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Feb 2017 · 707
for the brokenhearted
chasing vapors Feb 2017
healing takes time.
it could take several weeks,
or months or even years.
we are uncertain.
but the only certainty is that,
we will heal.
we will grow again.
we will be whole again.
we just have to be patient, love.
yes, there would still be nights
that you'd cry over what had happened,
there would still be times
that they'd pop up in your mind,
but, love, you will get through it.
the road is rough
and everything seems tough,
because heartbreak is not a joke.
yes, it is never a joke.
but let me tell you that
He, who created you---
fearfully and wonderfully---
has a purpose.
and sometimes,
His grace comes not in what He gives,
but what He takes away.
everything will get better.
keep fighting, love.
keep fighting.
Jul 2016 · 624
his name
chasing vapors Jul 2016
there would be a specific time in my life
that your name would still ring a bell
but i would no longer be bothered
because i don't care anymore
i know your name will always ring a bell but i wont listen to it no more
Jul 2016 · 562
chasing vapors Jul 2016
i know
i was wrong
when i thought
that your lips
and heaven
are two
different things
Jul 2016 · 657
chasing vapors Jul 2016
the more i get
to know you
the more i realize
i don't deserve you
i'm really sorry :(
Jun 2016 · 575
chasing vapors Jun 2016
one night he asked me,
what is acceptance?

and i answered him,
with confidence
and triumph on my face,
**acceptance is one day
you woke up
and it doesn't hurt
any longer
Jun 2016 · 504
maybe it was you
chasing vapors Jun 2016
my heart skipped a beat again
i don't know if it was because
of my breathing disorder
or maybe because
it's you i remember
Jun 2016 · 866
why i hate memories (10w)
chasing vapors Jun 2016
it makes me remember
what i don't want
to remember
ten word poem #2
Jun 2016 · 577
you are in love if..
chasing vapors Jun 2016
if you would do anything for that someone
and never ask for a thing in return.
if you’re starting to love their flaws,
including them in your prayers
and fall for them even more
every time you look into their eyes.
if you are more yourself when with them
than you are with anybody else.
if you’re willing to wait
no matter how long it would take.
if you keep on thinking of them,
if you care for them
and if you won’t do anything
that would hurt them
as much as you could.
if you can see yourself
growing old with that person
and put their happiness before yours,
if you are willing to sacrifice everything
just to be with them,
to make them happy,
even if that very thing is life,
**you’re in love.
Jun 2016 · 577
what really happened (10w)
chasing vapors Jun 2016
i don't know but
one day
we just stopped
ten word poem #1
May 2016 · 998
eyes (6w)
chasing vapors May 2016
your eyes
are my favorite
six word poem #1
May 2016 · 1.9k
solely about the soul
chasing vapors May 2016
just because
it doesn't leave
a single line
doesn't mean
it's not a poem

just because
it doesn't rhyme
doesn't mean
you're not a poet

because a poem
is not merely
about the style
but solely
about the soul
May 2016 · 683
promise to keep
chasing vapors May 2016
i hate the smell of the alcohol
because it inflames my throat
as it passes through my lungs
and run out of breath

i hate the smell of your scent
because it aches my head
as memories come back
and lose control

i hate the smell of the cigarette
you used to drag off
when you were nervous
distressed and upset

i am that lungs
you promised to keep
but now why are you
impulsively killing me?

— The End —