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Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
The time has come to end this
To stop all our pains and tears
The time has come to trust the one
Who simply has no fears

Leaning constantly on the ones who let me down
Led me to believe
I had nothing good to give them
So why should I receive?

I didn't deserve that joy
Thinking maybe it was true
I had no hope of living
The sky, no longer blue

The one without fears has told me
I am more than what I seem
I should reach for the highest goal
I can achieve my dream

Without him beside me
I feel utterly lost
I feel a cold damp chill
Everything covered with a layer of frost

Without him I am nothing
I am nothing on my own
So why does it feel like he's never here?
That I am always alone?

The time has come to end this
To stop all our pains and tears
The time has come to trust the one
Who simply has no fears
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
Do you believe in
Do you still live a lie?
Is this your idea of a
Do you believe in



            You're living a life of
And its you I'm supposed to trust?

                                                                                      I see no reason to hope
                                                                                             for a happy ending
                                                                                                   cause all I see is
                                                                           their looks

                                                 is it that hard
                                       to really just know the truth
                                             and grow up a little
                                       and stop living in your youth

its hard for me to make you

but its me or
                        your dreams
would you rather have that
                                                  happy ending
and let this
                                       *fall apart at the seams?
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
She has always been there for me
She stood by me through thick and thin
Never once did she leave me
even when life wouldn’t allow me to win
When I grew up
As did she
But yet my dear friend
Is not like you and me
Her and I are one in the same
But yet we truly differ
You see I am real and she is not
No one will ever kiss her
She is almost my twin
Yet we are not the same
Sometimes she's taller of wider
And my dearest friend has no name
But still she stands by me
Even when its hard
In the light she is there
That is why I fear the dark
My shadow is my supporter
She never left me on my own
Even when the world may fail me
I know ill never be alone
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
Deep inside me
There is this anger
This hatred
This..  bitterness.

And I feel it towards everyone.
Not just those who hurt me
The ones who betrayed me.

No this bitterness...
Is for all.
Trust no one
Love no one
Believe in nothing

But then...
I saw a change

A change in myself...

I was dying inside
Because deep down
This hatred was of

The person I am.

No one can help me.

No one can save me now

Because I hate who I've become

And I fear I always will
Beebz The Queen Jul 2016
just because my brokenness
isn't on my skin
doesn't mean that nothing's wrong
it doesn't mean I win

I see myself everyday
and wonder who I'll be
reflections, decisions, perceptions
what do people see

you read in books that people change
but really who's to say
I have always been the way I am
there is no other way
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
I guess I figured the more I wrote about it,
the less I actually had to deal with it.

and if I covered up those red lines,
they would somehow disappear.

because to some, acting is a lifestyle,
but living just an option.

and i choose to live, to dance, to shout!
i wont be held back by depression anymore.
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
I'm having writers block
My inspiration deprived
Broken hearts or dreams
My poetry has always thrived

Now it seems
my words must stop
No longer flowing
I haven't a single poetic thought

Writers block
What is there to say
I have met my end for now
Poetry, we will meet again someday.
Beebz The Queen Mar 2016
I could write you a thousand poems
with a million different words
how many times do I have to say this
how much longer will I go unheard

I could sing you all my love songs
and serenade you with my voice
how many times do I need to say this
to let you know you're my choice

I could point out a trillion stars
to count the seconds I spend missing you
how many times must I say this
what more is there for me to do
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
your love is like the ocean
as beautiful as the sea
it beckons and it calls
always speaking to me

the tide will draw you in
it takes you to the depths
it makes you lose your footing
just as you make me lose my breath

missing you tears at my heart
it makes me long to be found
I feel alone and helpless
almost as if I'll drown

the calmness is your charm
it comforts and it soothes
the wind is your heart
fickle, rippling the water as it moves

the waters sweet, sweet noise
is like the song you wrote
                         falling wave
is a single note
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015

     im sure weve all got one

boyfriend, ex girlfriend

     ex husband, ex wife


     so much pain in just one word

     so much loss and so many tears

     im sure youve wished to end your life


     there are stories and laughs

     that you remember from them

     but theres no going back


     you can use ex for all you once had and lost

     ex happiness, ex joy, ex future

     without them, theres always something youll lack
Beebz The Queen May 2016
I have never felt this numb
I have never felt this fake
I didn't know you'd lie
I can see my mistake

I opened up my heart to you
I opened up my fragile soul
I let you see how my mind works
my dreams, ambitions, my goals
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
i prided myself in the thought
that i was the one who played
i had you at my beck and call
and for some reason... you stayed

back then i wouldve left you
back then i tried not to care
but now i see i need you
i breathe you in like the air

and now its you who plays
it is you who has me addicted
but all that time i thought i was playing
this strange turn of events not predicted

see now i do what i must
to get your desired time
but now i feel the moments i steal
are truly a terrible crime

i need you like the air i breathe
i need you like the sun
rather than me playing you
i think that youre the one.

so love me kiss me hold me miss me
each moment youre away
and when we hold each other close
pinky promise that youll stay.
Beebz The Queen Nov 2014
Taking time for granted
Each moment that we shared
What if I don't get the chance
To tell you how much i cared

Why does it take an illness
Why does it take pain
To make us all realize
What we'll lose and what we'll gain?

I have this moment of weakness
Because there's nothing i can do
Cannot comfort or cure or help
I can only pray you make it through

Loss is painful and heart breaking
So please don't make me say goodbye
I'm not ready to have you gone
So please stay by my side

I never want to see you go
And it pains me to see her cry
I love you all so very much
Like i said, don't make this goodbye

When i heard the news
All i did was weep
It seems the things i love
I never get to keep

I fear the hospital visits
The pain etched in your eyes
I cannot see you hurting
And watch your chest slowly fall and rise

This trial and this obstacle
Made me realize i can't always be strong
I must rely on others
To help me get along
I wrote this for my best friend,  her grandpa is very sick. I would appreciate your prayer, thank you!
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
My voice is raw
My heart in tatters

                     Yet when I'm hurting
                      It never matters
  ­                                               I guess i struck out
                                                 No more useless batters

More like child

                     She "raised us well"
                     But we're still wild

                                                 We're not normal
                                                 We aren't mild

She blames me
But, nothing I've done

                    I'm just a ***** up
                    I've never won

                                               Lord please once
                                               Let me be the favored one
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
Who am I trying to fool?
We all know I still love you.
Why can't I just admit I ******* up?
I guess for me that'd be new.
How long will I feel this pain?
I miss who we were together.
What did I do this for?
I swear, I thought we had forever.
When will this sorrow reside?
I think it will continue to haunt me.
Is there anything I can do to fix it?
I doubt it, cause now you're free.
Did you know I loved you?
I guess maybe you couldn't really tell.
Don't you remember what we had?
I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to yell.
I don't really know what I was trying to say, but I hope you all enjoy!
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
When am I ever going to feel
like I'm enough.
How will I ever be good
For a guy like you.
Where will I go after
You see me for who I am.
What will you do when I
Cry in your arms tonight.
Beebz The Queen Aug 2015
you could see the pain in her brown eyes
pleading for any type of love from you
but you only see what you wish to see
even when it's storming, you see the sky as baby blue
broken down and degraded she weeps
and it is for the world she weeps not for her pain
who else weeps for the lonely and forgotten?
who else rejoices in the sound of the rain
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
The sound of rain on my roof
It truly makes me cry
It reminds me of how you held me
whispered in my ear "goodbye"
Rainfall is a constant reminder
Of how much I am in love with you
So please let the sun be your reminder
When it shines, know that I'll always remain true.
And every night as the sun sets
And the moon begins to rise
Let that be your reminder
I promised no more lies.
And if by chance a day goes by
And you haven't that promise I made
Look to the stars at night
I promised to behave.
Look to the trees
I promise to love you
Listen to the birds as they cry
And for my love, the sky blue.
Everything you see
And all that you do
Let it remind you constantly
How much I truly love you.
Joshua, this is for you... if you read it, i promise forever and always...
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
Unexplainable sadness
And tears that have no cause
I wish life had a fast forward
And wasn't stuck in pause.

Life at its worst
And sorrow at the max
There is nothing left to do
Yet i cannot relax

Why is it that I cry
When i should be full of joy
And why is that i can't trust?
But i long to trust this boy.
Beebz The Queen May 2015
honestly for me, in the light of the day
its easy to act as if the pain has gone away
but when I sit by myself in darkness at night
holding that blade, wondering if they're all right
a ****, a *****, a liar, attention seeker, a ***
no one could ever love me, trust me I know
pushing me to my limit, making me cave
tracing scars, making them fresh, digging my grave
imagining the tears I'd shed if I knew how
wishing I had the strength to pretend I do, now
reaching out, but receiving no help anymore
hoping someone will notice my unlocked door
do you see me standing here crying out to you
do you hear my voice, its cracking, I'm through
waiting, begging, dying when I'm alone
why is it I have to do this on my own?
red lines bleeding out, white scars
the darkness isn't so bad, I can almost see the stars
Beebz The Queen Oct 2015
his nails rake down my spine
sending chills to my inner core
his lips rest gently on my neck
making me beg him for more
his ***** words and gentle caresses
make my body shake with delight
his skillful tongue and perfect hands
don't allow me to put up a fight
longing for his body, and for his soul
while his hands cup my breast
"**** me faster baby, please"
I'm begging him with ragged breaths
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
please take a seat
I promise not to bite you
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
It's rare for me to have the words to speak
And yet I'm trying to find the words to write
Because sometimes she needs to hear it
And what if we dont last the night?

Sister, this is for when you're feeling blue
Or when things dont go your way
This is for your brokenness
Or when its been a ****** day

You are the most beautiful person alive
I swear to God you are
Dear sister you're so strong
**** you've come so far

You are courageous, and daring
Far more than you know
But i love our crazy adventures
Any where you go, I'll go

You are smart and wise
You have no fear
You're brave i know it
And i always want you near

I love you sister
To the very end
To my final dying breath
You are my best friend
Inspired by my sister: Emma Russell
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
I hope that when you read this,
you think of me and smile.
Cause every moment spent with you,
was 10x worth my while.

I'm wishing I had,
maybe your hand to hold.
Wishing that you'd reach out
praying you're that bold.

You still blame me for everything,
and yet, still nothing I've done.
You're still too busy losing,
*but the battle's been won.
Beebz The Queen Feb 2015
ive been told a picture is worth a thousand words
but i have always favored the art of writing
and i believe a thousand words alone
could paint a million pretty pictures
Beebz The Queen Jul 2018
it was over the fence that we met
and over the fence we kissed
till it was your lips and your face
that i constantly missed

you stole my heart away from me
you took it and you ran
far away from all the trouble
i thank you for who i am

i love you more than sunshine
i love you more than rain
through every day and every night
my love will stay the same

taking my soul on new adventures
to learn to live and to love
you are my happy ending
you were truly sent from above

my angel, my darling..
my sweet sweet boy
you bring me endless laughter
you bring me endless joy

i love you till my heart stops
i’ll love you to the end
as long as you love me also
and always be my best friend
Beebz The Queen Nov 2014
The day i let my smile falter
The day my tears never seemed to end
The day i felt so **** alone
The day i felt i had no friend
The day i lost my confidence
The day i finally became aware
The day i learned i am no one
The day i learned why no one cares*

That was the day I began hating myself.
And I'm waiting for the day I'll learn to stop
Beebz The Queen Feb 2015
I swear I did not try to do this
I didn’t mean to rekindle this flame
As the low burning is humming
I softly whisper your name
The bigger the fire grows
more emotion I seem to feel
and the louder the begging becomes
at your feet I kneel.

Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
that girl in the mirror
im sure it isn't me
im shattered and im broken
yet she looks carefree

her joy is showing
her smile is unbent
she is not down cast
she's never gone where I went

her laugh doesn't falter
that girl isn't me
her lip doesn't quiver
I think it's plain to see

she is better off than I
that lonely girl in the mirror
I fear looking away
fear she might disappear

I beg her to stay
and make her promise not to go
cause without her unbent smile
im not sure what i'd know

as the sorrow encloses me
as the doubt surrounds
I hear no comfort from the girl within
she makes not a single sound.
Beebz The Queen Oct 2015
writing is the only escape
from the world around me that torments
writing my only safe haven
from the evil that's ever present
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
I remember the day it happened
When we got caught in the rain
You held my hand and cupped my face
And kissed away the pain

I looked up as the rain fell
And it landed in my eyes
That was day i was myself with you
Not wearing a disguise

I did not know it was possible
To fall more in love with you
But that stormy night you kissed me
I thanked God the sky wasnt blue

From then on till now
Every stormy day
I close my eyes and think of you
And my tears just fade away

Your love is like the rain
It washes away every tear
I wish i held to you
And could still feel you near

The rain is my reminder
To exactly what i feel
Cause just like the rain
My love for you is so real
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
Every night I look up to the stars and pray
That they'll forgive me for the tears I cried that day.
And ask for the pain to be taken away.
If he saw me I wonder what he'd say...

He says he really does love me
That I am the only one he wants to see.
But in our relationship there is no honesty.
But in the end...who will I be?
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
This is for all who have ears; Please listen
And all who have eyes; Read on
For here I write of many things
The music of my mind; a song.

I am in love.

But will he ever feel the same.?

As i write this
He does not think of me
As i ponder our future
He wishes to be free

He hasnt the time
For silly things
But i wish for love
Not diamond rings
Beebz The Queen Sep 2020
thoughts in my head clouding my sight
my anxieties keeping me up at night
constantly thinking you’re not on my side
thinking that all my demons will collide

there’s something in the water i drink
i know this because i fear what i think
you tell me i’m crazy and that we’re okay
are you tired of reminding me everyday

i spin further away from my truth
i dive deeper into the pain of my youth
digging and searching for some peace
but these voices in my head don’t cease

i remember the rush the joy the ache
knowing there was something at stake
self harm my absolute longest lost friend
i hope that we never ever meet again
Beebz The Queen Mar 2015
I'm frightened of who I am when I am not with you
breathing is so hard when you are my lungs, my air
I fear that without you in my life, there's no need to live
I live a pointless existence, losing you too is not fair

I don't know what I'm doing, why I thought I was okay
the truth is I am lost without you and I am scared of life
I lose myself in other things, the things that harm me
lost in blood, in scars, in razors, I am consumed by a knife
Beebz The Queen Apr 2016
you made me promises you didn't plan to keep
you lied to me even when the truth was easy
you took things from me you didn't really need
you hurt me like you've done it a thousand times
you stole my heart without a second glance
you broke me like I meant nothing to you
you won me over  when I didn't believe in love
you are a liar, a cheater, a thief, and you are the love of my life
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
Why is it that I'm crying for you
When you told me to burn in hell?
Why must I stay calm and collected
When in my face you continue to yell?
Why is it that I'm to blame for this
When you are the one who invaded my home?
Why am I the one who is conceited
When you seem to think you're on a throne?

*It's one thing to hurt me you lying rotten *****.
But to hurt my father, my sister, my brothers.
You better watch your back....
Because I'm done being passive.
Beebz The Queen Apr 2016
I am not a smoker
I only light up on a bad day
when everything is wrong
and nothing is going my way

I am not a smoker
I light up when things are good
when I'm happy and carefree
things going the way they should

I am not a smoker
I light up when the day is long
when I'm worn and weary
and tired of being strong
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
The moments pass by
almost as if I've been here before
I feel as empty as I started
but I thought that I'd feel more

nothing has ever hurt this bad
nothing has ever broken me
all this time I've felt chained
not once did I ever feel free

yet now I realize
I am utterly and hopelessly alone
I have no where to hide
I simply have no home
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
we locked eyes
I was caught staring
I couldn't help myself
not with what youre wearing
every hair
in its own place
yes, walk my way
and remove the space
kiss me
hold me close
every passing second
my attraction only grows.
I want you
I have an overwhelming desire
I guess you may be
my death by fire.
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
I can tell that things have changed
no longer flirting and "i love you's"
now i feel like we're acquaintances
And all the silly promises, will never come true.

I'm not sure what changed
It feels like we miles apart
I gave you everything i had
I even gave my fragile heart

Please tell me what happened
Cause it's a mystery to me
We were so good together,
Maybe you just needed to be free.

Baby what happened to us
Where is the love we shared
Why such bitterness?
I thought you really cared.

Please, I'm begging
Love me again and stay
I promise you I'll behave
You can have it your way.
What happened to the love we once had?
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
Truthfully; I do not see
What you see in me

I mean i guess i don't understand
Why out of all the girls, you want to hold my hand

You say my eyes are captivating
And my smile intoxicating

My eyes are just dark brown
And.. my "smile" is typically a frown

You say I'm beautiful, it's a lie
Cause you still say it, even when i cry

When you look at me though
It's like you read my mind and you know

You know me better than i know me
So please tell me what you see

Im a little too curvy, a little too short
a ***** sense of humor, when i laugh i snort

My hips are wide, i dont like crowds
My thighs are big, im way too loud

My heart in tatters, emotions worn
Broken promises that were sworn

Family problems, psychotic things
Scared of marriage, and diamond rings

So what exactly is it that you see
In loud, short, broken me
Beebz The Queen Feb 2015
i believe that life is a blessing and a curse
because i have felt so much joy and so much pain
i think life has a way of making us fear death
because there is always so much loss and so little gain
but from what ive had and what was taken
and what i know and what i assume
there is always going to be a brighter tomorrow
so much brighter than all this gloom
and i say that with my head held high
not fearing death nor wanting it to come
but living life like its meant to be lived
for our God, our Savior, the son.
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
even though he was the one who ended things
I was the one who chose not to be friends
because one day if he moved on it would crush me
I think that's why they say, all good things must end
I know I loved him more than my life
but is this life of mine worth giving
and now that he is gone and were not close
is this life that I have worth living
I made so many promises to him
we said forever and always when we dated
but now it seems there is no for ever
all these outcomes I hadn't even debated
but what do I do now that were done
do I try and live out my life
do I forget I ever loved you dearly
and let someone else become your wife?
Beebz The Queen Dec 2014
A part of me just hates you
For who you are and what you've done
But then again it's not your fault
Cause you aren't the only one

In the end I've realized
I'm just a little insane
But is that such a bad thing
When you are screaming my name?

So love me please
Or hate me more
Stay forever my dear,
Otherwise--- there's the door.
Beebz The Queen Feb 2015
it was like you were the drug and i was the addict
every second without you i was itching for more
for your hands on my skin, lips on my lips
our secret getaways behind an always closed door
you said i was yours, and that you really cared
your lips washed away every doubt i ever had
feeling your hand on my bare skin
made my mind hazy, but it was never bad
heated hours and whispers in my ear
sneaking kisses during class, i was your secret
holding hands when no one was watching
i really loved you, but i was your pet
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
There is an ache in my chest
There is a hollowness in me
Waiting to be filled
Hoping someone might see

I knew a girl once
She seemed to have it all right
She smiled and she laughed
She shined an innocent light

Then life stained her soul
Life broke her heart
No one seems to notice
She had already fallen apart

She hides behind a tentative smile
She covers all the pain
Little do you know
She cries like the rain

She doesn't show her feelings
She says she's okay
She laughs to show you
She's forgotten yesterday

Yet yesterday tears her down
She cannot shake the sorrow
She can only hope for something better
She hopes for a better tomorrow

That girl i know
Yes, she is me
I hide behind fake smiles
So no one else can see

My life is falling apart
It's coming apart at the seams
But I'll manage withoutyou
Cause I've shattered my own dreams.
Beebz The Queen Nov 2014
I'm a poet lost in a world of words
Searching and hoping for poetry unheard

I'm an artist who paints a newer kind of art
With a bigger vocabulary and broken heart

I'm a doctor, trying to self diagnose
To find a cure to this heart ache that no one knows

I'm a farmer trying to plant new seeds
Or maybe a gardener removing old weeds

Either way, regardless of who I may be
I'm just trying hard not to repeat poetry
Beebz The Queen Nov 2014
I long more than anything
To live deep under the sea
To have the blankets of salt water
Completely suround me

To be able to live
With a dolphin heart
And be totally playful
Cause i know its my part

To make others smile
Whenever they see me play
Cause God gave me the gift
To make anyone's day

I want  a dolphin heart
But not a dolphins mind
I long for a playful spirit
And i long to be kind

But i wish to be courageous
And i want to be daring and brave
So a lion's soul i wish for too
Because those are my gifts that God gave

I wish to be a leader
Because Christ has called me
So a dolphins heart and a lion's soul
Is who im meant to be
Yet again a poem for my friend
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