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2.2k · Sep 2019
I will always love you
Hunter Sep 2019
This is how it will go.
I’m just going to roll with life throws my way,
Pain or happiness,
Moments of euphoria or depression

This relationship has been the best ever.
But like every human being,
I have my fears,
My anxieties.

I won’t worry about you hurting me,
Running away,
Or finding someone better.

I’ll focus on the good times,
The ones we create.
Regardless if we keep creating more,
Or if unfortunately you leave me with the moments we created.

Just know.
Whatever it is you do with your life my love.
Leaving me,
Or staying with me.
Hurting me,
Or loving me.
I will never ever stop loving you.
I don’t need mutual affirmation for that.

I’m always wondering for a place called home,
I think I found it.
My poem is going through different topics now.

Just know.
Wherever you go.
Whatever you do to me.
Whoever you choose to marry.
I will always love you.

Do whatever you want to me.
I’ll show you I can bend without breaking.
I will always love you.
Forever and always.
I promised that when I first said that.
It's 2 AM, sleepless ranting away. I'm deeply in love with this girl and I struggle with trust issues from past abusive relationships. It's not fair to her that I feel this way but It's all I can say. Right here. Sorry It's not really poetry, It's more or less what my thoughts are at this time.
789 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
First you take a drink,
Then the drink takes you.
You start asking,
Could have,
Might have,
Or should have.

I’m starting to realize that anger,
And sadness are for those who have given up.
Have I given up..?
Is drunkenness a temporary sucicide?

My anxiety is feeling like a rocking chair,
It gives me something to do,
But it doesn’t get me far.
It’s not stress that kills me,
It’s how I react to it.

Baby open your door,
Cause I’ve been waiting for my blessing.
Give me all the keys,
And I’ll lock away the darkness.
If your grace is an ocean,
Then please let me drown.

In your arms,
I find refuge.
Did you say you love me?
Or do my ears deceive me.
Cause I’ll say the same words,
But I’ll shout them clearly.

I’m so glad you came,
You drew the curtain on the night.
When you call my name,
I can’t help but smile.
I started my life drinking a lot thinking I had control of it leading to troubling moments in my life. Soon my emotions were overcome with anger from exes and the way people treated me, my nights of being drunk felt like "clarity" like I was flying awat from my problems. My anxiety started to get worse and make me feel hopless, and the way I treated it was stupid on my part. Thank god I was able to meet my lover who is always giving me grace on my mistakes, she calls out what I do wrong so I can fix It. I'm so happy she walked into my life, she's able to rock me to sleep and make me forget about all my worries. I love you J.J.L
621 · Oct 2019
Anxiety Pt. 3
Hunter Oct 2019
My head is going through cycles,
Running through the worst possible situations.
Wondering if my dreams will happen,
Or if every turn I took was my downfall.
488 · Sep 2019
Vape Nation
Hunter Sep 2019
I take three long hits.
For a moment my lungs fill up,
The nicotine hits my brain,
And for a moment.
I forget how to breathe,
Like I’m suffocating.
Do It every night
461 · Sep 2019
Blue Eyes
Hunter Sep 2019
Blue eyes that remind you of the Atlantic Ocean,
I get lost in them over and over,
Drowning in its gaze.

Short blond hair that I watch flow in the air,
Sunlight beaming through its curls,
A beautiful scent I smell when I kiss your head.

Pure soul that makes you believe heaven is real,
Creates a new addiction you can’t break,
Wrapped in her grace.

Lips you can’t pry away from,
Hips that I’m glued to,
A pinky I can’t let go of.
442 · Sep 2019
Bargain Store
Hunter Sep 2019
My life is turning into the bargain store,
And I hope you don’t mind most of me is used.
For example this broken heart,
If you find all the missing parts,
You’ll be surprised how kind it really is.

The store is open come inside,
You can easily afford the price,
You may find what you are looking for.
I can’t guarantee that’ll you’ll be satisfied.

If you don’t mind that half the merchandise is used,
With a little mending,
It could be as good as new
After being used and abused many times, I start to feel like like a item given to pawn stores. Nothing fancy to brag about, hopefully you'll find in me what you want. I'm not perfect, in fact I'm broken but with a few tweaks I can be better.
435 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
The rope I’m hanging onto is breaking.
With every setback comes a cut,
A cut on the rope.

It snapped a while back.
I took the pieces and made a makeshift rope,
That snapped too.

I’m falling now,
I’m okay,
I’m okay.

Maybe tomorrow.
I might just hit the floor
I'm sorry
432 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
Just know that you have the respect that you deserve,
As you cling to your courage,
And efforts to serve.
If you see her in Oregon,
With her hands way up high,
Know that she’s a songbird,
Who’s longing to fly.

And I’m flying with her, to wherever home is.
386 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
I'm trying to be genuinely happy
379 · Sep 2019
2 AM
Hunter Sep 2019
It’s 2 AM,
I’m laying on your floor.
Reaching up to feel your skin,
Drifting off listening to you breathe.

You look so peaceful,
Like some type of resting angel.
Your sleepy kisses,
And your drowsy smirk.

Now I fall asleep on your floor,
One day we will have our own bed.
So much on my mind I want to tell you.
Goodnight Ms Believer.
I love you forever and always.
I’ll see you when we awake.
I recently left my family to chase my own dreams and the one I love, right now we don't share a bed so I sleep on the couch or on the floor next to her so I feel close. Falling asleep last is a blessing, that way I can watch her venture into her dreams.
355 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
At first,
I stood in the rain because it hid my tears.
Then I realized I stood in the rain because I relate to the rain,
I’m not afraid to fall for you.

I’ve never been afraid to fall for you,
It’s an beautiful fall,
And I have faith that you’ll catch me,
Everytime I fall for you.
I went to drop off my girlfriend today at her college, and **** it was tough. I thought if I focused on our future or good moments I'd be fine. But noticing how your daily routine of like waking up next to her or kissing her head everynight changes temporarily it kicks you in the ***** and heart.
317 · Sep 2019
Happiest Year
Hunter Sep 2019
I’m here to admit,
That you are my medicine.
I’m on my knees,
Begging you not to leave.

Baby I’m really on the ropes this time,
Wake me up when they build a time machine.
So I can search and look,
Just to find you in my life earlier.

But no excuses,
I got this feeling in my bones,
That you’ll be the one to set me free.
Thank you for the happiest year of my life princess.
I've met someone special about fourth months ago, who's been helping through the hardest moments of my life. She took me in when my parents forced me out, despite my setbacks she been bringing happiness into my life .
301 · Sep 2019
Reading between the lines
Hunter Sep 2019
Here I am.
Reading between the l i n e s.
To be honest,
I’m quite lost.
Trying to find truth or comfort.

One step forward,
Two steps backwards.
I’m trying to keep my emotions down,
But I forget my eyes speak.

I’m becoming scared and tired at the same time.
This sadness is like being colorblind,
Listening to how colorful this world is from others.

My forest is dark,
And my trees are sad.
Listen I don’t control my thoughts,
I wish you could understand this.

Sleep isn't sleep anymore,
I use it to escape now.
My mood doesn’t just “Swing”.
They bounce,
And recoil.

While everyone moves on,
I’m stuck in this hole staring up.
Something in me just..
That’s the easiest way to describe it.
For once my raw thoughts were able to come out, I try not to feel like this on a daily basis but sometimes it can get the best of me.
291 · Sep 2019
Worth Living
Hunter Sep 2019
Despite my wrongs,
and the bridges I've burned.
I will make this a life worth living,
and one for the books.
285 · Dec 2019
Hunter Dec 2019
My joy is off and on,
This Christmas is different.
Something is trying to rob me.
I don’t know what to say,
So I’ll let my silence be my poetry.
284 · Sep 2019
Don’t forget me
Hunter Sep 2019
You’re off to college,
Doing things I couldn’t do.
I’ll tuck up in bed,
Looking at our moments,
All while you study and meet new people.
You’re going to do great,
I’ll hold a pillow every night thinking of you.
Just don’t forget about me over here,
Soon I’ll have a place there.
Learning to trust again after abusive relationships is something hard to do, I’ve finally been able to invest my trust in her. While she’s in college I’ll be home sleeping in the room she was in with me until I get a place closer to her.
279 · Sep 2019
Broken Glasses
Hunter Sep 2019
I lay awake,
Broken glasses,
And try to fickle my hair.

I look up to the sky,
Awaiting some type of answer.

I look down at my legs,
Hardly look normal,
And down at the end of the road is you.
The reluctant royalty looking at the town crier.

The most beautiful sight was thinking I saw you,
As the paramedics put me in the ambulance.
I got out of the stretcher,
And ran to your embrace.

I wasn't ready to die,
Purpose was literally in front of me.
When I got your embrace..
I think that's when I woke up in the hospital

I adore you.
You don't care where I came from.
When I'm gone do you think of me?
When you dream do I make the screen?

I've watched my bridges burned,
And here you are helping me build them.
Life is better now with you,
Loving you,
Making me feel nearer to God or even the heavens.

All I got for you is love,
And the rest of my life.
Let me be your prince,
And let's build our own kingdom.

We can live happily ever after,
I love how that sounds.
Don't you?
Can we do this forever please?
May 1st I tried taking my own life, at this same time I was meeting someone special. What I believe from the drugs the paramedics gave me I visioned this person I adore and I ran to her, It was In that moment I woke up in the hospital. To this day she has been by my side being my crutch I owe her everything.
270 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
Could tomorrow be different?
Zero anxiety?
This on and off euphoria,
Drives me crazy.
Like a roller coaster,
The climb..and then the drop.

Now the morning comes.
I tremble as I stand,
The sun shines over my scars.
I put on my best smile,
And walk away
264 · Sep 2019
White Flag
Hunter Sep 2019
I’m throwing in the rag,
I’m out of ***** to give.
My defeat is a temporary solution,
It’s what I gave up is permanent.

Things aren’t going well,
But I can’t help but go with it.
I’m making my white flag.
I don't know
258 · Oct 2019
Thank you
Hunter Oct 2019
Thank you for making me the happiest man alive.
In fact thanking for making a man out of me,
Keeping me in check.
Thank you most of all for being you
244 · Dec 2019
Hunter Dec 2019
I struggle to find the reason.
Why I’m pushing though pain.
Turning life,
Into survival.
242 · Sep 2019
Words and Chords
Hunter Sep 2019
I wish I could play beautiful songs on piano,
Play unforgettable by King Cole.
Show my love through the ballads.

I wish I could play guitar better,
Play because by Elvis,
Show that I love you for who you are.

I wish I could sing,
Sing La Vie En Rose by Edith,
Show how much color you bring to my world.

If I could do all these,
I’d sit in bars and strum out chords.
Sing out words.
Words and chords to bring you back to my arms,
Words and chords to make you feel loved,
Words and chords to show you forever and always.
My love adores music, especially piano and lovely voices. Sometimes I wish I was better at these things, So thats why I'm trying improve my skills at these to show my love to her through arts she adores
201 · Sep 2019
Grains of sand
Hunter Sep 2019
I hope,
That one day my loneliness won’t be the death of me.
That my loneliness will spur into something to live for,
Something great enough to die for.

I’m watching my world fall apart,
And the pieces are falling between my fingers,
Like loose grains sand.
Feels like all I can do is stare blankly.  

My loneliness is no longer my fault,
But simply a condition of existence.
I’m not sure if I’m thoughtful,
Or just empty
I'm staring at my laptop trying to vent emotions, and this feeling I'm typing out just kinda washed over me. So yeah.
196 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
Your head on my chest,
Above my heart.
Your hair rubbing against my scruff,
And your fingers debating which way to hold mine.
I kiss you head before we sleep away.
“Goodnight princess”
The first time she fell asleep on me like this was so peaceful, suddenly you feel invincible and found a home. That’s the way I prefer to sleep
162 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
I don’t mind a lifetime.
I will keep the earth below your feet,
Hold you down when you are too weak to stay planted.

I know your hardships,
The pain from other boys,
Leaving no love in your heart,
And leaving nothing to love.

I will hold onto hope,
And I won't let you fall.
I’ll find strength in the pain,
I’ll change for you,
Be a monster for you.

I know you don’t want to be alone,
So I’ll stay glued to your hips.
And I don't care why this room is always cold
Washington can try, it'll never swallow me whole
And I swear.
We could be gigantic, everything I need
worth the guarantee
This could be the drug that doesn't bite
Just give me a try.
I swear I’m not like the rest.

Honey I love you.
You learn about someone as you date them, and through the months and bickering...You learn how to bounce back stronger then you were before and that love becomes stronger. You learn that when the person is worth it you'll do everything in your power to keep them happy..happy with life.
159 · Sep 2019
C’est la vie.
Hunter Sep 2019
I’ve found what I’ve been waiting for,
And to get there I crossed lines,
Burned bridges.

I know our relationship isn’t traditional,
It’s different in ways.
I don’t really care,
Because it’s not about status.

C’est la vie.
150 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
Our love is a friendship that caught fire,
It’s sharing and confident,
It shares loyalty through the bad,
And the good times.
It allows less than perfection,
But makes allowance to human weakness.

Our love can’t be seen or measured,
However its strong enough to change me in a moment,
Offers us more joy than any material possession could.
Our hearts see what's invisible to the eye.
Love doesn’t make the world go round,
But it's what makes my ride worthwhile.

This is easily,
The most beautiful,
And the best thing in the world.
Like I said it can’t be seen,
Or even touched!
It can simply be felt by the heart.

Love is to love someone for who they are,
Who they were,
Who they are going to be.
To love and be loved is everything.
I love you J.J.L.
I've been putting thought to how my life is with my lover, and honestly its amazing. Despite my flaws and the risk in the career I want, you still look at me with the same love as when I first met you.
148 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
The wind made your cheeks glow,
Shivering under your coat,
I offered a hand to hold,
And you squeezed my pinky.

The only color in my life,
Is you.
sure it's delusional,
but since she strutted in i haven't been the same
what else can I say besides darling look my way.

You are far away now,
But your on my mind,
I'll never put nothing above you,
You are my guiding light.
I hope you realize
You are mine.
After dropping her off at college all of the good times came crashing down on me, rather than letting myself sink into a dark place, I decided to think about the better memories we are going to make.
147 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
In the moonlight,
I live to love and adore you.
It’s all that I can do,
It’s all that I am.

I know you don’t need expensive gifts,
Nor do you need Fancy dinners.
Sure I know you love those,
But I know you don’t need them.
You need me to listen when things pile up,
You need me to hold you when you cry,
You need encouragement as you move through your dreams,
You want to feel safe and protected,
You want to feel interested in.

I’ll love you genuinely,
I’ll love you consistently.
Relationships don't need huge gifts, they need to be seen and understood.
145 · Oct 2019
Hunter Oct 2019
I feel like my only friend.
Lost in the corridors of my mind,
Blank spaces.
136 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
Baby no matter how far you go I’ll always love you,
Distance sharpens love,
And presence strengthens it.
Know its not the distance that is the enemy,
It's the time I have to wait to be in your arms.
I’ll always remember that love is the shortest distance between our hearts.
Until this distance is over I’ll always want to rip you out of my dreams,
And just hold you.

I love you J.J.L
Me and my lover recently started distance because she just started college in a different state (thank god its only a state away). I'm keeping my heart right and keeping my hopes up that this will work out.
132 · Jan 2020
Hunter Jan 2020
It was the 5th grade.
I’d rock back with some paper,
Crumple it up,
And shout.
And tragically miss.
Unlike the legend he never missed.
Rest In Paradise.
124 · Dec 2019
Hunter Dec 2019
I gave you all.
All I ever had,
For all I ever wanted.
But by the end of the month..
There’s no need for me
122 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
Laugh with me baby,
Jest with me baby,
Don’t ever let me feel lonely.
If I need you baby,
You know I really need you baby.
I cry at the least thing baby,
Talk to me baby,
Stay with me baby.
120 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
Don’t end our conversations,
Like they are some goodbye.
I hope when you see strangers,
You see my face.
114 · May 2020
Shit territory
Hunter May 2020
It’s may.
**** territory.
Other people should be here in my place,
I’m reminded of past fights.
This is **** territory.
112 · Sep 2019
Happiest Year
Hunter Sep 2019
Thank you for the happiest year of my life.
I’ve learned I’m alive,
When I’m with you.
This love is true,
And It has no endings.
Love used to be a game of hide and go seek,
In true..
Lovers seek each other.
I guess you could say,
At touch of love,
Everyone becomes a poet.
Love is a game in which two can play,
And both can win.

You are so out of my league,
In fact we aren't even in the same sport,
Am I even in the sport?!
Its like you are the MLB wrigley field,
And I’m a merch store next door.

Can we make these moments we have..
Last forever?
We are a puzzle that fits perfectly,
Every piece fits without struggle.
Be my forever and always,
Hold my pinky like you always do,
And never let go.
111 · Sep 2019
Linkin Park
Hunter Sep 2019
My grandpa told me about Queens
My dad told me about Pink Floyd
I'll  tell my kids about Linkin Park
110 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
I’ll turn into a monster for you,
If you pay me enough.
I’ve been resisting this decay,
I thought you’d do the same.

I try my best to give you the life you want,
What would you have me do?
Is there another way?
Love tell me there is another way.

I’m climbing over something,
And I’m running through these walls.
I’m so tired of misconceiving,
What else is it?

Open up my eyes,
Tell me where you want to go.
Tell me you love me,
And hold me tight
Random anxieties I get when I finally find something stable in my life. Sometimes it feels like I have to prove myself in this relationship sometimes, but I'm stubborn as hell and don't give up.
102 · Nov 2019
Hunter Nov 2019
You dealt me a **** hand,
And it was up to me how to play it.
Life is too long for bad cards.
102 · Sep 2019
Brandy Alexander
Hunter Sep 2019
I'm her brandy alexander,
Always getting her into trouble,
But that's another matter.

We are far from home,
But we're so happy,
All alone but so happy.

Everything starts at your skin,
Your love always finds me out,
Why try to hide it?

I know we have our talks,
Our bickers,
But you can always find me where the skies are blue baby.
99 · Nov 2019
Rainy weather
Hunter Nov 2019
I'm not sure what it is with me,
I've never been good with friends.
I’m spiraling into the sea.
The sun still feels like rainy weather.
99 · Sep 2019
If I left today
Hunter Sep 2019
If I left today,
Would you search for me?
Create a search party,
And hunt me down?

I feel like I’m disappearing,
Like the vape exiting my lungs into the air.
Open your arms and tell me.
“Disappear here”.
I'm disappearing into my own thoughts
99 · Dec 2019
Hunter Dec 2019
I get lost in my head sometimes.
But sometimes,
I get lost in your eyes.
You’re beautiful,
Hopeful blue eyes.
The thought of you with someone else.
I don’t like that.
You belong with me,
The stars told me.
98 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
I don't need you to brag about me,
Nor post about me.
Keep me in your pocket if you'd like,
It won't make me feel any different.

I don't need to be a gold trophy you raise over your head,
I don't need to be anything fancy.

Just make me the laces on your shoes,
So when you leave I go with you.
Make a music box,
So you can feel enlightened.
Make me into a medallion so I can possess victory,
Nothing flashy so I can have some dignity.
Make me into a locket around your neck,
So I can possess a picture of the man who made you feel the best.

You aren't one to search for gold,
I think that's why I'll always love you.
Don't make me into another excuse.
All I can feel is that your love makes me feel alive.
I don't need to be posted on instagram or snap to feel loved, as much as I'd like it I don't need it to prove to me that you love me. Just don't forget about me when you move, keep me close to your heart and let me follow you to the ends of the earth.
96 · Apr 2020
Hunter Apr 2020
May draws near.
I’m reminded of my fears.
That very day when life itself almost ended.
I suppose I’ll sit with my beer,
Breathe in the nicotine,
And try to forget.
93 · Sep 2019
Anxiety PT. 2
Hunter Sep 2019
Does it get harder everyday?
The darkness doesn’t seem to fade,
There's something in my head killing me.
I should tie a noose around my mind,
Tell it I’m in control.
I’m stacking up problems that are unnecessary,
In some odd way,
There's comfort in the panic.
Paranoid I may seem,
But the world seems like its out to get me,
I didn’t make the choice to let mind get so ******* messy.
92 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
Everyday seems to get harder,
The pressure builds up,
Like some nuclear reaction.

I’m slipping,

What do I do?
**** it up?
Pretended that everything is okay?
92 · Sep 2019
Hunter Sep 2019
I went on my nightly walk,
Looking up at the clouds,
I saw a tiny twinkle.
Some lonely star flickering at me.

Could that one lonely star,
Trying to make light in the darkness be me?
It reminds me of my anxiety,
Hoping that I’m not my only friend.

Not sure when I’ll join the sky,
Apart of the cosmos.
But I hope with the time I have..
I illuminate some darkness.
90 · Sep 2019
I remember
Hunter Sep 2019
It was the start of the game,
My first time seeing the Cubs at home,
You’d think I watch the game,
Instead I texted you through the entire game,
I remember texting you more than who won.

I keep wishing I would meet you sooner,
But time was playing at it’s rate.
I wish you were mine sooner.
I think destiny decided on this timing,
For our hearts to align.
As much as I wanted sooner,
I'm glad you found me in my shitest state.
You saw every dark aspect of me.
Whether it was me being a *******,
Or someone who struggles with being alive.
Yet you stick around.

When I couldn’t get out of the hospital bed,
You held me,
Like today was the last day.
The yellow stuffed animal you made me,
Along with the picture of us you drew.
I remember how caring you were,
I could see the worry when you'd watch me move to my wheelchair.
You kept asking if I needed you to push me.
Now that's love guys.

I was telling you the plot to my show,
Within five seconds you fell asleep on my arm,
My beautiful angel,
So peaceful.

I remembered when I asked
“What if I'm in this wheelchair forever”.
You looked at me like I was an idiot and told me that wouldn't change how you feel.

When I first saw you,
My heart broke through my ribcage,
Like a soldier returning home from the war,
It ran to you.

I remember when you came over and I stared into your eyes.
It was beautiful.
Your blue eyes.
I was lost in your ocean,
And I didnt want to be found.
I believe in soul mates now.

I remember when I first realized I love you.
My heart and brain finally agreed on something.
No more wars between the two,
Just agreements of how great life is now.
Life is better with you.

I remember when we started calling each other Borgy and clude (our joke on Bonnie and Clyde).
You see Bonnie and Clyde were lovers,
Through the great depression,
The hardest moments of the 1930s,
And they died together.
Knowing I died loving you,
Would frankly make me happy about my ending.

I'm glad I met you.
This is my public deceleration of my feelings for you.
I'm not ashamed of us,
Nor feel like I could do better,
Regardless if I could.
I wouldn't want better,
Cause what I want..
I already have now.

I remember when I dropped you off at the airport,
How similar it was to when I dropped you off at college.
You told me not to cry in public,
Because men cry in private.
Both times I cried in your arms.

Thank you for making life more colourful.
Making me comfortable with who I really am.
Helping me stay sober.
Showing me what real love is,
Along with joy.
I can't wait to see what the years bring us.
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