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129 · Nov 2021
Colm Nov 2021
I look for you in the words of others
I wonder where you've gone, yet know
128 · Mar 2018
An Outburst of Truth
Colm Mar 2018
You know, the easiest part of saying or reading someone else's words, is that you get to walk away from them at the end of the day.
No ownership because they're not yours.
128 · Apr 2019
Ocean Floor
Colm Apr 2019
Though the full weight of the oceans breast
Should crash down upon me
To crush my bones and burst my chest
I will not forsake the name sound of my God
I will not
Name sound
128 · May 2022
Flowing from to from
Colm May 2022
I drift from hopeful skys above, into the honest truth of my hubris below. As easily as, and as flowing as, a river flaked with this northern snow. How slowly I go, so as not to freeze. Yet I fall past Fall irrevocably, I, cannot stay - let alone forever in this clouded sky. And so, back to my own groundings I go. Adrift from my home and hopeful highs above, into the valleys I've know best, below.
How feelings feel and rise and fall, indefinitely.
128 · May 2021
Colm May 2021
We see the results
Not of what we want
But of what we do

In the quiet hour when instead of reassurance
Our heart wants pizza
And we are in need of all things renewed
128 · Nov 2021
For Her Beside
Colm Nov 2021
A yawn is not that
But an invitation to,
With sleepy eyes, wish
K8 Haikus
Colm Jul 2021
Sleep is to unlife
More than being is for some
Merely escapeism
127 · Nov 2021
Dehydrated Me
Colm Nov 2021
Words can only start
To quench such a rampant thirst
For these thoughts of yours
K8 Haikus
Colm Feb 2020
The beauty of here
Is not me
Or that you can see
With the exactitude of what is
No, the beauty of here is you
And that you're willing to look at all
At this reflective, moonlit, sea
Thanks readers. (:

(for HePo)
127 · Jan 2021
A home lost, a home found
Colm Jan 2021
I lost my heart
And haven't found a care
I built my arms up - to carry us
(And can't)
I found out how I would fair

This world, this wind
This rounding of homes
Knows nothing of the me now
(I've been)
The boy you used to know

Having built myself around you - now
I know where I have been
127 · Oct 2021
October Time
Colm Oct 2021
Letting the years pass by
Is not a matter of choice
But a matter of being
Be it conscious or unconsciously
But equally, we are all undone
Oct Headache 6
Colm Feb 2021
Truth without arrogance
Flattery without flaunting mind
Seeing your turned back I keep coming back to
Just as those truer lost words you will probably never find

In such an unburdening lost
Round yourself within another binding tie
And be free of the circling expectative ring
As this just ine memory molded makes my clay heart sing

And so
I ask you this nothing now
Can we just skip the second awkward remembrance and
Can I just go ahead and buy you a cup of coffee or something
126 · Dec 2019
Patience, Family
Colm Dec 2019
With growing mask
And similar shadows
A quick response
To light, to shrink
Instead remain
Both steady and calm
With outstretched hands
And don't forget
That always with each end
Comes ending ways
And that these present days
Are such moments but a single blink
Be patient with your family. Speak consciously. You won't always have them.
125 · Nov 2021
only today
Colm Nov 2021
tomorrow, Lord knows what I may become
but today I am all vibrance and fur
all electric fuzz and fire and fountains
stroke daringly, me, and see for yourself
the life
Fifteen Feelings. This one is very masculine.
125 · Nov 2022
Colm Nov 2022
The spiderwebbed shadows reach
Out like friendly hands
From the feet of trees known only to me
On both this way and in this moment
They grasp at feet belonging to us
And thoughts owned more by me

Colm Jan 2020
I touch but do not feel
I see seeing only mind
I know until I know no more
I grasp but hold no time complete
The seeing, touching, knowing kind
Of better still
Is not my best sense, but it is mine
Side effects of repressed Se. What It's Like To Forget Sense.
125 · Feb 2019
Cold Armor
Colm Feb 2019
Some days the lance hits home
And your chest is punched through your armor
Vibrating your heart until it's up against the cold
Sometimes when you've offered yourself to be struck
You are just that
Mere fragments of yourself within a suit of armor cold
Quietly cracked, yes
124 · Feb 2021
A runner without garden
Colm Feb 2021
A world of responsibilities
Around a round
And all I want to do it run
To the end of the lane unending and long

No excuse is youth
I've grown
124 · Oct 2021
October Day
Colm Oct 2021
Make all 20,000
breaths you take
Today be the best
you could ever be

For tomorrow is left
yesterday is death
and righr now
you are where you're meant to be
Oct Headache 12
124 · Oct 2022
God above
Colm Oct 2022
I will not worship
Those visions which claim
To be higher than God
And deliver far less
Then such a noble sacrifice actually did

No sight or promise if feeling compares
To he the am that it
All else
124 · Jan 2021
How I See You Seeing Me
Colm Jan 2021
In seeing this, like warming soup
your look alone brings a boil to my simmer
a slyness to my smiling scarf

And in just a second there I am
brought back to the height
of the days born youth known as soon

And when I walk in tall, and styled, and true
in that moment, yes, I see
that the walking is both for me and you

It's both - For me and you
123 · Nov 2022
Windy Feels
Colm Nov 2022
A human feeling
When left alone
Has no more significance
Than a breeze unseen
Than a wood no longer at ease

But how a human being can howl
And whip round a small meadow of community
When they are displeased
And feeling ever powerless in their small being

What an unseen sight indeed
By their own feelings trapped
If they'd just set themselves free

It is sad
To not see

123 · Jun 2019
How To Focus
Colm Jun 2019
See the eye of a flying dragonfly, hovering as you back away
Dry your feet on the side of the bank and wait
As you look up past the trees to see, if the breeze was visible that day
Find a cloud in the sky that is not too high and then brush it all away
How To Focus
123 · Oct 2018
Colm Oct 2018
Crack this walnut chest and cash
The meat of center
The core of homegrown soul
Or let fall beside the parental tree
To roll and go and be buried and grow
Into a walnut cash of its own
Colm Feb 2021
I know where your heartbeat beats
Where ounces of breath meet silken skin
And tattered skyscrapers point freckles free
The mounds and valleys, where crevasses meet
There is also, where a fog to be found. there
An ocean to swell and boardwalk fingers walking underneath
Like sands and stars and many pines to be
And thunder rolling ever on, warding the open plains outward
It's with confidence I tap on the door of hope
Until a knock is seen
Having always been beneath your fair chest
And I know where, because you're me
About the lovers heart, both metaphorical and physical. Yup.
123 · Nov 2019
The Wait
Colm Nov 2019
No matter how much I change
Remain the same
See myself or lose sight
Try and fail
Fly by the seat of my words
Or not cry

No matter where I am
Or how much time I spend
In the vastness of mind
Or quietness of sleep

No noise contends
New sound remains
Or feeling fails to fall from the night sky

No matter who, or alone, or with, or why
Regardless of meaning or resolving on time

No indescribable thing reveals itself
When I'm ready, when I'm waiting, when I'm wanting to find
The wait
122 · Jan 2022
A Colm In The World
Colm Jan 2022
The balance between quiet and community
The calming free and the crunch of expectant others, ew
How to wish and wish
That I would not be
Bound by such constraints
As myself and me
(So often imposed)

Newry Set . 3
Colm May 2020
Do you ever find yourself
(when beneath canvasing trees)
Standing alone in the singular comforting heat
Of the of the only illuminant rays to find
Their way through the clouds of leafy green?

Do you? I did
And it felt so immaculate to be
Warm and alone in the wooded wilds
Where I was free
122 · Jan 2020
Why Shinkai
Colm Jan 2020
Shinkai understands light and reflective shadow. The flow of nature, pacing, and time. Capturing distances close, with quiet thoughts aloud, while voicing the humble machinations of the hopeful mind. He applies miles of perspective with both rigid and applicable standards, as well as a **** good ability to create the sublime. He is creator and visionary director in detail. And I admire and aspire all such of his kind. That's why.
A Reflective
121 · Oct 2022
Just so you know
Colm Oct 2022
I'm not a suitor
I am gray skies and bright suns
From flying days past

That is all, a Haiku
SJ - lol
121 · Oct 2022
A name by you
Colm Oct 2022
Call me something new
Don't call me anything that
was reserved for they
For my wish is not to be
but to forever have been
Call me it
121 · Oct 2022
A Shared Cup
Colm Oct 2022
This feeling isn't my own perhaps
But imparted to me in part by you
The way the words just wouldn't last
The foiled hours which ran me through

I walked and spoke
You sat and sang
To each our own in tune and life

And yet the feeling permeates
And makes me sip another drip

To share like that another life
121 · Sep 2020
jacaranda blossoms
Colm Sep 2020
Never stop
Or in questioning fail
To bloom regardless of allergic beings

Were you ever meant to stay
Forever in the shade
Of the nearby houses and skyward trees

Always and intently
You were ever meant to be
Blossoms floating down a Mississippi stream

Just to join in the open discourse
Of the most willing and most begotten
Lifelong love at sea

So be
And never stop being

"We wait for the rain, and the promise remains"
Colm Aug 2021
Where skylines bend
And sunglow lights
Our pyre bed on which we live
Such combustive talks
And opinions which once were given
Give way to sleep, to rest, to need
And to an understanding so carved, so dutifully deep
That even skylines cannot touch or reach our valleys found
Where we are have been
In growing roots deep
Visions and lights (8)
120 · Jun 2018
Colm Jun 2018
     To hope for you less
     To pray for you more
     To take your name off the page that hangs
     Politely behind my former door
Aspiring is the word once more
Talking sweet to the queen -- Wishing I was riding with the jacks
Walking proud and lonesome now -- Oh I'm yearning for the pack
But I'd never say "I love you, " dear -- Just to hear you say it back
120 · Apr 2020
Inevitable Sun (A Tanka)
Colm Apr 2020
Streaming sunlight calls
New beginnings like a day
With existence old
And remembered fondly found
The familiar ways return
Some things you can just feel, as inevitable as the daylight unfolding. It happens, and you knew it would.
Colm Feb 2021
This tall tower
Skyscraping master of one
Has a name and internal beams of rust
And to see within at the embrace of time is to trust
119 · Jul 2020
Pretenders Fall
Colm Jul 2020
I pretend to know
How the universe and its infinite rivers
flow like dandelion fields alive
When really the only thing which bursts in me
is unknowing and being
in this reactive fall
And as the earth approaches fast below
I ask it why
And plead to fly
For myself no less to all
You make it up as you go. Everyone does, or at least is envious of those who do.
119 · Sep 2021
Oddly Tough
Colm Sep 2021
This neverending battle never fails to fight it's way through every Sunday, every smile, every sickness, and every catered ad.

It goes on and on like the nothing long, and the day which ends only to begin again.

I am haunted by windows.
TOD set
Colm Feb 2020
My old heart roams around with you
Cut out of schedules
Grown out of loafers
Like the gifts once found
Beneath the pleasant tree we once shared
In one
I am all of memory
And once yours
No more
And she can have it. (: (:
118 · Mar 2020
No Human Drink Eternal
Colm Mar 2020
At the bottom of every cup
Their is either
Acceptance or ignorance
Loss or desire
For more or less knowing
There is thirst in every human throat
For the drink of mind which will return
For some a nothing ounce
For others all which the senses can possibly remeber and inspire
With fire, and water, and heart to beat
No drink lasts by drink
Or by slow plastic perspire
No Human Drink Eternal
118 · May 2019
Through Leaves
Colm May 2019
You are my view through youthful trees
A glimpse through out of focus leaves
Slightly akilter yet without runoff
You make me want to paint anew
With paint for you
As if I had once been sought
Not all that I write is about me. Thank God lol
117 · Dec 2020
Never Aware (of self)
Colm Dec 2020
Does the ocean know where its own heart is?
Or the sand their numbers?
Or the rain its downfall?
No, not at all
It doesn't think of such things at all
117 · Nov 2022
Settle me like rain
Colm Nov 2022
Rain knows how to sit so still
Once fallen from grace and gracious sky alike

Yet I
The man who can never stand
To sit for more than a minute still
Or to contain his mind for more than a second alive

Could learn quite a bit from this rain of yours
Not the least of which that it was never mine

How I watch you fall and settle still
Just to listen until I smile wide

And then at last we are at an end
A settling of some mysterous kind
117 · Mar 2021
A grain of nothing
Colm Mar 2021
Opinions are like grains of sand
they're going to exist
regardless of if you're at the beach or not
117 · Jan 2021
Colm Jan 2021
I'm trying
To corral this herd of nothing
Into something orderly
With hint of white and spotted stain

I'm trying
117 · Jun 2022
Sensory Overload
Colm Jun 2022
With noise abound
Joy all around
I can feel the springs of my legs wind up
And yearn to give out

Propel me into this future alone

I **** at saying goodbye everytime
1Sight . First Verse
116 · Apr 2022
As It Is
Colm Apr 2022
Dont waste a moment
A precious breath
On a dream which long since
Stopped breathing

You are not dead
Colm Jan 2021
This morning I
To a field of snow
Falling slowly as the sunset
More radiantly than the dawn
And I
In the seeing all of this
With the sleep still in my eyes
That I was free
And that the snow born wisps
Which hold no name
Were also me
116 · Aug 2021
Colm Aug 2021
Humans look at books and see
A thousand opportunities
Pages to turn and how they could be seen
By the other eyes
Visions and lights (9)
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