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Aug 2017 · 5.4k
The Dance of the Peacock
Nishu Mathur Aug 2017
As dark clouds thunder on a grey day,
Resounding across the arid plains,
I hear the loud cries of a bird,
It cuts across the rhythmic drumming of the clouds,
He's quiet for a moment, then I hear him again.

Through the trees I see him,
Royal, an electrifying metallic  blue,
A peacock, stunning, strutting,
Fanning his train of feathers,
Eyespots of majesty, stroked with mossy hues.

He dances in a flamboyant display,
In spot light, as lightening flames the sky above,
Nonchalant, a blue crested head turns with pride,
His ornate train, shimmering, beckoning, to and fro,
His moves, a courtship ritual of love.

His iridescent trail woos in style,
A life of its own in its opaline shades
Golden, blue, brown and green,
Colors of the earth, gloriously resplendent,
A gathered spectacle in  his plumage.

As drops of rain touch the earth,
He is still high on the wings of romance,
His feet in motion,
His feathers spread for his mate,
Quivering, glimmering a love dance.
Aug 2017 · 1.7k
He doesn't know
Nishu Mathur Aug 2017
He doesn't know
that he is my harbour after a stormy day
A haven
where I let my thoughts drift and dreams rest
That he is my rain, sunshine
and rainbow at different times  
And the muse behind my songs and rhymes
He doesn't know
that he is the reason behind the smile in my eyes
And why I sing and curl my toes
He doesn't know
that he sets my pulse racing
And I suppose he will never know.
Aug 2017 · 1.0k
This Morning
Nishu Mathur Aug 2017
In the musings of the dark Koel
That perches upon the winding bough
The sun that flushes from the east
Upon the earth's curving brow
In leaves that bend across to brush
The fruit of life that time bears,
The carnation's awakened blush
In the unseen breath of morning air
In swirls of clouds that float across
A placid sky of limpid blue
The ripples on the lake embossed
With dancing drops of sunlit dew
I know His chants, sense His thoughts
I hear hymns of divinity
I see His hand, I feel His touch
Midst echoes of eternity
Jul 2017 · 1.3k
The Language of Love
Nishu Mathur Jul 2017
'Tis not always spelled in letters,
'Tis not always said in words,
'Tis not always sung in notes,
Loud enough to be heard.
'Tis not always writ in sands,
Nor frosted window panes,
'Nor engraved on precious stones,
Ornate jeweled chains.
'Tis not always spilled on paper,
Nor carved on barks of trees,
The language of love,
'Tis more than words can be.
It might ne'er be understood,
Or perhaps deftly read,
For much of what is love,  
May pass away unsaid.
But 'tis there in tenderness,
Longing wistful eyes,
A heart that lights up,
Every moment love comes by.
'Tis there in a gentle hold,
A shoulder kind enough,
Caring thoughts that sail you through,
Choppy seas, weathers rough.
'Tis coloring you a happy pink,
When the world grey's a blue,
Love is more than words can say,
Love is more than 'I love you'.
Jul 2017 · 7.3k
Only a woman
Nishu Mathur Jul 2017
Don't judge me by my looks
And don't read me by the books
I am brash and I am kind
I am hard to define
I am bold. I am shy
I am grounded, but I fly
I love, and I give
I cradle, I forgive
Though soft I may feel
I am thunder, I am steel
I am smiles and I am laughter
I am happily ever after
I am tears and I am ache
I am a mess when I break
I hold tightly, but I know
When it's time to let go
I am dove, I am hawk
I am the rose and the rock
I am rain. I am sun
I am I. I am woman

Thank you all so much **
Dearest everyone, thank you so much for your likes, loves, reposts.  Thank you so much for all your wonderful and encouraging responses. This is a small,  simple poem and I wasn't certainly expecting all the attention it has received. I am grateful to all of you talented poets and readers. I am so happy that it was chosen as a daily - it's a wonderful feeling. Love to all.

I am also very thankful to Conrad Druger van den Bergh, an excellent poet and wonderful friend who inspired this x
Jul 2017 · 849
Into the Night
Nishu Mathur Jul 2017
At the end of the day, I await the night
As it slowly sets in
With a prelude of colours.
It grows quieter and peaceful
Birds cease to sing
And fly home to rest their wings
On long limbed trees that weather time.
Noise ebbs, save for the throaty croak of frogs
Or the mating songs of cicadas.
The sky is lit with silver lamps
While the moon looks on
Smiling with cherubic cheeks
As the blanket of darkness
Tucks the world in
Ushering a world of dreams.
Jun 2017 · 994
The Perfect Rose
Nishu Mathur Jun 2017
How well she grows - the perfect rose
A delicate bloom in pink
Little by little, her petals unfold
And blend in poetic ink.
Tall and stately; she is a regal bloom
She reigns and flaunts her style
How she charms prying eyes
And disarms with her scented smile
Though time will turn the tide one day
And she'll wilt, and cease to be
But long will she be remembered
And loved in poetry.
Jun 2017 · 1.8k
This too shall pass
Nishu Mathur Jun 2017
I stand on the shore, my feet sinking in the sands
My hair tousled wild in winds hustling hands
Covering my face, veiling my eyes
Distantly, I hear the seagulls, their yearning cries.
I grip firmer and hold myself tight
In dusk's diminishing, dwindling twilight.

I watch the waves lunge at me -
Overwhelming, menacingly.
But as they race to the shore, reaching my feet
They drench me, turn back and then recede.

I see another wave, I yearn to move a step behind
Fear and uncertainty fill my troubled mind.
But I still stand, stand my ground,
Unmindful of the sounds
Of the winds and the waves
In a trance, lost, nature's slave.

I nearly fall, my balance lost
Taken by surprise, by waves tossed
But I still stand, stand with unsteady feet
Where the land and waters meet.

I, on the seashore, a speck, besides a sea so vast -
I know that each wave will rest and it too shall pass.
Jun 2017 · 724
Footprints in the sand
Nishu Mathur Jun 2017
There is nothing like, for a thirsty voice, water clear and sweet,
A loaf of bread for a hungry man and his misery would retreat.
There is nothing like, for tired eyes, a night of gentle sleep,
Nothing like, for a weary body, the comfort of slumber deep.
There is nothing more stirring than a new born's hushed cries,
And nothing more heart warming than a twinkle in tiny eyes.
There is nothing like, for a tearful child, his mothers warm hold,
Or the wisdom of generations through his father told.

There is nothing like, for an unsteady heart, the call of a friend,
No aching heart that a friends love can not heal or mend.
There is nothing like, for a bruised soul, the calm of gentle words,
The miracle of a kind voice in deep recesses heard.
There is nothing like, for a battered heart, the comfort of a smile,
The promise of a tomorrow, though it may take a while.
There is nothing like, for a broken spirit, the touch of a helping hand
Gestures never washed away... eternal footprints in the sand.
Jun 2017 · 7.5k
Nishu Mathur Jun 2017
In the evening sky
he hung in celestial glory
I thought he came early

As the blue paled
he became brighter

Luminous, white and bold
I loved him dearly
I held him in my hands and heart
cupped his fullness
in my eyes

He moved with me
I watched captivated

I stood in his golden light
and beauty
soaking in silver slivers
into my soul from my skin

Now he lives in me
and I in him
Nishu Mathur Jun 2017
The sky oft becomes dark and thunders
there are clouds as grey as can be
but behind those clouds waits the sun
quietly and patiently

of course it will rain and pour
clouds will rumble, clash  and roar
but they will not forever last
those dark clouds will come to pass

these clouds are not just rimmed in silver
look up close, with hope behold
for those black threatening clouds
are lined with the brightest gold
Nishu Mathur Jun 2017
There are times I know not who I be
A stranger, unreasonable I  become,
Little sense in the world around I see.
'Tween love and hate on a pendulum.

There are times I turn away from you,
Question your love, your wise decree,
Eyes wide shut to whatever you do,
Believing  you too have forsaken me.

There are times I doubt, if at all ,you exist,
My heart to darkness a welcome home
Your presence denied, you,  I resist,
Hope burns in doubt's infernal dome.

Love me when I least deserve........when to despair, a host

Hold me God, for it is then ...that I need your love the most.
Nishu Mathur May 2017
Would you know the color of music
White, black or grey,
Would you know the melodies that air
What colors are they.

Would you know the notes that flow,
The hues that come your way
Are they a rainbow of colors
As many tunes as they play

A part of a larger symphony,
Man is music from His soul,
Music from His heart,
Music that should extol.

Hearts alive with rhythmic beats
Drum akin beneath the skins,
Not just where the rainbow ends,
But  where it all begins.
Apr 2017 · 777
Nishu Mathur Apr 2017
You and I -
Are like a flower
And a bee
Like a dancing leaf
On a rain fed tree
Like golden sands
And waves in the bay
Like a float of clouds
On a summer day

I am the icing
You are the cake
I am the spice
You're the marinade
I am the biscuit
You are the tea
I am the butter
You're the patty

I am the lace
You are the shoe
I am the prop
You are the cue
I am the move
You are the twist
I am the pout
You are the kiss

I am the grooves
Within your cheek
And the dimples
That hide and seek
You are the smile
I am the giggle
You are the laughter
I am the tickle.

You and I
Make a we
Some music,
Some laughter
And poetry
Apr 2017 · 1.0k
Gate Crashed
Nishu Mathur Apr 2017
Like a  thought
You stay in my mind
Appealing and welcome
Sometimes,  you drift away but then come  right back in

You come to me in a dream too.
Not just when I sleep but when I am wide awake

Like blood,  you gush into my heart
And pump color into my face

Like a smile
You  play on my lips
Linger in the grooves
And become a happy whistle

You  dance in my eyes
And I find you in trees and the sky
In the poem I read
My muse

You have gate crashed my life

And I've got you under my skin
Mar 2017 · 1.8k
Karmic connection
Nishu Mathur Mar 2017
Not knowing - you and I,
Beyond the planes of physical realm,
An unsaid bond, a baffling tie,
Holds hearts close, overwhelms.

Magnetic pull, an iron hold,
Spanning several seasons,
A bond strong, love in it's folds
Defying logic and reason.
In your hands I place my hand,
Of yours but a reflection,
Writ beyond the laws of land,
The tug of Karmic connection.

Not and I,
Beyond tangible reality,
Unanswered how, unanswered why,
Unfathomable affinity.
Spanning distance, spanning time,
Across the universe,
Like hearts, like minds,
That quietly converse.

In your thoughts I see my own,
Of my mind a reflection,
Knowing  I was never alone -
The pull of a Karmic connection.
Mar 2017 · 2.1k
A summer of spices
Nishu Mathur Mar 2017
I foresee a summer of spices
Of a saffron mid day sun
And flowers of anise
On trees of cinnamon
And the aromatic pepper vine
That seasons lands of green
Will find its way into -
A warm summer cuisine.
Nishu Mathur Mar 2017
Within a poem I found little things -
The scent of earth, the summer of youth
Within it I found the comfort of words
A restful haven of solitude.
I found, too, the thorns that bleed
The world and life when the heart breaks
I saw the beast of wasted lands
And heard the fire of the cannonade.
And within a poem, I found art and soul
I felt the core and the residue
And with every thought shared
Each word written -
Within a poem, I found you.
Mar 2017 · 3.1k
Fifty shades of Green
Nishu Mathur Mar 2017
There's spring and there's summer, there's all that's in between
no listless skies of anodyne; now nature flaunts and preens

What beauty fills the hungry eye 'neath a sky of blue, serene
verdant vales soaked in sun, awash in palettes of green

There are pastels that awaken and deep shades that passion brews
created hues that trickle...sprinkled with 'chartreuse'

There's the green of 'asparagus' and that of 'artichokes'
Of 'forest', 'ferns' , of 'moss', a brush of different strokes

Fragrant plants of 'mint', then 'myrtle' and 'green tea'
'Emerald', 'jade' or 'harlequin' and 'malachites' that be

Off creamy shells, just 'pistachio', 'green apples', then of 'pines'
It lies too in 'sap' and 'teal', in 'avocados' and tangy 'lime'

There's green of the 'mantis', in 'jungle', 'hunters' and 'shamrock'
The lithe 'parakeet' fluttering and the lazy sanguine 'croc'

In blessed 'basil', ' pickle', in 'pear', 'olives' in 'bottle green'
'Gourds' and 'peas' that farmers grow in cultivars pristine

'Tis there in 'aqua' and 'seaweed', in the ripple of 'sea green' waves
In 'turtles', 'sea foam', 'anemone' and a 'tropical glistening lake'

From 'laurel green' to an 'army green' , in 'sage' ( a shade of grey )
The color of 'grass' , the murky 'swamp' , hues in array

There's 'neon' and an 'Indian green', a 'Persian' one to mystify
A 'midnight green' to bright 'fluorescent', oh, for green rainbows in the eye
Nishu Mathur Feb 2017
Vanilla vowels
and creamy colored consonants

Naughty or nutty nouns
of almonds, apples, apricots

Aphrodisiac adjectives
and very berry adverbs

Passion fruit  phrases
pirouette like peaches in thought

A pomegranate patter
that pronounces a pronoun

Or perhaps in veiled vines
velvet verbs purr

Wondrously whipped
words of love

Salacious sentences  
with strawberry stirred

A mellowed musk melon
of a metaphor

A salubrious simile
sits like a sapote crown

Amorous alliterative adventures  
with romance and raisins

An ooh la la of orange oomph
onomatopoeic sounds

An orchard of the alphabets
in a fruity potpourri of speech

A bearish pearish play and
plum pun on words

The language of love
written with love

In this hash mash
Valentine verse
Feb 2017 · 8.9k
The Pursuit of Happiness
Nishu Mathur Feb 2017
In the pursuit of happiness I walked the roads,
I stopped at milestones, leaned on posts.

I saw a flock of birds in flight,
Rings of gold.. an orb so bright.
I looked around at mountain walls,
The raging sea, white frothy falls.
I looked up at the sky serene,
The valley lush a summer green.
Banyan trees with leaves  bedecked,
Gulmohars lined with blossoms red.

Faces walked engrossed in streets,
A touch, a nod when eyes would meet..
Saw hunger, anguish, weary eyes,
Sorrow, terror, shock, surprise,
I saw the tears of loss and grief,
Faith, resilience, resolve, belief.

I heard the laughter of a child,
I saw the magic of a smile.
A hug, a kiss, a warm caress,
A helping hand that love expressed
I felt the cord of love that binds,
Hearts across the world and time.

I found happiness in little things,
In nature that surprises springs..
His art, the colors that I saw,
That left me breathless, full of awe,
Happiness in that special touch,
In smiles, laughter, that gentle brush.
In kind words that wonders do,
In love that breathes life anew.

In all things that I could see,
I knew happiness begins with me,
Within me what I see or do,
The trail of thoughts I send to you.

And happiness is what I found,
When happiness was spread around.
Feb 2017 · 793
Your eyes whisper
Nishu Mathur Feb 2017
At a table, you and I,
Flickering candles sigh.
The look of love in your eyes,
All truth, no lies belie.
I, within me, turn and stir,
As your eyes whisper.
Reason lulls, the mind blurs,
In sweet passion's murmurs.
With loves fingers, I dare trace
The blush on my face.
Our eyes, in gentle haste,
Locked in loves embrace.

While light and dark shadows play.
No words need you say,
It is just you and I,
I can see it in your eyes.

The flickering candles taper, like the setting sun,
But for you and I, the night has just begun.
Jan 2017 · 1.9k
Her beauty and melody
Nishu Mathur Jan 2017
I forget worries and cares
The unrest in the world I see
When I look at fields and flowers
When I behold a tree

I forget what nags a day
A sigh, a tear and cry
When I see a galaxy of stars
A golden moon in the sky

I forget jarring cacophony
The discord and the strain
When I hear a stream gurgle
And the patter of summer rain

I forget what ails the heart
With the breath of the breeze
It soothes and calms the spirit
It brings quiet and peace

I forget worries and care
When in Nature's company
Disarmed by her gentle wonders
Her beauty and her melody.
Jan 2017 · 771
Fragile Still
Nishu Mathur Jan 2017
She seems strong - so she speaks,
She seems alive with life complete.
She shrugs a shoulder, couldn't care,
Love is war, a life's  dare,
She has loved and seen it go,
Love wilt in the midst of snow...
But say goodbye, gently, if you will,
Her heart is warm, fragile still.

She has laughed and she has smiled,
Dreamed enchantment on an isle.
She has risen,  heights soared,
She has seen closed doors.
She has fallen, again, to stand,
Dreamed a dream in never land...
But tread softly, on her, if you will,
Her dreams are young, fragile still.

She has seen loss and pain,
Prayers lost,  hopes slain.
Her heart in hands, she has wept,
Tired and weary, troubled, slept.
Transience is eternal, well she knows,
But her heart stronger never grows...
Break her  gently, if you will.
Her heart is tender and fragile still.
Jan 2017 · 3.0k
Will you still love me?
Nishu Mathur Jan 2017
Today I'm beautiful,
And I have you on your knees,
But when my beauty wanes,
Will you still love me?

Today I'm young,
And passion has her say.
But will you  hold me close,
When crimson love grays?

Today I'm alive,
Like a strong summer gale.
But will you care for me,
When I be frail?

Today I smile,
There's laughter in my eyes,
But will you be with me,
When my heart cries?

Will you love me, hold me,
In love's tender kiss,
When my hair turns white,
And my thoughts go amiss?

Will you love me, hug me,
Ever so tight,
Through my brightest morn'..
In my darkest night?
Jan 2017 · 1.0k
His Words
Nishu Mathur Jan 2017
The world stops
In that intimate moment
When he calls me "his".
Distance melts
Times pauses -
And his words -
Feel like a kiss.
Jan 2017 · 1.4k
To the old year and the new
Nishu Mathur Jan 2017
Adieu, adieu, old year
You are now a memory
A bright twinkle in the eye
A lined wrinkle on the face
A small tear; a smile of glee

Farewell, farewell, old year
You began with new quests
Some altered, I faltered
Month after month flew
You served well; tis time you rest

I will think of you, old year -
Your golden dawns, silver moons
I made you, you made me
But alas, the time with you
Is over - gone too soon

Adieu, fond adieu, old year
Do you think this is the end?
Nay, you will be remembered
Scripted, painted, pictured
You are part of me - a friend

But with you - I shall let go
My failings - (for you give the cue)
And embrace another year
With an open mind and heart
And dreams and hopes anew
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
'Twas the night after Christmas and I lay curled up in bed
With my hair wild and frizzy and my face a bright red
I had cleaned and scrubbed floors, I had cooked and I'd baked
I had done what I could; made curries and cakes
I had gifted many presents and received many too
From books and lip colours to green socks and red shoes
I had prayed and thanked God for his love and kind ways
I had prayed for mankind and for happier days
But something was still missing - I felt it in the lull
I felt restless and edgy, a wee lost, a tad dull
I thought and I pondered - then it dawned upon me
I was missing my poet friends, and writing poetry -
So I wrote this little poem to send love across the seas
Prosperous and healthy may you all always be
I wish you much happiness, peace, hope and light -

And now to the West I wish a good day, to the East a good night.
I thank all the wonderful poets here for their support and encouragement. Thank you. Happy New Year! **
Dec 2016 · 4.5k
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
Today, I am gardening my life,
I'll root out  worrisome weeds,
Those thoughts that trouble me,
Cast them aside, those I'd never need.

I'll cut the grass of discontent
Layer it even, soft, green and sweet,
Smoothen  the furrows,
So I can run content, bare feet.

I'll water seeds planted with love,
Of friends made this year,
Friendships that bloomed,
That make life special, worth living and dear.

I'll welcome  butterflies,
And make homes for nesting birds,
With them, taste sun's ambrosia,
Soar and see the world.

I'll bask in the rainbow of colors,
Of blossoms brilliant bright,
And keep them sheltered,
When they sleep at night.

I'll capture the scented essence,
Of roses, jasmines and lilies
Place them in a jar,
My fragrant memories.

I'll love; rest and spend more time,
Under the shade of the  family tree,
Cherish every moment, every minute,
' Neath its precious canopy.

And I'll buy new saplings,
Sow them all carefully  in a row,
Of hopes, promises to me and mine,
And tend to them, make them grow
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
Sun soaked Sunday
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
No floats of clouds in the sky
No clouds gather in the eye
An endless sky of cobalt blue
Stretches in leisurely languor -
Threads of gossamer softly gleam
In moments that time has spun
Besides them, like the smiling marigolds -
I soak up the sun
Dec 2016 · 7.9k
If I hadn't fallen in love
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
If I hadn't fallen in love
I would have not known
that stars could dance in the eyes
That the moon could whisk me away
That the sun could live in the heart
and warm it and fill it with light
That clouds could shower kisses
And rain could touch like a lover
That the scent of flowers
could linger through the night
That the winds could play love melodies
That sunrises could colour a blush
And sunsets stir romance
That dreams could glisten at dawn
like drops of dew

I would have not known the magic
that is love
If I hadn't fallen in love
With you
Dear everyone, thank you so so much for your beautiful responses. I am unable to thank everyone individually because of work and personal commitments...I apologise. But your responses mean the world to me. Thank you for liking my poem, for sharing it, for commenting on it. I am so happy that this poem was selected brightened my day and brought a smile on my face. Thank you once again. Love to all you talented writers, poets and gracious readers **
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
an inkling of what
lies beneath the skin

Then thank goodness
for locks that veil a face
and hide in waves
what lies within

If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
then welcome shades
dark or rose tinged

A screen between the I
and the world at day
where none can see
the core within

If eyes are windows
to the heart and soul
a glimpse into fears, tears,
when a heart cries

Then thank goodness
it takes but a moment
to draw down lashes
and close the eyes
Dec 2016 · 820
For One Another
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
Though we can't change the order of things
Nor make some moments better
Nor alter what fate brings -
We can be there for one another

Though we can't stop the sun from burning
Nor the ice from layering rivers
Nor stop the tides from turning -
We can be there for each other

Though we can't wipe away all tears
Nor ease the many brows of grief
Nor remove the shadows of fear -
We can be there together

Though we can't hold the dusk at bay
As darkness begins to fill the sky
We can still brighten the grey -
When there with one another

And when the snow streams a mile
When the scent of flowers fills the air
We can hold hands and smile -
When there with one another
Dec 2016 · 2.4k
Angels with one wing
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
The crystal rain needs the golden sun
To make a rainbow
'Tis only when the two are together
That the colored arch is made

Drop by drop water fills the ocean
Together, the ends of the sea flow
From place to place

The soil in itself will never grow trees
It needs nurturing by elements
Their gentle grace

And we are each angels with just one wing
How will we fly
Unless we fly together
Holding each other
In an embrace

Inspired by the words of Luciano De Crescenzo

"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.”
Dec 2016 · 805
Within I Am
Nishu Mathur Dec 2016
Hair be raven, golden,  russet,
And eyes be ebony, green or blue,
Lips be red dipped in wine,
Skin almond or a rosy hue.

Hands be frail, creased with lines,
Soles worn with cracked feet,
Spine bent a storm wrecked tree,
But a voice melodic sweet.

Waves wash in ****** waters,
Forests make a leafy throne ,
Petals make a crown of blossoms,
Mountains  mould a stone.

In the eyes dance reflections,
A mirror of what I can see,
You say I am not a stranger,
Then pray tell me who I be.

One by one, I drop a layer,
And still I be a whole,
Not this flesh that covers,
Within I am a soul.
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Just As Love Should
Nishu Mathur Nov 2016
I loved you on a quiet day
And I loved you on a stormy night
I loved you through the fog and mist
The sun's scourge burning bright

I loved you like fire does
Drops of water that keep alive
Like wind that breathes on a leaf
Like earth that cradles life

I loved you on a rainbow
When seven colors filled the sky
On feathers of white hope
As wings spanned across to fly

I loved you when waves rested
And when the river was serene
When grass by it wilted yellow
When waters turned shadowed green

I loved you when the sun set
And when the moon was veiled in clouds
When the stars shriveled and hid behind
Despair's dark midnight shroud

I loved you then and I love you now
I loved you all I could
And I'll love you through the beats of time
Just as love should
Nov 2016 · 936
How can it be, love?
Nishu Mathur Nov 2016
Turquoise waves
Sunlight that pirouettes
Specks dance within
Waters sashay
Sunlight still captive
Within the folds
Its all
Aquamarine marigold
Some say
Heaven is this
In beauty
In peace and bliss
In tawny rays
On a sea deep blue
But how can it be
My love
When I know
Heaven is you
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Slow down for love
Nishu Mathur Nov 2016
you're lost in your own world
is that where you'd rather be?
step out for a moment
come walk with me

a hostage of your own thoughts
why don't you let them be?
think what I think for a moment
let go, breathe free

you won't look me in the eyes
see what I want you to see
stop for a moment and look
there's just you and me

I don't know where you're heading
you say it's destiny
slow down a bit for love
come walk with me
Nov 2016 · 2.6k
Let it snow!
Nishu Mathur Nov 2016
It's cold outside but warm within,
Rose candles golden glow,
With you here right beside me -
Let winter say hello!

The fire's all cracklin',  blazin'
On the wall play love's shadows,
Contours of time a-racin'
Let winter winds bellow!

Your eyes like stars a-twinklin'
I'm lit from my head to toes,
The chords of my heart a-jinglin',
Let cold winds blusterin' blow!

Hearts alive, all hustlin'
And the music turned so low,
Whispers of sweet nothings
As winter steals the show...

A white night beaut' unfurlin',
Snowflakes dance so slow,
Twirlin' , whirlin', swirlin'
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!


Inspired by the song...
Oct 2016 · 2.3k
The Songs of the Seas
Nishu Mathur Oct 2016
Sweet sounds of waves softly lap
On flecks of sun dipped copper sands
With gentleness the water swirls
In a kiss of frothy love on land

Splash of oars on a cobalt sea
While songs of sailors wane and fade
Aboard the ships of destiny
A cruise on an ocean's serenade

The sea gull swoops, oh hear the cries
Flap of wings fluttering the dock
Ferries roll on routes of spice
Midst the clap of waves on rocks

Crests of water heave and ebb
Touched by scales of coral scents
Whispers born in the wind
Sing of pirates, silk legends

In murmurs 'twixt rippling waves
Dreams float 'neath a setting sun
Whisked like boats in a river's flow
That sail across to meet oceans

Love notes of romance in the waters
Rhythm at feet, soaking wet
Dancing waves stir the heart
In a melody from the ocean's breath

In cadence pleasant when tis dark
On a night when moon and stars are laid
When the sky shines with silver light  
The breeze plays music of mermaids  

Though now no storm, 'tis serene
Soon the winds will ravage, rave
On this quilt of aquamarine
In a cacophony of thunderous rage

But for now, 'tis the conch, the shell
That sings those songs of the sea
I close my eyes and drift away
Swept by its magic and mysteries
Oct 2016 · 1.4k
To be a Poem
Nishu Mathur Oct 2016
I woke up to a sky of grey
a hiding sun, a rainy day
clouds of hail - stormy what nots
rotund, dang and heavy drops

I said to them, be my poem.

Then the clouds of storm cleared
the golden orb appeared
a rainbow spilled color on the grass
the blossoms sang sweetly - unasked

I said to them, be my poem

To the poor man on the street
and the rag picker with bare feet
the cobbler and the fruit seller
the palmist and the fortune teller

I said to them, be my poem

To a new born and then flesh on a pyre
the wind that whisks ashes of fire
to the fragrance of spring and the frost of cold
the stench of garbage and the scent of rose

I said to them, be my poem

I turned to love, anger and defeat
laughed with humour and cried with grief
traced the many fleeting expressions on a face
fluid movements and those without grace

I said to them, stay and be my poem

Then I paused, I looked within -inside
into my heart and in my mind
so I could meet myself and know
see and hear, feel and grow

So that one day, I too may become a poem
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
A tiny seed of love -
Nishu Mathur Oct 2016
It was when our eyes first met...the knowing look
the glance that locked on a breezy spring day
when April rain danced to the beat of life
and windy dark clouds music played

It was when you first whispered my name
your voice just a moment away
when the colors of a thousand flowers burst
when the summer sun smiled its winged rays

It was when you first held my hand
the tender touch in your warm hold
wrapping me in moonlit russet dreams
in a  world of scarlet autumn's gold

It was when we first danced
beside the fire that amber glowed
crimson steps with hearts  of bliss
as winter spread her cape of snow

It was at dawn, at noon, at dusk
I swept, lost, tossed and blown
you, my love, took my breath away
and a tiny seed of love was sown
Nishu Mathur Oct 2016
The winds of autumn shall soon blow
Verdant leaves that in summer show
Cascading, floating, golden-red
And make a copper- russet bed
      Before 'tis white with quilted snow ...

The burnished rays of autumn's glow
Will implore Summer's heat to go
As falling leaves shall dance and shed
The winds of autumn...

And those sweet seeds that I shall sow
Tenderly- someday, bloom and grow
Where hopes of life so gently tread
As I, on earth, shall rest my head
All seasons of this life to know
The winds of autumn...
Oct 2016 · 2.2k
How Do I Love You?
Nishu Mathur Oct 2016
How do I love you - in poem or prose
In a story, a eulogy, aubade or an ode?
I could love you in a sonnet
A senryu, though terse
I'd spill my heart - drop by drop
Or ink it verse after verse
I could write a terzannelle
A villanelle I could chance
Tapping on the refrain of love
The feet of romance
I could weave metaphors and similes
Sweet and sublime
Or trip down the keys
Playfully alliterate each line
How do I love you?
I can love you as I do -
In simple words that are writ -
From a heart that is true
Nishu Mathur Oct 2016
Every morning when I am making tea,
I wish most fervently,
To become an electric KETTLE.

It most certainly won't  matter to me,
I'll accept it most gracefully,
Be I of ceramic or METAL.

For one moment I'm dancing with glee,
The next sobbing most piteously,
These wretched hormones don't SETTLE.

Once I whistled so daintily,
Now I  breathe so monstrously,
No longer a rose PETAL.

I may boil, then boil most furiously,
Then click off automatically,
Before I sting like NETTLE.

Splutter, bubble, gurgling I be,
Then cool and peacefully ,
There I fine FETTLE!
Nishu Mathur Oct 2016
If trees be poems by the earth
In avid joy I read each one
Florets writ in fragrant verse
Inked with beams of the morning sun
In shade, a fruit, a whiff of air
I rest beneath wide branches spread
A cavort of emerald canopy
Bestows comfort upon my breath
I lean against the bark, recline
And think of how it stands in time

Through tunneled years it's stoic trunk
Stands proud against frost and rain
Drops it's leaves to nakedness
Till spring dresses in green again  
On but an arm, the  koel sings
'Tis home to birds that weave a nest
Haven to sojourners ache
Clasp around, hold close to breast
I trace the names of love engraved
Now forgot; asleep in graves

On felled bark my soul I pen
On papyrus the past I feel
The murmured songs of sentiments
In susurrus as branches kneel.
Nymphs would hide or fairies entreat
With fireflies in silver light
Creatures tip toe on their feet
Lithe, in the darkness of the night
In engraved lines meaning I see
What better song, what poetree?

Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky -  Gibran
Oct 2016 · 1.6k
No. Not today
Nishu Mathur Oct 2016
No shadows of yesterday
will cloud now
no clouds of tomorrow
shadow today
the sky may be bright or dark
I'll see what I see
without grey

Memories of the past
won't haunt
what  future brings
I cannot see
but in now will I linger
for today
yesterday and tomorrow
will have to be

Hands of time pull and tug
creating furrows
in the brow
but today I will not
be held ransom
for I must make the most
of now

Smooth or cobbled
petals or pebbles
all shall come my way
but why should I let
a cobweb of a thought
steal my day
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
A Love Poem?
Nishu Mathur Sep 2016
I thought I would write of love, love
But I faced a wall, a block
My quill stood still in time
While the clock went on tick tock
I thought I would write of passion
That makes one spin on toes
But my quill stayed quiet, still
It wouldn't spill or flow
I thought I would write of romance
With all the right beats in the groove
But my quill stopped mid air
It didn't want to write or move
So I lay my quill aside
And gave poetry a miss
I left the paper empty, love
And sealed it with a kiss
Sep 2016 · 1.6k
I colored my world
Nishu Mathur Sep 2016
I coloured my world today
my hands smeared in pastels
canary yellows
ripe peaches and cardinal ochres
pink from a flamingo sunrise
a passionate cerise

an array of feisty blues
a flamboyant turquoise
a topaz tango
a twinkling periwinkle

Streaked it with
beams of gold
contoured lilac smudges
lavender tipped edges
in custard pineapple floats

Splattered emeralds, toned pistachio
fern greens with swift finger strokes.

Tempered it with
muddy crusty earthy browns
rock coloured sandy mounds
reined in royal purple
the sensual blaze of a flaming sunset
the dark indigo of a gloaming sky
agate drops a few
a silver sliver of a crescent new

I coloured my world
with my eyes
my fingers,hands
my hues
....the way I wanted to
Nishu Mathur Sep 2016
Beneath the gulmohar tree
In flamboyant love
A tale of our desires
Coloring each other
A bright vermillion
Under his crimson spread
Shaded in blissful haven.

Reaching for his branches
Clasping, holding
Climbing, swinging
Chasing, laughing
Under a bright shower of scarlet petals
Of hearts and heat, of love and life
Blooms of a scorching Indian summer.

In flames, his vibrant burning crown
His canopy, flaunting festive tangerine blossoms
Crinkled teasing petals
One upright
Of quaint innocence in white
Splashed with  feisty passion's red
Celebrating and anticipating
In celebration of us, our love
Anticipating rain..
As his branches reach high for promising dark clouds.

Serenading with the music of the monsoons
Moist leaves of the gulmohar glisten
With wind and water, in gentle rhythm
Raindrops nestle for a moment
Before sliding, slipping
On damp, satiated earth
Strewn bright with scattered orange petals
Of the gulmohar
Drenched and soaked like us.
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