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116 · Apr 2022
As It Is
Colm Apr 2022
Dont waste a moment
A precious breath
On a dream which long since
Stopped breathing

You are not dead
115 · Sep 2022
A Taste
Colm Sep 2022
Noone wants filet minion
And if they do they don't have it

Envy is an occasional thing
Whereas the truth is much more real
And substantial
The set about creations . 5
Colm Jun 2020
Thinking isn't believing
Just as jumping isn't wings revealing
And stars falling is just burning
Unlike the belief of atmosphere
Which prefaces thoughts and is forever turning
115 · Dec 2021
She / He / Addiction
Colm Dec 2021
One of the most dangerous universes you can look into, get lost within, and lose yourself to... someone else.
Not that I lack self awareness, or self control, or any of that. It's just to say that some people can become an addiction to others.

When really, we're all just people. None of us are worth worshipping.
Colm Dec 2020
A fire never burns
Nearly as bright as when it's
First memory's lit
Meaning - Your youthful passion will always be memorable, because it was first and foremost YOURS. Your youth.
115 · Mar 2021
Colm Mar 2021
No oak ever boasted
Or skyline screamed its might
From such moonlit heights as these
Where the sun cannot warm the cold air of truth
Or the perspective can even hear such small falling words flee

We all grow in the sky of our own
Colm Jul 2021
I once spoke freely with a joyous ease
A rippling sound which resembled wind
And the breeze in which entanglements kept
These trees her hair leaves even now I see

As nature speaks softly of many things
And calling turns echoes to the hills unseen
Your glance alone in anticipation of what
Still held me motionless as evergreen glades

Your phosphorus glowing eyes of stars
With limpid pools of wonderous means
No more than nothing or something or of
Yes moreso my mind with you how it pleads

For one more just conversation with me
Beneath moon and sky and days without eternity
By the grasp of mother natures ask into air I speak
Begging these eyes for another moment to see
I met you here, over three years ago.

Come back?
115 · Oct 2021
October Set
Colm Oct 2021
We work to craft and build our being
So that being us is not a bore
A chore or miserable existence
Where we do not at least have
The smallest hope of being free

Oct Headache 8
114 · Jan 2020
Love Is Not Love Apologetic
Colm Jan 2020
When choice is not a matter of heart
Or sight a glance at sun kissed chin
Arise my dawning love, arise
Don't look away
I'm not sorry that we must being
J'San killing it -
114 · Feb 2019
Colm Feb 2019
As liquor should be
Locked up
Too strong is it
A drink for all

So also should these harrows be
Refined behind iron
Pad and key

Not opening to doors like worlds
But renewed in truth
Baptized in study
And blessed by the best
Footprints in all

No educated mind can bare
The suffering of one
Let alone many within these halls
114 · Apr 2018
Colm Apr 2018
A slight smile by the side of my face
A wrinkle, a ripple in place to see
Beneath the surface
And to trace the essence of the has been me
114 · Dec 2021
Colm Dec 2021
Old words cry out
For more of themselves
And I
A selfish wordsmith unfound
Have nothing but headaches in mind
For them

I'm sorry
But you'll never begin again

114 · Aug 2021
How to find yourself
Colm Aug 2021
Ask not
How can I not be (today)
Ask what instead you need to create
Before it's too late (in this dying day)
114 · Aug 2021
the fall is just tired dust
Colm Aug 2021
no amount of making
  or feigned revisions of life unlived
    can recall a sighted sky over the ocean
      or pull down a sunrise behind the mountains

      better to try and catch the stars which aren’t stars
    chase sleight of hand or tongue of minds unfold
  let alone myself alone in this
I am tired of being cold
113 · Feb 2021
Colm Feb 2021
Not every verse has to be a journey
Not every person a means of influence for you
So take care of that smallness — of mind
midst package — I pity your perspectiveless, less, untrue
I too am a judger when it comes to my own actions and fate. And though I'm not perfect, or even close to correct all the time, I do try. Always when interacting with the world outside of my own, and others, to be gracious and decent. To be both forgiving and giving in regards to space.

Were your comments meant in kind? Oh certainly. But your smallness of mind is what remains most telling. Take care.
113 · Sep 2021
Similar Shoes
Colm Sep 2021
My hollow frame is but a shell
A time trodden path
I've seen my father walk
And his shoes, his shoes
Are so familiar to my feet
Though perhaps a bit too small
They are like family to me
I love my father. So similar, yet so different.
113 · May 2019
Colm May 2019
I'm so selfish
That I've only wanted my own distractions to distract me

In those ways which I will certainly be
At peace and free

Because time passing alone
Isn't enough to please me

Let alone someone else, near by at present
As it was never meant nor will be

But instead it's the foolish selfish desire
Which I've let govern me, sadly

For more time now than I care to admit
I've called by name, these distractions and me
113 · Aug 2021
Your seeing makes me bright
Colm Aug 2021
You are the restless morning
Breaking over dark horizons
Devoid of light

You see me through
And usher in the dawn
With glorious, knowing, radiant sight

You see me as I am
Not just how I live
And practice, play, at this impatient life

No you are more than nothing
Less than some
With all the coolness of this defeated night

Your seeing makes me bright
Colm Feb 2021
Hoarfrost hugs me closer than
these sounds of something
in this quiet night
And the sky, the sky, shines brightest
beneath these trees in reflective thought
In looking I am reminded
of my being alone and alive
112 · Feb 2021
dichotomy united
Colm Feb 2021
Unfeeling, never
Full of feeling always and in being, have been
Don’t call another man by my name
Or think that I am, without sin
But the one thing which I know, and am
Is that and this, and the neither alone
That I’ll know when one-day heaven has come
And until then you’re my home
112 · Nov 2022
Suddenly actualized
Colm Nov 2022
It's a different sort of thing to feel
To go from one to another
No longer constantly

But to suddenly see
All of your fanciful dreams
Just as what they are in the light of day

Then you know what has been
And what will thankfully never be

And then suddenly you're free
But not in the way you'd imagines

Let alone in the time-frame

Yet you can finally see
112 · Nov 2022
Thoughts midst dreams
Colm Nov 2022
Fear is such a fleeting thing
A dream a dream
And in waking seeing
How's its gone as if it were never in being

But thoughts such as these
Which plague seven times over me
Are so much harder to set free
So much more difficult to let be

I am haunted by possibilities
112 · Jun 2021
Experiencing You
Colm Jun 2021
I hear it as jazzing sound
And see it as a breathing sigh
The snowfall and its white feather down
Both light and bright as a once darkened sky

The distant stars drowned out by the day
An aesthetic row of these ancient books
To hide is not part of the mountains way
All it takes for this one is a look

And I am lost beyond horizons
More cold than hollowed ocean nooks
Just as the breeze brings gifts
And rgis wish by a field to sow

I hear and see all this alive
And about you I wish to know

That it was
112 · Sep 2021
Oddly Cold
Colm Sep 2021
If feelings were a cold
I'd send you out into the dead of winter
Just to wish for the chance to catch
And whisk you back to well
TOD set
112 · Feb 2019
Colm Feb 2019
And with utmost honesty
Advancing towards the inevitable end
Or so I think
And hope
And pray
To be
111 · Dec 2020
The Human Temptation
Colm Dec 2020
The duality of life
Of want, of business, and of busyness
Is so tempting
So intoxicating to live
By human standards and spontaneousness
For all of those sequential things
Which lead us to death anyway
Colm Dec 2020
The sky doesn't ache for rain
So much
As the earth
(In all of its cold rotational truth)
Aches for the distant sunlight burn
Colm May 2020
It's been forever now
Since my evergreen heart grew wild and free
With budding oaks, and leaves, and lilac strong
With edelweiss glimmering alive in the evening lights
And even the occasional ****
Poking its head up to remind through the matted red coals beneath
It's been forever now
But I hope that it won't always be
As such
All I Can Keep Is Now. Such a magical sound.
110 · May 2022
Laughing at myself
Colm May 2022
Tasks are meant to distract the mind
Anyone who gardens by choice
To me
Is out of their own and doesn't have
Enough time, at least to think

An unpopular opinion, perhaps
Presentme . 10
110 · Aug 2021
Reminder to self
Colm Aug 2021
Life is a spectrum of arrogance and meekness. Sway not to either side for too long, but balance yourself in perfect humility, as you live your story and see it unfold before you. Not as planned, but as you had hoped.
110 · Apr 2020
A Turning Clock
Colm Apr 2020
I snap my fingers in a crowded room
Call out quietly to the one of you
And wait patiently for fate to turn
For the clock chimes to unwind
And ruminate aloud

Will your song give me a chance to hear
My words to speak
Colm Jul 2020
My heart sounds out
   And whispers  
Like wind chimes in the air
   For you

With gentle rest
   Our dancing steps
And hopes more light
   I wish you into this summer memory fair

Playing carousel dreams
   Of you
Just to hear
110 · Jun 2022
Dear Addict
Colm Jun 2022
The only thing you know of me
Is what is not
And therefore nothing

I am not you
And you don't even know yourself

Boxing Poems . 7
110 · Jan 2021
Colm Jan 2021
I've since discovered — that the hardest part of seeing (with such unique perspective) is to see — what the person or pleasure actually is, and not what you think it is, was, meant, or could quite possibly be.
110 · Jun 2022
A seasonal question
Colm Jun 2022
How do you walk
After flying so far

Or be
After the feeling of un is all

I ask

Do you find peace again
After the summer ends

In Fall
Been this way for so many years, guess I needed to remember that "what I do" isn't me. Far from it.
110 · Jan 2021
When a man tries
Colm Jan 2021
When when a man
In his own way tries
To make the stars align
And without so much as a twinkle
You, refuse to remotely,
Like young Torrence, shine
Than dont be surprised if
He, doesn't bend his back to mountains
Or sets foot in the great ocean divide
If you, in your own eyesight up
Didn't want to see his time
110 · Jun 2022
The Dream of Unbeing
Colm Jun 2022
No Man or intuition
Can see more than a day or two
Into her dream
Not weeks or months or years to spend
Instead all they think of is
"Wouldn't it be nice if"
Boxing Poems . 8
Colm Apr 2020
Ruminate through me as the ache of trees
The quiet joyful tears of rain
Which ripple and shake
The ground beneath

These stars, this shimmering gleaming shine
Never tasted half so sweet in mind
As when I am with you
And underneath
109 · Jan 2020
Seen, See
Colm Jan 2020
Everywhere I go, unseen
The prevailing narrative being
"I could not speak to he"

Tall and menacing
Quiet and stern
So well and in his pace, to flee

Looking quietly past the height of me
And quickly away by chance
But you

In passing with a scrolling spree
I adore when you can read as this
I adore when you see me
Seen, See
109 · Jun 2022
Colm Jun 2022
I am the kind of person who
For a moment cannot stand to sit
For I must always in doing do
Just as always I am and never one with it
Boxing Poems . 5
109 · Oct 2021
October Haiku
Colm Oct 2021
The wishful dream of
Someone to be near is what
I answer when asked
Oct Headache 7
109 · Jan 2019
Love The Choice
Colm Jan 2019
Live not for love the feeling
It will let you down inevitably
Love then to live the choice of you
The decision to be
The WITH because of what is good and true
Hollywood ***** and knows not what love is.
109 · Feb 2020
Her Name In Autumn
Colm Feb 2020
I dream an autumn dream of you
In a winter lasting longer than sun
Burning hotter than stars
In the coldest nights sleep

I dream of an autumn us there too
So much so and so often now
That there's not a rain cloud left in the sky
For me to express myself

I dream and dream
Awaiting the autumn skies
109 · May 2020
when the moon winked at us
Colm May 2020
Until the sunlight bounced its last light
Another gleaming face
And we
Looking up amidst the lenses
Memories bright as burning eyes
Puddling in skies
Above you see
And when the moon winked at us
We knew that it was alright to love
when the moon winked at us
109 · Dec 2020
Closet Doors
Colm Dec 2020
Put my ghost to bed already.
It's half past two
and we
are neither of us, young.
My ex stopped by the other day, and my not being near by for once kind of paid off. Because her visit seemed all too inclusive for me. Almost rude to her CURRENT to even mention our PAST. Like, really? Five years of silence and then suddenly a vocal hello? RIP ancient memory, I put you out of my buried mind about five years ago. Why didn't you do the same?

So yea, that was Monday hahaha.
Colm May 2021
Wish myself upon
A distant hillside growing
Though in no ways near
I am in showing myself
For a desire to be there
Colm Feb 2022
Fullness soon

Is lost
Yet here with you

With memories
Call out
In all

Like birds
To fly
And then

With a sudden
And motion of night

It falls
And falls
To its own ignite
108 · Jan 2020
Maybe, Let It Be
Colm Jan 2020
Maybe if I organize
My soul so that it shines once more
Not like my pictures on the wall
Or books aborn, in elevens stored
If these staggering frames cannot give way
To the host of clearer thoughts they be
Then give and give of another hope, perhaps
And if I finally it let be, maybe
A note about the way I can be externally obsessive. Organizing things almost unconsciously, since I'm looking to avoid doing, whatever it is that I need to do. Maybe. (;
108 · Aug 2020
Breathe Deeply In Darkness
Colm Aug 2020
Does the sunlight worry about its moonlight reflection?
When it cannot see stars either you or me?
Because even in darkness it just sits back,
And with ice on its arm,

Just breathe my friend. Don't worry about what you're supposed to be. You were created to live, be it only for a set number of days. Does the sun worry about exhausting itself, or the stars worry about crashing down? The answer is no, and also no you shouldn't. Trust me, we're all burning out in our own beautiful way. Embrace it and be light.

That and take care!
107 · Oct 2022
When left alone
Colm Oct 2022
There's absolutely no proof
That if left alone
Human beings will be
Or course correct more than anyone
Who have lost themselves
Most resoundingly at sea

If anything we
Need more guidance than ever
In this time of being most encouraged to be

Whatever we feel
Whatever we dream

When really we are actually not at all these things

We are just that which sees
Humans who be
We stray
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