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Richard Shepherd
Press play.

Essence fills the cold, biting air.
Thoughts drift back to the day we met.
Her words soothed my splintered heart, her presence made me feel safe.

The first time we spoke, nerves filled my soul.
This was not just a woman—this was a new feeling,
a blessing,
a gentle kiss laced with understanding.

And then, oh, goodness—and then—she took us high.
Flying past clouds to the golden place,
our bodies became one. I was mesmerized.

All at once, a deeper meaning to everything
was revealed.
This love was a love I had never known.

Looking at her face, I melted—
beautiful chestnut hair, perfect lips,
breathtaking eyes, a smile from the heavens.

Love discovered me.

I lie still as Essence continues to play.
I swear undying, loyal love
to this incredible woman—
my Goddess.

Marc Morais
are not afraid
to get wet—
tears will find
another way

Like rain cutting
new roads
through rock

Like rivers tricking
land to let go

Even the smallest
drop knows—
water moves
what won’t
The Invisible Poet
one of my biggest fears is
that I'll work a 9 to 5 job
that I despise and drains me

I don't want to work a job that pays the bills
and is physically and emotionally draining
I want to do what I love and make good money

I know that that sounds naive
but I see the effects the menial job
that kills you slowly
taking everything out of you
with barely any energy at the end of the day
by shopping fever…
snowfall is quiet
ms hitt
the seeds have been sown
they will sprout in spring
showers share sustenance

the rye is ready to reap
rooted in rocky regolith
the resourceful reward

saved for sooner, sought
by shadows; steal scraps
when spoiled seeds stink

starved so soon, save me
I admire from afar
Yet you never notice me
I pray someday you do

I want to confess my feelings
But you might not care
I hope someday I can

You are my crush
But instead of confessing to you
I crush my feelings

So everything I see you
I can't bring my self to confess to you
I saw a picture of my dad today,
It shocked me that his hair is grey.
I didn’t recognise his face,
New lines that the years had placed.
It hit me hard inside my chest,
It knocked me back and took my breath.
I do not know that man I saw,
Hardly remember him anymore.
And I wonder if he would know me,
If a picture of me he were to see.
when the sun goes up, that's when my tears fall down the most...
hannah miller
I waited,
dribbles of wax bled into pineapple compote.
drop by drop,
losing their spark.
I sat outside your room,
with your favourite cake beside me,
waiting for your door to open.
it never did.
The last candle burnt out
five mushy puddles of wax
a pool of tears
beside the golden cake tray.
12 year old me
saved up for weeks for that cake
just to put a smile on your face.

open to interpretation
I wish i can remove those feelings
I don’t want them not anymore
I don’t want to feel or even want you to feel my feelings
I’m better with my own
Alone in my little world
All alone
I fell in love

As did you

I clung too tightly

As did you

I dreamt of a forever

As did you

I swore to keep it strong

As did you

I tried to make it better

As did you

I sat there crying alone

As did you

So let us try to be friends

Maybe try again

Back to when it began

Before I fell in love

Before you did too

Because one day around the bend

Maybe twenty years from now

I think I'll say I loved you

You'll say you loved me too

Maybe we'll just stay friends

Or get married in distant years

Cuz I can say I fell in love

And as did you
sometimes you just need to try again
I watch as the droplet eases itself
down from the wound, into a strip of paper,
scarlet on crimson. some might call it a stain,
but this is no mistake, I will fold myself
in, like blush on cheek, I will make it look real.

is it pathetic to imitate what we can never achieve?
the night sky gloats in silent mockery. the trail of
her dress drags along my dry eyes, and she burns
a hole for every jewel I cannot reach.

is it a sin to covet a sin? my fingers run along
the grooves of my carved pupils, and I can't
remember anything aside from the warmth
of a star in another orbit.

I fold my three hundred and fifty second paper star.
Does the moon believe that these are her children too?
Or are my paper cuts for naught? One day, I know
the paper will be skin and the star will be a sun.

but until then I will bleed, and until then
I will have to suffice with a constellation of scars
that glow in the dark on my ceiling.
Dodging memories that bring me pain
I scurry through the obstacles
I set up for my foolish self
To keep me from the place I need to be.

I bruise my shins repeatedly
On dangers that I did not see
Due to the fancy mask I wear
That blocks half of my vision.

The need for haste is manifest
By ever looming banks of fog
That somehow scheme to bar my way
And keep me from salvation.
Been to Gilead 4es
I miss hearing your voice
it fills my heart
I miss my heart
full of
I hope you’re
full of
Anais Vionet
E - Everyone
T - That
H - Has
E - Eggs
R - Really
E - Expended
A - A
L - Lot
A song for this:
bad idea! by girl in red [E]
Mrs.Timetable challenge

I think this is an acrostic firefly poem.
I wasn’t sure EGGzactly what to write, my mind seemed soft scrambled.
I was hoping to poach an idea, but it turned out the yoke was on me.
today melds slowly into yesterday
a day gone forever, seemingly
but we can only see-
as far as the end of our nose
Escape me, ugly feeling,
Run away and never rear your head.
You've got me twisting, reeling—
A selfish need that craves to be fed.

Rid yourself from my presence,
Unwanted, yet you still remain.
A vile reek, a suffocating presence,
Draining my lifeforce with anger and pain.

Escape me, unwanted being,
For the hell you've put me through.
You took pleasure in my wailing—
So leave me be, foul infatuation.
i have a box
a message lies for you
these are the secret words
to open the box

when the sun rises
you and I will meet
and when the wind blows
you will know my hearts words
i got yhis from prof layton the diabolical box,it is not copied
boys will be boys
when he pulls her pigtails.
boys will be boys
when he takes away her virtue.
Mohan Jaipuri
जिस कला को तुमने देखा, उसको तूने पूरा सीख लिया
अभावों से बेपरवाह , तूने स्वाभिमान का जीवन‌ जीया
खुद अनपढ़ होकर भी मुझको लिखने के काबिल किया
हर कार्य में पूरी उतर  तूने "पूरी " नाम सार्थक किया ।।
Nishu Mathur
In the afternoon
Below a grey blue sky
I hear the chatter
Of the magpies.
And they talk in bird talk
In words unknown to me
As they bob their little heads
By the amaltas tree.
Glad I am to hear them
I listen carefully
Happy to be in their -
wondrous company
you keep telling me that
you are not trying to be
in love, yet your hand
holds mine in contempt of
your unshakeable truth,
your adamant reservation to
the alternative truth you are

love hurts.
Em MacKenzie
You’ve got 99 problems but your loyalty is one,
you’ll never solve them now the World Cup is done.
Achieved by your colours that aren’t so true,
by a Nation that once treasured you.
Gretzky I believe your reign is through.

You used to shoot and inevitably you’d score,
imagine the disappointment of each Gord.
Keep the red and white but add the blue,
betray a Nation that once treasured you.
Gretzky; no longer number one not even two.

Keep your guns and keep your hate,
Canada’s not your fifty-first state.
We’ve always been a Country, one that’s great.

Went to a room and ignored the sign,
now we’ve changed the labels and removed your wine.
Disappointed in what you would do,
to a National that once treasured you.
The sadness and anger only grew.

An apology that will come too late,
Canada will never be your fifty-first state.
Not up for discussion or debate.

A concept you should understand,
you can’t put a “for sale” sign on our land.
The death of a legend came from the hands
of a bad man and a bad plan.
No longer the greatest of all time
after you’ve committed the greatest of crimes.

We won’t take the tariffs or the bait,
Canada will never be your fifty first state.
We’ll cement the actions and the date.

So stay in exile as is it your fate,
Canada won’t be your fifty first state,
cause it’s the one, the one that’s great.
💯 > 99
Ami Mathur
Relaxing on my bed,
Listening to the music,
Suddenly, my cheeks felt some tears shed.
A watery shed out from my eyes,
Feeling the moisture and finding themselves red.

My cheeks asked my eyes, "What's the matter?
Why the mess?"

Then eyes said, "Ears are the culprit, they keep listening to something gloomy on repeat, that's why the shed."

Then ears replied in annoyance,
Stating its innocence, "It's the brain which is the problem."

Brain interrupted the ears' say and said, "It's not me, it's the heart which is on the loose.
For he is deep in grief, for he misses someone close. he is out of control and confused.
It is his longings which are causing you trouble.
Unapologetic heart keeps up the rubble."
Hate is what drives us,
to spite and despise.
But the love of God
is what changes our hearts.
John 3:16
Arthur Vaso
In autumn is always the leaves
in summer is always the rain
without you, is always the tears
falling on my poetry
pages wet
the silence
a knife
slicing my heart to pieces
Overcast days
Grey skies
Skipping to my beats
Emotional high
Let it out
Breathe it in
Universal sigh
Back on track
Found my pace
Settle in
It’s about to begin
Beautiful Day
My my
Feeling alright
Nothing to do
Nothing standing in my way
Walking straight ahead
With my vibe
Immune to time
Flip the switch on my kit
Pull rhythm and rhymes
From the sky
Written by:
Timothy Charles Carter
"This is not a goodbye,
it's a see you later,
it's a see you in the next life."
Todd Sommerville
Kiss me in the darkness.
Touch me how you want to!

Let the feeling take you,
to places you've never been to.

There is truth in the darkness,
for our souls will find the light,
the light in each other
which brings such delight.

So Kiss me in the darkness,
Let our souls fly to the sun.

Stay with me past the morning,
For our love has just begun.
When a night of passion turns into something
unexpected, into something so much more!
Leaves dance; leave--forsake  
Chides the rose, plight, soft peril   
"-my dolce headache”
My first attempt at a haiku, bit of fun. Doesn't sound like a traditional haiku per say, who knows 🤷‍♂️.
Talon Robinson
you keep my heart afloat
even when its being weighed
it knows to keep you happy
it has to
stay high
beating loud
for you to return to less
that just wont do
My attempt at a Rumi style poem
and why wouldn't it be?

Work day for you and a
workday for me

we are chained to be free
She says
I have the key
I'm going to be nice to her
make her tea and give up my
comfy chair,
I'd do that anyway

workday or not.
Sometimes i feel that jaw numbing pain
The one I used to feel when everything between us was
What it is now
Sometimes I feel it
I feel it when you look at me and that spark is gone from your eyes
I feel it when I say hello and you do too but it's almost as if you're saying goodbye
But Sometimes I feel it
When the birds chirp the way they used to
The way they chirped when i was with you
Yes i know. Very cliche.
Salmabanu Hatim
The problem with my son,
Is that he is very nice,
Soft spoken and kind,
He never tells us when he is hurt,
He waits for us to realise the mistake,
And that makes us more guilty.
a never ending rhythm
we're a matching tempo
following the flow

Setting the strings
Held so tight
strung just right

you're the melody
in my beating heart
I love your ocean eyes,
Even though they’re dark or shine.
If the light left them,
I’d kiss them for my rest time.
Don’t close them—that’d ruin my life.
I don’t know if I’m saying this
The way you used to like..
Moons, stars,
planets you
are nothing less
then an earthquake.
For in my heart
you reside.
Deep and
sound, you have built
in me cities, that are
ethereal, for in my words I
can not describe
What are you?
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