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May 2015 · 1.0k
Andre Baez May 2015
Now let me tell you something 

If you fall in love with a poet,
you're going to go through some things

You are going to be the canvas and the paint with which a poet will provide images of a person to immortalize past space and time
You will be a moment captured to replay and rewind, even after you die you will remain live
Whether it be spoken word or written pages of books describing you, people will know you through the poets eyes
You will be the Pharaoh needed by all man-kind or the dictator, hate mongering,  a beast to despise

And this might be too much for you to handle
You will be both dismantled and held as if fragile
You will find we are the greatest of written down actors
Always reliving our moments with you, enraptured by the mood you've provided, it's true

You may think us to be the most beautiful and eloquent of speakers to grace your ears
But you may also find us to be poetic in our anger and momentary bitterness and feel fear
Because a poets tears staining a page with a pen is where pain can breathe in
And breathe out through word of mouth to clear the soul out

If you fall in love with a poet there are a few things you must know

We are the greatest observers of people or situations or emotions or all the above
We are the Warriors with scars held deep enough to contain a thousand floods
We are the creative and demonstrative Kings and Queens of knowing what's up
We are the undisputed Champs of knowing when to push and how to shove

It's all love

It's just that sometimes thoughts can overflow and spill from the jug hoping to water your gardens or harness the things you hold within and hold back never letting us contact the things so discrete that you never want us to repeat because you're afraid we'll rewrite your story to fill a void but you must realize you are part of our voice and we have no choice but to make right what we write without a disguise we are naked and alone up here in the spotlight be it during the day or the nighttime and I don't know about them but I know about me and I won't change any bodies story I will only explain the parts involving me and our planted seeds but just because I may be venting doesn't mean I don't love you because if you pay close attention you'll see yourself littered in the language I speak

Now let me tell you something

Poets make the best lovers


Because we've already written a poem about your smile and every corner of your body as we learn about your mind and put the two together to have a good time

We've already built the mountain and erased the ocean and back-flipped into space and unplugged the sun and replaced it with you because you shine

We've already embarked on the quest and saved the princess and digested any illness and are free of ill will and thus embrace you in kind

We won't stop until you feel the imagery coming from the words we speak so that the ****** you reach matches the things we preach as the bed creaks

And this is something I must repeat

If you fall in love with a poet, you're going to go through some things

But let me tell you this

If I write a poem about you

It's going to be you with the title of Pharaoh
And it's going to be you I speak to once I'm finished up here
It's going to be you, my partner on this path so narrow
Girl, it's going to be you that I consider my muse

And I appreciate that so **** much

I just wanted you to know that and hold that thought close

Because I want to fall in love with a poet

A poet like you...

Now wouldn't that be cool?
This is for you. - g.r.
Sep 2014 · 852
Fallen In Love
Andre Baez Sep 2014
Who knew falling in love could lead
me to forget about my suicide

And then falling out of love made me bleed more than ever in my life

A soul that lives in person can't make it through a lonely night

Pieces of me have left, through and through, I have lost my mind

Is falling in love the disease or the cure that's fallen from my sights

Cruising the streets with speakers banging through the night

I wish I felt it like you say you feel on yourself when the street lights

A rosary isn't holding me down whenever I try to fight

They say alcohol dependency is for the weaklings of this life

Of that and drug abuse I'm absolutely terrified

That once I fall through the cracks there's no coming back to life

I've been doing wrong so long I'm not sure what it means to do right

I wish I was like beautiful people birthed into the very light

That people say they see when they meet their destiny and die

I never saw God when I saw a bullet make a body fly

A halo wasn't helping and no Angels came from the cloudy sky

From my first breath I've been breathing in millions of lies

Within those lies truth has been told through my own lines

Around blocks and corners stretching past your heart and mine

But who will grasp the truth when the night has made us blind

The rich take elevators while the poor have ladders to climb

And they wonder why the average person can't make it to work on time

They tether us to sinking bricks and wonder why we can't escape the bind

As least we all found love before believing in our hope of genocide

Who knew falling in love could overmatch my hate of wealthy whites

Temporarily looking into her eyes can make me forget all of my plights

But when I saw her fall out of the sky like a bullet riddled kite

My heart cut in half along with hers you can't distinguish if hers is mine

Playing Brother Ali as my hope shatters leaving me behind

The shards of glass that hold my hate have entered into my eyes

So afraid to lose my mind but instead I lost the sun that shines

My body is an empty marker left to attach a sullen shrine

The music and the loss and the tears, tear through my will to fight

My daughter, innocence, deserved better in her final light

Who knew losing my love would lead me back to my thoughts of suicide

Every day I breathe is another day of do or die

I never prayed, but please God, save me from my poor design

Being alive in this world is too often seen as a crime

Being alive in this world is only a matter of time

Staying aligned is simply a matter of hope or fly

Staying alive is a master of matter holding back the sky

Join me as I say goodbye to my innocent little kite

If all memories fade in time feel free to let go and push me to the side

Real love lives freely outside until death returns home to the inside

While rain falls as I collect my pen and paper and begin to write...
Jul 2014 · 547
Random Musings
Andre Baez Jul 2014
You're my soulmate, it doesn't mean that we're lovers, it doesn't mean we're family, it means we complete each other
If the other stuff comes true, it's part of what's due, truthfully I don't mind being apart of you
Not all consuming your heart, just a branch, or a twig, maybe even some leaves or bark
It's a start, and that's all I need, I've long been dispelled by notions of greed to feed me
Sit down and eat with me and I'll laugh with you, take a part of my soul, and I'll take part of you
Even if it's a simple image on my screen, it's the picture of you, which fills up my dreams
I'm an open canister, and you're my lovely banner, never tempered by tantrums
You hold my heart ransom, in the light with my soul, never give me up for some silver or gold
Likewise I carry your heart in tow, I own the greatest prize, so what the hell is silver and gold?
Jun 2014 · 758
These Things Happen
Andre Baez Jun 2014
I never knew what it meant to be loved
Until, I met you, on a whim, in a school bus
From that little seed would be planted a bud
Which would bloom into a tree pulsating with blood
Flowing within and outwardly between two hearts
Those beats would move off sound to unison
Playing like the plastic drum players in the park
Moving swiftly and shifting so quickly
Ups and downs and rounds of being sickly

Never to the breaking point where the end was a fixture
But enough times where it was close enough to edit the picture
Tears and thoughts of suicide often entered my mind
But I never went through with it, it was faulty by design
I never wanted to leave you behind
Alone to find my body when day meets night
It's just the thoughts that overcome my imagination
One within my soul as a rose bud forsaken
I often told you I wished to die at age 25
Because anything after would be disappointing in life
No hope for the future would often be my confession
However it would conflict with our hearts message
How can I dream of my demise every night
And speak of the names we will label our kids with time
One simply can't live in close proximity to the other
The center can't be inside a box tethered
It takes supplies, plans, and prayer to weather this storm
Wether we like it or not change comes in all forms
With it came shallow lies and deception
Our branches began to grow in different directions
Scraping a different sky, embracing different horizons
Shaping different lives, and creating different climates
We came to know nothing of each other, just small talk
Knowing our past fears, but lost all current dreams in the fall

Through an atmosphere containing shattered glass
Which left veins protruding from our mass
Little pieces of ourselves flying every which way
Leads others to believe we're a source of decay
A rotting corpse that was naive enough to love
Now transforms the landscape into pools of blood
Visions of Cleopatra living beside me shattered
Meanwhile she left a harsh token in the form of Jackals
I'm always labeled by her and she's labeled by me
We can't be seen without others causing a scene
"Where is... So and so... ?"
Oh you know, out there doing... Whatever, you know?

In our minds we know better, but our hearts cling to each other
Even if someone is better, there really is no better
A Prince Charming with self esteem issues
And a Princess with a penchant for tissues
Seem to be the only pieces that fit the other
In a grande puzzle scaled to human culture
Where the puppet master knows the form and order
And the grand masters play each piece with a motive
They chose to place these two pieces to scale together
No mistakes, what's meant to be, will happen.
May 2014 · 997
Laughter, (no matter what)
Andre Baez May 2014
The is a love letter to my friend
At one point was my very best friend
Actually, maybe was my only friend
Either way let me start with my pen...

The look in your eyes when I would pass on by
Always seemed to coincide with how you felt inside
And as time went on and we have grown
The looks changed from fiery to cool as ice
Which is cool I know how changes come and go
And sometimes we need additional spice in life
But it wasn't cool when I noticed your eyes
Capturing a picture of another and the glimmer that shined
Not that it meant that we were a wreck, just a simple mess
Something that could cleaned up with Kleenex and windex
Yet I digress, I just want to get undressed
And lay naked in front of you without having stress
But it seems my naked body has lost your cause
Whenever you see it, it seems to make you pause
It's not that I'm forcing you into ****** actions
I'm just wondering, the sparks that flew, what happened?
Was it a meltdown from a chemical reaction?
Or was my inaction enough to make you want to laugh
At my sad clown, bad clown, I'm a fool act
Spread apart and maybe the closer we'll grow
Or the unique directions mean a unique place to explore
Either way, it's just how it goes
I feel you in my heart, I trust you with my soul
If you leave me, I understand the show
The jokes on me, yeah I already know

What's up my brother?
Word, to my spiritual partner
We promised to always come to each other
Growing up it was us and no one other
Lately though, it seems that we've been growing apart
Life took you down south and I've stayed in a rut
But whenever we've seen each other it's been on
Talking, playing games, just plain having fun
Later on though people stepped to me with complaints
Seems you lied on me and drove the bus over my face
It's cool, just wish you would've come to me first
So I could explain situations before a new one burst
On to the scene you always come through
Acting like everything is right and brand new
And you were right because you lost me
Not as a brother, but more as cavalry
You'll have to rely on yourself and them for back up now
Our undying space is kinda of lost in the town
Like a piece of paper promoting The Lord and Savior
Changing hue and losing former meaning, sacred  
Either way, it's just how it goes
I feel you in my heart, but I can't trust you anymore  
You left me, and  I understand the show
The jokes on me, yeah I already know

For my parents, ever the growing wiser
Except for times when you can't see past your own visor
When I was a child I would see y'all and light up
Lately when I catch a view, I just want to light up
But you know your baby boy doesn't do drugs
Yet you'll accuse me of several things that I'm not
Say that I'm an addict of other vices and need care
I'd rather not have you nagging me while rolling my wheel chair
Truthfully, if this is what the scenario would entail
I'd gladly roll on by and throw myself down the stairs
Just so I don't have to be miserable with you
Misery needs company and I'm walking out of view
Out of sight is out of mind, that's the way of you two
A black and white world can't coexist for you
I still have dreams and am a child of ambition
All you say to me is things like, "this world isn't good to raise kids in!"
Constant with the negativity
We can't even speak without a referee
Too confused with impossible movement
When y'all told me to move out I told y'all to move it!
The true impossible dream is to ever come together and be serene
It's as likely as the Generals beating the Harlem team
No matter the mental illness or disease y'all claim of me
A poets love and life is my way of harvest and feed
Either way, it's just how it goes
I feel you in my heart, but I can't tell you about my soul
I left you both, because I understand the show
The jokes on y'all now, and maybe one day you'll know

Everyday there's a joke
A time to cry and a time to have hope
Laugh out loud, whether you're rich or broke
Laugh out loud and let everyone know

Everyday there's a joke
A time to cry and a time to have hope
Laugh out loud, whether you're rich or broke
Laugh out loud and let everyone know

The is a love letter to my friend
At one point was my very best friend
Actually, maybe was my only friend
Either way let me end it how it began...
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Young Love
Andre Baez Apr 2014
Is it the physical attraction
Which lures you into
Her love, or her trap
The lust wrapped in
A shrouding shade
Of displaced love
Not meant for her
But given not knowing
How true she is
To him and his whims
For she's innocent
And he is adolescent
Foolish... Child.
Apr 2014 · 998
Andre Baez Apr 2014
You say to cherish the moments we have together

Even when they are clearly imagination

A portrait of what we should be

But not of what we are

We are a love crushed and thrown into the wind

To be spread apart and around with water and sand

You say that I should be happy to be spending another night next to you

My first inclination is to agree; however, why should I?

A temporary sleep is nothing to the daily shifts of work called life

Sleeping next to a beauty means nothing to me

If she flees from the nest once dawn arrives

A pretend game, show and tell, truth or dare

These are the premises of our current affair

You told me you loved me back more than three years ago

That was the day that gave birth to my definition of love

Which, since then, had been the 5'3", hard headed, easily frightened, highly motivated, shapely bodied, truthful and faithful (mostly), never lazy, mostly hastily, moving rapidly, lovely catastrophe, and black beauty, which you have always embodied

This is still my definition, but now I'm wondering if the thesaurus has any synonyms to offer me

As much as it's it's hard for me to turn a page ending the word play that has influenced my life since I was sixteen

As a twenty year old man, I must say, it's hard to keep a steady hand off the page

Moreover, Investigations into your movements are made by me daily

Yet never to avail, these fruits are not stationed for the picking

Even if they were, they would be a sturdy shell for a rotten core

For that is where the heart collapses

Your heart, and it's love for me

Not without reason, and not completely forgotten, as you ask me if I'd like some pizza

However the delivery man, never delivered anything to me that I couldn't have obtained by myself

Way back when I looked to you to deliver me from myself

Knowing that is a fools desire and an even bigger fools conquest

We are lost in usefulness but high in meaning like Latin

Maybe some great magician will appear and grant us a perfect match and happy separation

But I doubt it, just as I doubt the curled lips of your smile, as you ask me about my day.
Apr 2014 · 634
Thoughts of the Week
Andre Baez Apr 2014
It's a quarter till Midnight

And the darkness whistles in my ears

Bristles are split by the weary spears

From the hands of pall bearers

Lifting hundreds from one abyss to the other

For life is circular in natural stone boulders

Scriptures are faded by dust and wind

Left as hieroglyphs by the ancients

Whom wished to give knowledge to the world

Knowledge of architecture, agriculture, and spirits

The curves of Mother Earth and the voice of Father God

Although the closest to God is a mother

Who gives life, a super natural ability, and honor

It's eleven till Midnight and light floods my room

For just on the other side of a few inch thick door

Lies a man with a gun, a 40, and an attitude

Engaging the neighbors beneath and beside him

Laughing from the turmoil of the day

While shifting his eyes to hide tears

As his son is in the hospital but his sons mother despises him

For he had no time, therefore no interest

In the seed he had planted in a one time plastic *** from Home Depot

It's eight minutes till midnight and I miss the moon

I'm too fearful to leave my door

As I watch videos of idiotic and moronic

People's who want to change the world

With no plan, only a vision, of milk and honey flowing

Work is a theory and talking matter

It is an excuse to imbibe coffee and consume pastries  

For ideas are more interesting than actions

For those who use actions are mere talking points for gossip

It's four minutes until midnight and my life isn't mine

It hasn't been mine for years

Since my inception I was fed lies, just like you

The newest lie is I should be happy

The second newest lie is I should be sad

The third newest lie is that my brother will get better

Because how can one become better...

If born from an incident

As a result of negative consequence

It's two minutes till Midnight and I know he never had a chance

I would give up my life for his

But it would change nothing for our parents would still cry

For my actions have been misleading

And he has been stripped of what was rightfully his

A chance to live his own life

It's midnight and my thoughts devour my soul

In the form of shadows dancing along the walls of my bedroom

I wish I was a dream weaver
Apr 2014 · 890
Echoes in the Distance
Andre Baez Apr 2014
A man walks home from his job
Part-time at two different places
To feed his child and give shelter
With his child's mother in place
This man would live life daily as
Best as he could like any other
Marijuana smoke helps dull pain
And heartache from another
Job and opportunity lost, cause
Of simple mistakes avoidable
Had he been more responsible
As the day draws to a close
Celebrations begin for a year
A year of renewal and promises
To improve, to provide, to guide
In his eyes he sees the fiery day
Give in to an unforgiving night

Fearful of taking an innocent life or
Having his life taken in an instant
He put faith in a train to plot
A direct course for the party
Returning home in the morning
To his little daughter and lover
Perhaps too much fun was had
A little much drink in plastic cup
Fights broke out in the live night
Of which friends of him were apart
Involving him in old hood beef
Fists met flesh but not bullet
For skin hadn't been torn by metal
Leaving human crimson along
The roadside beltway or floor
This was a rivalry among men
Whom lived without abandon
And strived for a daily dime

Men of the law would intervene
As is requisite of such actions
But reactions are destructive
Conducive to leaving lines
And plenty body bag designs
All aligned with ***** tiles
The tile that his stomach lies
As the kneecaps dig into him
Of a grown man with a life, wife,
And child in the womb of her
Similar to the man beneath him
But he reaches towards his belt
As his brother struggles below
Black like the early morning
Consuming the two of them
The fruits are veiled in this station
Fruits of deep seeded hate and
Inaction in the face of atrocities:
Glaring and gazing steadily

The shot rang out...

One. Light. Shines.
As. The. Bullet. Flies.
And. Burns. Flesh.


... Echoes in the distance

Internal organs are dying
Breathes are more labored
His daughter and lover
Would find 7 hours later
That they would be left
In the distance that took him
An imperfect man slain
In an imperfect world.
Mar 2014 · 14.0k
For My Mistress
Andre Baez Mar 2014
The seductress on my mind
Lives in full on expression
Laced in the free confines
And platitudes of direction

The sequential confessions
A private march of signs
Lead aggressive regression
A spinal tap of times

Timid forms of prose
Do not impose, much
In the way of speech
Or the ways of preach

A dandelion blossoms
Fully under direction
Of gunfire and hellfire
Made in mans *****

A milk which is colored
A dark, rusting, crimson
For this is the gift adorned
An antiquated prison

A dream once flowed upon
The rivers that line my arms
Texts of pharaohs charmed
With distant songs sung  

Yet, not distant enough
Into a further realm of
Steak, salmon, wine, and
Pontification, a type sublime

Cardiac and stop and frisk arrests
Psychedelics and prophylactics
Insomniacs and chipper morn birds
Courage and numbing fear tactics

Topics are churned forward
As thoughts are yearned for
But are seldom rewarded
Without snide comments

Even if contorted to fit
Daily textbook definitions
A raindrop is precipitation
Not tears from eyes of perdition

Said a jeering member of an alley
A gatekeeper for all of Hades
A living reminder of what shape
Controls societies minions a plenty

I believe you are a queen lost in time
You are the seductress on my mind
The boom-bap of 90s street art hop
A collection of lives birthed caught

You are the desire of my epicenter
The freezing of my two lips together
A culture of desire and of fortune
A soft room with croons in tunes

I believe you are not pink matter
You are the color scheme in the sun
A serpent slithering within disaster
A tale of victory and woe as one

Tears sting the edges of my eyes
As shadows are cast upon my soul
A tree in mourning for it's seeds
As oil desecrates, dry, shallow soil

When did this become a love poem?
Atop the raft my dreams have flowed
Wordsmiths fashion sturdy homes  
To heal the word and to help growth

Inside one of these I fled and bled
In it I found fish, water, and bread
Self-hate and despair had spread
Until it was fully excreted in death

The seductress on my mind brought:
Dandelions with smoke from gunfire
Milk which was crimson in color
Pharaohs songs of golden charm
A conversation in full, and open arms
Arms that held my dreams with calm

Constructs of love and poetic meals
Heal the surface of darkness scorn
Feeding the soul of it's sullen needs
A return to an innocence unborn
Mar 2014 · 496
Andre Baez Mar 2014

the youngest son
is not a sun
but a moon
fed darkness
of his father
& distance of others
precious minutes
& monsters
for not inquiring
on the goings of others
while still attempting
to be filled with light.
Feb 2014 · 559
The Practicality of Lies
Andre Baez Feb 2014
The undying truth is
Much less functional
Than the very real lie
For the lies lessened
Some burned burden
Truth be told I never
Learned one from a
Two or three or four
Never have I learned
Why a lie is spurned
For we live lies daily
Masks are attained
For usage, not show
Emotions are halted
As we walk paths of
Existence, existing
No longer living in a
World where being
Human equates to
A nuisance, for truly
If you expect to be
You must be a lie
A breathing, musing,  
Lousy, and cheating
And rousing, even
Adventurous, but
Prudent enough to
Know when enough
Is in fact, enough
To suffice for a time
In a day or a night
To wipe any two-way
Mirror off the face
Of your self as well
As the Earth, Heaven
And I suppose Hell
Although isn't that
Where we are living?
Or is that a lie, and
We are in fact ants
In a pile, formed by
God, in the form of
An eleven year-old
Child playing again
And again, and yet
Again a game of
With a group of his
Friends, whom act
As his lieutenants
And guardians of
His fortress that he's
Made out of cereal
Boxes and pillows
As well as blankets
And even his old
Disney tents which
Feature old favorites
Mickey, Minnie, Donald,
It's just plain Goofy
That these Angels are
Nothing more than
Imaginative children
Or is that imagination
What contains a very
Potent, easy solution
For imagination is a lie
That hasn't come true
But can in one form or
The other, in musicians,
In movies, in art pieces,
And all around us, awe
Inspiring pieces of us
Would take center stage
Because artistic visions
Are sneak peeks into
The future, and what
Can take place in our
Evolution as participants
In this child's game of
An ugly, foul swan can
Be a beautiful duckling
A horrid sunny afternoon
Can be a lovely rainy
Evening, with a freeing
Thoughtful sensation
Corralling our minds
While nurturing our
Fragile young bodies
For the age of One-
Hundred is but a blip
Of a nightlight in the
Face of sunlight
That's the burning
Truth, alongside our
White-hot lines of lies
Which begin at the
Cashier and work
Their ways out of
The door, while
Complaining about
Poor service and
Time wasted, when
Really they want
To go home and
Play some Facebook
Games and tweet
About the sandwich
They have yet to eat
Not knowing they
Are the ones being
Played by the God
An eleven year-old
Whom has earned
Few concerns in
His own game of
For he has imagination
He owns and controls
His personal set of
Very real lies, because
The undying truth is
Much less functional.
Feb 2014 · 3.0k
Journey of a Fool
Andre Baez Feb 2014
From the beginning
You were running
Searching for
The unknown
The anonymous
The subconscious
The atomic particle
A molecule that would
Capture you in full
And catapult you into
The great and vast blue
Where only far and few
Have gained entry to
However, you are not
You have not
You will not
You are rotting wood
Maggots feasting upon
Vultures destroying bone
While consuming flesh

Flesh of past

To the carves
Upon thy
Self with

For slavery is
The Owner of
The name
A simple
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Remember, Winston Smith?
Andre Baez Feb 2014
Today I woke up and saw blood run down my nose,
The wetness shocked me like water from a hose,
As I searched myself I came across many lines,
Far more than a person my age should have designed,
Upon my canvas also lies a bit of weight,
Not enough for muscles just enough to be in shape,
My entire body is covered in a throw of fur,
Mentally I could never give into shaving, it's absurd,
Why should I change the Lords work?
My moms work, my pops work, it's what I'm worth,
Physically, I'm far from a perfect being,
But, who can seriously claim to be perfect, see
A crease from furrowed brows and tough thoughts,
Is what's needed for many to eventually get across,
The bridge that holds our destiny,
If we're true to ourselves then soon we'll see,
That each one of us is one of the worlds instruments,
A tool to be used in whatever way to represent,
The total collectiveness of our spirit,
The human spirit and the lives that go near it,
Social justifications for monstrous actions,
Aren't enough to give any sense of satisfaction,
The mind is only of a single individual,
As such the thoughts of others and their ridicule,
Is not enough to influence a movement or a truth,
An idea can spread contagions to the youth,
Through them and so on the ways get passed on,
Thrown out are false ideas and politicians who were lax on,
The middle and under man and their predicaments,
**** their lack of care, we are Gods fingerprints,
For whom the bells toll, hands fly up and grab,
Our faces by the cheeks and together we will laugh,
Because a world of unity comes after the stage fright,
Look at the anonymous who fight each day and each night,
The wordless texts written on marketing magazines,
The muted audio coming from blanketed screens,
A voiceless march on solders of love,
A war on peace will flare out in blood,
The thin red line that traces arches outside of my nose,
It works it's way left then right, to and fro,
A painting on the working canvas of my soul,
Colors swirling and mixing just outside the window,
Lies potential waiting to be tapped,
Along with my own, it's the wane to be attacked,
Through ambivalent works we are attached,
Malevolent words are weakness in the face of intelligence, wrath.

Wrath is the enemy of the dreams we have earned,
The dreams that have been worked for, burned for and yearned for,
Oh Lord, the chore is hard to absorb,
Which is why more is to be given,
For more are willing, to lend themselves to the cause of children,
And old men and women, trapped in prisons and similar buildings, Westboro baptist churches and terrorist organizations,
Government agents, with Wes Craven woven situations,
A nightmare is on Elm street, and your street and my street,
Even if you don't see it, you can hear it,
The gunshots may not ring off near your house,
But the ambulance goes past your house to the ER in clouds,
And out of your mouth comes "I hope they're fine, wow."
But in truth it's a passing moment in your own life, wow.

Just like that, it's the fragility of things,
A bird of Hermes eating it's own wings,
Reality based upon countless simplicities,
Recipes are made from human soliloquies,
Stories passed down ****** and through ink,
Written tales of woe and tales of victory,
Strategies to make the mind seek peace,
In mournful situations where bodies reek,
Media slavery and private prison sceneries,
Are overbearing distortions of American Dreams,
Big Brother is only a few decades from being,
Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasian countries,
Are already practicing a form of doublethink,
Freedom of thought is the freedom of newspeak,
Guy Fawkes, wake up kids, nothing is as it seems,
The revolution is now and forever recurring.
Andre Baez Feb 2014
Khakis or dark slacks is the choice
What to wear to work... you just got an invoice
Tax collector is coming, so is the electric bill
Will power is driving you to build your skills

From 7am till 11 at night
The story you wrote that day
Is the same with every flight
The same storks flew the same blue sky
Likewise problems came on then went on by
The drive to do what needs to be done
It's hard for most people and easier for some
The teachings taken till now from when we were young
Is the beauty instilled to make sure we aren't dumb
Even if we are in love we leave ourselves bread crumbs
To leave the cusp one must make sure to lay off the drugs
It's those same drugs that lead to poor decisions
The repercussions often aren't witnessed
But in extreme cases may lead to double-digit
Sentences that run on to life in prison
Intelligence bound within the confines of the mind
The skull, the flesh, and the tomb of the heavenly kind
Is often privy to lapses of judgement with asylum signs
The definition of insanity is to do a thing and rewind
The same thing that was just done
It's the same wax wings melting in the sun
The sun needs to give us time to reach warmth
And maybe one day love won't seem like such a chore

It's the circumstances and resolve that shape a person
It's the issues and the tissues that change a person
It's the smoke and the lights that face the person
It's the script and the choice that **** the person

Moving so smoothly among a vast array of drones
Lies a young boy among the shattered block of homes
Church going child with respect for his elders
Doesn't know how poor he is living in his shelter
That's because the boy is rich in spirit
But most people don't even want to go near it
The reason is people are giving up their souls
Doing what they can to be the dog to get the bone
Definitions of "realness" is the deciding factor
If your actions, thoughts, and feelings aren't real, you're an actor
And if that acting's poor your life will be a disaster
That's why the rusting, green, pinky rings are the enactors
The bearers of the wealth are the leaders in arms
With this leadership they lead us into harm
The selfishness that they have is all consuming
Hoping to take us all in an astounding union

As blood spots darken against the golden shine of the sky
Gauze patches enter the scene as time seems to fly by
You begin to float as the clouds seem to slow down
Red trickles down your mouth to form a sad frown
From a crown wearing king to a pitifully clad clown
The echoes of silence continuously resound
Familial reactions begin and end with a pound
A pound from your heart at birth, at death the final pound
Seven pounds of sacrifice, buried six-feet under ground

It's the circumstances and resolve that shape a person
It's the issues and the tissues that change a person
It's the smoke and the lights that face the person
It's the script and the choice that **** the person

Oh boy, keep holding on
Young girl, keep holding strong
Oh boy, keep holding on
Young girl, keep holding strong

It's the circumstances and resolve that shape a person
It's the issues and the tissues that change a person
It's the smoke and the lights that face the person
It's the script and the choice that **** the person
It's the echoes of silence that continuously resound
Familial reactions begin and end with a pound
A pound from your heart at birth, at death the final pound
Seven pounds of sacrifice, buried six feet under ground
Feb 2014 · 403
The Alchemists
Andre Baez Feb 2014
Don't forget,
3 • Oct • 11.

She was the one,
The great provider,
The one whom gave us,
Her all, in entirety.

Our mother,
She was our one,
The only person in home,
Herself, in awe.

He wasn't one,
The great deserter,
The one whom gave none,
Nothing, in entirety.

Our father,
He was gone,
The shadow on her heart,
Everything, in all.

We gave up,
Our bodies,
Our hearts,
Our souls.

We gave it all,
For her to return,
Only to receive,
His reentrance.

With him also,
Came resentment,
One of us squealed,
The other of us screamed.

All in all,
We gave up,
Too much,
For a monstrosity.

To have her return,
Ingredients for a human,
Were quite simply,
Not enough.

Two tiny drops,
Of two halves her blood,
Mixed with elements,
Does not compose, soul.

The journey,
To repair both of us,
The damaged offspring,
Would be all that resulted.

All that remain,
Are her memories,
Along with memories,
Of fates twisted.

Our fates,
Twisted by actions,
Formed by intentions,
Of noble origin.

To be distorted,
By foreign will,
Acquainted powers,
Ally against control.

we become dogs,
Of the military,
Of our guilt.


An apology,
Forged by love,
Is all we have left,
All that we can give.

We clash,
Till fingertips bleed,
To repair all,
That's become,
Of our sin.
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Apartment Home
Andre Baez Feb 2014
Four walls are screaming...

Lying here awakened by the deafened sound of silence
Casually existing in a manifestation of neighborly violence
Is a martyr of selfish explanation and station
In the mix for chairman on the way the satan
Gates open for him when he travels from his lair,
But travel comes in spurts of gravitational voids,
Filling up with meals as they enter without choice,
Or any sense of repair for what's there,
Entering crevasses and other openings along surfaces,
That allow one to feel worthlessness,
Never hoisting the trophy given to those whom represent perfectness,
Perfectionist can't resist the temptations to conjure mist,
To make sure and valid that works of art are works of fact which exist,
To be or not to be or create or mislead,
Proceeded by apologies that mislead atrocities,
Across cities so wickedly the deadliness of it all is least thrilling,
As a result of the bland toast experience that leaves most chilling,
Spine tingling, neck wringing, spinal tapping, and wired napping,
Saran wrapping over mouths made by ACME,
Causing destruction much like what's seen on TV,
And bought at your local pharmacy,
Where they farm human beings much like cattle, count the sheep?
Because you're snoring, sleeping through class again and looking bummy,
Roaring is coming from the bottomless pits of your tummy,
You devour the tiniest bits of crumbs and feeling crummy,
Misused sense of self existence is persistent to make you nothing

Because four walls are screaming
The world is yours
The world is foreign
The world is burned
The world is corse
The world is hoarse
The world is worse
The world it turns
The world it yearns
The world is yours
The world is yours
The word is yours
The word is yours

Shadows in the brightness of the dark,
Spread across expansive spaces of empty walls,
Suffocating the echoes formed by creaking halls,
Hand rise and fall while final gasps are drawn,
Choked sounds leaving as they enter withdrawal,
Enter into my senses stating that the beauty lies in dawn,
Drawn faces lie on skulls where lines are made of chalk,
The rest of the skeleton remains but must be bought in bulk,
Off branded and made by foreign nations,
Easily paid for with easy to find replacements,
The mind is not a terrible loss when you've only ever had half,
To lose another half would only be half as bad,
Half as much mind to get up out of the shield of bed sheets,
Half as much mind to walk, any given day, across any given street,
100% percent chance at the fate which awaits me,
Yet the safety net in place fools me to believe,
That a life without risk is worth living,
As ant piles form in any which place along the floor,
And the handles continuously fall from the doors,
Clothes, dishes, and homework, pile up into chores,
A fatal scene of tragedy reminiscent of noir,
Ambiguity remains in what lies just beneath,
The surface as the crust of earth acts as a sheath,
While the remainder of it grows rotten due to the cheats,
The liars and the friars who act as moonlit buyers,
Of incomplete factions and fractions of complete mishaps,
Perhaps an axe to the frontal lobe would loosen up control,
My eyes are scar filled and leaking massive amounts of soul,
The soil is darkening with fertilization,
While the source material is dying from being wasted,
It's the typical atypical response to taunts and trails of peril fraught,
With sounds emanating explaining the cause of a shot,
Straight through the heart piercing through the rock,
Cries to forget everything that's been taught, "it's a crock!"

Because four walls are screaming
The world is yours
The world is foreign
The world is burned
The world is corse
The world is hoarse
The world is worse
The world it turns
The world it yearns
The world is yours
The world is yours
The word is yours
The word is yours

To be happy or give family,
Satisfactions of being right you see,
Interactions of puppets tied to string,
Tears next to taxes they're filing,
Humming songs meant to sing,
Has long been the main thing,
To act yet never do the real thing,
It's a monstrosity of honesty,
Honestly saying you are not a thing,
You have no talents you aren't interesting, it's sickening,
That it's truly what they believe,
And thus extend it to fresh psyches,
Of their children like Socrates,
Faith in their words is philosophy,
Till one broke away from topography,
Stopping streams of tears in their streaks, it's done, it repeats,
But all in all is all that he needs,
To defeat the menacing grins to have them at his feet,
Groveling knowing in time that he'll be king,
The sequences flourish from new daisies to trash heaps,
It's a lion stalking and napping among sheep,
The bygones are gone by yet the goodbyes never cease,
The will of the strong is hoisted up by the weak,
But the weak were those who made up the soul of the strong,
The weak were once knights but turned into pawns,
To check into their mates and remain on call,
To stir up disaster by setting up the alarms,
Their charms through voice never lent psalm,
Through all dampening storms he always remained calm,
Even within the shelter of his apartment home,
Ignorance of the outside world didn't disperse of his wounds,
The shreds of skin, metal tasting flesh torn,
Separate the ligaments of the clothes worn,
Mercurial mental in the midsts of complete war,
Picture frames crowd around on the floor,
Commodities in short supply have dissolved,
A death will occur in a mystery solved...

Because four walls are screaming
The world is yours
The world is foreign
The world is burned
The world is corse
The world is hoarse
The world is worse
The world it turns
The world it yearns
The world is yours
The world is yours
The word is yours
The word is yours
Dec 2013 · 2.2k
Things Fall Apart
Andre Baez Dec 2013
There was a knock at the door

A knock that bounces off in rhythm

Similar yet different
from the disjointed sounds
of her head hitting the door,
the bathroom sink,
and then the floor

Her beats were her beatings
which often dragged from street to bed

They began with her mothers boyfriend,
an alcoholic enforcer of  peace, law, and trust
But, he wished to take a piece of her and eat it,
telling her that no laws were broken,
as he asked her to trust him

With a bit of apprehension
she sequestered, she went to his level,
as mother looked on from her blind eye
She asked her mother to stop the man
because it was a new pain unlike any other
Mother cooked on, stirring her beef stew,
just cooking along as she bawled
Those tears provided little relief
to the daughter with her first STD at 13

She provided little reaction
after multiple interactions with her attacker
It was easier to spread her legs and allow easy access to the temple residing there in shambles

She became intoxicated by the same poison that
awakened the inner beast within her mothers man
An exciting blood rush from bruised legs healed
by liquors lecherous lectures

Until one day the man died
in the street due to his debts
A man in blue left black and blue,
thus freeing her, or so she thought

Now at seventeen she had never had a man of her
own, or a boy after ***** in her case
She doesn't know what a good boy looks like, or
feels like, only what a bad man taste like

Consequently she repeats the cycle
because it is comfort as she's conformed
Her contorted body and twisted smile with
tattooed black and blues is normal

Another knock at the door

A sound that bounces off in rhythm

Rhythm and blues
One, two
One, two
Rhythm and blues
One, two
One, two

Similar but different
from the dangling
of her bracelets
as her man chokes her
with her necklace
she gasps for breath,
but is helpless

Completely given into
the physically stronger
person above her
Keeping her down:
1 foot,
2 foot,
3 foot,
4 foot,
5 foot,
till she begs to be 6 feet underground

Where he stops just short
And digs her up from the Earth

He puts out cigarettes
on her tongue
He rapes her repeatedly:
cooing for her to call him daddy
He makes her shoot up heroine
He beats her and her temple
into smithereens

She is a shell of who she used to be,
but accepts what fate has afforded her
As if she had no say in the matter
because no one told her
that there is always a choice

She doesn't know that she can run
She doesn't know that she can fight back
She doesn't know that she can call the police
(never police)
She doesn't know her own power

Because she is nothing,
nothing without him,
and him and him and him,
Nothing all at without dripping
blood on the floor from her bottom lip
busted open after denying his kiss

She has his baby in her stomach
but it doesn't stop him
from kicking her *** up and down the block
He doesn't want her to have the baby
so he throws her down stairs daily,
"Are you ******* crazy?"

Her neighbors yell
as her man tells them
to mind their business
and go to hell
"She's my *****," he yells
as he always excels
at repelling everyone else

One day an unknown savior
came to offer her aid
One thing led to another
and her saviors fist met her mans face
She screamed and the savior
thought it was out of relief
However she was afraid
that her man was deceased
Her savior would end up
leaving the building in hand cuffs
As she embraced her man,
he swore he woke up and would change
She smiled brightly as he kissed her scars
and dried tears from her face
Her beatings ended for two nights:
then started up again when
she forgot to defrost some chicken for dinner

Once more a knock at her door

A bang that bounces off in rhythm

A baby boy was produced and given love
in the highest quantities known to man,
smothering in quality, and genuine as can be
His mother sacrificed every day of her life for his,
took every loss in stride, cooked every single night,
and was beaten in plain sight of her baby boy

Baby boy learns from daddy,
Daddy turns to stranger,
Stranger is never a danger,
Stranger daps young boy,
After assaulting his mother,
Stranger gives young boy a gun,
Stranger tells young boy to join a gang,
Stranger tells young boy to run the streets,
Stranger tells young boy to hit his woman,
Stranger says she's a *** and a *****,
Just like the young boys mama,
Stranger gives props to young boy,
Stranger loves young boy,
And young boy loves stranger back,
Young boy hates:
his mother,
his neighborhood,
his friends,
his teachers,
his sisters,
and the sun,
But stranger understands him,
Stranger raised him

Mother died in memorial hospital
from internal bleeding
She had taken one beating
a thousand times too many
Young boys grandmother looked
upon her body in regret and shame
Grief given much too late
for the child ****** into hate

The young boy turns man

And knocks on his ladies door

Rhythm reminiscent of hers...

***** and blood
***** and blood
Things come together
Things fall apart

***** and blood
***** and blood
Things come together
Things fall apart

***** and blood
***** and blood
Things come together
Things fall apart
Nov 2013 · 680
Para Nania
Andre Baez Nov 2013
The sheets
Soft Egyptian
Feathers in pillows

Purest forms of nature is you
Gracefully waiting upon me
To run my fingers along you
As you gasp and grasp me

My tongue lightly travels
Along the grande terrain
Our clothes are unravelled
I kiss your skin, left plain

My fingers enter slowly
My tongue enters slowly
I thoughtfully please you
I coax the moans from you

Throughout time and space
Euphoria takes a firm grip
As I enter you, your face
Changes shape with wisps

Then wisps turn whole
As your soul whispers
The hole is filled, Oh
You ****** and whimper

Again and again, together
We heighten and simmer
Again and again, together
We heighten and simmer

You impetrate that I penetrate
As defined within my traits
Organs of grandiose grandeur
Distinctly rise within your tender

Consummation begins
Once devoured it ends
Like fine wine and ham
Except where it began

Feathers in pillows
Soft Egyptian
The sheets
You laid
Nov 2013 · 839
je veux baiser
Andre Baez Nov 2013
your soul
to me...

the tips
of our fingers

I know
your centimeters
are tasteful


direct contact
eye contact
a laugh


fire spreads
blood boils


the love





Nov 2013 · 1.3k
Meet & Greet
Andre Baez Nov 2013
Beautiful soul
The carrier of hardships

You are the spawn
Of proud ancestry

The source of awe
The muse for my desire

Your dark skin
Is my heart's awakening

Yet you are not for me

You are not for me

You are not for me

Distance remains a consistent
Impediment to my sacrilege
Travesty of a face of empathy
Sadly I'm less than eyes can see

Yet more beneath is left to greet
My ears hear psalms mourning me
Tears leak upon my pale cheeks
Speeches are given casually

Venom spews through the loose
Vortexes of speaker-box booths
The black hole that once controlled
My inner intuitions and sold soul

The owner being you in truth
Sweetly scented lullabies shoo
Away doubtful tunes in bloom
The replacements are couth sleuths

Meetings seldom meet fruition
Meat meets my mouth in suspicion
Meaning I'm once again a victim
Meandering through prisms

Restaurant owners are slower
To greet me at the doorway
Knowing fulfillment of my order
Won't require a table for more

Not for the kind of man who
Stands and is hardly understood
Also seemingly oblivious to who
Is true and reluctant to face proof

That you are not for me

You are not for me

You are not for me

Beautiful girl
You are the grains

Beautiful girlfriend  
You are the coastline

Beautiful woman
You are the ocean

Beautiful wife
You are the Earth in whole  

Yet you are not for me

You are not for me

You are not for me

The tremors
The whispers
The night terrors
The torch bearers
The dark caresser
The static selector
The burnt dresser
The hell blesser

The black lipstick wearer

You are for me.
Nov 2013 · 832
Little Lives & Love
Andre Baez Nov 2013
I walk along a fluke
Played alongside a flute
Sullen wings and dark tattoos
Mark the humid lovers pool

Run along you solemn fool
Maybe one day you'll feel new
You can claim you want to lose
But still you won't take off your shoes

Little lovers on a whim
Make love till the lights dim
Love again, and love again
Maybe one day we'll all be friends

Although hearts are made of tin
Feelings range from no to yes
Thoughts go from hate to bliss
We wish for an almost kiss to kiss

This is for my flowers soul
Who wilted before it could grow
Began to sprout before the snow
Now it's just a cavern without a glow

Never knew if it was a tulip or rose
Never felt its roots or stem at all
Only saw the green withdrawal
And hoped it'd return at my call

Still I walk the fluke until the end
Lovers love along inside a whim
Flowers die at life's precipice
And my heart beats along despite all of this

With these many lines in blood
And these little lives and love
With these many lines in blood
And these little lives and love
Nov 2013 · 1.9k
4 Days Ago
Andre Baez Nov 2013
The successes of others who've long since forgotten me are overjoying
You were my dream, but I preferred my nightmares
The ability to remain scared of what's possible, yet you cared
You would coo in my ear as your fingers flowed through my hair
My lost ones are successes yet I'm trapped in the recesses
Of my memory soliloquies the harmonies of being tortured mentally
Constructs of what's dressed up as angels yet hell struck
You fled from the inferno to an apple of grandeur and banter and slander
If anyone were to stand tall through cancer it would be you, its truth
You're the beautiful black angel, from a black heaven, with red and black shoes
I only wish I could've bought them and put them on to you
Before that though I would soak a towel in soapy water to clean each foot
Then we could've had mixed little kids like we planned through our youth
Although you were older you treated me like a nurse treats a soldier
You catered to my whims even when the lights got dim
And through the thick of moans and groans your light always shined
You were home; a light house, a star which tore through the night sky
You were Michael Jackson's Thriller and you had no filter
You were Naomi Campbell even when life was in shambles
You were a beacon of hope I had so long searched for in dirt
You, firefly, were born not to cry or to be trampled by hurt
Yet you did as a result of me, sweet serenity, due to my lines traced with lies
I was your love, the heavens above, in human form, to adore
You were rich in soul and mind although I was poor
You would still give me passwords to your front door
Even if I wouldn't let you touch my cell phone
Funny how things have changed now that I've grown
After you found out I was in a tryst with another lover you suffered
You screamed and tears fell as you told me to…
“Go to Hell, how could you do all this **** to me Gabriel?!"
I have the name of an angel and a voice to lend charm
But I'm nothing but a hoofed devil walking slowly to cause harm
You were never armed our prepared for what was in my heart
The darkness was never going to let you become apart
I had a void that couldn't be filled with your love
Your tears grew heavier and landed to the ground as blood
I know you're better than Eve because you'll bite that apple and win
And I still think of you every time the light dims
Although I know you have a new him
One day I hope I get famous so you'll have to hear my hymns
To make you witness my lack of self-forgiveness
To, for the first time in my life, lend you full attention
This is what I say to justify my intentions, when in fact I'm being selfish
I'm selfish because I want you still
I want to feel your lips and give you the same love that you felt
To adore you and hold you the same way you held me and told me everything
On your mind at the time, I wish to rewind and give you my life
I had some semblance of unconscious hope when I reached out to you once more
Though last time we spoke you said “I don’t hate you,” still
You said “I want to forget you,” and my little light was killed
You'll never want to measure my soul’s difference and my heart’s repentance
You are a permanent tenant as part of my penance
I must sit here and bear witness to your happiness
Yet not be a part of it, I simply smile for the entirety of your being is wondrous
Tarnished are my veins for the liquid which flows through them
Beg ownership to a person destined to such consequence
I am the unspoken memory, the dusk on the horizon
I am the melancholy symphony, a misery cypher
You are the art piece which overshadows Mona Lisa,
You are flowery fields of grace; you are the colors in bloom
The shadows of the sun and the heartbeat of the moon.
Oct 2013 · 2.2k
Andre Baez Oct 2013
Osiris is not a viable option,
The rays of him are toxic,
One must err on the side of caution,
One mustn't take in the toxins.

Not with a serpents gaze of night ,
I am the gleam in their very eyes,
The twilight of people's lives,
The shine dwindling with time.

Street lights conjoin with the void,  
As loss and gain meet with choice,
The old teach young about voice,
Lack thereof and unspoken poise.

Lines have gathered across the head,
Along with emotions, swirling regrets,
Primal fear creeps up ones neck,
The remainder of memories to forget.

I haven't slept for I have wept


I haven't sang for I have pain


I haven't laughed for I am ******


I haven't smiled for I am vile


For she dwells within me

A potion within a vial

Searching for answers,
Answers that have long since forgotten the questions,
As words have forgotten poems,
Poems that have forgotten books,
Books that have forgotten shelves,
And you, who has forgotten me,
Although you live here, my Isis.

You do not have the mind,
To know that I dream of you,
With me, as one in the same,
Glimmers of hope which make way,
For back breaking pain, and disdain
As you say, my name, I sob, I pray,
You encounter the soul provider,
Whom you alone, deserve.

Deciphering the hieroglyphics,
The depth of my chambers,
Such an undertaking,
Is only for those not wary,
Of rude awakenings and laws,
Forsaking the freedom of my bonds,
Which hold my place, along the gate,
Which controls my fate.

Bonds of loathing and taunting
Specters of faceless smiles
Messages of nameless moans
Titles and spiteful rivals,
Bring cries of despair and tears,
Which shatter the floor beneath,
Uncovering layers of disgust,
Skin deep, is the source of vanity.

Vanity meaning fleeting importance,
For it, death, life, joy, fear, hope,
And melancholy; know nothing,
As they are simply the effects,
But not the causes of the ruckus,
The frozen coating of ocean surface,
Ignorant to the swelling below,
Waiting for a chance to bring Diablo.




Oct 2013 · 1.5k
Andre Baez Oct 2013
The material objects
Shaped like global projects
Not for manufacturing
But for hassling and crackling
Like lightning and spiking
The mind with a nail
That flies through the air
As the red runs through hair
It leaks unto the face and reeks
As it's covered with white sheets
Pray deep, and live sweet
No way you'll get over this
The ship is sailing, and leaving a blip
Isn't what's written in the script
Criminals are staring licking lips
Even if the mind remains infinite
The body is super finite and timid
Primitive is a definitive
Description of the gifts
And the derivative flows
From the mouth of gold and souls
Which were sold and outgrown
But kept in a small room
Without a bit of sun to groom
The seed which needs to feed
On the principles of the weak
Desperation within these times
Lead me to be confined between
The power of the lack of minds

The flights are so carefully and unanimously chartered
In the end it's the poor and uninformed who are martyred
Nothing but cattle to be led towards the slaughter
The carvers are waving their hands as they swarm us

All I hear are screams
Passing through the dreams
Into the realms of the sickening
Men dribbling magazines
Into darkened hands and things
While straddling the fencing
Their hands start shaking
As the body follows quaking
Falling from the shrieking
Of the thunderous blows
Impacting the whole globe
Earthquakes, hurricanes, and snow
Blizzards leaving us as gizzards
Our sons are molesters and
Our daughters are strippers
Wondering where this'll get us?
Further from the better
Deeper into comas and
Commas can't break the fact
That we're under attack
From those whom hold a badge
And those whom hold a strap
Underarm wishing due harm
Pressing onto triggers
While avoiding the alarms
Silent killers voicing their opinions
As fortune tellers hold their charms
Wailing "you're too close to sun"
As the youth run to grab their guns

The flights are so carefully and unanimously chartered
In the end it's the poor and uninformed who are martyred
Nothing but cattle to be led towards the slaughter
The carvers are waving their hands as they swarm us

Insanity is what's referred to as
The common suffering man
Media wants you to cram
Misinformation into your head
With dread you step and
Inch into the abyss
Never to remiss on the strips
Of truth locked in consciousness
The involuntary thought processes
Destruct free will in segments
From 60 minutes to 30 seconds
Intentions are clandestine
Yet you feel you're destined
To earn respect when they'll spit
On your grave, after they dissect
And get off on the fact
That they ripped away your mask
And put you off track because
They feared the soul you had
You want to have it back
But they're not having that
The suits in the dark rooms
Would rather mentally doom
The fool, and save bullets for troops
To shoot, tracing blood under boots
The plan is so smooth
Because you play by their rules
From fast cars to ****** jewels
The thorny crown is on you
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
Circle 4
Andre Baez Oct 2013
Remain in your cocoon,
Or you'll be bound and found,
With your mouth chewing the ground,
Allow yourself to be spoon-fed,
All the while keeping thoughts,
To yourself, neglect your health,
But what about wealth?
Never settle without the better,
Regret each intersection,
With the same interceptor,  
Search for the feeling,
The one that keeps you alive,
Or you'll be sent reeling,
And fighting for your life,
You'll lose your two children,
And your once devoted wife,
Who got fed up with the fools games,
And all the gorgeously smooth lies,
That manifested into ugly filthy ties,
That held the darkest parts in tow,
Making a saints row to destroy,
The evil, but he cannot be defeated,
Nor can he be thwarted, because
He has exposed all his forces,
And exalted all his horses,
As he listens to the theme,
every twang when the chorus hits,
Signals the next step in his chores,
The remaining cords,
Of the movements of music,
That grows with the rose,
Which bloomed from concrete,
But has now been bull-dozed,
This is the monster that haunts you,
The one that breathes in your ear,
And makes you say "I've Won,"
When truly your work isn't done,
Because you're still alive,
With no where to run and survive,
The motions set into play,
Once you began that chess game,
Which rose from a manuscript,
That you truly thought would fit,
Each and every word,
And while most of it occurred,
You had not accounted for fate,
And the people at the gate,
And the demons that await,
The food that is you,
Your body isn't enough,
Your mind and soul they consume,
With a moaning and gnashing,
And a clashing of silver spoons,
As the lustful creature swoons,
At the very thought of you,
And the mention of your entrance,
Makes her beckon for the reckoning,
That will yank you in a second,
Breaking good wasn't an option,
No, not any longer, why bother?
No one respects the facade,
That you engaged in in order to absolve,
Thyself of the dreams that had been killed,
With blood that was spilled ,
Thus flowing slowly into murky cracks,
Holding onto attacks, cooly
Calculated foolery, will not fool thee,
Into thinking any less of the dream,
The one that made you deadly,
One of the Seven Sins,
Personified in the actions,
And the reactions that happened,
With endless repercussions,
That something that one thing,
The suffering the offspring,
Of a deferred intention neglected,
Often thought of as disrespected,
Became respected, became feared
As the strands of hair greyed,
And the length of the beard,
Grew like bountiful hay,
Until crimson showers filled the bay,
Rivers of tears lead the way,
Destruction lies in your wake,
Oh poor devil, no one will cry for you,
Not a single tear will lend you grace,
Everyone you love faces your friend,
The one that determines all fate,
At the end, he sends, and upends,
And bends, and extends, a hand,
With a scythe to hold over you,
Oh poor devil, poor you,
A butterfly did not bear fruit,
But a moth birthed from the cocoon,
And into the flame it went,
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
Quick Relationship Rhyme
Andre Baez Sep 2013
You had me really scared and disappointed
But we're passed that
Our relationship got ups and downs
Like the Nasdaq
Late nights when no one else would
You'd let me crash at
The crib throwing fibs to those
Who would ask where my *** at
Lately the relationship
Got me fiending for Prozac
I wish to have have dirt on me
As I lay in a casket
Here lies the young man
Who had an asthma attack
The kid, left behind his lady
She tried to jump in with him, man

Our situations got me losing sedation
The frequency of fussing and ******* in different equations
Cause one going up and the other lowering the quota
On God, every night I'll be hard, yet give you the cold shoulder
You're supposed to ride and die for me like a soldier
Go to war for me and build together like business partners
But you're stealing from the employees and loan sharking
I can give a few bones here and there to stop the barking
But the late heart is quieting
From this promethazine
Senses of selves and esteem are made of green
Maybe that's true, but for you, and not me
Cause if I'm telling the truth I don't need the money

I just want to lay back and put a seed in your tummy
Watch the wind blow the branches of the family tree running
From me and you and you to me,
it's together and the proposition is frightening
But hold steadfastly onto me,
and we'll make it through the rainy days properly
Because I am for you and you are for me
There are no side shows we are what we seem
The outside appearances don't put the inside on display
Because the only deep feelings
felt are when we're apart babe
But I envision more than that,
way past the snakes and the rats
We must fly up and remain intact,
even if you're drinking from the bats

Cause you know I'm not for it but that's your personality
I like to chill, write, and read: you like to be out partying
With ya homies and ya girlfriends playing pretend
Like they really looking out, I never believed them, man
But you'll just keep juking me while I give the 3rd degree
Feeling like you wouldn't scream if someone murdered me
You just look at me like you never heard of me
Even on the day of our 3rd anniversary
Worthy adversary as my heart starts hurting
The truth is I'm losing hope rather rapidly from sparring
Fear is in my heart and mind and moving faster, B
Knowing that one day we'll come to be a tragedy
A casualty of known causes of man
But lord knows I'm too proud to pray to him
So one time for you baby and two times for me
Three times for you baby and one time for me
I realize we'll never divide this thing evenly
So I'll let you hold the bigger piece if we can keep some peace

The war keeps brewing and the guns keep shooting
We never stop even though we both know we're losing
Amazing, cause I'm gasping, for air I can't breathe
Dying of thirst but you no longer flow from the canteen
Doing the things you want causing some flying sparks
Shooting randomly every way making lines of chalk
Who would've ever thought we'd meet in the dark
Maybe we can fix things if we have a talk
But I'm feeling kind of off the convo is kind of lost
Being together is proving to come at too high of a cost

That's me looking outwardly inward at the thing
I just want to hold you and be done with drama, word to mama
I want to treat with honor and respect ya not haunt ya
But everything I do seems like a bother
Like I'm asking too much when asking you whats 2+2?
You reply with twenty-two making things harder between us, too

Amazing, cause I'm gasping for air, I can't breath
Dying of thirst but you no longer flow from the canteen
I wish to have dirt on me
As I lay in a casket
Here lies the young man
Who had an asthma attack, kid

She tried to jump in with him, man...
She tried to jump in with him, man...
Aug 2013 · 8.9k
Andre Baez Aug 2013
Everyone Has a Story… Here’s Five.

Part I: Cousin

I remember
That daze I felt those days
Those days that were fixtures
In my life at the time
But like all good stories
They come to an end
Sometimes abruptly

I was on the island,
At the very top,
Looking down from our mountain,
It was night time,
And the lights shined clearly,
Little holes from the bottom of heaven were penetrating the world,
As they did so I peered on,
Never truly understand what heaven was,
This was my element,
The curiosity which was placed in me,
Since the birth of my being,
Has never been one for being quenched,
Even if my parents tried to beat it out of me,
After a time they kind of hit a fork in the road and decided to go right,
But at the last second I side stepped and ran my behind to the left,
Because the right side isn't always the right way to go,
I felt that their minds died some time ago,
But I was a kid, in the hoods of Puerto Rico,
Only visiting, never witnessing,
The day to day realities,
That came from living so rapidly.

I met my cousin for the second time the days before that night,
He took me under his wing almost immediately and I was happy to follow,
He was a tall man, tattooed from head to toe,
I thought the second I laid eyes on him, that this was my role model
As a lover of Hip-Hop I thought this was how everyone should look,
He would cuss, and spit, and drink, and have several women on deck,
While rolling a couple of joints,
This was the MAN!

However, this view didn't last for very long,
Because on that night,
I witnessed the devil for the first time,
I crawled from beneath my covers,
That my mother had so carefully put into place,
As a safeguard against the realities of the world,
That would come true in my childish fantasies of the boogie man,
The only bad I knew was what was told to me by the news,
People falling left and right cause of wars and other endless fights,
But in my mind they could be brought back to life by the Dragon *****,
Unfortunately Goku wasn't here this night,
I snuck through the house silently,
As the noise would be drowned out by the singing of coquis,
My bare feet hit the humid pavement following the rush down the stairs,
I only wanted to see my view,
The view of heavens holes peering through the vast and dark sky,
It was located at the edge of a cliff that looked over a ravine and then the wilderness,
At the precise moment I stopped to realize my will,
My dream was disrupted by a voice,
Followed by a sound that sliced through my mind and deflated my childish intuition,
A sound that penetrates my adult mind and echoes in the silence to this day,
Muffled screams echoed out after I heard the gunshots ring,
Beneath the sounds of the forests singing,
My heart was pounding slowly,
I was strangely calm rather than panicky and fearful,
Not that I was a brave child, but I remained curious,
Until I saw the blood…
It was then that I saw the dimly lit lamp beneath the moon light,
Resulting in the two bodies casting elongated shadows against the dank Earth,
Followed by a larger body standing over them,
One body was completely still,
While the other one was rocking back and forth,
The terror that took me was shear and raw,
The only other time that I had witnessed such a fear,
Was through the appearance in a pig’s eye,
As my grandfather drove a machete through its heart,
I heard the second shot ring out,
In the same amount of time that it took me to blink,
The other man had been murdered just the same,
And before I knew it the gun was pointed at me,
I stared back and started shaking,
This had to be pure fiction,
But no, this was reality,
I turned to run, but stopped when I realized who it was,
Looking up at me as he exited the thicket and the shadows,
Was my cousin, my role model,
He cocked his head up and looked at me with concern,
But said nothing,
As I ran home breathlessly,
Under the holes into heaven,
That had been put there by bullets,
My childhood was finished…

And I'd never see him again.

Part II: Brother

I remember
That daze I felt those days
Those days that were fixtures
In my life at the time
But like all good stories
They come to an end
Sometimes abruptly

As a child,
I thoroughly enjoyed,
Playing around outside,
I enjoyed getting into play fights,
I loved feeling like I could overwhelm any opponent, but I couldn't.
My brother was way stronger than me,
He had the height advantage,
And best believe he had the weight advantage,
But still, I thought I could manage,
It never really crossed my mind that my brother was a bit off,
To me he was a big kid,
A quiet companion,
My best friend,
My heart.

That was more than enough,
Until one day I went too far,
See my brother had one toy that he loved,
It was string; he'd tear up clothes to make string,
He'd cry up storms at department stores if he didn't get his string,
He'd hit my mother and punch my father if he didn't get string,
I just always thought the exception was me,
I was his play mate, he smiled at me,
Something quite rare for my big brother to do as a result of his condition,
And the medication he was taking,
You see when a child has autism they kind of want to do their own thing,
They want to be on their own,
Enjoying whatever it is they enjoy doing on their time,
But I had a child's mind and a child's ego,
His toys were mine too,
Share with me,
Play with me,
Look at me,
So he punched me right across the face,
I went flying into a sliding paneled glass door and began crying,
When my mother entered the room,
She asked what was going on and tried to calm me down,
I wouldn't listen so she told me shut up before the neighbors called police,
And we were both taken away,
Being that my mother was a single parent, I believed her,
With that being the case, I closed my eyes and didn't look at my arm,
Nor the blood slowly dripping down it onto my fingertips,
Down to the floor below,
I didn't play much anymore after that,
I was too childish to blame myself,
So the fault was his.

The fault would end up being mine,
As this action being a culmination of things done by my brother,
Led my father and my mother to do what I thought was unthinkable,
They chose to let him go,
Giving him to a group home,
My young mind couldn't even begin to comprehend the pain they felt,
But to me all I could see was two adults giving up on their son,
I saw love and hope dissipate right in front of my eyes,
He was playing with his string in the back seat of the car,
While I sat beside him just watching him,
Saving every movement of his,
And his joy into my memory banks,
To be left to gather dust; because the pain was too much to harness,
But with respect I chose to re-open the chest,
And hold my brother in my arms once again,
Before he was ripped away from me,
And given away to the monstrous people,
That wouldn't let him hug his mother nor me,
I didn't care if this is what was needed to be,
I was losing my brother!
My blood!
My playmate!
My best friend!
My only friend!
It didn't matter that he hit me,
It don't matter if he hit my mother or father,
Because the beating my heart was taking was too much,
For my slim frame and still developing body to handle,
As such my growth was stunted and I gained heart problems,
On top of the asthma,
Autism meant nothing to me,
He was everything!

But it ended with me sleeping alone,
At home he was gone.

Part III: Father

I remember
That daze I felt those days
Those days that were fixtures
In my life at the time
But like all good stories
They come to an end
Sometimes abruptly

I never felt much towards you,
I was taught to love my mother solely,
As she was the one always there to heal my bumps and bruises,
The only memories I have of you from my childhood,
Are of you feeding me God awful food and teaching me to ride a bike,
But I forgot how to ride a bike,
And I could cook what you cooked on my own,
Burnt hotdogs, and pasta, and cereal never really fazed me,
Every other memory is a blur,
Your love was like a line or two painted upon a Mona Lisa of love,
That I had gathered from the various sources of inspiration in my life,
I could always gain appreciation for them,
But not for you.

As I entered my adult years,
You tried to make up for it,
I knew you had pent up guilt inside from not seeing me,
Yet you bought presents and rose up the seeds of another tree,
Seeds that I don't blame,
I only wanted to smell the same flowers that you gave them,
So you were trying to give them to me while I could still smell them,
But that sense was long gone along with my sense of sight,
Literally my vision was fading, but my mind was expanding,
As I was witnessing the world around me quite clearly, and the soul within me,
Just wouldn't release me, from the overwhelming feeling of needing you,
A father figure I could depend on,
A monument for what a man should be, and truly believe in,
As it comes to issues of morality, love, and loyalty,
Up until this point you had only taught me resentment,
Resentment leading to hate,
But I wanted to honor you in place,
So I hide the parts of me that you don't care to see,
I hide my relationships,
I hide my true feelings,
I hide my poetry,
Because if you found those things,
I would no longer be free,
And I refuse to submerge my soul into slavery,
Just for you to feel like you rose up the brightest son,
When truly the darkness is where I was brought up and where I belong,
Moonlight is the only thing I can touch with my pen,
As I compose the paintings residing in my head,
Of wordsmiths and demons battling,
Because words are my angels,
And they have always been there in every instance,
Whenever I've needed a piece of wisdom,
Or a calming presence that would come from the essence,
And recollections of stories of glory,
Stories that helped me forget you,
I love you, and hope our relationship can bloom,
But I no longer wish to speak on you.

Part IV: Mother

I remember
That daze I felt those days
Those days that were fixtures
In my life at the time
But like all good stories
They come to an end
Sometimes abruptly

I was taught to feel love towards you,
And it still remains as strong as ever,
From when I was a child,
Your sacrifice made my life exactly what it is,
Exactly what I needed it to be in order to grow and explore my soul,
To reach for my dreams,
You have always given to me,
Even on your last two cents,
Both would be for me,
You were my mother goose,
Even if I seemed like a young rooster,
Because we were always so different,
You always wanted to mold me into your vision of me,
While you instilled in me many things which cling tightly to me,
You've made someone completely different from what you expected,
I hold different views and truths that are separate from you,
Which is fine, but for a time it would keep me from being who I desired to be,
Because you could never cut the umbilical cord.

In fact, it was wrapped around my neck,
The death of me was coming slowly,
Due to the inhibitions of my creativity,
You loved that I would write, but you hated what I was writing,
Hip-Hop, home to me, was looked at as purgatory,
You couldn't see why I would want to listen to these stories,
Stories of struggling and hustling and juggling jobs, drugs, women, and friendships,
These ships were all sailing gallantly through my mind; the wordplay was so sublime,
And the fact that the words blended with their worlds were so unkind,
Appealed to me, but you were blind,
This changed my perspective,
However what really taught me to be a man,
Was when you began pushing opposing women out of my life,
I would be deep in love, buy-a-ring love,
But one thing would be enough to trigger a string of insults,
And a manikin-like regard for the person of whom I adored,
This was too much for me, you were systematically ending my dreams,
I thank you for your love and for everything that you continue to do for me,
But the cataclysm that was forming in this poets mind,
Was becoming too much to bridge,
If this feeling was to be ongoing,
So as a desperate act of love and care,
I left you behind,
But the love is forever there,
I'm a man because of you,
Your heart will forever reside with me on my journey,
You’ve no need to be frightened,
I’ve got you, I’ve got us,
My senses have been heightened.

Part V: Lover

I remember
That daze I felt those days
Those days that were fixtures
In my life at the time
But like all good stories
They come to an end
Sometimes abruptly

We met after a string of accidents,
Accidents that nearly cost me my life,
These were love losses, blood losses,
Things I’d never thought I could recover from,
The experiences had me going numb,
Until you found me… or did I find you?
It's hard to tell it just seemed like we were two lost souls,
Looking to quell our young hunger for the opposite ***,
Each and every day was spent together,
First on the stoop in front of your sister’s house,
The place where I first kissed your mouth,
Second on the park benches,
This is where hours flourished from minutes,
Third was along the streets of the world,
You were my diamonds and my pearls,
Indestructible and irreplaceable,
Once you met the paper you were there forever,
With that ink blood that flows through your veins,
A fellow poet whose love would stain my mental,
Instrumental in gifting my simple world with a new understanding,
It wasn’t how I imagined, but God laughs at notions of planning,
I finally found out what it meant to be in love,
I never had two people show me what it was,
Honestly the many descriptions of hate,
Is what would be seen at the gate of my consciousness,
As such, I believed this same fate would await me,
It was once the singular feeling with which I could relate,
But the euphoric hands you laid on me,
Made me lose an awake thought process,
As I was in a lake filled with your waters,
That would flow to rivers,
Followed by seas of your loving,
Seas consummating your body,
As I laid on the beach,
Believing it to be a dream.

But it wasn't, and it shouldn’t have ended,
In reality, love has ways of being reprimanded,
I was so lucid, and the picture was candid,
It was the simplest of pleasures that I'd ever been handed,
I learned right away the right things to do,
To flow from my heart and work my way into you,
To take care of my lips,
A rough kiss can't ******,
Nor find proper pleasure,
Along a woman's surface,
You’d allow me to peruse your mind,
Sending shivers up your spine,
As I embarked on my conquest,
Explorations of lustful aspirations,
Symbolizing and synthesizing,
Each and every stroke,
Representing a new letter,
In the alphabet of love,
Allowing our tale to unwind,
To combine the breathlessness of our exploits,
With our hearts desire for choice,
Which declined to lend voice,
To the greater work to be done,
The acquisition of newer positions,
Are symptoms of the journey,
Keep going, never surrender,
Be tender and conquer,
Mental foreplay is stronger,
Than any physical touch.

Love of a poet both bold and stoic,
Is a simplistic view of unfolded vibes and rhythms from the inside,
This could never subside to anything less than genuine spirit of heart and signs,
Among the winds, trees, stars, because you are the art,
You are Moses parting the red sea of my subconscious,
You are the dark sphere which encircles me,
You are the light that penetrates me,
You are harmonic melodies and sweet remedies,
You are rude symmetries and cool symphonies,
You are a lesson learned and an angel untouched,
With exception of me,
Hushed whispers or high pitched screams,
Mean nothing, without the mind following the body to finality,
The fluidity of our ****** motion,
Is a reflection of our mental state,
I seek not to pass through you,
I seek to become one with you.

That's how I feel about poetry,
That's also how I feel about ***,
That's how I feel about you,
You showed me the way,
You are my soul mate,
One with the words I write,
And the memories that I seek the convey,
You are the sun pouring through with the rain,
You are my miracle, one year my junior,
Fifty years older under the skin,
Deep within, your soul, my solar,
Not an eclipse, but a shimmering glow,
Always for my love and never for show.

I fall in love with people's honesty.
Their smile.
Funny jokes.
Their spirit.

Word to Marley Soul.

Five steps in my growth,
Five indispensable cogs of my sou
Jul 2013 · 913
Love Story
Andre Baez Jul 2013
A love story is a symbol
Followed in the footsteps of poems

I once witnessed the sight of a halo
It was propped up by a set of horns
And enhanced by a pair of wings
In a form of which I would adore

It was in the midst of a vast sea
Of insecurities and misanthropy
Shared by all of my fellow invitees
Whom shared with me an agony

Such anguish of teenagers,
Why must we endure loneliness?
We wouldn't know that trials
Are much easier outside of court

Because courting is a method
Constructed through generations
Of evolution of the human species
In order to survive, but we divorce

The chore of love is too much
An inferno and essence of ***
With importance unforgotten
As mates are pursued in excess

As such, mates were pursuing you
How obvious your halo truly was
With it's light shimmering in truth
However it only served as a cover up

For your ***** past, unshared
With all of the world, could not
Remain hidden beneath light
For the darkness is devouring

And I am that very same darkness

I am a likeness that seeks refuge
With no place to go as I am half of life
I peek at your horns and sense
Opportunities for my right to shine

Shine being given only to a few
A select sum of conundrums
Of whom I would beckon to come
And share with me, a bit of fun

Oh the ecstasy, and the travesty
Of what follows from such things
However, I do not dwell, or sing
Songs wishing them back to me

Truly you are an evanescent glow,
As such, I cannot afford to keep you
Because you would heal my darkness
You would fulfill each of my dreams

However the adventure...
Is what appeals to me,
In this light, I ask for forgiveness
As I have wronged you constantly

Only for you to come back to me,
It is a horrific work of life,
For you to feel the need for me,
Is only detrimental to your shine

A love story is a symbol
Followed in the footsteps of poems

The first step to finding love is pain,
And angel you will hurt all the same

The first step to finding love is pain,
Unfurl your wings, and fly away...

From me.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Andre Baez Jul 2013

I've been thinking lately,
But the thing is, it's only thinking,
Speaking is becoming a rarity,
Because my voice has lost clarity,
The visions that resonate deeply,
Within the iris and cortex are simply,
Pictures that I am painting,
Using only my imagination,
The same tool that had begun,
To rust, and mold, and decay,
Into a vast vortex of nothingness,
Which would hold and lead astray,
A positive being into malevolence,
But this is the set precedent,
Due only to those whom settle for it,
Because complacency,
Ruins whole communities,
But this community is not a hood,
This community also not a suburb
But a street that cannot be freed,
You cannot struggle through it,
While trying to feed your baby,
With old food bought via EBT,
It is a street without a name,
It doesn't go two ways,
It's not bi nor ****, it is multiple
Inter global, and international,
It is the spark that starts life,
Coos the fires that fuel dreams,
Fires that give off thermal energy,
But also spiritual energy,
As it rips and roars through,
Internally, within my body


I'm talking about the word of mouth,
The power of a piece of glass,
Falling deep into the depths, down
Sinking into darkness,
No longer shining, but reflecting,
Because shine comes from within,
But that light has dimmed,
And it has gone out into the world,
Searching for a new hymn,
Accompanied by a new tomorrow,
Because the glass had begun,
To shift it's drift in the middle,
And as it fell it only showed others,
It's supplanted it's own fears, tears,
In order to reveal to you, you
This revelation coming from sacrifice,
is suffice to entice,
A parallel mind to intertwine,
It's views and thoughts up a vine,
Becoming a great interconnect,
A train station for thoughts,
Not allowing for it to be kept inept,
As it makes it's stops and it's mark,
Across the universal plantation,  
Revolution will be fiercely fought,
Whether through riots or protestation,
it's all up to you,
But the wills of a collective group,
Will always overthrow the wills of a few,
for this is my temperate love,
Derived from my temporal lobe,
Occipital visuals are critical,
To reach a pinnacle that bares individuals,
that live reciprocal,
Towards ideals and ideas potential


No one is hearing me, thoughtlessly
Because no one is listening,
This includes me, sadistically,
As I have yet to speak,
Due to the passages searched,
And a worth claimed of its worth,
My sandy grains will not form,
Together to create diamonds,
But will act more so as pollution,
"Why pollution when you haven't even spoken?"
This is the problem, it is not speaking,
Communication is a basic foundation,
Foundations form the largest infrastructures known to man,
Family, Business, Religion
And these are all inflamed by love,
Love of others, love of God, love of self,
it's this help that propels,
It propels lives forward,
and encourages the brave voices to be heard,
and act as many birds
To soar against the crushed sky,
To hold the thunder accountable lending more context to your content, the expressions expressed,
The words that flow like air conditioned through a vent,
A coup d'état that circumvents,
The issues, issues with my tissue,
Because the idea of not being able to speak... Makes my skin crawl

From the inside out

Moving between my legs,
Left, right
Moving between my sides,
Left, right
Moving between my arms,
Left, right

And finally falling from my mind,
Past my brown eyes,
To reach my throat then run,
And glide off of my tongue

Crushing your previous ideologies.
Blasting through your intuitions,
Destroying any technologies,
Devastating your direction

Words pass through me
Words enter through you
Worse pass through me
Words enter through you

The streets have shots
Well I have writers block

And at the moment,
I can't think
And at the moment,
I can't speak

I just want to know...
What's happening to me?
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Andre Baez Jul 2013
You screamed at me
As the tears slowly
Streamed from your eyes
And you never told me why

All you told me is
Don't be like me baby boy
Grow up and be smart
So your kids won't steal toys

A walking habit
A flying contradiction
You left me dying
When you were in prison

A child of the night
Soul flooding with pain
Overflowing into fights
Eyes red from the strain

Child born from the sandbox
Spirit living parallel to muck
Down the slide he was caught
He was mentally thunderstruck

Then the facade began to rust
I attempted to resist the talk
A broken necklace like our trust
You left me in the pine box

Buried alive
Barely alive
Dirt in my nails
As I climb

Buried alive
Barely alive
Dirt in my nails
As I climb

What did a child mean to you
You told me don't be afraid
But I was too used to you
Then you were taken away

Old playgrounds left in your wake
Stressed out generational swings
Much like the mood we would play
Then see what the enemy brings

Kites down with bullet holes
Too hungry with no cereal
Serial killers fill the room
Face to face with true doom

Sleeping every night
Dreaming about you
Played football all the time
Played and lived for you

You shook your head at me
Wondering how I turned out this way
All you remember is feeding me
Happy Meals, lies, and games

Disappointment you said you feel
You gave me wounds that wont heal
Sword at my throat, once a shield
Then I was thrown into the fields

My eyes are older and colder
6 year old left to the slaughter
The old you, well I adore her
You sold her off then I bought her

As a child soldier, on my knees
Begging at the steps of the city
Grabbed my gun then squeezed
If anyone dared show any pity

The priest touched me and never loved me
Used the book as an excuse to continue the abuse
Left bruises all over me, left me weak and ******
Then I went back to my cousins room and found my tools

Tools to find a new way
Foster homes not the way
Never found a way to pray
Today was lived  yesterday

Broke the latch on my casket
Master would never have it
My old rose, oh I grabbed it
Threw it down then laughed at it

I turned out just like you
No I turned out much worse
I don't see a thing in you
Take it for what it's worth

The playground is closed
It went with you long ago
My heart broke with my soul
Then was rebuilt by the crows
Followed you wherever you would go
If only you would have come to know
The ways in which I'd come to grow
Before the playground closed
Jul 2013 · 1.9k
Ink Blood
Andre Baez Jul 2013
Ink in the bowl goes on to skin
Culture from Africa to Americas Indians
Ink that is absorbed into the mind
Held in place forever in time

Ink that controls the blood in veins
Moving through the pulses and chains
Not strong enough to hold the soul
Ink that lives infinite in the world

Smooth grooves in nights and bars
Jazzy blues, singing croons through guitar
Villages and huts where elders bang drums
Leaders dance songs for rain and sun

Music through words transferred through ink
Thoughts held in mind brought into links
That form into the soul of the world
Blood that stains as ink swirls

Tantrums and storms that guide the spirit
A spirit so combative you can't come near it
It won't come if you hear it or read it
Learn to live the life, words true when you feel it

Artist from autism, loose thoughts bridge cataclysms
No cure for the self, wealth grows, pace kept slow
Races to save victims and glorify human conditions
Giving thoughts and heart to help, it is felt, is it felt?

Writing soul, from heaven to hell
Spiritual fire, culture is furthered
For my blood flows parallel to ink
Ink that flows and grows from me

Me goes to you, then travels beyond
We show growth, all faces of God
One voice seeks to speak
Through songs, poetry, love in the ink

****** lovely ink
Muddy purity links
The ink the ink
The ink the ink .
Jul 2013 · 536
Andre Baez Jul 2013
The sole of the shoe is burnt brown
The body of it is crushed red
These shoes pound the ground
Running away, looking ahead

Running as the tears flow red
The times are so far behind
The eyes are focused ahead
No time, time to rewind

The shoes, only the shoes are colored
The surroundings are all black and white
The tears, only the tears are colored
The surroundings in white day to black night

Truth wrapped tightly in the lies
Bundled up and held for nine months
A tree fell in the forest and was heard that night
Distance that's made right after being crushed

The rain washes off her aroma
The shoes are losing their soles
Living life in a long time coma
Truth that eats away at his soul

Tears that fall and fall
Red every where in tune
Tears that fall and fall
Red and brown child's shoe

Oh baby,

Oh baby,
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
The Wandering Poet III
Andre Baez Jul 2013
Somewhere along the road to Zion, I fell from the narrow path
It's time that I return from iron, it's time that I head back
It was written in the form of lions, which created a clamp
The serpents gathered frightened, as I held my soul intact

However I was still lost and frozen, along that dirt road
I thought of the 144,000 chosen, to make it home
The tearful reasons for seasons, why Demeter made it cold
The eternal flames in Hades, which held heat from the globe

I remember being left to rot in the sun, I was dying of thirst
The prayers I sent to God above, to save me from a hearse
The devil was trailing wishing to crush me, to reach me first
I remember the holiest of water falling, soaking the dark Earth

I had felt exasperation coming, from my place of peace
The poems were becoming numbing, nothing mattered to me
I had lost many treasures, such as golden bars and jewelry
However nothing could even measure, to the pain given to me

When my brother was given away, I felt as if love had failed
I thought of God testing my faith, when my best friend was killed
I wondered, why the children were easily led astray, and the demons never repelled?
I wondered, why if Satan was really slain, was he allowed to rule over all of hell?

The soul of the universe, has begun to speak the sounds of silence
The deserts, the oceans, and the forest, had all fallen quiet
I felt the torrential hurt in me, seeking to reach violence
I heard my mother coo to me, and sing songs of old Zion

In that moment I felt the sudden surge of all emerge
In that moment I felt myself be carried past the birds
In that moment I became reconnected with all in the world
In that one universal moment, I heard God breathe my words

As if his lungs were in need of a story to keep him alive
I felt that anything I was feeling was just human sacrifice
Because each and every day we are blessed to reach life
As souls accomplish their task and are then allowed to die

I then fell from the sky as I opened my eyes it was night
I then realized under the haze and guise of moonlight
That I was destined to walk this path to the great divide
With my brother and mother at heart, Zion on my mind

In this way I know that I was given the gift of truth
I was given these legs and feet in order to move
I was given fish and bread so I’d never beg for food
Now my only wish is to pass these things on to you

I do this because I cannot afford to lose you to acts
Of devils that look to torment you with your past
I write these songs of life so that you won’t have to reenact
This is my journey, this is my destiny, this is my narrow path.
Jul 2013 · 2.7k
Andre Baez Jul 2013
Dark nights where pain resides
No where to run, no place to hide
A young child, a boy of only five
A young child, a boy of only five

Giving chase were the foreigners
Hunters, killers, demons alive
No where to run, no place to hide
In this place where pain resides

"Pull the trigger... Now."

The first shot rang out,
The boy loses his left arm which held  his prized possession

A bamboo stick, shaped into a doll
Now sitting in his right fist

The second shot rang out,
The boy loses his right arm and his bargaining chip

He sits on his last two limbs,
He cries out in pain and anguish

Two more shots ring out,
His right and left legs burst out

From right underneath him,
Giving way to the soft ground

Soaked in his blood and his tears,
As he sniffles and goes into shock

The soldier steps closer in fear,
And then the boys face was lost

Another soldier asks them
"What the hell have you done?
He was only a child, a boy,
Why is this the outcome?"

At this moment a man turned a corner

His grocery bags fell to the floor

As he laid his eyes upon
The torso that lay in an ocean
Of blood next to a bamboo doll
That he had made 5 short years ago

He slowly said, "My Son."
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Closet Racist
Andre Baez Jul 2013
You say freedom of speech
But not for me as things be
I breath heavy with scenes
See things as a minority

As a young Latino male
I see lots of myself in jail
Traps are set and on sell
Equal blood color is spilled

Martial law across the hall
Racial wars coming along
Rest in peace to Trayvon
Another young man gone

Contributions are all illusions
Spreading through confusion
Relations between contusions
Love for those who abuse them

One of my best friends is black
One of my best friends is white
One of my friends is masculine
One of my friends is feminine
One of which was a criminal
One of which was a clinical
Both of my friends are humans
Finding out life is so typical  

Two of my jewels were blue
Two of my girls shared hue
Two of my schools loved me
Two of my enemies cut me
Two of my mothers cried
Two of my brothers died
Both of which had big futures
Before hate took their lives

Three of my peers are my equal
Three of my peers make new evil
Three of my tears stained the paper
Three of my years were endangered
Three of my hearts broke in time
Three of my guardians declined
All three rose up against me
And began to belittle my mind

Replies depend on the victims
And the symptoms felt in them
To fight back or stop living
To keep going or be bed ridden

Is the valley to deep to dip in
Are the times increasing division
Humans beings have hurt vision
Blind to a philosophy holistic

The clocks are going tic tic
I've been called a young ****
My friends ancestry exist
My friends ignorance is bliss

He holds onto passive racism
He doesn't notice the shifting
He says, "I have black friends
But... ," Just to avoid friction

So you say freedoms of speech
But you don't really know me
As a majority with a minority
How can you experience things
That your culture brought to me
Left my people ***** and hurting
And I'm not from genes of slavery

So think before you speak.
Jul 2013 · 488
What Is Work...
Andre Baez Jul 2013
The chain that binds me,
Binds me to a black leather chair,
Tortures me with views of the outside,
Tortures me with centralized air.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Sleepy Blessings
Andre Baez Jul 2013
Never have two words uttered hurt me more
Than when I heard them say, "bless you"
Words that held me more than I deserved
Whispering in my ear with spurn and commune

When I was raised I came face to face
With another whose life was balled and chained
To bright eyeliner, dark stockings, and lace lingerie
And when I saw what was lost, I lost what was gained

As a youth I ate captain crunch and played tunes
In the mornings and in the evenings on TV
I would eat fruit loops and see you on the news
As you held my family hostage while smiling

Still you uttered to me many blessings
Still you would hold onto me and start to sing
As my mother did my ***** laundry
And I snuck into her purse for money

When I knew she was fighting everyday
To provide for my brother and me
But you dwelled within my ways
So it didn't matter if we had electricity

And I held all of that power
When I had once begun to scour  
For freedom of several hours
That came from drugs and wet towels

Wet towels from *** with a girl unnamed
The same girl who was held by ball and chain
To bright eyeliner, dark stockings, and lace lingerie
And when I saw what she lost, I lost what was gained

So I started searching for a new free
It wasn't in my drugs or mamas money
It wasn't in that girls love or on the TV
So I searched for the clarity in me

Trying to recall the truth, behind "bless you"
Why would you bless this sinful youth
I suppose at some point I was expected to
Rise up above you in order to bless you too

In this new found reality
I saw where the angels weep
I found your book flowing
On the love inside of me

It contained your initials of B.B.
It gained my tears that would bleed
Through each and every sheet
Of your words and your beauty

Your thoughts and your dreams
Were simply  hiding and hoping,
Waiting on me

To spread my wings and be free

To remember the beauty in the fruit loops, the drugs, and the laundry

To remember the beauty in the girls eyeliner and in the electricity

Because this is where poetry sleeps.
Jun 2013 · 785
Lost Minds
Andre Baez Jun 2013
Watching as the seasons change
Such as acts in plays although
This is not a game but a claim
Not in the name of fame but
More towards what can be gained
When like souls jump from a like
Plane and follow a similar train
Of thought that can sustain
Pains that are more often faces
Between two insane minds that
Crave one another breathing heavy
As cranes that hold up the world
From unbreakable chains of bonds
That may at times leave one crazed.

However, who am I to say, a word?

One word can mean nothing
Yet, quite on the contrary it can
Come to mean each and everything
Even when the word is barely
Known or heard or even dreamed
Up by someone who screams
Of cursed missed opportunities
Or in some cases the hope that
Sunshine and the breath of life brings
To every being along these branches
And among the tallest of trees
That reach towards the heavens
Even without wings while wearing
Rings symbolic of the love between
Individuals living the fantasy in
A true and large reality that moves
In movie screens from scene to scene

However, will teachings be learned?

Children all about yearn for the
Chance to return to separate worlds
Of peaceful turns between friends
That wouldn't leave burns on ends
Of hairs and spur on sins as
Hate revolutionizes and revises
Love while churning the emotions
That lie within our children that learn
The unexpected and expect the
Devilish lies that lie in minds that
Spurn the solid earth as they earn
The opportunity of life in a hearse

However, my body lifts, and my mind drifts...
Jun 2013 · 958
Soul Cry
Andre Baez Jun 2013
Do you really expect to get the love of your life?

When you don't respect yourself,
You post half **** pics, and say
“I give bomb head,” and yet
You dare to expect respect

This generation is confused
The girls are over used and
The women are under used
And waiting like a bomb with a fuse, but…
No boy goes to these women
No, they flood these girls
And the men wonder,
“Where did the women go?”

But the boys and girls worry
He's worried about how moist she is
And she's worried about how big he is
But, they don't know about love to give...

Not the truly bright kind
Because it’s only for one night,
And another night,
And another night,
Until she’s pregnant and no one’s wife
And the boy has left out of sight,
Saying, “I don't know this girl,
And I don't care about what's right,
I didn't bring that child into this life”

Yes the boys and girls worry
The girls are worried about fashion and boys
The boys are worried about rapping and hoes
But they just don't know when the money goes
The “love” goes, and they’re alone

But the men and women worry,
O they worry about their glory
As ladies and men that stand
**** as one before her and him

They ask the question, this they do

Ladies before a man enters you, you ask him:
Are you doing this for fun or for love?

Men before you enter a woman, you ask her:
Are you doing this for fun or for love?

Still the boy, he ask the girl to lick on the tip
Still the girl, grinning she bends and licks
The edge, the gap, of the endless precipice

A countenance of messages from her mother was missed,
As he puts his flesh on hers and hers on his,
Consensual **** for two children as they are just that...
Children, and if you tell them, "You're too young!"
As they *** they'll be deaf, blind, and indeed dumb
As they succumb to that numb…

They feel no need to hear, but to repeat the actions for the feeling they seek,
And in that way we sink as humans deeper into the sea of self-treachery,
Feeling that this escape will bring happiness when the consequence is settling,
Upon us with STDs and *** and as I see it, our children's children will be,
A generation of children with children, and then the world will end

Till then this is my plea to the children of the night,
I want to help you find the light, and to fight the good fight,
But you all make my soul cry, and the well has begun to dry.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
Lone Devil
Andre Baez Jun 2013
Deep love,

I am Vile!

Villainous, Mischievous

Destructive, Productive

Seclusive, Inclusive

Deep hate,

I am, I!

Represent, Comprehend

Wash away, Go astray

No go, Home no...






Our connection,
Shattered in the wake of deception,
My repentance,
None is thy sentence

Shivers run below

Shivers run below

Shivers run below

Snowy Diablo
Jun 2013 · 594
Andre Baez Jun 2013
You were my crown jewel
But you played me like a fool
You were my crown jewel
But you play me like a fool

.  .  .

I used to look at your smile
And think I'm gonna stay awhile
Move into our very own house
Work through all of our trials

But now it seems that's all we share
Souls that never touch, never paired
Two desperate suns, separate glows
Arms in display, like an old gun show

Except when yours lays on mine
It doesn't hurt me, it makes me feel fine
But it makes me feel uneasy at the same time
Lying on finger tips, lie you and I

I want to inhale your love
And I want to forgive your hate
But whenever I open my mouth
You feel the need to retaliate

Wait, this isn't how it's supposed to be
If I think about flying, you won't be waiting on me
I'm accumulating miles so rapidly
I'm going to break down, just wait and see

I'm trying to find a way to fill in the space
Between your heart and mine, but it's been a waste
Because you get mad again until you red in the face
And then I stop and try to switch up the pace

I know at this time
It's like we're having a race
Me going towards you
You facing away

The conditions under which
Our love was built
Was lust mixed with lies
Six joker cards were dealt

I try to hide and conceal how I feel
But you can always tell when it's not real
I question why I love you still
Thoughts in my mind, willing me to be killed

And if my blood gets spilled,
Will you really be there?

Or will you be holding the gun,
Standing in underwear?

I'm only asking
Because of the look in your eye
No emotions to show
The darkness has reprised

It's ultimate role
In concealing our light
What we used to hold
A tiny bit of shine

Because you truly believe I need you
And to an extent this is truth

But the extent is marginal, proof
I'll love you, but I'll leave you too

Suppose we reap seeds we've sown
Too many broken hearts in our wake



Suppose we reap seeds we've sown
Too many broken hearts in our wake



.  .  .

You were my crown jewel
But you played me like a fool
You were my crown jewel
But you play me like a fool

.  .  .
Andre Baez Jun 2013
There's 6 million ways to die
6 billion ways of life
With trillions in spikes
The consequences of suffering is tight

The whole is different from the parts
So go and shoot the darts at arts
With the greater truth lost in faults
& lines of earthquakes made up of chalk

The black and white make a picture
With questions and answers
Signed, sealed, delivered, to manufacture
The guns, the pins, and then the triggers

Because the flicker of the red line
Attracts the dead signs in crime
But it's all put there by design &
As such is inclined to drink red wine

To drink away the influences
The static mother message
To save you from wreckage
But still you can't accept it

So you keep marching on
To the beats and the arms
Of the tons and the laws
Of the builders of structures hulls

But the ship of the manifest destiny
Is making these darker lovers weep
But not to sweep them off their feet
Because they still got tags to meet

So at that time it's ****** ******
By someone you've never heard of
Brothers and sisters dying is the motive
To make you strike allegiance and devotion

To the machine, you know what I mean?
That thing that clings to the righteous means
Of fighting the things that light their springs
On fire so their likeness is scorched and diseased

With no more jumping from danger
We all pledge allegiance to the stranger
Weak and meek boil over to anger
And the cycle repeats it's very nature

In other parts of the globe
Demonstrations as they poach
The thoughts that revoked
The morals that they approached

The oak of the one mind of life
Fires and rolling tires fill the night
Senseless mobs to LA riots, right?
The ship ends with ghost after fights

The consequences of suffering scenes
More terrible than any uttering dreams
The differences make the different mutter things
The majority stomps out the minorities and ruptures spleens

But maybe Cleopatra can get a handle
However at this time King Arthur is out of samples
The Great Alexander is even out of answers
And we can't count on Mayans with their calendars

So I say burn it all down
The future isn't known
They can try to keep you down
But they can't touch your soul

Melt all the luminescent gold
And use it to shower the poor
6 billion humans on the Globe
Like I said, the future isn't known

Because it's not televised,
But going against is ill advised,
So as one could surmise,
This is a butterfly,
Leaving a web of lies,
And finally making its long awaited flight...

The consequences of suffering:
The palm of the outstretched hand will strike.
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
Andre Baez Jun 2013
I’d treat you like a queen, but what does it mean?
Not a thing, cause I’m new, and you want the old
You tell me nothing even matters, you lie to me
Warmth of your touch… yes, your lie's so bold

Your bright eyes go along your light skin
The sun’s rays reflect off of your soft lips
They beckon me to come and share in sin
You edge closer to me and meet my kiss

Still you leave me for farther oceans and seas
As I wander along the sandy shores of the floor
You visit the pyramids while in Egyptian suites
I’m a lost hieroglyphic, buried, yet abhorred

You are to me, the purest of all beauty
Yet, when your eyes look upon mine
You only see, nothing, my invisibility
Your gorgeous curves are all aligned

Perfectly, within the lovely artistry
Of Gods perfection within his creation
You are the pinnacle of his legacy
The title of angel on the brink of elation

In fact, angels swoon over your statuesque
Physique, you are the Earth and the Air
Blended together to form a new element
This element is named after you, your hair,

Your talk along with the grace of your walk
That defines your blissful ****** function
Your art and the minds you begin to spark
That brings all men into fateful unison

Although you lie to them, and to me
We all still pursue you all the same
In their eyes they see a new thing
I see the girl who needs my last name

However, you hold back your love
You keep it hidden away and safe
I look for it in the heavens above
Because with you I reach that place

You are the reason I open my eyes at night
And explore dreams every single morning
You are the queen who rules with might
I am nothing but a peasant adoring

As you play in my hair and laugh loudly
While we share in time together
I push your lies aside and speak proudly
About how you make me better

Because I am nothing but a poor devil
Who will love you beyond all time
If you were to love me I’d pick up a shovel
Hold it tight, and then bury myself alive

I would sell my entire soul in turn
If it meant keeping you from harm
I would buy a home then watch it burn
If it meant healing all of your scars

I wouldn’t rewrite the entire bible
Just a single commandment of truth
The one about worshiping false idols
Because women should idolize you

You are the reason for everything
I wrote enough poems for books
Each line twisting and turning
Relating back to each side of you

People tell me you can’t express love
As openly to women anymore
I agree, disagree; I don’t know enough
These poems are the blueprint to my soul

These words will never reach you anyway
So let the lovely lies live on
Cleopatra, for you I’ll always pray
Maybe one day, you’ll call me, home.
Jun 2013 · 636
Night Thoughts
Andre Baez Jun 2013
I'm not a deep thinker

I am a third tier character

Whom falls away

Never to say

Why he came this way

Non-entered this scheme

Non-spoke on his dreams

Clandestine parties

Someone help me

I'm so very cold

A sudden shifting

Has occurred in me

A sullen drifting

Among currents

Among currents

Behind steel curtains

I lie alone shirtless

Questioning what worth is

What is worthless

Or if worth is

Truly given to what deserves it

Curses upon curses

Hearses upon hearses


He say

She say

They say

Play play

Bang bang

Death upon porch steps

Alive, live, life wrecked

My life is a wreck

A shattered mess

With life signs unchecked

Warped beyond context

Third eye rests

For the next conquest

And again

And again

Heart break leaves us loveless

Or do we know what love is

Similar to how worth is

I need a point or an edge

Then again

I'm in


Because I feel you

Because I feel none

Because I feel true

Because I feel false

Because I feel pain

Because I feel fine

Because I give all

Because I take mine

Righteous minds recline

In the face of brawny might

At least some say

As they fade away

Walking corpses

Four horses

With horse men

Gallop astray

High and dry

Like her mind

Like her tone

Like her eyes

That day

A day without date

For each is the same

Sane or insane

Disbelief or faith

I'm not a deep thinker

So why can't I sleep

I only want to feel

I only want to dream

Any ending to a thought

Seems so ill befitting

But who am I

To question everything

Oh wait I'm

A human being

I'm not a deep thinker

I am a third tier character

— The End —