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Dec 2017 · 598
JG Fletcher Dec 2017
It's been a while
Since I saw you last
I have so many things
That I want to say
First, how pathetic I think
It was that you tried to
Find a replacement me
Who's not as good looking
Charming or even as good in bed
He won't make you as happy as I did nor will it last
I know you still love me
So much in fact that you talk about me
In front of him so much
He's probably getting sick of it
Before long he won't be able to handle you and your perpetual sadness
You'll end things, realizing you made a mistake, and missed your chance at true happiness, and soon after
You'll contact me
"Baby, I want us back together"
And I'll whisper "no"
That person that I thought was the love of my life wasn't. I'm the happiest I've ever been.
May 2017 · 763
JG Fletcher May 2017
Has it been this long
I feel like I'm rusty
Out of practice
Out of shape

It's time to get back into
The thick of things
To return to the limelight
I hope I succeed
Written on a peaceful late May morning, next to my sleeping beauty.
Mar 2017 · 579
How Come?
JG Fletcher Mar 2017
Why is it
That creatives like us
Gain popularity
A following, so to speak,
By churning out love poems
Lines of our past, often failed
Relationships and semi hookups

I know I am guilty of this
You caught me red-handed
But I'm inquiring because
Sometimes, the best food for thought
Is found in poems, not about love
But about failure, success, pity
Growth, maturity, lack there of

Maybe, indulge me
Maybe the best pieces of work
Are outside the realm of human intimacy
Written at a Starbucks while sitting outside, after crafting some weird abstract poem to paper.
Nov 2016 · 898
JG Fletcher Nov 2016
I went to their bed
To lay my weary head down
Only to hold doubt
Haiku, written on a brisk November morning
Nov 2016 · 747
Fresh Air
JG Fletcher Nov 2016
****, I did not get good sleep last night
Actually, I hardly even slept
Days have been stressful
Seconds have become burdens
Tasks I once anticipated with glee
Dissipated into mundane labor
I'm not going out as much
Life has become a bit more difficult

5 years ago I did not foresee
That this is where my road led me
I spent a lot of sleepness nights
Dreading my past failures
My missed opportunities
How did it come to this?
Why has my demorilization superceded
The calmed demeanor and self esteem
I had once possessed

I feel like I've been living life without
Consequence and lack the responsibility
To turn things on the wayside
Furthering my progression to return
To that road of calmed demeanor,
Rational thinking and love
The love I once had for myself

I need some fresh air
Written on a November evening. A moment of self reflection, clarity and revitalization.
Jun 2016 · 731
La cama
JG Fletcher Jun 2016
A bed is where we lay
Pondering on the separation
And miles we would be apart

A cabin to ourselves
Tending to goats and chickens
Our body temperatures mixing
It won't happen this year

I had too many ties down here
Your family awaited you up north
You'll be returning soon

But that time to ourselves
And the responsibilities of mundane living
Hikes set with foresty fields
Golden glows, meters above sea level
Will not come to fruition this year

It's only been a day
And today I choked up
On the drive back home
You choked up on your way north

I'm decent at letters but this will do.
Te amo, amore
Written during a period of geological separation.
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
JG Fletcher Dec 2015
So much for being friends.
I really thought our history
Could make us see
Through our differences.
But in the end
Discourse was too severe
Written in the strife ridden time that comes with trying to fixed strained friendships.
Nov 2015 · 813
JG Fletcher Nov 2015
I really don't understand
Why people think they
Have me figured out
Sure, I'm well mannered
Respectful and giving
My natural introversion
Proceeds me at times
But believe when I say
There's more to me
Then what you see
At face value
I'm layered
And I only open up
To a select few
The worst part is
I haven't opened up to you
I uphold my shy demeanor
But in due time
I won't hold back
And my actions
Will turn admirable
Written on a night when the moon glows yellow in the riptide
Nov 2015 · 765
JG Fletcher Nov 2015
I thought I knew you
I thought I knew us
Our dynamics
Our interplay
The trust we bulit
A rapport we shared
That unspoken understanding

Our guards were up
We feared letting each other in
Our sullen hearts and tired eyes
Could not fathom affection
I may not be ready
And, suffice to say, it's mutual
But this is me letting go
Of my untimely inhibitions
Written out of respect, and the mutual understanding of weariness
Sep 2015 · 483
JG Fletcher Sep 2015
I've changed for the better
That chapter I penned
The year previous
Reached it's conclusion
Suffice to say

That book
A novel, rather
Called Life
I haven't finished it

There are stories yet to be told
For now, this will do
Written in mere increments, while watching some Netflix
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
JG Fletcher Sep 2015
Sometimes I feel lost
Like I'm aiming the dark
And I seldom succeed
In my progression.
But these woes I face
Are just another part
of everyday life
Maybe the only way forward
Is from within
Written several days previous
Sep 2015 · 463
JG Fletcher Sep 2015
Pure bliss is a bottle
of the finest drink,

The beach
on cool September night

Soothing Brasilian jazz
and you, of course
Written on a September evening, after a long hiatus
Aug 2015 · 859
The Chase
JG Fletcher Aug 2015
You've put me to the test
I've aced every single one
I proved my worth
So let's not lollygag
Enough of the charades
Written on a August morning. Sometimes the Chase is fun. Sometimes it isn't
Aug 2015 · 959
JG Fletcher Aug 2015
It came as a discovery, really
I've only started to realize
That coincidences, though they exist
Are not common occurrences
Everything that led up to now
Happened for a reason
As much as I'd like to
Dismiss it as a coincidence
I can't bring myself to
Each day is full of surprises
And that's what excites me the most
Written on my stay in the beautiful city of Nuevo Vallarta
Aug 2015 · 561
JG Fletcher Aug 2015

Written at a dinette, awaiting my flight at LAX
Aug 2015 · 421
A Leisure Night
JG Fletcher Aug 2015
I want someone to lay down with
One I could have a
Unintelligible conversation with
Yet keep her entertained
That's the kind of thing I'd cherish
Written on a night where reminiscing is all I could do
Jul 2015 · 554
JG Fletcher Jul 2015
It's only during the times
We are close do I feel
I can boast about
How I do not fear
About today or tomorrow
Because on each new morning
There's something to
Look forward to
And fulfill
And I've always had that
In myself, yet I didn't know it
All it took was
Your kind words and company
For me to show it
A poem I wrote last year in the fall of 2014
Jul 2015 · 876
JG Fletcher Jul 2015
Is difficult to come by
These days
It seems trends
Take prevalence
Over genuine creativity
Replicating what's in
And it's shameful
All that's needed
Is the thrill
Of discovery
Taking risks
What's needed
Is originality
Written on a gloomy July morning
Jul 2015 · 681
Jul 2015 · 624
JG Fletcher Jul 2015
It's quite beautiful, really
How much can transpire
In one single day
And how lovely is it
That with each new dawn
Comes new mornings
New oppurtunites
And the thrill of inspiration
Written on this fine first of the month
Jun 2015 · 811
Outra Vez
JG Fletcher Jun 2015
Here we are again
At the same restaurant
Listening to the same bossa nova tune
Our feet are tapping
This setting is too familiar
"Let's leave this place"
And you agree, wholeheartedly
*"Yes, darling. Let's make new adventures"
Written on a fine Monday morning while listening to Bossa Nova.
Jun 2015 · 800
JG Fletcher Jun 2015
It's strange
When you first start
Talking to someone
The interest is there
Attraction is ever present
Yet, you aren't looking
For a relationship
Just companionship
It may blossom
Into something more
But for now
Simplicity is key
It's all you need
Written on a scrap of paper and a pen while I was at work.
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Jun 2015 · 964
Jun 2015 · 748
Jun 2015 · 339
JG Fletcher Jun 2015

Edited by a fellow poet
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Carry That Weight
JG Fletcher Jun 2015
The burdens I've once held dear
Carry much weight
And now it seems impossible
At least for me to relinquish them from my grasp
But that cannot be the case
Faults and mishaps have been committed
Trials, obstacles, needless competitions
And I shall look back
To acknowledge that circumstances
No matter how big or small
Are as treacherous as they seem
Because, you see, it's the little things
That carry us through the day
And shield us through taxing times and perilous dismay
Jun 2015 · 920
Internal Strife
JG Fletcher Jun 2015
A spectrum
of colors
Perceived as emotions
Persist primarily

Entirely awestruck
Woven into
Lacking sustenance

All follow suit

Exchanges are terse
Privacy is nonexistent
And it leaves one to wonder
"Am I alright?"
"Is this all over?"
Jun 2015 · 3.4k
JG Fletcher Jun 2015
So at that very moment
That very instance
Time was enclosed
Produced on film
Black and white
From an antique rolleiflex

Obsolete in nature
Yet, oddly charming
And on that very parchment
Time was encapsulated
Stored for reminiscing

This picture is not worth
        a       thousand      words
Only a simple phrase
             that  summed    up
    fractions of a second
Time was frozen
To a terrific photograph
From an antique rolleiflex

— The End —