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Alice Wilde Mar 2019
The fluidity of words
Consecrating more than
A simple idea
Has slipped away

And what’s left are
Empty hands and
Silent mouths
Void of sophistication
Alice Wilde Feb 2019
Piercing, sun through glass bubble.
I look beyond
Through fog and moss
Curling around my legs
Like vines,

Pull me back to earth of sand and dirt.
Alice Wilde Sep 2018
The stars are falling.

Creating comets that streak my cheeks
And fall into a space that I can’t remember.

Forming at my feet are static clusters from their burnout-
Fading against the background into nothingness.
Alice Wilde Aug 2018
Dead heavy eyes stare...
Glued to stoplights lining rain-soaked streets.
An arid tongue placed, no permanently stuck against pink flesh bone
Waiting for when everything doesn’t seem like a dream.
She thinks blinking is a way to clear her seafoam eyes,
But no matter how hard she rubs
The rain falls harder and
Clarity seems like a wish
She dropped in a puddle.
Alice Wilde Jul 2018
She was born of a forest
And rests her heart  
Shallow in pooled dreams
Dripping further than her tears
Falling to soft earth.

She eats rosed lilies
And pickled cattails
All while
Her footsteps leave no absence known
As her lithe nymph body melts into foliage.

And her arms permanently reach
Into the void of
All unknowable things.
Grasping at gossamer threads,
Like thoughts that can't be spun together.
Alice Wilde Apr 2018
My mind plants a seed
In the thought of happiness.
I smile,
Even if just for a moment
I remember what the
Slick taste of honey or
Curling breath
Spreading concave against
My collar bone
Feels like.
Was I drunk when I wrote the first draft of this... maybe
Alice Wilde Apr 2018
Holding blue-silk wishes
I find myself drifting into
Sun soaked memories.

And I breath
And breath
And breath

In their promises.
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