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Kurt Kanawa May 2014
march on the dunes of sand
but don't look at the stars;
walk through the endless land
but never count the hours;

do not shout at the wind:
when you are slashed and shoved,
remember that you have sinned
and do not deserve to be loved;

do not go with a friend
because your pride demands it;
let solitude be your end
as you make your lonely transit;

through the blazing day,
through the chilling night,
follow the invisible way
under the invisible light;

your eyes will fade grey,
your legs will grow weak,
but you shall not stray
and you shall not speak;

and when you find yourself
right where you were before,
just sigh and pat yourself
and go on marching once more...
humans naturally walk in circles, probably because of left/right foot dominance.
Apr 2014 · 244
midnight means freedom
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
the stars run away with me
(better than none for company!)
we'll hitch a ride on the last train,
then belt our hearts out in the rain!
we will be as we will be,
we will be as we are free!
at some point in our lives, we all become runaways. (3/3)
Apr 2014 · 1.8k
the inquisition
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
spread my rips apart
like a treasure chest
circumsize my heart
and with water bless'd
baptize me to hell
{ never a heaven to sell }
"heretic!" (2/3)
Apr 2014 · 431
a portrait of me
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
i found myself
like an old photograph in the attic,
a portrait of me
trapped in time

i discovered the monochrome
light and shadow
that was born and remained
since the blinding white
of the camera flash

i studied my sepia eyes
and saw that, indeed
my eyes never lost
their luster
we are all born, some more times than others. (1/3)
Apr 2014 · 9.4k
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
tiny glowing squares
penetrate my retinas
and spike into my brain
quick-fix pleasure migraine
[a drug, almost]
six-inch screen turned shrine
temple television:
be my proxy
digital aura glow
comfort and sedate me:
tell me i'm beautiful
tell me i'm right
tell me you love me
tell me you'll never leave my side
it's tempting to think modern technology can replace the warmth of human love and compassion.  but it can't.
Apr 2014 · 3.6k
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
in the dead of night
i come alive.
the sun is my lover but the moon is my mistress.
Apr 2014 · 248
I have this fantasy.
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
I’m in bed, half-asleep with the morning rays seeping through the blue curtains, and I'm holding you in my arms, you who I truly love. We feel warm and touch skins, our legs intertwined, eyes locked to infinity,

And I’ll be thinking to myself. Thinking how I finally made it. How I built myself, my own masterpiece, from the ground-up. How I grew, through the rough weather and poor soil, grew higher than anyone ever imagined – my leaves and petals reaching up to the sky, embracing the sweet, cool rain falling and baptizing me into a new life. And I'd feel truly, fully alive.

And I’d wonder just how lucky I am to have met someone like you who understands me and who I want to understand: I’d be the last actor to leave the stage, and I’d go down to meet you, my audience of one, and we’d remove our masks and see our true selves and we'd talk and fall in love until all the stars die and the cold takes us. And even in the dark, we'd know the other was there. And we’d be the only ones who knew each of our little secrets, and we’d hide them in our secret places: hidden between the wrinkles of our brains, behind our ears, sealed in the spaces between our fingers, and woven into the seams of our palms and knees.

And when our time has finally come, I’d let my ashes mix with yours, so not even death could separate my heart from yours. And we’d fly into a capsule rocket to the moon, and we’d circle the earth and see the stars until everything else has turned to ash.

And I'd slowly get up and make us breakfast – some eggs and coffee, just the way you like it – and I’d hear a precious murmur behind me, whispering, unexpectedly, with a smile:

*I love you.
in an alternate universe, i know this has already happened.
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
this silence is evil. my demons don’t scratch, ****, or tempt. they place a sickly old finger to my lips with one hand and clutch my throat with the other, draining my face blue.

i suffocate in silence.

my voice, once big, is shrinking to a whimper. barely anyone hears me – barely anyone knows i'm here. i'm just someone to sit with, someone with a history, someone to feel sorry for for a few seconds, someone who'll shut up and listen to them talk about themselves all day, someone you brush off in a few words, someone not worth your breath.

and the worst part is, you don’t know me. no one does. and all my candles slowly die, one by one. darkness consuming the light, wretched invisible eyes smiling at me from the abyss.

and nobody cares. nobody listens. nobody asks why.

i'm terrified to the bone. i'm turning into someone i don’t want to. this cancer is eating me up, and it will eat until there is nothing left but empty thoughts and crushing regret. this pent-up anger, this introverted angst, not to others but to myself – i just wanna break something. rip it to pieces, burn it and throw it in a lake. punch it until my fist draws blood – until my fist becomes my ****** heart and my ****** heart becomes my ****** fist.

i am holden caulfield, but i don’t want to be.
who will catch me in the rye?
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
if i'm rambling because nowadays i find myself thinking the same thoughts over and over – like clockwork that strikes at the midnights of my loneliness – but then they, my thoughts, never really materialize or transcend the barriers of my mind amidst the almost infinite space of opportunity before me, this unnerving vast reservoir of potential that surrounds me like an ocean does an island, like an ocean does a drifting plastic bag – though it may be important to add that salt water cannot be drunk, unless i find madness and thirst to be my choice of sweet self-destruction; but i, as a creature of this world, despite lacking fins or gills, know that salt water can be crossed, perhaps by a ship of my own design: wooden oars and planks, compass and sextant, my eyes on the guiding stars, my hope on the rising dawn.
a continuous sentence.
Apr 2014 · 283
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
i don't understand it
but i know, i feel
it's beautiful
like a foreign language
where the words dance in your ears
and jive to the music
then at night sneak off to bed
and make love
like how the sun
makes love to the moon
at every eclipse
which never fail to remind me
of the eclipses in your eyes,
twin spheres that brighten under their lids
on those rare, glorious perchance
when you see something
you don't understand
but know
but feel that
it's beautiful
Apr 2014 · 217
3:25 AM.
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
you find yourself alone
slumped in the corner
your knees to your chest
curtains drawn so not even the dawn can ask you how you're doing

all these years, you've swallowed the tears
as if they were bitter pills that would banish your fears
one more beer, one more hour
three hundred minutes thinking in the shower
your heart racing at the thought that this will all be over

you find yourself in bed
not asleep but drifting in the middle
every word you know becomes a riddle
every motion feels like a chore
drowning in an ocean without a shore

you lie there to your side
nothing to keep
but everything to hide

the silence
is deafening
and you never do get used to it
and you find yourself
talking with the dog
because the dog won't leave your side

and you don't dare look in the mirror
because the mirror would only look back
your only solace is but the cold and black
of sleep
you don't want any dreams
you don't want to weep
you just want the darkness
all day
and only the darkness
you keep
Apr 2014 · 779
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
I was a blind man, foreigner to light,
Whose days were draped in black, immortal night;
Trapped helplessly alone in the dark void,
Dull as Death, I never lived, never joyed.

But then your soft, enchanting voice I heard,
And Color quickly blossomed from your word,
Painting roses red and deep oceans blue:
Clear as pure air, I see because of you.

And upon seeing your bright, hazel eyes,
Streaks of vivid color burst from the skies,
Flaring fuchsia, emerald, indigo:
Swift as wind, I entered sweet vertigo.

As we met, the colors grew more intense;
Light swelled in my heart: a crystalline lens.
Gone am I from the dark void I once knew;
Know that I live, I see to witness you.
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
underneath the blue ocean,
deep in god's eternal gaze,
inside a woman's emotion,
wandering the evergreen maze,

between a bird's beak and feather,
behind the ancient cellar door,
through seams of velvet and leather,
swimming the seas of salvador,

in the taste of honey sweet,
across the valleys of a face,
on the bottom of a lady's feet,
dancing on the clouds with grace,

beautiful worlds in beautiful words,
my true heart's pleasure,
beautiful worlds in beautiful words,
my true mind's treasure.
using all the words i think sound nice.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
Dear Lord, I am here on my knees, crying,
For I have strayed and my faith is dying;
Holy Shepard, guide me back to God's route;
Make me pure and cleanse me as I cry out:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Lord, I undress my sinful soul to you;
I bare it all, everything's in your view;
And I feel your merciful eyes on me,
I get closer to you and say with glee:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Dear Lord, I can feel your holy presence;
In your embrace, I can taste your essense;
I can feel your passion, your fire, your heat;
And on this night I joyfully repeat:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Lord, I worship your body and kiss your feet;
Our hearts come together and share one beat;
You opened me and entered me with love,
And to this blessed act I shout up above:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Dear Lord, you cleanse me and ****** out my sin!
You penetrate my soul and place God in!
You reach to the darkest regions of me,
And instill the comfort of Christianity:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Lord, you erase all my mistakes and woes;
I can feel your power from my head to toes;
Like a white horse, you are pure and perfect;
As you work your miracle, I loudly inject:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Dear Lord, you release me from damnation,
And pour on me your holy salvation,
And I am again innocent and gay;
And as you depart, I thank you and say:
           Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
if there's a hell, i'd be in it.

Apr 2014 · 511
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
the sun shot with an arrow, bleeds out
blotting the sky with red

running up the blood-stained stairs
hairs raising, hell-raising
your feet racing
a stampede, a cacophony of undead
crazing, blazing
groans groping your tail
fire-breathing zombies

a glitch in the matrix
déjà vu

me behind you
in a floor of mutants
high up in the tower
they overun, overpower
i'm hit, bit
i die on the ground
and watch you crash into the glass
and freefall
explosions on your back
supernova attack
you, a reverse icarus,
the sun on your back
falling, a comet,
destination certain,
curtain of darkness

a dream within a dream
gigantic war machines on the horizon
indigo sky, devil angels cry
it's the end of the world

awakening, i see
ancient swampland ruin
trudging through the green river
i see kids skipping on stones
and they lead me to a fountain of bones
and a black horse in its reflection

i see you behind the doric column
i reach out and call your name
but you walk right through me

and so i weep in the fountain
and from the blackened waters
i find an arrow
which i place in my bow
to bleed out the sun
i hope dreams don't mean anything, because i know exactly what they're telling me.
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
who let the dogs out
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
the moment you unlocked
your bra straps
was the moment you unleashed
the hounds of hell
rabid, savage,
salivating through their teeth
roaring, moaning
for you
50 shades of jesse.
Apr 2014 · 534
blink (10w)
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
for a millisecond,
where they see nothing,
i see *infinity
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
will i be noticed
like a single note removed
from the melody of a song?

or will i be faceless
like a single blade of grass
in god's backyard lawn?

will i be missed
like a missing tooth?

or will i be forgotten
like a plaything from youth?

only time will tell.
memento mori.
Apr 2014 · 653
the afterlove
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
now that i'm floating away
from the one i love
i find it harder to breathe
from up above

now my honey
tastes like diluted tea
and my *******
barely tingle me

now my heart
rarely thumps or skips
and i feel nothing
on these lonely lips

now my blue roses
are fading to white
and my sunrise eyes
are dying with the night

now that you're gone
i can't
i won't say a thing
i want
i need you back
and all the life
that you bring
Apr 2014 · 841
you call her poetry, poetry
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
you tell her
her eyes
are deep, reflective pools,
mesmerizing, you say

you compare her
to an angel,
and you call her the sun
which outshines all the other stars

you say
she is the sea
she is the sky
the stars, the moon,
and a million other things

you call her poetry, poetry

and she will love you for it
unbeknownst to her
that your words are not your own
but the words of every poet
who has ever loved
just sick of clichés.
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
this bed feels so cold
with only
one body

this body feels so old
with only
one heart

this heart feels sick,
so ill
with emptiness
and regret

a thousand thoughts
falling like
shards of glass,

falling in a place
where time
does not pass,

how long
does it take a man
to die of loneliness?

to die of longing
to be truly loved
even just once

even if it be
just for a second
or two,

just to hold on
to something
and true,

to hold on
to a heart
other than
my own,

to melt a heart
made of
and stone.

how long
does it take a man
to die of loneliness?

a lifetime,
it seems.
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
jokes, no limits
everybody needs to laugh, to dream
so let's rush and get away
spend the weekend with vampires
extroverts not needed

just need a friend to get by
(or i'd probably go insane)
read, write, listen with me
don't think i don't care about you:
of all the somethings and someones,
nothing compares to this, to you
first letter of each line spells the name.
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
my heart sleeps on a bed of fur
on bodies that snuggle up and purr
the warmth of your leg touching mine
i'm not drunk but i'm blushing wine

and i can hear the red parade
that marching drummer brigade
their warm beat showers and soars
drumming from my chest to yours

and i close my eyes
and see
              a million fireflies
like a million twinkling stars
like a million blinking cars
   little lanterns that decorate the air
like christmas morning

i lay there with you
and enjoy the view in front of us
and i smile
when you tell me
that you see them too
Apr 2014 · 12.3k
Morning Glory
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
Wilderness their sight, her brown eyes contain the bright
Universe -- she is a graceful phoenix in flight;
Golems of the golden earth bow to this fire bird;
Two fiery wings spread -- she is the light of the world,
Prometheus's daughter, vanquisher of night:
Withered grass resurrect and bloom do flowers burned
Meaning rejoice! she comes with the warm dawn returned!
BONUS: read the first syllable of each line. Would you?
Apr 2014 · 707
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
he sits in the corner
of his deserted mind
where not even he
wants to keep
himself company.
the smell of
broken dreams
pang the air.
he feels tired.
he feels wasted.
but most of all
he feels

                                                            ­           alone.

and all he wanted
was a sign
from someone
from anyone
just to know
that he wasn't
the only one
who felt this way.
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
when i run
i imagine an airport
and you at the opposite end with open arms
and me running towards you
longing for your embrace

when i squat
i imagine a burning house
a heavy wooden column on my shoulders
and you between my legs
your life being mine to save

when i do pull-ups
i imagine a steep cliff
and your face meeting mine
drawing closer, closer, closer
at my every ascent

when i deadlift
i imagine you trapped
underneath the belly of a car
with you looking for me to lift the trunk
and allow space for your escape

when i bench press
i imagine myself (this time) trapped
underneath the belly of a car
with me pushing the car above
to be able to return to your company

when i do curls
i imagine you a mile away
a rope attached to your hips
and with each tug i repeat
you grow closer by a couple of feet

when i shoulder press**
i imagine a promise of a good shoulder rub
courtesy of your hands
once i squeeze out those

and when my spirit is spent
and exhaustion takes over imagination,
i shall revel in the endorphins pulsating through my veins
and pay gratitude
to my iron muse,
my unseen lover.
Though, admittedly, you can be a distraction sometimes.
Apr 2014 · 836
curiouser and curiouser
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
i fall into you, backwards,
spinning like a pulsar
in a spiral of ecstasy

i fall into you, my black hole,
and i feel light years tall:
a galactic river of emotion

your gravity pulls me to your mouth
and escape becomes impossible
but it doesn't matter:
escape was never my intention
Down the rabbit hole...of space.
Apr 2014 · 955
fag, they called him
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
he reads the bible
over and over again
to see if god
still loves him

as if he chose to be this way
as if he chose to be exiled
and shamed and crucified
for a thing they call sin

and he hides in bathrooms
and eats lunch alone
he lives in a house
but never feels at home

he reads the bible
over and over again
to see if god
still loves him
It gets better.
Apr 2014 · 1.6k
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
i have
a birthmark
shaped like
a cloud
but then again
  is shaped
     like a
My actual birthmark on my left forearm is exactly in the shape of the poem.
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
To Zeus (Salmoneus' Folly)
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
Your eyes are lightning—
piercing, penetrating—
with a gaze,
You turn me,
a mere mortal,
into stone.
Your presence is—

Your hair is brazen,
Your skin is gold.
Your body sacred oak.
the grace of a swan,
the heart of a lion,
the eyes of an eagle,
the mind of God—
is all Yours.

the sun has half Your warmth,
the sky a quarter of Your greatness,
and the stars an eighth of Your brilliance.

a huff of Your breath
could blow all the birds from the sky.
a flick of Your finger
could crush all the earth's mountains.
a crack of Your voice—
like thunder—
could make all men fall to their knees.

the world gravitates on Your inhalation
and shies away on Your exhale.
all of nature sings of Your glory,
for around You,
everything revolves.

on my chariot
riding on a bridge of brass,
torches in the air—
in imitation of Your celestial glory—
i wonder
if there be a place for me
on mount olympus—
by Your side.
i) the french call it 'la douleur exquise': the heart-wrenching pain of wanting someone you can never have.

Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
**** me, ***** beasts!
Ravage my mountains
And drain them
—a million mosquitoes on my skin;

Burn me, wooden hearts!
Watch me as I am consumed
By toxic fire
—a million ashes in my eyes;

Choke me, my children!
Rob me of the air of my lungs
With your stranglehold
—a million claws on my neck;

And when you are done
And tired from your *******
I shall cover you in the darkness of your making
And you—
Like a forgotten dream
—shall perish.
Apr 2014 · 8.2k
Kurt Kanawa Apr 2014
I. the apparition

i don't fear death,
i fear never being born;
i fear not my last breath,
but all the breaths in between;
how do i know i'm alive?

II. the left foot

for what purpose is the sun without its light?
for what use are eyes without their sight?
for what good is a left foot without the right?
and for what joy is a string without its kite?
will i ever be complete?

III. father

as branches grow to the shape of their roots,
as vermillion bloodies every spring with a drop:
could i escape original sin?
could i become a better man--
could i become my own man?

IV. aneurysm

would lightning dare blaze up a tree
that has yet to bear fruit?
would the gods dare strike down an artist
with a painting unfinished?
fate is neither cruel nor fair.

— The End —