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Jul 2021 · 131
Let's Go
MelaninInked Jul 2021
Take my hand and let's go
All you have to do is say so
I know you are at your all time low
I should have asked a long time ago
But then I didn't know what I now know
This is what I've wanted from our first hello
Please don't say no
Jun 2020 · 313
MelaninInked Jun 2020
I remember that night
I saw you see me dance
I remember that night
Yes, I saw you see me see you

You made jokes
You tried to hide behind them
You made jokes
But I saw right through them

I kissed you
I lay my head on your chest and listened to your heart beat
I kissed you
You have no idea how badly I wanted to

Things changed
Things really did not go as planned
Things changed
You had a girl and I had a stand

We crossed the line
We knew we were both unstable but still
We crossed the line
Ignoring common sense we tread deep waters

You lost nothing
You kept your girl and your dignity
You lost nothing
But I lost you and my dignity

Here you are
Here you are building my playlist and gallery
Here you are
Present, available but not mine

I still feel you
I know it's uncalled for and wrong
I still feel you
Despite knowing full well that I'm playing fool

Probably shouldn't
Probably should give my heart a break
Probably shouldn't
Knowing me I might down one and confess I love you
You know that person who you will forever have some sort of tie to because you had a good thing going but it seems that they are your Tapu. Your forbidden. Though it seems you are both too hard headed to accept facts.
Jan 2020 · 183
MelaninInked Jan 2020
He was water
He was fire

He was calm
He was thrill

He was peace
He was chaos

He was comfort
He was risk

He was a bubble
He was a race car

He was what I needed
He was what I wanted
Well, if you really cannot tell yet, 'He' is two different people. As women we are constantly caught between the thrill and risk of one man and the calm and peace of another.
May 2019 · 224
MelaninInked May 2019
I'm gaining weight and I like it
And starting to care less I must admit
Drinking too much, I know I know, I need to quit

I gave up on you that was my biggest win
My only worries now are my health and skin
Becoming my own person from deep within

Shed of the extra weight and I don't mean physically
***** who you keep close to you critically
Do everything in simplicity
Let your spirituality, safety and happiness be your trinity
I'm just happy
MelaninInked May 2019
I haven't written in a while because I've been feeling lost
Like everything I do, say, or feel comes at a cost.
I wanted to take time away and heal
But that just made the pain and the hurt feel real

I haven't written in a while because I thought I was in love for a while
Wanted to focus my attention on that turns out he wasn't even mine.

I haven't written in a while but I hope it won't be like that no more
Because I'm back and my energy is times four.
I honestly haven't written in a while because I took time off to grow and glow but turns out words are my growth medium so all I was doing is maximizing my insecurities
Nov 2018 · 399
Too much
MelaninInked Nov 2018
So I drunk too much
Then I said too much
About how I felt too much
Now I hurt too much
Cheers to a weekend full of alcohol and rejection
Nov 2018 · 418
MelaninInked Nov 2018
Sometimes my crown does slip and I reveal my vulnerable side but that does not change the fact that
Most of the times I am not someone you would pick if we were in a room full of girls but fact remains
I'm a shy flirt, a double degree major and active performing alcoholic, has one too many one too times but still
It's a time where I am simply trying to convince myself that I am worth something. Somehow
Nov 2018 · 441
I want...
MelaninInked Nov 2018
I want to eat junk and not grow fat
I want a loving boyfriend whose not an *******
I want to miss classes and still get a degree
I want to be a pro footballer without hurting my knee
I want flawless skin with an iced tea and milkshake diet
I want my voice to be heard and still be quiet
I want to have hot *** and keep my virginity
I want to party all night and day and keep my sanity
I want to smoke trees as still be religious
I want to not lift a finger and still be prestigious
I want the impossible
My life is a combination of paradoxical situations and states. ha. ha. ha. Not even funny
Mar 2018 · 295
So many,
MelaninInked Mar 2018
There are so may words left unsaid,
So many thoughts as I lay on my bed,
So many demons begging to be fed,
So may mistakes that I dread,
So many emotions better unread.
Feb 2018 · 350
MelaninInked Feb 2018
Sometimes I wake up startled in the middle of the night,
Because I dreamed of a hand around my neck so tight.
Withholding air from my body,
But as I dart my eyes I see nobody.
Instinctively I try and fight it off,
But I end up with a deeper heave and cough.
It takes a minute, two or nine,
To realize the choking hand is mine.
Most of the time we blame society for putting us down.We blame everyone but ourselves for the hardships. It takes acceptance ad change to go to the right track. Sometimes its our fault. It's painful and self-shaming but worth it
Feb 2018 · 242
MelaninInked Feb 2018
I got a text the other day,
She was saying goodbye
I stared at it for a little while,
Thinking it was all a lie.
So I typed and deleted a few replies,
And gave up with a sigh.

We went through a lot,
But stayed strong through the tears.
We spent late nights talking
Sharing all our fears.
So many people tried coming in between
But nobody ever came near.
We were forever
Her in my future was very clear.

But you know,
Everything that has a beginning has an end
No matter how hard we try,
Some clothes are to tattered to mend.
As hard as it is,
I have to let go of my best friend.
I miss her. I do.But she has her life to fix. Maybe one day our paths will cross again and we will rekindle what we had. You still mean the world to me. Honestly you do.
Feb 2018 · 235
MelaninInked Feb 2018
So, I'm probably going to start university,
Then probably get a job,
Probably get a boyfriend
Who I'll probably marry
And probably have kids

In a few minutes I'll probably have my late lunch
And probably take a nap.
I'm in that stage of my life where I wake up and o with the motions. Nothing is ever certain.
Jan 2018 · 1.5k
I am Woman
MelaninInked Jan 2018
I am a woman and there are many of our breed,
some like to be out partying but some like to stay in and read,
Some break into arguments others like to leave words unsaid
Some have a legion of friends others like to be alone
But at the end we are all queens of our throne.

At the end of the day, we all bleed when cut
Cry when hurt,
When nervous, have a feeling in our gut.

So why treat us as inferior,
Creating an unreasonable barrier
Treat us with motives ulterior.

Before you act, stop and think about your mother, sister, daughter
Would you be comfortable if this was done to her
I fail to wonder how some of your thoughts occur

I am a victim of **** and I know how if feels,
It takes time before it heals,
Its feels like your life is stuck on its wheels
And it even hurts me more that apart from me there are many more ordeals

It's time we raise our voice,
This is not a request or a choice,
I am African but not ignorant to what is going on in the world. Be woman, be proud.
Jan 2018 · 292
MelaninInked Jan 2018
I just want to smile,
Is that so hard to ask?
Jan 2018 · 517
I just want to smile
MelaninInked Jan 2018
They say that life gives you enough scars, don't manufacture your own.
I just wish this tumblr quote came my way back when I felt alone
I have scars running up and down my thighs and arms
When I look at them they scream louder than alarms
I am beaten up, defeated and bruised
I am confused, hurt and used
Is it ok that suicide has become a constant thought in my mind?
I know you see me look at you, but I can;t see, I'm blind.
I just want to wake up to live not survive
I just want not look but also feel alive
I just want to smile
I know they say that as teenagers go through "emotional turmoils" but sometimes it runs deeper than that. Depression is real, suicide is real. Voices need to be raised.
Jan 2018 · 450
Dear Public
MelaninInked Jan 2018
New Year New me,
Well darling, I beg to not agree
I mean, five years down the line
And this "change" shows no sign
Spending nights drinking and drank texting
Telling us how the new you is 'loading"
To you holidays is time to waste yourself
Convincing yourself that January is time to find yourself
You are the only one being fooled here darling
The demons of all your past years are still staring
You think you closed the door
Forgetting wide open is the window
Self honesty is key
If it is to be, let it be
I'm pretty sure its not only me who shares these sentiments
This is the one year I chose to not make a resolution, I don't need a new year to change me.It's a personal project. Join me in smiling more, loving more, being cautious and just being the best us. Hello Poetry, Hello Success. Have a lovely Year
Dec 2017 · 1.5k
MelaninInked Dec 2017
I love the 3am phone calls when you pour out your heart to me
Tell me how thing are and how you want them to be
Tell me things about you that many people can't see

I love the 3am phone calls when we run out of words and sit in silence
When you lean on me for guidance
Even though silent, your emotions louder than sirens

Even though I love our 3am phone calls I know you are high
I know you popped some and downed some and when I say goodbye
You won't remember anything the next day

Even though I love our 3am phone calls I wish you'd see this is not who you are not by a long shot
What do you think would happened if you got caught?
Why do you want to throw away all the battles you've fought?

One day during our 3am phone calls you won't be on cloud twenty two
Then I can tell you what I've always wanted to
All the things I've kept inside for the sober you
I love our 3am phone calls and I love you too
Dec 2017 · 231
Four Times
MelaninInked Dec 2017
Four times I waited
Four times you lied
Four times I you promised
Four times I tried
Four times the heart-ache
Four times
Four times
Four times
Dec 2017 · 336
This year,
MelaninInked Dec 2017
Before the clock struck midnight I cried,
I'm not sure what went through my mind but that's exactly what I did.
I sat at the corner of my room and shed enough tears to end the on going drought in my country. little did I know that it was a premonition of what lay ahead.

As time went by I realized that it was the year I loved the most, hurt the most, cared the most and learnt the most.
This year has taught me that as much as one falls, there can never be enough times to pick yourself up.

I hope 2018 brings better.
I just want one good year.
Apr 2017 · 375
Dear Politicians,
MelaninInked Apr 2017
To begin with, I would like to congratulate you for the effort you have put into your campaigns. I am no stranger to your good deeds. Project here, donations there. If I may say, your image is as spotless and your profile untainted. Everybody is beaming and worshiping at your feet. Feels amazing, does it not?

I was only a child when the post elections violence occurred but as I grew older, I came to understand the effects of it all. The blood shed, the inferno set off, the lives lost rendering most homeless, lonely and in pieces. Pieces that have not been put together for some since that time. One of the darkest years in our country. We all bear that scar no matter how small or large the effect was.

A few things I would like to air out before those who are old enough to go and vote. There is a large gap between the rich and the poor and those who stagger in between. When you are voted in, kindly ensure equality. At the end of the day, we all breathe the same air and walk on the same earth. We all cry when hurt and smile when happy. We all have blood running through our veins. So it beats all logic to have economic segregation. We all pay taxes and work to improve the economy of our country. We all deserve equal opportunities.

Secondly, corruption is a boldly highlighted topic in our country. Do not partake of it. It is sad that it has become second skin to us that we deem it normal. And we will be the first in line crying wolf and forget that it is our problem to solve. In my age, I am meant to be worrying about my national examinations not the counties status.

In addition, don't pocket money for yourselves. In my assumption what you have is enough. A mere citizen is depending on the little the government provides to grow and raise their family. A woman depends on the free education to build a future for her young ones, but how will that be possible if the peanut funds provided go straight into your bank accounts?

Looking in the perspective of teenagers or youth as a whole. You want us to take over from you. How is that possible if all we know it 'Politics is a ***** game' or 'politics is a no go zone' or 'If you want to go into politics, good luck(note the sarcasm)'. We are choked. Lack of job opportunities, lack of proper education. Is it not a red flag that most high school leavers are packing up and leaving? Is it not an issue that most youth are forming criminal gangs to stay afloat?

All the best. Please remember that there is more to your position that the beauty of proclaiming your superiority.

Yours faithfully,
A citizen of Kenya.

— The End —