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The suddenness of her lips on his left him momentarily stunned as he fought to steady himself once again
Swiftly recovering  his senses, returning her kiss feveroisly.
Tongues intertwined softly, breathing heavy and labored.
A powerful electricity buzzed between them
The energy from the vastly starry night sky radiating down upon them, casting everything within a ravishing glow.
His dimpled, beautiful smile; powerful enough to render any woman incapacitated.
Her eyes shone brightly as the stars above.
Below them, the lake water called out, beconing.
An inviting sonnet, lapping against the rocky coastline with a steady rhythm like their two hearts beating.
Enveloping them completely, becoming lost within each other and falling victim to the impossibly beautiful mid-July night.
Un-relentlessly beaconing to us with the ebb and flow of passing time,
Lake Winnipeg crashed against her rocky shoreline.
Creating harmonious ambiance for the star struck budding lovers lost in each others eyes.
Oh contingency, lock your hands with fate.
Make this moment surpass even time.
You kissed me once, and it was as if the whole universe stood still.
The nights our beings ended up in the same room, inadvertently drawn closer to each other though the dawning of midnight had long passed.
Breaths heavy with the lingering scent of whatever alcohol of choice we drank down through out the evening as we occupied the same space.

I, constantly going over in my head how I could possibly bring your eyes to mine.
Seductively blinking under tired, intoxicated eyelids.
Our friends floated in and out of the surrounding space, dancing around us until we were left just with each other.

It's been quite a few years now, but we've occupied the same space since then.
Once in a while I find myself wondering if you too remember those moments, and then I laugh cause you were drunk and I was stupid.
A delicate smile,
So sweet,
Could melt any woman's heart.
And send her boat,
Blissfully cast out to sea.
Beautiful and sleepy, Emily snoozed by the bubbling riverside.
Nearly flawless in her own unique way, her plump lips moved ever so slightly as she dreamed.
Lucas watched her, completely awestruck.
Enthralled by the beauty which was his wife.
Married no more than a year, their relationship as husband as wife was still incredibly fetching to the young couple.
A soft sigh escaped Emily's lips, her body roused from her nap shortly thereafter.
"You creep", Emily exclaimed playfully, batting her fists at Lucas.
"You're just remarkable when you sleep", he explained.
Emily planted a swift kiss on her husbands lips.

"I love you".
Trying a short narrative.
Manitoban Skies

Clouds are the mountains of the prairies
Towering cumulonimbus masses
Incredible backdrops across an otherwise plain blue sky
Warning call that rainstorms may approach
Vertical reminders of atmospheric instability
Jetted upwards into vast formations stretching miles and miles
Promises of unrelenting lighting and thunder
Cinematic sequences is country folk are lucky to view
Humidity in the summer, ah
What would we do without you?
Rolling clouds are a fair trade for the lack of rolling hills
Clouds are the mountains of the prairies.
Rose colored glasses
A blessing and a lesson
Steady rhythm of the pouring rain
Pitter patter against the rooftop
Humidity cast away for a moment
A refreshing pause on the days heat
Thunder booms
A distant siren blares
Emergency vehicles still out in full force
The city doesn't sleep
Heavy wind shakes the house
Rattling the loose windowpanes
Old glass is a true test of craftsmanship through time
The dogs cower beside me, small masses of shivers and uncertainty
I try to reassure them that there is nothing to fear
However I'm not so sure of this myself
More thunder
Cracking through the sky overhead full force
The abruptness of it all startles me into a jump
I am as shaken as the dogs
Despite the wonder
Lightning cracks and flashes like a picture show I can view through my window
Free television direct from nature, the best cable provider
you just need your eyes and a large enough window
If I find myself without power, I'll light the last hour of my candle
Slow burn, write by the flickering light
As this storm rages on I think about the moon
Which part of the world gets to gaze upon your gorgeous surface tonight?
Oh moon,
There is much left unexplained.
Sirens blare again,
Fire-truck perhaps
My mind is now seaside
Imagining I am a sailor, ship cast away enduring this terrible storm on the open water
A woman port-side in the distance sings a sweet, dangerous melody
Her voice soft and heavenly
Unrecognizable words at first until we slowly become closer to her
What once sounded wonderful now speaks of famine, war
A tale of death she bellows
Harmoniously growling, creating an ominous symphony with the heavy rain and clashes of thunder
"Unchanging is the sea, every good man too shall fall. Release your soul to me, for I am the lady who calls".
We are upon her now, her call almost deafening
The siren of the deep issues one last bloodcurdling scream
Then silence
Silence, coldness and pitch black
And I awaken, gasping for breath
The dogs are beside me and my candle still burns
A dream it must've been, yes a very real dream
But in my mind I can still hear that eerie song, sung by the beautiful siren of the deep
Casting her spell on all those who dare sleep.
He undressed you with his eyes long before he planted that greatly anticipated kiss on your mouth.
Taking you by surprise as suddenly his lips fell heavy upon yours.
The aroma of consumed alcohol sweet on his breathe as you tasted each other for the first time.
Afterwards he laughed because you were a good kisser, and seemingly all those wasted kisses were the unscheduled target practice for the moment in front of you.
You toyed with his attention, finding it refreshing after barren winters with less feeling than that of frostbite.
His eyes consumed your view, unable to quite place the color. You just started uninhibited into his vision galaxy.
"You're eyes are beautiful", erupted from his lips like a geyser, nestling deep into the crevices of your soul and finding a home among the dust and cobwebs.
His words on replay like the playlist you comprised of the songs that he showed you.
Your subconscious ushering threats of caution, beware that of beauty.
The laughter shared was infectious and for the first time you felt whole, but not because a pretty eyed boy was attracted to you.
Sharing close quarters with a similar soul.
Those eyes burned a hole into the back of your mind, written in stone until they're chosen to be forgotten.
Replaying the events of that night, to as not forget.
Dance with the devil, because he's disguised as a beautiful boy with greyish blue eyes.
Forget your appearance
Erase your name.
Relish in the anonymity
The freedom of new beginnings.
Who was I?
More importantly, who have I become?  -----
That can only be told by the future.
Matters not does the past
Be who you are without the confines of pressure.
For you are brilliant
In your own peculiar way.

- Natasha Whitley
There is a moment between the cusp of darkness, and the rise of the morning sun
As the colors of a new day creep forth
The fire crackles as the hot embers burn
Emitting enough heat that I am not cold as I sit here
Soon you return to me
The bench shifts under our weight
You don't say anything for a moment
Allowing the silence take us forward into a new day
We watch the sun slowly creeping
Turning to me, the orange-red of the fire catching the whites of your eyes, bathing them with the soft glow.
I catch you smile and I can't help but laugh
A strange thing us sharing this moment
I am sure you think it's strange too
"Quite beautiful", you say with absolute precision
I tell myself not to read into it
Looking at you, it's hard to not see the attraction
Your features are very warm, your eyes scrunch up like mine when you smile
I think you must know that you're handsome
How could you not?
The sky is a brilliant red now
Glowing off the backdrop of darkness.
The fire seems pointless now, since the sky has burst into flames
Maybe it too looks up in awe and wonder
Welcoming the light of a new day

Your hand finds it's way to rest a top mine,
The instant contact startles me
I feel myself blushing
Your eyes are filled with fire now
A deep burning that I couldn't see before
We sit there silently in the moment
As the morning comes alive.
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