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Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
the past isn't just the past
it's all I've left behind
every word and every moment
forever, painfully, engraved in my mind.
he is left in my youth,
a loved one come and gone.
I loved him is the truth
and his dark features had me drawn.
he joked and had cheats
but I spent each second
as though he'd never leave.
every second away from you
somehow feels like an hour
and every hour, now an eternity
I'd give up every eternity
for one more second with you.
Beebz The Queen Sep 2015
I saw him there and instantly knew
there were so many things I couldn't do
he wasn't mine and I wasn't his
but it wouldn't hurt if it was one little kiss
using his hands and me using mine
it was just a way to simply pass the time
he held me from behind and I fell
his lips on my neck, I was in a spell
I wanted him; his body, his soul
getting him in bed is my ultimate goal
I wasn't planning on falling, not at all
and it wasn't the way I pictured I'd fall
but here I am writing and there you are reading
just to let you know it's your touch I'm needing
Beebz The Queen Mar 2015
I'd never seen him as more than a friend
Not even when we'd make out at night
Because he's always been that go to guy
We've never even had a real fight
But when you spend so much time
Just dedicated to that one guy alone
He's gonna creep in and steal your heart
So don't you dare ever let him go.
I am thoroughly in love with him
But I didn't know I was falling till I hit the ground
And he was the one to help me up
So everything seemed safe and sound
Until he fell for someone else
And i thought he loved me back
And he's out of my life completely
Leaving my heart with a huge crack.
Abby, you can't be mad at him though
Because you agreed to no strings attached this time
So just let him be happy with her, not you.
And smile like its all still fine.
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
I'd live my life with nothing
to know you'll have all you need
I'd live my life as no one
*to know you will succeed
Beebz The Queen Feb 2015
i try so hard to be normal. to be like all the other girls. to follow your rules and guidelines. i follow every step you take, never going out of line. i fit in your puzzle when i do what you want. and THAT is all ive ever wanted. to belong somewhere, even if i have to fight for it. even if i have to do things i don't want to for you to notice me. for you to care for me like i care for you. i am dying here beside you, while you hold her. i am crying beneath you while i pave your path so you don't fall. but i am done with being a door mat. i am through with you. but its all a bit too late because you've been done with me this whole time. who was i kidding? you didn't want me. but i need you. i need you to want me. to love me. to hold me. to touch me. to smile that smile that makes me crazy. i love who we could be, but we will never know what that is.
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
Beebz the queen
That is my name
I cannot refuse
To play this game
I am awestruck
By all this noise
I cannot focus
On all these boys
I am the queen
And not the *****
I beg your pardon
Excuse the french
Beebz The Queen Aug 2015
there are so many things I can't explain
     like the way you left me all alone
     or the way you squint when you laugh
     or why you insisted I was pretty
     only to run off with some other girl
there are many things I don't understand
     the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about you little sister
     the way you made me smile when I felt like I was dead
     the way you held my hand even when I was too sick to speak
     and how you kissed me on my forehead
that's how I knew you really loved me
     you listened to me rant about nonsense
     you held me for hours while I cried
     you tickled away my worries
     you sang away my heart ache
there are so many things I just don't get about you and I
     why did you leave
     why did you lie
     why wasn't I enough
     why baby why
Beebz The Queen Feb 2015
it was never what they did to me that hurt the most
the way they used my heart, my soul, my body
no, it was that when they got their fill they left
and what hurt the most was i knew they were going to

                                                             ­                                         and i let them

i guess a part of me hoped one of them would stay
a part of me hoped i was loveable, and not a toy
but that's all i ever was, and all ill ever be
they were never going to care, only use and steal

                                                          ­                                  continuously break me

there is never going to be a real guy
who will want to settle down with me and love me
because i want to be used and broken and torn
its who ive become because they made me this way

                                                            ­                  *loneliness always engulfing
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
The moment I saw you
Was the moment that I fell
There is nothing out there
That could ever break this spell

There is no special healing
For I have the incurable disease
Nothing could keep me from you
Not mountains, valleys, or seas.

I cannot forget the day we met
I cannot forget that feeling
That my world was turned upside down
Everything about you, so utterly appealing.

Little do you know that I,
I lose my mind over you
I lost my heart and all I stood for
When you showed up out of the blue.

You see, that day we met
I was in love with someone
But you stole my heart away
Without trying to, you won.
I fell for him as he fell for her.
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
When we first began talking
I never thought we'd make it this far
Never thought it would last

I never dreamed we would be this happy
I've never really loved
Only liked and used and hoped

But now that we're together
And we haven't crashed and burned
I think I want to be with you
Beebz The Queen Mar 2015
Baby I don't know why I told you I was done
Why I said I didn't want to speak again
The truth is, I want you with me always
Because I trusted you enough to let you in
I let you in who I was and who I wished to be
I let you in my heart, in my head, in my pants
I thought the more I let you in there'd be hope
That maybe you'd finally give "us" a chance
You used to hold me so carefully like I'd break
Which made me certain I could never be strong
So I clung to you like I hoped you cling to me
But I never knew that I could be so wrong
My heart is literally aching, and throbbing
My mind is trying to erase you from me
Your hands, your lips, that smile, those eyes
It's soon to be gone, maybe then I'll be free
But I know freedom cannot be reached
Because still these chains hold me back
I'm bound to you because I loved you
This bond will make my heart crack.

For so long I had no words to write
And it made me mad, down to my core
I never thought I'd write of you and me
And practically admit to being a *****
But here I am always writing it out
And somewhere maybe you'll read this and cry
Because you'll know you've ruined me
With every promise, every kiss, every lie
I made you promises and I kept them all
And I would willingly run back into your arms
I'd hold you tight and cry all night
If you promised to sheild me from all harm
I know this poem is too ******* long
It's hurting me to write it all out honestly
I want him to see this though and feel bad
I want him to finally cry over how he hurt me.
Beebz The Queen Feb 2015
I wish I could say I love you
I'm sorry cause I don't
I'm broken cause I want to
I'm crying cause I won't

I've been hurt so badly
Been told one too many lies
My heart trampled by some losers
Who wore such a phony disguise

He knows I want to care for him
He knows my hearts been worn
I love just him oh so dearly
But still my pending emotions; torn
Beebz The Queen Mar 2015
it breaks me to pieces to think that i will never be enough for you

i am honestly afraid that i will spiral into nonexistence someday

its so ******* sad that even after all this, you doubt what i said was true

i told you i loved you more than my own life, what more could i say?

i know we fought too often, but honestly, purple is better than blue

*i hated crying over you because i wished you had never hurt me this way
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
They tell me to talk about it
They promise itll help
But little do they know
There was no emotion that i felt.
I dont think they realize
Im over the past
I see it all now
Why none of it seemed to last
No longer do i give a ****
I cant give it up for them
Why doesnt anyone agree?
Can i get a ******* "Amen"??
Im done, so finished
I cant take it anymore
You see that is why
Ive locked every door.
Beebz The Queen Mar 2015
some people hate themselves for who they are
others hate themselves for what they've done

but me, i hate every breath that i breathe
i messed up; i was so sure that he was the one

i cry myself to sleep every night
because i know that i am to blame

for breaking what we had apart
i was the one playing the game

*i slept with a guy i hardly knew
simply because he batted his pretty eyes

told me he would love me forever,
i was silly to believe those lies

when being honest means that i lose everything
its really ******* hard to actually do

but i had to tell the truth for real
and the truth baby, i think it made me lose you
i ****** up big time. not just once, but over and over and over. and i really don't know if he will forgive me or if he will ever take me back. but i love him so much and i cant live without him in my life. advice would be really great right now.
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
once in a dream i saw your face
and longed to see that smile
once in a dream i heard your voice
and wished to hear it sing to me
once in a dream you held my hand
and i begged for our fingers to be intertwined
once in a dream you kissed me
and now i plead for those lips on mine
once in a dream you said three words
and i know they changed my heart

in reality you don't notice
my eyes that stare so earnestly
in reality you don't see
that i love who you are
in reality you would never care
that i fell for you in my dreams
in reality you don't even know me
and it breaks my heart
in reality i still love you
even if you never see me there.
Beebz The Queen Nov 2014
As i walked the lengthy distance,
from the back row seat to the first.
I began to sense right then...
my project would be the worst.
Yet all the time i put in,
i figured I'd pass with a low B
and still as i walked that distance .
I knew it'd be a lower than a C...
listening as each person shared,
Their truly real short story...
i fidgeted and wiggled..
and really started to worry.
The teacher said to write
what came to mind.
Like childhood or family...
to make it one of a kind.
And yet somehow my mind still wandered
to a place still unknown...
i wrote about a womans death...
And how death had claimed the throne.
In English class i shared that project
in the front of that small space...
i read each word that i had typed,
not a syllable out of place.
When i was done my head was low,
i refused to meet their stare.
I sauntered back quietly
To my lonely back row chair.
It was then i saw my teacher smile
and simply nod his head,
it seems that my project was viewed
As a painful loss of the dead.
Little do they know,
i did not relate...
that story that i wrote...
was simply notes by my dinner plate...
english funny death throne teacher class
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
i am in love i do believe
yet common sense
you can't perceive
i see that smile
it draws me close
medicate me
increase the dose
is it fiction
or is it fate
please close the doors
and lock the gate
am i dreaming
or is this real
all these emotions
i do not wish to feel
please numb the pain
and let me sleep
these dreams i dream
i want to keep
the bitter ***
all i knew
has come undone
drink it in
or pour it out
all this "love"
i start doubt
is he my hero
or is he death
my sweet encounter
or my last breath
does he love me
or am i to blame
for letting him go
never               ­             
will i ever know the one i really love?
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
I'm in the mood for cuddling
For holding hands and kissing
It seems that all this time
It was your touch i was missing

I'd ask you to hold me
But i know where that will lead
I'll fall for you once again
And you will become a need

Needing you and wanting you
Has brought me so much shame
I've avoided truth and simpleness
I refuse to play this game

Throwing out i love you's
As if you care for me
I accept it every time
Hoping you might see

i love you's
They are my heart and soul
Holding hands and kissing you
Somehow THAT makes me whole
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
Here I am contemplating life and death because
I often write poems that are sad
They come from my anger, my hatred, my pain...
But often enough, good things come from the bad

I write of my miserable existence
And of how I long to be held in your embrace
Of what lies ahead and what was left behind
I write about how many things are usually replaced

My poetry is brewed, so to speak I suppose
In this head of mine, where i think and ponder
Where I lust and desire and want and wish
And where to thoughts of you I tend to wander

So here I am, still writing of the sorrow
Hoping somehow these words will change your mind
I am writing a poem that isn't sad, to simply prove
I may not be normal, but I'm the normalest you'll find
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
this past summer he took it from me
i didn't even realize it was something i wanted to lose
it was nothing like what i read in books
because i know those characters did not bruise
he was so sweet before i agreed to it
i genuinely thought the he cared for me
but i guess he just played me like i tried to play him
he promised it would help set me free
so i lost it, i gave into his sweet words
his purring and alluring speeches
in school they make you swear to say no
what to do when you say yes, is something no one teaches
so he took it because i let him
and i did not even begin to cry
it's not like he stole it from me
but thinking he would return it, that's a lie
Beebz The Queen Oct 2015
i think it was on accident, but really who's to say?
you hand grazed my bare skin and its driving me mad
it somehow left me wanting you for the first time
ive never thought of you like this, is that bad?
Beebz The Queen Aug 2015
she looked at her reflection in the mirror
as a single tear escaped her eyes
she choked on words she could never say
and wondered if their words were really lies
she had been promised the world
yet here she stood afraid and alone
she stared at her scars and recent cuts
and she knew she would never belong
she would never be enough for anyone
thats what the voices in her head seemed to say
she wasn't even worth the air she breathed
she wasted away more and more each day
scars where either a comfort or a reminder to the pain
she liked them more at the darkest of night
but in the light of the day the others saw
and wondered why she was never alright
why her whole body shook when men were around
why those memories were never erased
why her lips quivered when she was addressed
why she never spoke out of place
she cuts to feel and feel and feel
but there is nothing to erase that ache
so she feels the pain day and night
so that her fragile heart won't break
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
im really not good with honesty
because the truth hurts so much
so i lie and lie to those around me
to protect them from who i am
but no more lies or games

i truthfully still love him
and i ruined it because i was scared
i didnt want to hurt anymore
but i hurt so bad i want to die
Joshua i love you and im sorry
Beebz The Queen Aug 2015
no matter how shallow
no matter how few
I still broke my promises
and I lied to you

I know a "bad day"
is a horrible excuse
but a few cuts
it's better than a noose

it was just one more day
until 6 months
but I guess this time
I wasn't strong enough

it was only a matter of time
and I think you knew
I could feel myself growing distant
then I finally blew my fuse

it was only supposed to be one I swear
one single line and then I'd be done
but then I had to make it equal
and then my demons won
I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough, I know you thought I could be. I tried so hard to do better, but my demons got the best of me.
Beebz The Queen Nov 2014
Getting drunk is a hobby
Taking shots a game
Forgetting everything
Including my name
Tequila and *****
And wine or ***
Drink it all
Till I come undone.

He asked me to stop
I promised to
Little does he know
I can drink for two
I down it
I take it in
Drink it all
This game I'll win.

I love the way
It makes me lose my mind
The feeling in my body gone
I have no need to be kind.
I feel nothing
Just like i always asked for
Honestly getting drunk
Has opened a new door.
Yes I'm drunk, but how do you feel when your drunk?
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
His eyes truly were captivating
They somehow held every stare
His eyes held the world secrets
But how did they get there

I gazed into the great unknown
Within the depths of his eyes
Is it true that this is love
Or am i believing lies?

If he caught me starting
Would he simply look away
Or would he speak to me?
I wouldn't know what to say

I'd be at such a loss
If he approached me
I'd giggle and I'd blush
Hoping he wouldn't see

His eyes, Oh.. his eyes
They draw me near
They beckon and they call
They wash away all fear

How did it happen?
I usually seem to wonder
How did we forget the rain
Was it the lightening or the thunder
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
Its okay to hide in the shadows
its okay to stay in the dark
slowly filtering out the liars
the ones who broke your heart.

There is no way to know
how far you've really made it
until you see the path
you yourself have created.

I've learned to trust myself,
I've learned to hide the pain.
It's not shocking to find,
life is really a game.

So smile like you mean it,
Or someone may find out,
you're not so confident.
Just like me, you're completely full of doubt.
Put on a smile for them. They won't notice the difference
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
love me softly
love me sweetly
love me more
the longer you keep me

kiss me slowly
kiss me gently
cause all I know
is we were meant to be

hold me closer
hold me near
hold me dearly
whisper in my ear

tell me you love me
tell me you'll stay
tell me we'll last longer
than a simple yesterday.
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
I'll be the lover
you can be the dreamer
that is all I know for sure

I am the hopeful
you are the rain
*that is all I see
Beebz The Queen Feb 2015
the truth about love is

          it leaves right when you are comfortable

the other truth is

          love is not forever no matter what they say

the truth about death is

          it doesn't even hurt that long

the final truth about it is

          *i hope mine is today
Beebz The Queen Apr 2015
lay with me, oh lay me down
touch me softly, kiss me slow
stepping out into the great unknown
hold me baby, touch me now

hand on my leg and hand in my hair
taste your sweat, our chests bear
breathe you in like the summer air
the sweetest, deepest love affair

your hands wander and travel freely
my nails scrape your back tenderly
searching for love through lust is the key
you found what you were looking for; me
Beebz The Queen Nov 2015
the first thing I noticed was your eyes
it wasn't easy to remove my gaze
dark and mysterious and beautifully cold
alluring, daring, drawing me in

the next thing I wanted was you lips
it wasn't like I knew you'd kiss me
deeply and gently and passionately
teasing, caressing, pulling me close

the last thing I knew I was falling
it wasn't how they say you'll fall
hard and fast and painfully pitiful
stumbling, tripping, falling for you
Beebz The Queen Oct 2015
baby you've got to stop believing the lies that you aren't enough
how many times do I have to tell you you're my everything?
day in and day out I'll you how much you are loved
how my heart without you is nothing
Beebz The Queen Oct 2015
its strange how you shut me out
its baffling how you won't let me care
its aggravating that you're amazing
and you refuse to see the perfection there

its odd that you're so closed off
its weird that you don't even see
its frustrating that I fell for you
and you refuse to accept love from me

I don't understand how you can't see it
I don't know why you diminish your soul
I don't see why you push me so far away
and you refuse to realize you make me whole
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
I feel stranded on this island
And it feels so nice to be alone
I finally have no one to deal with
No one to please or love.
Because without him
I am stranded
But I'll send him a message
I'll put it in a bottle
I'll send it across the sea
It will read
"I hope you're thinking of me"
And when he opens it
He'll see my hand writing
And he will soon know
That if he wants me back
That island is where he should go.

And if he reads that message
And sighs in relief
Not missing me at all
I guess I'll be brief

My dear whom i love
Who doesn't need me
Can live life on his own
And i will be safe and sound
On that island
I will live a life full of adventure
And i may be alone
But i know I'm happy
Because he and i weren't meant to be
And i want no one else.
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
What he said:

You know i love you
You know i care
Please dont think
That im not there
We just need time
A little space
Slow it down
Ill set the pace
I know you love me
I know thats true
I really want
To be there for you
I broke your heart
Just in time
I swear you were
Going to break mine
I trusted you
you trusted me
Now please calm down
Ill set you free

What i heard:

You were simply
A summer fling
We had nothing
Not a little thing
We werent clicking
I think thats true
You fell for me
Not i for you
We held hands
I held you close
But it meant nothing
I hope you know
I said move on
And here we are
Why does my "love"
Leave a scar
What was really said?
Beebz The Queen Sep 2016
I've said it in different ways
and a million different times
but no matter how I tell you
you can't believe my crimes

I'm a criminal among criminals
a murderer in the midst of thieves
a liar surrounded by players
but I've got nothing up my sleeves

I have laid it all out for you
piece by piece by piece
my misconceptions; false truths
but still you don't believe

I'm a criminal among criminals
we live each day a lie
for when it comes to tell the truth
we all would rather die
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
the day we met I knew
she was the girl to hate
she was cute and she was funny
and made me look less great

she was short and charming
she was utterly cool
that was when I decided
to hate the new girl at school

I know it sounds silly
to judge a book by its cover
but I couldn't just be one upped
by this girl I just discovered

so it was then when I gained an enemy
the girl I didn't like
and yet I ran out of reasons
and never wanted to fight

then one day that girl and I
somehow got paired up in class
we got to talking
and that time went so fast

im still not sure how it happened
but the girl I decided to hate
became my best friend
and im certain it was fate

and now she and I are inseparable
I cannot live without her face
she makes me laugh instead of cry
it was obviously God's grace

miss Roberts is what ill call her here
miss Roberts she will remain
she is my best friend
and I will never forget her name.

little does that girl know
she has saved my life
I was so close to giving up
and she gave me a reason to fight

I love her to the death of me
I love her to the end
im thankful for her everyday
im so glad she's my best friend.
for my best friend
Beebz The Queen Jan 2016
I sat alone in the darkness
as the sky began to weep
the stars brilliant in the void
as the sadness lulls me to sleep

I never said why I care so much
I only told you repeatedly that I do
I never needed to explain myself
I only needed to say 'I love you'

I was willing to give you everything
my body, my freedom, my heart
cause I knew the pain you felt
as I saw you slowly falling apart
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
i have mastered the art of lying
and bull ******* to get my way
but nothing even matters now
i cant keep my demons at bay
they whisper to me in the night
when darkness covers the sky
they refuse to leave me alone
i cant tell the truth from a lie
i long to be free one day
i pray that they will leave me
and i hope to have a normal life
i want my demons to set me free
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
he told me those were my best feature
that no matter what, he always was lost in them
"theyre like a beautiful murky pond"
           he said that to me once and i punched his arm.

i didn't think a friendship would really ever end
but i never thought he would love me
"let me show what its like to be treated right"
         he said that and i was speechless and in shock.

we were best friends for a little over a year
at one point hed seen my heart broken 4 times
"why don't you ever date a decent guy"
       he said that while i cried into his shoulder for hours.

this guy, my best friend, he meant the world to me
one moment we were planning our future
"our kids will be best friends"
     he said that, and i really believed him.

then i started dating another bad guy
and he was so mad at me, again...
"i cant believe youre doing this, him or me?"
    he said that, and it was then that i walked away.

my eyes, theyre not that special, i see that now
but they are the gateway to the soul and mine is black, like my eyes
"so this is really it? were over?"
     he said this, and i nodded, never turning around.
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
I think I'm beggining to see what love is
I'm starting to grasp just how bad it hurts to let go
To see them happy is your world
That's all you really want to know
Someday you might meet again
And ask them how they are
And your heart will shatter completely
Because, they've made it so far
Yet right now, knowing that
I love him just that much
To let him go, no second thought
And slowly forget his touch
I'd give up every chance i had
To try this all again
But in the end he'd get hurt
We all know only one can win
I love him, that dork of mine
He is all I'll ever need
I loved him, through thick and thin
He wil always be MY dweeb
But I'd let that all slip away
I'd risk my own joy
To let him grow
To a strong man, from simple boy
I'll forever wonder
What we could've had
But being his once again
Do you think it'd be bad?
I love him unconditionally
I'd give him all he desired
Cause truly he is
The best guy I've ever acquired
Talk to me world
Should i set him free?
Let him move on?
Allow him to forget me.?
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
I remember my first kiss
the sloppiness turns my cheeks red
and if I had to relive that moment
I swear I'd rather be dead
my first kiss was in middle school
when I thought that I was in love
but rather lust took hold
but I didn't know about a "glove"
back in my younger days
my romance was in a book
i believed in Prince Charming
and also Captain Hook.
it was in the back seat of the bus
as he gently held my hand
i leaned over to his mouth
and it was so stinking bland
no sparks, no fire
just a lot of spit
gosh i really wish there was
a guide-line kissing kit
Beebz The Queen Mar 2016
there's no easy way to say this
not to you, there's just not
but we had so much more
at least that's what I thought

but then it was so easy for you
to turn your back on me
to leave like we had nothing
just like the rest; you leave
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
This is to all of you who feel worthless
Who find comfort in the words that sting
Im writing this cause I'm the same
I no longer feel worth anything

This is to those who smile
When their world is crashing down
To those of you who laugh it off
When at night it's in your own tears you drown

Today i want you to stand firm
And raise your head up to the sky
For today it may be raining like your tears
But now the heavens, with you, they cry.

It may seem that you are nothing
You may feel as if you're alone
But i promise if as raise our heads together
We will never be on our own.

Even if you cry at night
Cause no one else can see
I have down that for years now
You're the same as me

I'm taking this moment to say this
In case you've never heard it before
You're worth everything to someone
So don't give up, you're so much more.
I write this despite the pain i feel, and the desire to just give up. So please stand with me!
Beebz The Queen Apr 2015
dearly beloved,
            yes you with your head hung low to the ground
            lift your eyes up to the evening sky and you'll see
dearly cherished,
           those stars up there, they shine for you and only you
           the darkness cannot compete with your majesty
dearly treasured,
           do not fear your past, nor fear the future
           you are strong, you are brave, you are free
dearly longed for,
          you are me, and I am you. we are the same
          I am afraid of life, of love, of happiness and peace
dearly, oh so dearly hoped for,
        I am writing this to let you know it will get better
        you are not alone, you are not forgotten, please hear me.
this is just a reminder to those of you who feel alone or not worth it, you are worth the world and so much more! I LOVE YOU!
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
it really wasnt until i was hurt
that i realized i could feel
it wasnt till we both walked away
that i saw what we had was real.

i am so sorry i was who i am
i tried so hard to change for you
i wanted you to love me
but now i think were officially through.
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
I can't help but think, maybe, if I was better.. you would stay. If i was prettier then maybe you would want me. Or maybe, just maybe, if I was smarter, or funnier, or talked less, laughed more like I actually cared. Maybe, if I wasn't me... you would finally love me.

I found this in my journal today from a few weeks back.
And reading nearly gave me a heart attack.
How could I so easily forget we're done?
When you, my love, were my only one.

Boys & girls please, don't let someone rule your life.. in your life you'll be forced to change.. by people, circumstance.. environment.. but please, if you're going to let a person change you... remember.. if they fell in love with you and then change you... they won't love you anymore.

I've learned my lesson.
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
I won't deny it
If you ask me
Cause we both know it's there
It's plain to see

My feelings altered
A little bit
I think I loved you more
After I ended it...

If I asked,
Would you take me back?
If I asked you to really love me,
Could you manage that?

I don't know how to say this
And now I don't know what to do
I cannot believe I gave you up
Cause I honestly do love you.

So love me please
I'm begging you
This love will grow
I swear it's true

You may not see it,
"You and me"
But I promise
Our love will set you free.

*So let's learn what we can
And do what we must
And instead of "you and me"
We should call it "us"
I wrote this forever ago so don't judge it cause it's bad please?:)
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