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1.4k · Sep 2019
My Office
Joseph Rice Sep 2019
My Office

Veneer and gear cogs orbit my sky eyed bored writ
Face, fuzzy bottom trace rings masculine tell bells ‘cuz
I’m lazy, not hazy on congeniality or veneer reality.

This cube main lines fake hued bane mines and vain finds
Purchase on surface of brown turf dust or brick fur guts.
Veneer reality.
1.2k · Nov 2019
I'm A Horny Pervert
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
All I see is ***
Endless parades of
wet openings and bouncing

All I hear is ***
She says she's going to
do it…
…eat that
smell this…

All I want is ***
Memories of
tunnels and warm mouths.

1.1k · Nov 2019
Universe Scat
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
The universe baby birds knowledge
*** to mouth
and you wonder why the lives of the wise are always so
You think you’re woke but just repeat tropes created by
people selling a lifestyle that puts on trial the idea that being
standard is wild.
Kaleidoscope fractal of reality’s gaping ****** *******
wraps the goal of happiness in a cloak of human nastiness.
This crawl through life is so full of strife
that we spend the majority of it looking for someone
to moan and groan with as the bone is exposed
from the scrapes and cuts we earn when we're alone.

And I am alone.
1.0k · Dec 2019
That Tree You Read Under
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
I realized today that
I’m better at being me
Than I am at being a part of them.
Or us.
It's too easy to be the crutch
To get stuck while helping us out of the ruts.
But when I’m the stress pressed mess...
Step around.

Ever the alien
Ever the desert
Ever the tree standing tall in the field
Watching the forest retreat.
Just because we are strong, doesn't mean we don't need help sometimes.
499 · Jan 2020
Earth's Fury
Joseph Rice Jan 2020
Don’t look at me with his **** in your throat
I don’t have the heart to see the joy in your eyes
While you guzzle down greed's breed seed.

Don’t moan at me with his **** in your ***
I don’t have the heart to see the pain in your eyes
While coal miners ******* into submission.

Don't cry to me when you inevitably ****** him
I don't have the heart to see you regret your life
While you beat, burn, bury, and drown mankind.
438 · Dec 2019
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
The alien looks out across his
all sand blasted stones and sun bleached
But this is the world.
and totally alone.

Howling wind brings
Little hope
for connection.
Scent drives wild heart’s sole invention.
Grains of sand rip skin and soul
Driven by time's windy flow
Similar themes to some others I've written, this is the first one I wrote using this theme.
420 · Mar 2021
Existential Crisis
Joseph Rice Mar 2021
It’s that sunset at sunrise
Brain flickering to life
To live…
To live alone and longing
Longing to share that sunrise
With someone who wants to share it with me.

Because what’s the point of life
Of living…
If the best you can do is cower in
Self-serving hedonism.
And to think, I used to scoff at the idea. Now look at me, all dressed up and worried that I don't matter to anyone.
399 · Jan 2021
Just A Night Owl
Joseph Rice Jan 2021
To close eyes
And let dreams reign
Fall into the future
Makes the next day
The next disappointment
The next pile of stress
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
The worst part is the lack
Of color
And no amount of Giant Steps
Could avoid the emptiness.

I heard about a torture technique
Where the prisoner is placed in an
Empty white room
With only white light to see
And white rice to eat.
I think the alienation I feel
Is like a form of that.
Lifelike solitary confinement.
382 · Feb 2021
Tongue Color
Joseph Rice Feb 2021
Sour mouth truth teller
Spits on the graves of
Vanquished foes
Vanquished friends
Stares daggers at
Jealous lovers
Anguished loveless.

The taste of words and grapes.
304 · Dec 2019
You And I
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
The you and I
In my future bides time
For my dreams to combine
And put you before my gray eyes.

Beautiful light clashes with my ugly darkness
Eradicating the masticating thoughts of rejection

Smile at me please
Maybe my frozen stone heart will unfreeze
301 · May 2021
Like A Splinter
Joseph Rice May 2021
There’s a word stuck in my hand
Like a song in the brain
Or bathing suit sand.

So I write out all I can think
All that feel close anyway
But every attempt just makes it sink.

So don’t mind me if I sound craz-ee
Because I’m not okay, and that’s normal
Or at least it seems to be for me.
It starts with J and is a name.
256 · Dec 2019
The Curse Of Sight
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
You're beautiful
But you don't see it
Makes me wish I couldn't either
Because you'll never be mine
No matter how many times
I listen to your struggles
And offer bad advice
You already found your love
And I’m just a nice guy
You know from there.
254 · Dec 2019
Not Yours
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
Ignore the signs of mental state decline
I’m fine is the typical reply

Depression is used so often that the word
Loses meaning as quickly as the life its leaning.

And isn't that exactly right?
You get one word to describe your problem
Your feeling overlooked, alien, lonely, and sad.
And society makes that word as useless
As all the others you scream at no one.

Makes me want to burn the world down.
251 · Nov 2019
The Rage and The Explosion
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
The wisdom of age is caged
By rage
By pages staged in cultural serfdom.

The youthful burnt by truth's
Of time and its rotten fruit,
wisdom, hah

So you find me between
The rage and the explosion.
Gritting teeth beneath pain's expressed grief.
229 · Nov 2019
I Met Her Eyes
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
I feel the weight of expectation.
The pressure of responsibility
bares down
like it can feel I’m straining.
Every moment I get closer to
Every second, strength surges in some endless
final push of effort.
A lifetime of uphill climbs in the time it takes
to shamefully look away.
229 · Aug 2020
The Great Filter
Joseph Rice Aug 2020
The earth shook
The sky became firm
The waters rebelled

Because we live such
Brief lives
We fail to see the
Impact our heavy
Footfalls leave

And so the arrow
Strikes low
The future flows for feeble
The lives we live don't let us see the flux of nature and impermanence of our hospitable world. Our race has failed this great hurdle, and so the world will burn.

Rejoice, you no longer need fear the consequence of your actions.

You never did anyway.
Joseph Rice Sep 2019
Rorschach sounds test door lock found
watching ninetofivers run the hamster wheel.
I could complain
that would be sane, right?

Efficacy of coffee in drawing truth from words
belies belief belittling lies obvious strength.
Who are you to say “light"?
Just another dark eyed zombie echoing societal platitudes.

The days ways say stay to
the ***** of the broke brained overweight.
Hunger in the eyes sunder intelligent minds
beneath the crushing hand of expectation.

Buy me a sliver of happiness
Or was it
Cry me a river of helplessness
Memory fails snails snotting up rails
that funny ******* find with palm’s hand.
221 · Nov 2019
Progress and Conflict
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
Pacifists feign high minded morality.
It's just easier to disavow violence,
than to justify the cause you fight for.
But no more worthwhile.
Homogeny and peace
Progress and conflict.

Tell the dead they're right
For not having fought back.
Let Gandhi tell you that the world
mirrors the nature of the man.
See if his wives agree.

Let Martin Luther King Jr. tell you about
the merits of nonviolence
from his martyred eversleep.
Ask Genghis Khan if his legacy is great.
Ask Alexander The Great.
Ask George Washington.

The few successful pacifists
Are remarkable.
Because they were successful.
More to provoke thought than state a position.
219 · Sep 2019
Joseph Rice Sep 2019
Heart's quiescence defies hope's recreance.
Resigned to singular endeavor,
Connection's Desert Delver
decries society's conformity salve.
Bearing burns by breaking-

Ashes pile on the ground.
206 · Sep 2019
Well Intentioned Fingers
Joseph Rice Sep 2019
Heart burnt charcoal dark
By overheated passion.
It crumbles in
Your well intentioned fingers.
206 · Jan 2021
Progressing In Time
Joseph Rice Jan 2021
Rotations and revolutions
Counting convolutions
Of causality and expression.

197 · Feb 2021
Joseph Rice Feb 2021
As I slowly slide down steep sided peak
The idea occurs
“Is purpose portrayed in progress?”
The mutable perspective of time’s fickle trickle
What experiences we lounge in
Slow boredom
Slippery distraction
That glacial crawl past pain
The ever fleeting ******
Senses suppose suffering’s supreme,
It seems.
197 · May 2021
Joseph Rice May 2021
The small space
People place

Like little things
Easy understanding

But you are more.
192 · Jan 2021
Joseph Rice Jan 2021
Inky darkness envelops
Soul, fake as it is.
And like the great
Dying of winter’s will
I freeze within that
Omnipotent abyss

I seek destruction
For humanity’s farcical suffering
Let the end flow from
These fingertips dipped in pain.
Like leaves falling from branches.
Just end it already.
188 · Nov 2019
The Elusivity of The Start
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
and I know who I am.
Like the clack of horns clashing,
Knows the ram.
Or like the torrent of rushing water,
Knows the dam.
Their intent expresses their character,
and their words expressed their intent.
Although they try,
the point remains
as elusive as line one.
186 · Sep 2019
Inside to Outside
Joseph Rice Sep 2019
Torrential downpours of raw
Regret swirls with loss into
Whirlpools of rage, desire, and hopelessness.

Smiles guile miles between isles
of disconnected people.
Eyes see ******* butts ***** and big *****….
Missing hearts….
Missing the empty arms of long alone longing.
Reasons and reasons, seasons and seasons.
The flow continues and we cannot stop for what's missed.
Wrote this on a rainy day.
182 · Feb 2021
Worse Than Alone
Joseph Rice Feb 2021
I don’t know which is worse
Feeling cursed by winter’s cold isolation
Or future’s immolation by past’s failure.
Like some sailor in lonely seas
Knowing that perfect she, just doesn’t exist for me.
I think some of us are born to be alone.

Note the seeming missed connections in the rhyme.
180 · Dec 2019
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
They say I over-think things
That I read too much into things
Or overcomplicate things
The simple, shallow, impulsive
Should lament their inability to keep up.
Don't let the stupid masses deride your intellect. You don't over think or over complicate. These are phrases that stupid people use to pull down those of superior wit and intelligence.
179 · Dec 2019
Desire or Obvious Pretense
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
I like the dark
And its ness
There's a primal desire
Inside my heart-mind mire
For pale skin and black hair
Piercing decorations

Because good pretends it isn't self-interested.
Because light is harsh.
Because at least the women in white faced makeup with
dark eye liner
and dyed black hair
wear their masks openly.
177 · Apr 2021
Current State
Joseph Rice Apr 2021
The fact that I haven’t up and left
This life with violence
Is a miracle in itself, with
All the loneliness and
Pressure to succeed, that, need to be
Free, but missing connection
And longing for love while feeling
So shunned by society.
I foolishly look back on old flames
As if their game’s not been played
As if my fat, disgusting form would
Be acceptable, much less
Desirable. Even my mother
Doesn’t think I could be loved.
170 · Feb 2021
Missed Opportunity
Joseph Rice Feb 2021
Seems to me
People fail see
What’s important,
Until what they truly
Want is out of reach.

Depicted perfectly
By this lonely
Soul, failing
At finding intimacy.
**** end rhyme by a **** poet trapped by his own lonely regrets.
170 · Apr 2021
Abstracting Ritual
Joseph Rice Apr 2021
If I could somehow say
What I’ve been made
I’d force the day
That taught my brain
To fear the gray.

You, the royal you
Of that soft goo,
A small review,
Of will renew
With darkness true.

I see strong signs
Of empty mines
Or growing grime
And forced resign
I’m brined in whine.
Meaning flees from emptiness or illumating intent.
166 · Nov 2019
Alien, In Desert
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
Warmth accompanies sunlight
No longer
Sunlight reveals the truth
Of isolation

The alien looks out from dune's peak
Ever shifting
Ever onward reaching

Faces both smiling and snarling
Haunt the edge of perspective
But there's no connection
No link
Not a single shred of song shared

Hardened heart’s crust cracks
Exposing the dried ichor
Of love's rampaging past.
166 · Feb 2021
Just One More Cup
Joseph Rice Feb 2021
Chewed through lip
Copper taste and other shoe’s drop waits
Nervous habits of caffeine neuroticism.
166 · Dec 2019
Between Us
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
In the end
It's all the same
Differences drive me away
And all the guile smiles thrown in my face
Don't erase space between.
165 · Oct 2019
The Coward's Lamentation
Joseph Rice Oct 2019
Feelings left reeling by simple words peeling
Back the cracked and dried scab of love's lack.

Yes I’m doing well.
But I miss you like a cave misses the sun.
I wish I had the courage to tell you.
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
That smile bounced off the hull.
I can still feel the vibrations in the metal shell,
all this time later.
I saw it coming, took evasive action
you know, like they do in the movies,
and slammed right into it anyway.
Knocked me off course,
broke some sensors,
sent spinning off into the void for months.
Sensors eventually came back online,
course corrected but forever altered.
From a series I wrote a few months back that explains life happenings from the perspective of a spaceship.
162 · Nov 2019
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
Skeletal fingers grip an oblong stone
Cords of tendon thin muscles stiffen
A jaw set with determination
Eyes glassy and feverish

Another chuckles, circling like a carrion crow
It grips their lover's hand warmly
And sighs down at the starving man
“you'll never squeeze any blood from that dry stone”

The words uttered, shatter his resolve
He curls into that common dying pose
And waits for mercy's final blessing.
159 · Jun 2021
What it all is
Joseph Rice Jun 2021
Blinking at my screen
Not so fast as it.
Thought arrived, of explosions
Not so fast as it.
And life’s lived therein
Not so fast as it.
This unfolding infinity
Not so fast as it.
Expanding explosion of everything.
Not so fast as it
Could be the beat of a heart,
Not so fast as it.
But that big bang is,
Not so fast as it,
Slowed by our interior perspective.
Not so fast as it.
The shock to chaos for reorder
Not so fast as it.
Like moving or supernovae
Not so fast as it.
But thoughts flee,
Not so fast as it
Changes perspective.
158 · May 2021
Daily Ground
Joseph Rice May 2021
Like the sun’s drop into the reflected
Ocean horizon
I submerge into the filth
Of corporate greed
I maintain separation, but from your beach
Appearances can be decieving.

From height, the bottom is abyss
But I have seen into it
And I have become it
And my hands no longer appear before me.

As if there was ever any purpose, anyway.
Purpose and effort, money and survival. Why even try?
150 · Nov 2019
Slight The Stone
Joseph Rice Nov 2019
Even if eyes fall
On warm and soft

Even if fingers grip
The warm and soft

Even if words heard
Are warm and soft

I’ll still slight the stone
For seeing only you
For feeling nothing after you
For hearing the end.
That cold and hard
I’ll still slight that stone.
147 · Nov 2021
As If I Could Change
Joseph Rice Nov 2021
Ahh, there it is.
That old but bold,
Rolled and hold-up
Haven of mold and decay.
Like I never left it,
Festered and prolific
The round hole for my square peg of happiness.

I’ve spent my whole life alone,
Trying to atone for whatever flaws shown
Knowing it’s for nothing.
I had a sniff once, the barest taste of other.
And now it haunts like a Dancer flaunts
Exquisite and impossible to ignore.
146 · Dec 2019
Blind Eye
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
Eyes break from depths grip
Lost, he looks for refuge
Dualities of nature
firm and soft
Drive to

Mind breaks from fantasy‘s grip
Found, the man builds guts
Words fail to service
Tongue stuck
To roof.
145 · Dec 2019
Drinking Alone
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
Like a memory of the present
A voice speaks
“I am coming"
Ambiguous meaning
Vivid as scratching an itch.
The impression of vast emptiness
Just feels right.
Joseph Rice Jan 2020
The puddles pretend depth
With muddy murkiness
Which quickly dries to dirt
When passion's fire gives birth
To love's burning star
Of hearts merged from far.

I need a loving heart to win
And a sea in which to swim
Which boils but stands firm
Strong enough for our sojourn
To home in hope's future
Where together our hearts suture.
A little corny, I think. But at least it's not my typical despair.
141 · Oct 2021
Flames Again
Joseph Rice Oct 2021
I am the embers after the conflagration
Smoldering silently after a pyric youth.
Coals flaring in the winds of change
Smoke like phantom of a bright past.

But the heat is still there, resilient
Eager to leap to new fuel.
Bring me your unspent passion
And let us burn brightly together.
134 · Dec 2019
Don't Pray For Me
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
Materialism mind schism
Religious based holiday chased
Thought of peace bought
Through this nihilistic idealist

I don't need your greed shaming fake god
To know there's more than this
To know.

Take your useless prayer and save some air
For people who need it
Because if your god is real, then you don’t.
132 · Dec 2019
What Really Matters
Joseph Rice Dec 2019
Finding confidence
Or rather
Finding apathy
What happens when nihilism
Overwhelms pessimism
Overwhelms doubt.

We're just dust organized interestingly
So smile
At me or her or him
And ignore failure’s omnipresence
Enjoy your freedom.
Nothing. Enjoy it.
132 · Aug 2021
Going Blind
Joseph Rice Aug 2021
The sky cracks stack until
There’s a legitimate Blindspot
Silver lined with that eye spot
Censor I can place just on
Your stupid ******* face.
Just the start of an idea. Might never finish it but I thought it was good.
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