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408 · Apr 2015
Quite Strange
Finding ourselves

No longer two,

I and you

Set a plan

To prove

One plus one is one.

But averse to

What arithmetic decree

We ended up

One plus one is three!
For lovers kissing their first born

My son is late to night
A bit drunk
He may be staggering
In the dark.
God please return him back
Insulating  him from ****'s attack.


My husband is late to night
In a bar bewitched by enticing eyes
He may be inviting a **** for a dance!

Please devil throw him to hell
He is enjoying himself
Under a spell!
A humour based on a bitter truth. About the poet
In The Vortex Of Passion's Wind

Alem Hailu G/Kristos
In The Vortex Of Passion's Wind
Lessons from Wrong Turns (***/AIDS)
Format: 12 x 19 cm
Number of Pages: 106
ISBN: 978-3-7103-2109-2
Release Date: 09.09.2015
united p.c. publisher
It took me long
To bury
My much-cherished love
Adamant to let go
"My no other than you
Romance-packed song;
A song aiming at
Ramming home
A message strong
Inviolably  to you
I belong!"

This way to much
Water has passed
Under the bridge,
While in vain I labored
To give my love
A cutting edge.

At last, you said
"Though I feel flattered
I am afraid
Unequivocally I must
Deny you a go ahead.

I do not want you
To be a loser
With a fervent desire
To get closer."

Okay,so be it
Swallowing the
Bitter pill
Go forward
I will.

God willing
With my second best
I will proceed ahead
Laying my
Eye-opener love
To rest.
To my  younger colleague I advised that most of the time the eye-opner sight love do not turn out successful.He waited to get the girl he saw in college tens years back in vain.
Now out grown that love he is due to hug his child from a girl colleague.
Nay, you wrong her my friend, she's not fickle; her love she has simply outgrown:
One can read the whole matter, translating her heart by the light of one's own.

Can you bear me to talk with you frankly? There is much that my heart would say;
And you know we were children together, have quarrelled and 'made up' in play.

And so, for the sake of old friendship, I venture to tell you the truth,-
As plainly, perhaps, and as bluntly, as I might in our earlier youth.

Five summers ago, when you wooed her, you stood on the self-same plane,
Face to face, heart to heart, never dreaming your souls could be parted again.

She loved you at that time entirely, in the bloom of her life's early May;
And it is not her fault, I repeat it, that she does not love you to-day.

Nature never stands still, nor souls either; they ever go up or go down;
And hers has been steadily soaring - but how has it been with your own?

She has struggled and yearned and aspired, grown purer and wiser each year:
The stars are not farther above you in yon luminous atmosphere!

For she whom you crowned with fresh roses, down yonder, five summer ago,
Has learned that the first of our duties to God and ourselves is to grow.

Her eyes they are sweeter and calmer; but their vision is clearer as well:
Her voice has a tenderer cadence, but is pure as a silver bell.

Her face has the look worn by those who with God and his angels have talked:
The white robes she wears are less white than the spirits with whom she has walked.

And you? Have you aimed at the highest? Have you, too, aspired and prayed?
Have you looked upon evil unsullied? Have you conquered it undismayed?

Have you, too, grown purer and wiser, as the months and the years have rolled on?
Did you meet her this morning rejoicing in the triumph of victory won?

Nay, hear me! The truth cannot harm you. When to-day in her presence you stood,
Was the hand that you gave her as white and clean as that of her womanhood?

Go measure yourself by her standard; look back on the years that have fled:
Then ask, if you need, why she tells you that the love of her girlhood is dead.

She cannot look down to her lover; her love like her soul, aspires;
He must stand by her side, or above her, who would kindle its holy fires.

Now farewell! For the sake of old friendship I have ventured to tell you the truth,
As plainly, perhaps, and as bluntly, as I might in our earlier youth.///

--->Specialy this part(how could growing out of love make a lady pure?)

She has struggled and yearned and aspired, grown purer and wiser each year:
The stars are not farther above you in yon luminous atmosphere!

For she whom you crowned with fresh roses, down yonder, five summer ago,
Has learned that the first of our duties to God and ourselves is to grow.

Her eyes they are sweeter and calmer; but their vision is clearer as well:
Her voice has a tenderer cadence, but is pure as a silver bell.

Her face has the look worn by those who with God and his angels have talked:
The white robes she wears are less white than the spirits with whom she has walked.

And you? Have you aimed at the highest? Have you, too, aspired and prayed?
Have you looked upon evil unsullied? Have you conquered it undismayed?

Have you, too, grown purer and wiser, as the months and the years have rolled on?
Did you meet her this morning rejoicing in the triumph of victory won?
Some part of this poem is not clear for me, I indicated after the arrow.I did translate two of her poem into Amharic.I am trying to translate this one
Try to explain
397 · Mar 2019
A pie on the sky
Though  time flew by
And old age drew nigh
The love-smote I
Despite the indifferent treatment
Of thy
Forgot you not why?

Forget you not why
The love-smote I
Till the day I die
Though I know
You are a pie
On the sky?

Wh,why &why
Your eye-catching eyes,
Despite a cold-shoulder
Treatment dominates
My soul's firmament
To date.
Sometimes things go this way
396 · Aug 2016
By far better
Who openly loathes you
Is by far better than
S/he with affectation
Adores you!
I think it is true!
390 · Jan 2016
Lured by your
Elegant posture
When at its best
Appears nature,
Replete with optimism
Courage and adventure,
All welcome you
To lament  and bemoan
Your  quick departure!
When I was a child I was eager to be a youth and I became an adult I wished I remained a youth
Bird beneath the midnight sky
As on my lonely couch I lie,
I hear thee singing in the dark,
Why sing not I?

No star-gleams meet thy wakeful eye;
No fond mate answers to thy cry;
No other voice, through all the dark,
Makes sweet reply.

Yet never sky-lark soaring high
Where sun-lit clouds rejoicing lie,
Sang as thou singest in the dark,
Not mute as I!

O lone, sweet spirit! tell me why
So far thy ringing love-notes fly,
While other birds, hushed by the dark,
Are mute as I?

No prophecy of morn is nigh;
Yet as the somber hours glide by,
Bravely thou singest in the dark
Why sing not I?


እንዳንድ ወፍ እንዳለች ታች ከለሊቱ ሰማይ፣

ጋደም እንዳለኩ ለብቻዬ አልጋ ዬ ላይ

ጥኡመ ዜማ ስታወርጂ አሰማልሁ

‹‹ እኔስ ለምን አልዘምርም ?” እላለሁ፡፡

የትኛውም ኮከብ በነፀብራቁ ቢልቅ፣

ያንቸን ንቁ ዓይን አያስንቅ!

ግና ለጥሪሽ ምነው ቅርብ ጓደኛ

ምላሸ አይሰጥሽ ?

ሌላም ድምፅ፣ በዚ የለሊቱ ግርማ፣

የሚጥም ምላሻዊ ዜማ አያሰማ!

ድርጭት እንኳ እስከላይ በእጅጉ መጥቃ

ተጋድምው፣ ፀሐይ በፍንደቃ የሚሞቁ ደመናዎች

እስተሚስተዋሉብት ድረስ ዘልቃ፣ ስታበቃ፣

እንደዚያ እስከላይ ሄዳ፣

እንደኔ ሳትሆን ለመዝሙር ዲዳ፣

አንቺ በድቅድቅ እንደምታወርጂው ዜማ

ከቶ አታሰማ!

ብቸኛዋ ነፍስ ንገሪኝ

ያንቺ ፍቅር የተጫነበት ዜማ፣

እስከአሁን በመቀጠል የሚሰማ!

ደሞም ምነው ሌሌች ወፎች

በጨለማው ዝማም ተሸብበው

የሆኑት ዲዳ፣ በመደዳ!

የማለዳ ብስራተ በሌለበት

ሠአቱ ለመሄድ ዳተኛ በሆነበት

ትዘምሪያለሸ በድፍረት!

በሞትኩት፣ ለምንድነው

እኔ እንዳንቺ ያልሆነኩት? //

(ጁሊያ ካሎሪን)
Never say die
The Eagle

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.


የአባጣ ጎርባጣውን ተራራ ጎድን
ወጣ ያለውን አግጥጦ
በተቆለመሙ እጆቹ ቆንጥጦ
በዚያ ለፀሐይ
ጎረቤት በሆነው ወና ሰማይ
በሰማያዊው ዳራ
ይስተዋላል ገዝፎ በሙሉ ቁመና
ክብ እንደሰራ፡፡

ታች እሱ ካለበት ከተራራው ስር
ቀለበት ቀለበት  እየሰራ
የሚተነፍሰውን ባህር
ቓኝቶ በአንክሮ
እንደመብርቅ ክንድ ተገንጥሎ
ይወርዳል ቁልቁል ተወርውሮ!
So short and expressive
386 · Aug 2015
If talent,perseverance
And chance
Smile together for you,
Your dream has come true!
What I learnt from life!
382 · Dec 2017
Monkey's mentality
With an intent of
Stripping off all--Wives & footholds--
And taking over,
A monkey measures
And measures
Father's foot mark
Walking behind father's back
And inflict on the same attack
Cognizant ,subject to
The wear and tear of time
, feeble,
A defensive hand
Father could lack!

A mentor,  I helped
An apprentice
Acquire a sharp mind
And a nimble hand
Till on his feet stand.

When he realized
He has ensured balance
Began the apprentice
Forward advance,
Quite strange to the behaviour
Of other apprentices.
Ungrateful he started to hurl
Acerbic remark
About  my skills
Casting a covetous glance
For boss's chair a chance.
Among my subordinates and students some have this mentality.
379 · Apr 2017
Awakening and rekindling
The exhilarating experience
Of being a cherished object
Of love and desire
With a flattering affectionate look
"Other than you I have
No beauty to admire!"
Fanning the ember of
An emotionally not-checked-in
Wife's lady hood in to a fire
I put off her attire
To enjoy a forbidden fruit
I never imagined
I could  succeed to acquire!

The girl who shunned me
Preferring a rich man
After a lot of water
Passed under the bridge,
This way, I began to man
Though suffering a conscious pang
I have turned a disciple of Satan.

But I am bold
With my chest to parry
A bullet shot towards the one
A beauty I behold.
Unless husbands check their wives are emotionally checked in they end up losing them if they are offered the necessary affection elsewhere.
378 · Sep 2017
Fear wedded life
I) A Child

Though comfortably asleep
With a doll by my side,
Often I was terrified
A chimera could lurk
In the dark!

Also from a distance
When a dog bark
I saw it stark
A hyena with a
Horn was out
People to attack
Capable to pose
Its grotesque face
Behind my back.

II) A boy

Smote by
A dream object
To anxiety I was subject.
As she was
Inaccessibly beautiful
Self conscious
I couldn't be cool
"What if
Before her eyes
I prove a fool!"
Nor could I pursue
The endeavour
--winning her heart--
'Cause, topsy-turvy, to me
She turned an object of terror!

III)  An adult

I was questioning myself
Whether"With my collogues,
Could I rub a shoulder?
If not better."

Compared with neighbours
Why,why and why
Financially I could not stand
Stand shoulder high?

IV) A senior citizen

Putting under a question
Mark my health,
I was beset
To lustfully inherit
My wealth
My son or wife,
Conspiring with
Heinous neighbours,
Could spell my death.

Enemies in the past,
What is more
The misdeeds of my wife ,
Which are rife,
Trailing by my mind
Bad days me remind!

Oft  with an axe
To grind
My self I find.
I found true what I learnt in developmental psychology.
378 · Jan 2016
Had I not
Had I not relished
What I had long cherished
Had I not tasted
And grew out of
What success has in store
Going past  its door,
I would have
squandered my life
With a carcinogenic self pity
For failing to cross floor.
It is when we miss something we consider it great but when we get it we may outlive it.
378 · Dec 2016
A genius taken for a dummy!
In musical  notes composing
Ethiopia's giant
Saint Yared , irate, once
Opted to run away
From an ecclesiastical school
Dubbed by his priest teacher
An idiot and a fool
Worse still
Looked down and ridiculed
By class mates, not cool.

Desirous to burn his boat
He Trekked past a forest
And a pool
Determined never
To see those
Who cherish to pull
Over his eyes the wool.

Tired,he took a rest
By a tree shade
"I am good for nothing!"
Resonating in his head.

He continued
To lament his fate
Unaware God
Has a plan
To make him great.

While battling
To forget his pain
He saw a God-sent worm
Trying to climb a tree
Again and again in vain!

To his surprise
The undaunted worm
Didn't fight shy
In its seventh trial it
Managed to climb
The tree high
To enjoy the fruits laden
On the boughs
Outstretched to the sky!

Drawing a lesson
Saint Yared
Returned back to school
To out smart all
Who took him for
An dummy and a fool!

At long last he
Pioneered in composing
Ten path breaking
Musical notes that
Have no match
By any of, to date,
Succeeded batch!

Strange as it may appear,
Oblivious to
The unintentional
Piercing of his foot
By a king's spear,
His ear
To angels' orchestra to God
Engrossed, he was seen
With a similar passion
Praising the Lord!
Based on a true story! Google and read .Saint Yared,musical composer from Ethiopia.
It is right
It is right
'Only those
That stand under a tree
Know how ants bite!'

"Unless I saw things
Flaunting, I
Used not
Facts to understand!

In this regard
I often said off hand
'Concerning Covid-19
You could be off
Your guard
I do not agree
With a bizarre
Lockdown decree.'

Me if you ask
Why put not you
A face mask?
I will laugh
Behind your back.

While innumerable
Senior citizens die,
Worried never I!
Journalists I adored
To lampoon
'Cause I was born
In my mouth
With a silver spoon!.
'Yesterday I did note
The pandemic
Is screeching to a halt
No, no...
Excuses me I think
I have made a fault'
The angel of death
Me to hell's gate
Has brought!"
Though I lost in
WHO faith
It has wished me
To fast regain
My health!
Read also my poem
Ironically he made this information on World's information day
373 · Jan 2018
They cross fertilize
Peace and development, lung and heart, feed on each other!

Preparing for war is also option better adversaries to parry and deter.
Adversaries that conspire the couple - peace & development -to put asunder.

Also, to ensure peace, paying sacrifices further let us our development Spur!
Unless they see poverty committed to the ground and in their life a turnaround, daunted, to belligerence human beings are bound!


ሳንባና ልብ ፤ ሠላምና ልማት፤ ለርስ በራስ ግባት!

ማደበር ጉልበት፤ ጠብጫሪ ለመመከት፤ የሚጥር ጥንዶቹን ለማፋታት፤
ካስፈለገም ድባቅ ለመምታት፤ አስፈላጊ ነው በውነት ጀባ ለማለት የሠላም ሰገነት!
ከፍልን አስፈላጊውን መስዋትነት፤ልማታችንን አናፋጥን ሠላማችን እንዳትቀጥን!

ከሌለ ልማት፤ብስራት፤ለደህነት መሬት መግባት፤
ሠላም ይሆናል የህልም እንጀራ፤ከጠብያለሸ በዳቦ የሰውልጆቸ ተራ!
Peace and development cross fertilize each other
369 · Jan 2017
A sunny rain
Like walking
In a sunny rain
Yearning for you
In vain
Was a  sweet pain!
A confused feeling
366 · Jun 2017
Cure a wound another could
The desire to wholly
Posses you
Was so great
Bitter and harrowing
Was the feeling,unfaithful
To memory's dustbin
You relegate.

At a loss how
My problem to solve
Crying out my heart
By a serene cathedral door
Myself to absolve
God blew on my way a dove!

With a tap
On the shoulder
A sympathetic
And cute girl
On par with
My ex-lover
If not better
"Believe me
There will come
A time you
Never recall
The heart sickness
Now you are
Taking tall!"

This way
In pure love
With this girl
I got on the ball
As she prophesied
Bitter memories
Forgetting all.

Cure a wound
Inflicted by one girl
Another could.
Unlike a glass a broken heart like a broken bone could be repaired
365 · Jan 2017
Elegy by a poet
Cold, close-******
Gluttonous grave
Please release
My age-old friend
From gambolling fields
Working place
To blessed bed!

Cold, close-******
Gluttonous grave
Please release
My wife and my life
My life and my wife
My love and my dove
My dove and love,
For my heart is her tomb
She leased with love
From her mother's womb!
A n old poet friend of mine once told me he did  write such a poem which he lost.He is dead now.
361 · Dec 2016
Fresh 2 decades later
Although fate,
Distance and time
Cruelly put asunder
You an indifferent girl
And I a self- concious
Boy lover
Two decades later,
Lately ,I saw you
A mesmeric lady
With a son
And a daughter,
Full of life
And laughter.

Once again
Your voice
In my cloud -
Shrouded heart
Rang a bell
To a paradise
That could
Change a hell.

Your sunrise
"I know you exist!" smile
Still has power
Me the cantankerous
To beguile!

Alighting from
Ultra-modern car,
Transfixed, I saw you
Recede far!
Timeless sight love
359 · Aug 2020
Oh women
They **** a man
Who could die for them
Taking them a gem
And die for he
Who could **** them
With love's clem!
A remark by a woman about women. First I wrote it like
Oh women
They **** a man
Who could die for them
And die for he
Who could **** them!
The very knowledge that
You exist
Affords me a pleasure that
Has no limit!

Though the tide of
Life had taken you adrift
Between us  creating a rift
Though it had cruelly
Taken you away
My love for you with
Me for ever stay
The way
You planted it
In my heart
The first day!
To the one he loved but  married to another
354 · Jul 2019
Hewed out of a chocolate
I met
A tall Somali girl
Hewed out of a chocolate
With a complexion
I never seen to date
Her milk & iron ball eyes
Having iris brown
With her snow white teeth
And skin
Make a super color blend
A strong message to send.

"I am sure
Such a mesmeric girl
You never beheld!"

With a C curve
She  likes to put her arms
On her perfume-bottom hips
Before the parting of
Full blown petal lips.

She swept me off my feet
On first attempt
Her to greet.

"Cute one
Do you know something
You are an angel minus a wing!"
She responded with
A loud laughter
That still in my head
Opts to ring.
We talked last night.Born in Somali land and grew up in Quatar.
Via the phone
When I heard your voice
Having a friendly tone--
At long last you have won--
My diffidence and anxiety gone
An electrifying ecstasy
Charged my heart's zone,
Who fate was
To ceaselessly lament and moan.

The vein inundating feeling
You evoked, anon,
Percolated down to every bone
To each love thirst
To atone!
At last she started to respond to Sms & and phone
353 · Jun 2020
Before UN
Or the global limelight
Flagrant, let us talk
"GERD we threaten to attack,
If for technical reasons
It suffers a crack
Will wipe out  
Down stream dwellers
With the water it
Carries on its back."

Upstream dwellers
Our brothers,
With all sorts of trouble
That we try to envelop
And around whose neck
We spare no effort
To put a rope
Could develop
Coerced for hydropower
To *****.

We have to double
Our dabble
At the eleventh hour
To create
A trouble.
A dark spot in the minds of phony politicians. Read also the updated version of my poetic drama No more Masks. To Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.
349 · Jul 2019
It is unorthodox
What a sin
What a grave sin
A fox in
A sheep’s skin
Echoing the mob’s
Democracy-peace-and –unity-
Packed wish
Enunciating bright days
They will soon relinquish,
He touched
In every credulous heart
A sensitive cord,
Cognizant, an all-out support
To him
They will accord.

True, he basked under
Taps on the back
To his expectation ten fold
And laudations untold.

Nothing toothsome he left
In the political rhetoric dish,
With colorful diplomacy
He adored
To garnish,
So he made many
Their speculation
To relinquish.

He also won the international
Community’s “go ahead!”
Abstaining from
Their customarily
“We are afraid!”
They declared
“He has no fault!”
Smirking behind his back
“Congra a Trojan horse
We have got
Who buys all what
We say
Without a grain of salt,”

To solve the paradox
The mob must unmask
And chase
The fox,
A jackal
In a green pasture
Is unorthodox.//
Politics is a nasty game!
342 · Oct 2019
Touting about

To -democracy-

taking path

Many a psychopath

In the acid-test of integrity

Proves aberrant

Exuding a political stench

To development-and- democracy

Thirsty repugnant.

A phony politician

Has a double face

Which s/he changes from

Place to place

To sweet talk

Citizens sugar-coated

Ideals to embrace.

But monster's follies

Is sure own talks to efface.

Many a political monster

Wrecks his/her share of disaster

When reason to fantasy

Cedes place,

But soon
S/he will be
Stripped of grace.
Given the prompts words monster,disaster,repugnant, aberrant ,psychopath
341 · Mar 2018
Discharging inherited duty
Confused, fickle
I had been marring mine
And others' life to date
But this bent
I have grown to hate!
So God
Send on my way
My soul mate!

Before the prime time of
My life is gone
For my sins
I have to atone!

As I observed,
When it comes to delight,
To looking after an offspring
Comes close nothing.

Careless, to forget
To procreate
Is a folly I will live
To regret.

Seconded is by none
To dads and moms
Seeing grandchildren.

Charged with parental
And  a  spouse's  responsibility
I must discharge
Inherited-by-me duty!
Single, lovelorn, fickle, responsibility, duty
-->In the past

Martin Luther King Jr
Antonio Gramsci
Were waging a fight
For the observance of
Their likes' right,
Also like Frederik Engels
Crossing-floor or
Transcending class
There were some
Who were struggling
On the side of
The oppressed mass.

Proletariat internationalism
Their intent
The likes of Che Guevara
** Chi Minh ,Castro
Proved freedom fighters
Beyond the perimeter
Of their continent.

A selfless sacrifice
Was what
They were expecting
As a price.

Like Mandela's stance
"Lick not your wound"
Was what  was deemed

Unity, genuine democracy and
Freedom was the catch word
All in one tied
By a political cord.

-->  Currently

So called politicians' intention
Is towards themselves
Drawing attention.

Fabricating a political tension
Deconstruction history
And dishing out
A scare-tactic fiction
They bring into play a given
Ethnic or religious
Group's ,once up on a time,
Suffered lance,
Their hidden selfish agenda
To advance,
Rallying the mob truth
And fiction that
Fails to balance.
Moreover for fishing
In troubled water
A hotbed they give a chance.
Optimizing own benefit
Is their price.

Triggering ethnic-conflict
Many societal-harm they inflict.

They adore blood
To flow like a flood.

Disintegration and hate speech
Is what they preach.
"Chase that religious group
And that race!"
Is what
They expect  credulous
Followers to embrace.

Machiavelli is their
Political bible
To translate into action
They make a dabble.
To a phony politician who said it is political science I learnt but who is evil head to toe
Corrupt, we were
******* citizens' blood dry
Devoid a conscience
That asks us "Why?"

As they have
Unseated us
From power,
When democracy is mentioned
Since it is our bent to cower
As a retaliatory measure,
We shall make
Them take with their blood
A shower.

We shall shift
From ******* blood
To soaking  our hands
With blood,
Which we love to see
Flowing like a flood.
For a corrupt leading party embezzling a poor country and threatening citizens with  the arsenal it bought by tax-collected money.
339 · Jun 2017
Stood on its head
She made me a cuckold
With my best friend
"Go ahead
No problem!"
I said
And made love
With her close friend!

When life stood
On its head
"How dare you two!"
She said,
And in vain
Tried to trap me in bed
Planting a kiss on my forehead
Darling the winner of
My bread.

"I am afraid
I have tasted the meaning of
Life to the full!
So don't be a fool
Be cool
And taste him
To the full" I said.
What a revenge,an eye for an eye,paid in kind.
338 · Nov 2017
Like a moth to a flame
Myself I have to blame
After declaring“I have severed
Our relation, intolerant to
Her theatrical and self-seeking love game!”
Back to square one, under
The pretext of sympathy, of course,
Buckling under her sight and voice
I acted the same,like a moth to a flame!

Though my siblings and friends
Advised, “A leech, if she has no other intent
Then, inconsiderate, she'll bleed you dry
Why should you call her my dove
'Cause her sentiment is far from love!
Dump her, the problem to solve.
Innocent, no need yourself to absolve!”
Back to square one, under the pretext of
Evading conscience-pang—A fickle—

I acted the same,like a moth to a flame!

Offence blind,proving a fool,
I failed to see the wide room
For her to be unfaithful!
No sooner we got out of bed
Acid to my salary,though to garner it
Back myself I have to bend,
She used to hand it over to
Her indolent boyfriend!
Though I knew
Our love was clinically dead,
My youthful life on bitter love
I was forced to spend!
Asked to write poem on bitter lovve
Before I Lost you

You were my sun
The azure sky
To scan.  

      After I Lost you

You became
My moon
Desperate to see
You soon.
The tide of time must not **** love.
333 · Jan 2018
Acting bad to good end
Sometimes you have
To think out of the box
"Flog the workaholic ox
So that the indolent one
Dragged by the yoke
***** nilly ,together,begins
To work!"
Some bosses at times shows such behaviour.
(Before Covid 19)

I distance you
Because I hate you!

(After Covid 19)

I distance you
Because I love you!
After hearing the advise if you are caring for fellow citizens too distance yourself from them
322 · Aug 2016
Proves good(revised)
A freezing celibacy
Proves good
Than an intimacy,
In no time that
As a pack of cards!
So true!
318 · Nov 2017
Psychological dome
Forcing passers by

Curious for peep stand,

Swelling a throng

By every square

Or a roadside

Using his right leg

A nimble right hand

With the other holding

The artefact items hard

A hand-less man

Makes attractive tables

and stools

Hammering nails

and cutting woods

The way the task demand,

A task many normal people

imagine  to handle hard.

Those who appreciate

his talent

Throws coins—

A tip for his pocket,

While some buy

The artefact items

He puts up for market.

Aside from eking out

a leaving

He hits home

The psychological dome

“Disability is not inability!”

In a similar case

An art mentor

And an apprentice

Draw many a

wonderful picture

With his mouth

the latter

In a manner

Attention that capture

Hitting home “Some qualities

If deprived by mother nature

Other qualities man could nurture!”
Based on a true story,
I hate that drum's discordant sound,
Parading round, and round, and round:
To thoughtless youth it pleasure yields,
And lures from cities and from fields,
To sell their liberty for charms
Of ****** lace, and glittering arms;
And when Ambition's voice commands,
To march, and fight, and fall, in foreign lands.

I hate that drum's discordant sound,
Parading round, and round, and round:
To me it talks of ravag'd plains,
And burning towns, and ruin'd swains,
And mangled limbs, and dying groans,
And widow's tears, and orphans moans;
And all that misery's hand bestows,
To fill the catalogue of human woes.

ያስጠላኛል ያ ቀፋፊ ድምፅ የታምቡሩ(ለመዝሙር የታሰበ ግጥም)

ያስጠላኛል ያቀፋፊ ድምፅ የታምቡሩ
የባንድ አባላት በሰልፍ ሲውርዱ
ክብ ክብ እየሰሩ!

ለሀሳብ የለሽ ወጣቶቸ ደስታውን ይዘራል
ከከተማ፣ ከሜዳ አማሎ ይጠራል
‹‹ምጡ፣ ነፃነታችሁን ሽጡ
ለዩኒፎርምና  ለሜዳል  ድንቅ፣
ለመሳሪያም የሚያንፀባርቅ! ››

እናም አንዳስፈላጊንቱ ትዛዝ ሲነግረ
ዘምቶ ተዋግቶ ለመውደቅ በሰው አገር!

ያስጠላኛል ያቀፋፊ ድምፅ የታምቡሩ
የባንድ አባላት በሰልፍ ሲውርዱ
ክብ ክብ እየሰሩ !

ለኔ ሹክ የሚለኝ
የታረሱ ኮረብታዎች፣የነድዱ ከተማዎች፣
የመከኑ ወጣት አፍቃሪዎች፣
የተበለቱ ገላዎች፣ ዋይታዎች፣ ማጣጣሮች
የባልቴት እንባ፣
እንዲሁም የሕፃናት ወላጅ አልባ!
ደሞም ለመዘከር፣ አንዲት ነገር ሳተቀር--
ስለሰው ልጆች ስቃይ፣ በችግር እጅ ስለሚታይ::

(ጆን ስኮት)
Written during first world war
318 · Apr 2020
On Ethiopian Good Friday
A rainbow on Ethiopia's sky
Its flag hovered high
Doubt have not I
As told to Noah
It is God's sign of mercy
"Gramercy! "
We owe the Omnipresent

Come what may
(Corona or a lockdown)
Round the clock
God the Almighty
Is Ethiopia's prayer
And its orthodox
Faithful's talk.  (plasm 68, 31)

Press ahead
We need
Our talk to walk
Praising and praying
In every abode
"Ethiopia raises its hands
To God! "
After observing such an event; check
317 · Jan 2017
Different attitudes of mind
The innocent

By the sweat of
One's brow
Their likes aspire
To grow.
For them
Bread and water
Is all right
So far as their walk
Could face the glare of light!

The corrupt**

Bugs, they are not averse
To fattening
By the blood and tears of others!
That is how I see it
316 · Sep 2019
Adorned to kill
You are accused of theft
Because with beauty
Adorned to ****
Many a man's heart
You steal
With which
On your diary
You want to  make
A little hill!
Some women steal men's heart to lock it in their board of chests
311 · Jan 2017
No rose without a thorn
To pluck an eye-catching rose
One risks a piercing
It could pose,
Though lovely it is prickly!

Even if fully attired
With beauty,
She is a bit  naughty!
Every thing has its downside!
309 · Aug 2019
How could I forget
Oh my God
I can't forget
The way  you
Owned the road
In many a boy's heart
Leasing a foothold.

The way you  used
To sashay
Calls for an assay
To prove
You're composed of
Pure gold
To outsmart many
A girl 100 fold.

I bet
Your liquification
It is unmatched
To date.///
There was a high school abutting a university.I and n other freshmen students used to watch the highschool girls coming in and out of school.There was no uniform at that time
306 · Dec 2019
A melodic laughter
A mellifluous song
To titillate the heart
Has power strong.

So also your
Laughter has power
To piano finger dance on
Every which of
My fiber!
Loving object of love's voice
Gripped by fright
A full-scale fight
Could once more breakout
At any moment be it
Day or night,
The cousins Ethiopia
And Eritrea
Were beefing up
Their military might
Locked in a border dispute
Exacerbating border
Inhabitants' plight.

For long,
Leaders of the horn
And the international community
Had been observing developments agog
Forced to tune
To the cacophonous war song
"In military prowess
I am the one strong!
A rabbit, I will hack you
Like a feral dog! "

In such shows of force
There was not
Squandered not resource,
Which could feed
Innumerable needy, of course.

In a paradigm shift

"Among siblings
If reign supreme must
Considerateness and peace,
For a border dispute
There is no room please.

Let us build a bridge
Not a wall
Towards common growth
The strife-ridden Horn
Must get  on the ball.

True to the court's
Binding verdict,
President Isaias
Take Bademe as a gift.

To the confluence
Adding up
Is the new roadmap! "

"Thank you Prime Minister
DR Abiy
If love and developmental
****** are entailed
In the roadmap
Rest assured,
I will accord
Your gesture
Thumps up.

Yes, we have to leave
Divide and rule
For the fool!
If the horn
Is to get on the ball
Add up must all"
After in a state of  no peace and no war for 20 years Ethiopia and Eriteria have agreed to bury the hatchet
295 · Apr 2020
Pining old me(Revised)
From going out
I have to refrain
Terrified by the passing by
Corona thunder and
Pandemic rain,
Oddly defying science,
A chimera,
Looming large
Again and again.

I have begun
To pine
For old me
Freely out to
The neighborhood
And street
Somebody to meet
Somebody to greet.

After  Covid-19's
Shock treatment,
My reservation
I admit
In being picky
When choosing people
I used to meet.

"Love your friend
As yourself
As God said
It has dawned on me
In humanity's treasure trove
Should  come peoples' love
Of course all things atop
Must be placed
In-God-vested hope.(Mark 12: 30-31)

My behavior spiraling
Out of control
A feeble and complacent
Human being
I stretched my imagination
As if God
Has secondary or no role.
As such,
Earthly pursuit
Was my goal.
Now, as King David said, (plasm 122:1)
I reflect
Going to church,
Uplifting soul, allows
With God keeping
In touch.
It has also sank in
Brushing shoulders
With collogues
Was enthusing
Aloof, on my chair
Before I perch,
At times to do
Reading research.

I realized the money
I used to stash away
To make hay,
While others were starving
And when I could become
People hungry
Had no meaning.

I want to see
The broadmass
No more afraid
Out, on their table
To put bread!

I pined my liberty of
To and fro
Breathing oxygen free
Before the
Corona lockdown decree.

I want to project
My true face
Forced not on
My lovely face
A mask to place.

With a square shoulder
I want to walk
No more ringing
In my ear
The pandemic talk.
I want to rove the land
And fly on the sky
To feast my eyes
On touristic spots
Or goods to buy,
May God allow me
Such things again
Before I die!
I  also pine to see
The day
Undertakers are
No longer in a hurry
Fellow citizens
To bury.

I pray for
God's Mercy

But now  
Keeping social distance
Washings hands with soap
Putting on face mask
And sanitizing is
What I advance.
True to Jesus's parable if a Shepard who had 100 sheep missed one, he will worry more about the one he lost. I missed people--friends, neighbors ,colleagues and fellow citizens
Though I often watched
Many pretty girls
On the street
Walking to and fro
Ravishing, you managed
My undivided
Attention to draw.

So I jumped high
Because to touch
The sun aimed I!
From the lapse
Mortally wounded
I was about to die.

Aiming at a lamp,
While many a man
Opted to jump
For the ceiling
Bold, I did
A nice thing!

From hibernating in
A long winter
A brief summer
Is by far better!
I went for the best one but tasted the bitterns of failure to the full but the game is worth the candle.
293 · Aug 2016
The value of silence
For  keeping quiet
A body
Drives home fright!
Amharic proverb  Silence is  golden
287 · Jan 2018
Blame shifting
Angry a man began to beat his dog
"Conniving with a thief is wrong!"

Answered the dog

"What more do you
Want me to do dear?
After to my non-stop bark
Last night, dead asleep,
You turned a deaf ear!

When told to mend its  way
Adamant, the incumbent
Went astray.

After it is to late
It makes a dabble
To hold citizens to
The chaos accountable!
Paying for a deaf ear.
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