You send me into A frenzy of pleasure As you say my name You have freed the animal That ws trapped Te ambitious woman Who ws trapped in her on body And dancer Who can dancer in a feikd Without worry
One day There was This angry and Heartless girl Who died years ago And haunted the waters Where every Twight she swims Hoping to clean off her Misdeeds.
As the young woman Let's say early thirties Turns on the torch To the milky-way Every thing goes blue When she asks Where are you To her lost love Only to find him Next to her.
Is this an imvu Chat room Hell no This is made by the universe Not related on A mortals compute See the sheer beauty Of it all The i Island and a bridge.
As I go On imvu Though drama filled I talk To my love The one true And imagine And dream the P o s s i b I l I t I e s With him. This is almost a vaporwave romance Gone right.
As I walk Home from that club The acid takes effect And soon Everything I see is Pink blue purple and Is pixelated. I stagger home But pass out The hallucinations were to much.
I look at the iris In my Boading carefully And wonder How the hell Did theybget that Beautiful flower In there With out destroying It's beauty One can only know.
A face Melting In the middle of nowhere Starts to cry Tears of blood For this was the face of a girl Who lost her Love And took to the skies For comfort and safety.
As I turn on this vaporwave flower That is in Neon I wonder How to get the picture of it to Go and work As i use this flower As a night light I read and I Look at the neon art In the flower As i sleep.
As I stumble upon A Bair Of spheres I wanted What the hrck They are After a closer look And a memoriess Of the yakuza papers Movies I recognized Them As stress ***** Of the Chinese verity.
Beginning of the day Harolding the beginning of a New week New possibilities New emotions New experiences I am happy for this monday And the blessings from the universe That's why I smile.
To my love We went through hell and back this week. I accused you of horrorible things things so unthinkable That there shouldn't be words to them. But we got through it and still love each other. I will name my/our daughter Love
As i take a walk around the block For I was angry I realize with Vaporwave And cotton c a n d y sky That night is soon But before heading home I look up at the clolours Of the s k y.
I am ******* Though smiling I am only smiling As a result of My baodings Which I case a flower each So I swirl them Until the smile is genuine G e n u I n e
This morning as I Step outside To go to the pub I See something unusual It's midday Blue skies and I can see the great Dipper Parallel to my house...... Strange.
Look at this Freaking Flowers Not a painting on The delecate beautiful But A photograph Of the Big Dipper Prejected on It This surreal scene On such a flower The detail Is so beautiful
Dear Unfollower I have a medical condition With a name and That name is Post traumatic stress disorder If you don't Enjoy or Like the things I Write about then Forever hold you peace Thank you