epiphanies. Indeed, the legend of Fionn Mac Cumhail tells of his gaining the wisdom of the universe by simply coming in contact with the essence of the hazel nut.
Jan 2021 · 251
In Cemetery Lots
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2021
The wind carries its soft dirge
Out to sea, across a lamented
Land of bones and vail memory,
Sea birds sail in solitary griefs—
Above the loam that light darkens
As each soot year is lowly churned.

And the slate stones are mossed,
Like trees that no one is hearing,
In forests bereft, unto the shawls
Of ferns as they bleed in the dank
Undergrowths of sorrels and ****
Curling in trite, pale green contritions.

In cemetery lots, the dead are ******,
Intoxicated on their lost beds of lime,
Where trees surround in wrangled keeps
And bare feet's are buried by the spades,
With the untrod grasses, trimmed like nails
And the daisies that rain from the ground.
Dec 2020 · 277
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2020
The worst betrayals,
Do lurk in familiars—
From those of your kin.
Dec 2020 · 268
ikebana poem
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2020
By the clouded wall
enameled form
is dearly gathered
into amber vase
stretching light
out of salt shadow,
the mind is carried,
clear into shy awakening,
by the once indifferent room,
anointing the eye.
from Wikipedia:
More than simply putting flowers in a container, ikebana is a disciplined art form in which nature and humanity are brought together. Contrary to the idea of a particolored or multicolored arrangement of blossoms, ikebana often emphasizes other areas of the plant, such as its stems and leaves, and puts emphasis on shape, line, and form. Though ikebana is an expression of creativity, certain rules govern its form.
Dec 2020 · 144
Merciless Youth
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2020

Had a friend and she was life, held bewitching,
Came a time we could not hide ruthless feelings.
In a masque we swirled without words, flailing,
Our rooms ignited in tempered darkness alighted.

And fingers grew flighty in Fae bodies shrunk,
Diving into pools of water and silks, breathless—
Gasping for the sun that waited in white windows
On the bark sailing by breached shores of evergreen.

How time passes as it rakes, jarring the spun soul?
What bliss is felt as strung bodies creep into being,
Leaving the shrapnel of loss, airy touches unbound,
Wanting to die immortal in moments already gone?

Then came the morning dirges like an ashen shower,
A firebird breaking— wrest in the heats of a blown star.
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