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Aug 2022 · 625
The weather
Sachiko Aug 2022
It’s been raining for 4 days straight.
It’s hard for me to get up in the morning.
Day and night, It’s still gloomy outside.
The sound of the rain is seemingly alike with your voice.
Actually, the tears of the rain is your own tears.
The sadness that you don’t quite understand yet.
You said you like how the clouds clear after the rain.
Ironic, you like to solve problems, numbers.
But you can’t even face yours.
The rainbow brings you hope.
I think you just hope for people to love you endearingly.
But they have to undergo heavy storm.
You hated the sun but you’re the sun.
You’re just coward of the heat.
Your own heat.
Just like the weather, you’re pretty unsure.
We don’t need to cross our paths again.
But I am wondering what makes you remember me?
He likes to write just like me but he write stories not poetry.  We were seeing each other for 3 months. But have to be apart as he will live far away. This poetry is for him. I hope he is well and happy.
May 2021 · 1.2k
I'm sorry
Sachiko May 2021
I’m sorry.
The two words that I want to hear.
But I want it to be sincere.
For the longest time,
Silence is how we communicate.
We both know feelings are hard to articulate.
When one starts to converse,
It is inevitable not to argue.
You aren’t found of sweet gestures.
I accepted the fact a long time ago.
I just want you to stay with me.
Your existence is all I need.
I appreciate silence that isn’t empty.
As I am patiently waiting,
The time comes but it’s already ticking.
It stings when I’m sorry isn’t an apology.
When it depicts goodbyes,
And probably the last farewell.
May 2021 · 652
And just like spring,
Sachiko May 2021
I think my life is in season.
As spring blooms beautifully,
it gives an accurate definition of new beginnings.
But along with it, there were a lot of baggages that I needed to let go.
I find myself losing a lot of relationships.
It breaks my heart how it drastically changed.
I made a lot of beautiful memories with them.
Those memories were comparable to cherry blossoms.
It was so bright and full of energy.
But just like spring, it has to end.
Because life must keep on going.
Some people aren’t meant to stay.
I stopped trying not because I didn’t care.
Instead, I’ve learned how to accept things.
I still do love them. I love hard.
But I believe that I can still love them from a far.
I can’t wait for another chapter of my life.
Opportunities are always welcome.
As well as meeting new people.
And just like spring, it is a beginning of growth.
Jan 2021 · 236
I wrote about a stranger
Sachiko Jan 2021
I wrote about a stranger,
And that’s how we met.
Exchanging thoughts for a couple of months.
I am astonished of his beliefs.
“Maybe he is a good stranger”, I said.
And started to fabricate that he wasn’t broken.
When he was drunk, he told me things,
About love and him being shattered.
I should’ve ran away from the beginning.
But I always fool myself from an idea.
Fixing him won’t save him anyway.
In the end, we became strangers.
So , I wrote about a stranger,
and that’s how we end.
Sachiko Nov 2020
Your eyes aren’t looking at me.
We sit closely but I feel empty.
You are starring at your phone.
I bet she is too pretty.
If you have a chance to fly away,
You chose her over me.
And broke your promise intentionally.
Don’t say “I love you”.
If what you’re feeling is unsteady.
Honey, I don’t want to be an option.
Tell me the truth.
I am not gonna cause any trouble.
I will walk away and disappear.
Grateful for our moments.
But I want a man who is really into me.
Oct 2020 · 244
Sachiko Oct 2020
I made a well-written paper.
Telling my story and my passion.
Each word has its own purpose.
Why they can’t see the intention?
Giving it for one person to another.
Can you give me a call if possible?
I thought I created a master piece.
They replied “ It can be seen anywhere at the street”.
They are right.
I am not the one.
Rejection, you broke my heart.
And I am stunned.
Rejection is my fear. These past weeks I've been rejected in many things. And I am trying to get back again and move-on.
Oct 2020 · 379
How to be still?
Sachiko Oct 2020
Concentration is a human power.
We obsess to obtain a certain degree.
To feel accomplished and to eventually succeed.
When life hits us so hard,
We stumble and fall apart.
Sometimes unexpected things happen.
With a single punch, the so called “Life” throws,
I wonder “Where did my power go?!.
As destruction comes in,
May I ask you “How to be still?”.
I feel sad these days. And I am dealing with confusion about what I want to do in my life. So, I am taking the time to inhale this confusion and be back on my track again.
Oct 2020 · 189
Sachiko Oct 2020
It was like a rocket-ship.
They're both flying because of gravity.
Sharing dreams and future together.
It was like a rocket-ship.
Their love burst into flames.
Approaching into their own galaxy.
It was like a rocket-ship.
And now he is looking up above.
With all those twinkling stars;
As the woman's souls flew away into the sky.
Tears flowing into the man's eyes.
Because he never though;
A rocket-ship made him remember his wife.
You never know that having a relation-ship with someone can be comparable to a rocket-ship. I am trying to redeem my passion for writing again. Life is just unpredictable. Because of the pandemic, it's hard not to feel upside down. I hope you are well.
Jul 2019 · 243
Give Trust to Yourself
Sachiko Jul 2019
Today, he can see the clouds are in tears.
The pouring rain somehow knows what he feels.
Yesterday, he stopped at the dark corner.
He was comparable to the gloomy weather.
Tomorrow, he might be smiling widely.
The sun will rise to bring faith you’ll see.
Well, Everyday is different for him, and for us.
Surprises can be a little bit overwhelming.
He didn’t even bother to guess;
Because no one can tell about our own journey.
He just took the risk and didn’t quite understand his own destination.
“Where to go”, a question he forgot to ask, and he just left while holding on with his trust.
A trust he gave to himself to build his own passion,
Maybe, at that time, he was doubting if it was all just a destruction.
Life is unpredictable. We don't know the answers about everything. But somehow, all you just have to trust yourself, and the process.
Jun 2019 · 303
Gender Equality
Sachiko Jun 2019
I am a girl.
Being seen as a delicate flower.
Too many rules to follow.
In order to be respected in the eyes of the people.
I am an object of lust and desire.
I have to be careful not to be criticized.
My purity is my treasure.
When it’s gone I was being inappropriate.
My body has a lot of functions.
But mostly men crave for it.
And that’s for satisfaction.
There’s a distinction between “She and He”.
A level of authority is given from men.
Purity is not valid.
It’s their ego that is most essential.
I am strong even I’m emotionally weak.
Because I am a man.
Society makes this concrete description.
How to behave in according to our particular gender.
Men and Women should be treated with equality.
No one is less or more.
And today what are we going to do to stand with this point?
Mar 2019 · 260
She Doesn’t Care Anymore
Sachiko Mar 2019
I told you “she started not to listen”.
Many people called her but they classified her “as inconsiderate”.
She tried to be quiet in a long time.
Trying to keep her passion alive and her soul intact.
Many people wanted her to be from the untold stories.
But she preferred to make her own identity.
She is the writer of her own life.
Before she said goodnight; Her pen is scribbling some plot twist.
For a long time, she followed another person’s opinion.
Fame and attention were manifest deep down her eyes.
She was a living doll;
But just like a living doll; she was lifeless.
Her own freedom was snatched away from her.
In exchange of validation from others.
So, she walked away from the voices outside the core.
She closed her eyes and listened on her own.
Tears fell down as she is pretty scared to voice out.
As the flame of passion arise,
and that moment she knew “the life ahead of her is going to be tough”
She grabbed her scissors and snipped any unnecessary connections.
And murmured “ I don’t care anymore”.
Jan 2019 · 240
An Old Soul
Sachiko Jan 2019
She should probably walk.
It clears her mind, and makes her happy that’s all.
She feels a little panic because life can be unexpected.
Yes, she does plan. Or maybe too organized person as she is.
She needs to be focused, and if She will not able to write it down.
She is going to blow just like a bomb.
She isn’t spontaneous.
She doesn’t go out just like a 22 years old single girl should be.
Her soul is old.
She is thirsty for knowledge, and would like to be in touch with nature.
The nature makes her feel human.
The way how her feet touch the ground makes her feel alive.
The breeze of the wind is her kind of unwind.
She’s afraid of strangers.
Or maybe not really good in meeting new people.
Sometimes, others like to play pretend.
So, she avoided the crowd because she didn’t compliment.
Sometimes you wonder if its fine for you to walk away from people who doesn't understand you. Or being different is accepted in this society. Maybe, you just stop thinking about being accepted and just be who do you want to be.
Jan 2019 · 234
An Image
Sachiko Jan 2019
In our heads we think about possibilities.
Sometimes, our imagination can be real.
We hope for different direction.
How life can be if we choose to be happy?
I close my eyes, and I see the image of you.
You are laughing so loud. It's too impossible.
But, you're there looking straight at me.
I imagine how perfect I am to your eyes.
When you hold my hand I can feel the warmth on your touch.
I carry the feeling of being loved.
The happiness that I desire is a little creation inside my head.
You are happy inside my bubble.
And it suddenly popped.
My reality is just a scribble.
You were happy with me.
But, now you're happy without me.
Once upon a time the image of love is destroyed when the person who makes you feel loved already found somebody else. And all you want is to bring back the image of you being the perfect one in his/her eyes.
Sachiko Nov 2018
When I am sad I like to write how I feel as I'm embarrassed to convey what my heart is telling.
And keeping my emotions inside is the best way not to bother other people's lives.
I've learned it the hard way "to acknowledge your own feelings".
I never let sadness, embarrassment and disappointment be in my life.
As I thought being happy always is something right.
When I suppressed my tears never than I thought it ripped myself apart.
And not allowing to feel what I need to feel.
I never understood that other emotions not only happiness are also valid.
And all of these emotions pouring inside my chest should be known in any possible ways that it's making me human.
I've learned that being strong is not only being still.
It means being able to accept the damages inside you and try to fix and learn how to prevent any further circumstances.
Learning from your mistakes and accepting that after all you're still trying no matter how old you are.
You'll never getting closer to perfection;
And perfection is an image that other people's trying to get.
But end-up deceiving each other's eyes, and ruining each other's soul.
I never written in a while. I must say I am living in a moment for quite sometime, and giving myself some space from any social media. Because I'm giving myself the time to think and re-value who I am. And these are some of my realizations. At the age of 22, I've learned life in different ways. I always thought if I've done this before never it would happen again. But the truth is I don't regret about who I am right now. I feel brave about myself. A poetry for my birthday.
Sep 2018 · 345
Sachiko Sep 2018
You know it is hard walking alone each day.
Every footstep that I see it makes me brave.
Nobody knows how anxious I am when I look at my steps is getting further.
So, I build up my courage and take a deep breath.
Before, I start walking again I know I shouldn’t look back.
As I look back on my fear will come and change my route.
As I walk alone, I see the world.
It scares me how real and unfair it maybe.
I try to hold back my tears as I want to appear unbreakable.
I am naive to think happy and grind can make me unbeatable.
It becomes unreal to me.
A month of pretending. I am tired.
I’ve been fooling myself to keep positivity as my armor.
It didn’t protect me at all instead it ruined me.
I don’t walk as much anymore.
I ride my way back home.
I blast of music keep me conscious of what is real.
It continues to make a distance from my own bubble.
They made me feel bad for being myself.
As I sing my heart out inside the moving vehicle.
I am not just singing instead I am pouring out every emotion that I stay away.
I cannot get away from what I truly feel.
It made me shiver.
It made me feel.
It made me human.
It made me, me.
This is me. I never tell my bad days to other people as I don't want to be a burden to anybody. There are few people that I only say what I feel because I know they'll never gonna leave me. But it feels so exhausting for being not real, and for thinking that what I feel is not valued. It's hard to be sad when they always see you strong. But you can't deny that you are also human. And you are breakable, fragile and emotional.
Aug 2018 · 233
I Can See It
Sachiko Aug 2018
There is beauty behind the scars of your heart.
I can see it with the wide view that you’ve been hurt.
But, I am willing to accept it no matter how intense the sting.
You thought maybe you’re black and white.
I can see it your true colors bright after the rain.
You’re the aftermath restoration of the thunderstorm.
A form of a rainbow when I look up when I am bored.
I become alive from my lifeless life without any movement.
I am like a leaf being watered with sunlight full of brightness.
I can see you look at me in much dearness.
But I was too afraid to tell you my own secrets.
We both played fair mind games in search of trust.
I can see you want to unravel every pieces of the puzzle.
Dissecting every part of me you’re willing to be naked.
As you won’t give up finding truth beneath the portrayed label.
You are the first person who seeks more than the picture.
So, I quietly hide in the woods with my thorns lying in my own bed.
As I love your flaws as well, but I was not ready to be revealed.
For you, I want to accept my personal truth and become a whole.
As I closed my eyes and I murmured “I wasn’t ready to be with you as I moved along”.
We all want to be loved but afraid to show who we really are.
Aug 2018 · 296
I am
Sachiko Aug 2018
I don’t live in a moment.
I have a series of to do list each day.
I won’t lie if I like to be organized.
I am like a super spy I have Plan A and Plan B.
I am wrecked if things don’t do well.
I like being in control of my own actions.
I cannot go with the flow.
I am not good at it.
I like certainty.
Jul 2018 · 282
Model Figure
Sachiko Jul 2018
She only sees what’s on the surface.
She doesn’t want to get *****.
So, she remains neat in the whole place.
What a beautiful lady, she said.
Porcelain skin, Thin body and Long legs
A beauty of woman structured by the minds of everybody.
A venom which poisoned every women’s mentality.
The trend of fixation with diet and fitness.
Hold on, It is a disastrous result of unhappiness.
Women should not label how beautiful they are based on an adoptive thinking of a single person.
Women should never place any degree, size, weight, height or even measure their body.
CONTENTMENT, is hard to reach in this era of comparison.
One click there's a displayed unreachable perfection, concealed discoloration, and filtered images.
We must stop our fingers to emphasize each other flaws.
Let us begin counting good manners that we have done in humanity.
We must do it with sincerity.
Because people are now focusing on quantity instead of quality.
I can't do my work properly because I keep thinking this topic in my head. And all I want is to get it out inside my thoughts so I can focus on what I am doing.
Jul 2018 · 332
Just Smile
Sachiko Jul 2018
The way she looks at her reflection.
A feedback of shimmer around the corner.
She is undeniably beautiful.
But she is torn from her own thoughts.
She is not well-made as a structure.
She is afraid to be shattered into pieces.
Crying deep inside with unsaid feelings.
A little worry she thought it will eventually disappear.
They say, “make mistakes, perfection is a fiction”
Her smile is a facade of happiness.
And just being tired surrounded by unreal elements.
She has to leave without hesitation.
She’s waiting for a just reason.
Honestly, she doesn’t have to create her own argument.
A release from a deep sigh.
She wants to see her real smile.
A smile that touches her soul.
A smile without hidden agenda.
A smile that will keep her through until the dark night.
She is currently on her lowest degree.
And figuring out where to flee.
But don’t worry she will continue to be brave.
Negativity becomes rampant she will never be a slave.
She will carry herself with an assumption that her smile is a lethal weapon.
This is the time when I feel bad about myself and I feel like I have no one to tell what I really feel and no one seems to understand about the situation. And all I have to do is to be strong for myself.
Sachiko Jul 2018
You are the loneliest person that I’ve ever met.
You looked at my eyes being brave,
But I only saw you were afraid.
You talked too much about things that I’ve never asked.
Did you mean to tell me?
Or you were scared if I asked you cannot hide?
You seemed to be strong, but the truth is you are fragile than anyone else.
Are you ready to reveal who you are?
I am afraid to trust a person like you.
Someone like you like playing games.
It’s much easier, right?
Rather than being quite true to yourself.
Once, you’ve told me I was afraid to be judged,
Honestly, we all are. I am and you too.
We are all scared in this world who easily criticize little details.
However, you are coward.
You just simply get away.
And suddenly you stopped running away.
When you saw the shadow you became calm,
For you, It was a light of hope.
A sudden relief to reveal yourself without worry.
Should I feel happy? Or it was only another scheme.
I wrote this for the person who came into my life for a short while. He don't trust easily to anyone, but he started to act different to me. And then I was looking at him and I know I felt right away that he was just lonely and broken.
Jul 2018 · 8.0k
Sachiko Jul 2018
He looked at his object with an eye.
So, he came closer to clarify.
An angle that will compliment for each element.
A product that can make a statement.
He chose the bright colors to incorporate.
Because her smile suited a great light.
He focused the subject, and suddenly it was fading.
She was started running.
Running, from the picture perfect life that he created.
She was a medium of unrealistic bliss.
And found herself out of nowhere.
People envied her but they didn’t know the  truth.
She was missing the unfiltered life.
She spaced out, and her heart was bruised.
He was definitely imaginative.
And fooled by unreachable perspective.
He looked at his object with an eye.
Thinking, with her was a root of a great life.
I wrote this during the fall season, and at the same time my brother and his girlfriend broke up. And that situation was my inspiration to just write as I see him every single day trying to figure out all the answers to all his questions.
Jul 2018 · 302
A Daily Cycle
Sachiko Jul 2018
She started by opening her eyes in a cold morning.
She rushed after hearing the clock ticking.
She splashed a hot water on her body while reality was kicking.
Every sunshine is filled with unsteady feeling.
She sat at the corner with her own comfort.
Silence and a taste of music playing along.
She looked at the crowd separated by each other.
Acceptance of differences were never included.
She walked at the road with dim illumination.
In a disturbing night with a lot of confusion.
And all she saw was her own shadow.
She stared at the ceiling with an empty flow.
She ended by closing her eyes with her story untold.
This was basically my lifestyle waking up in the morning, commuting, observing my surrounding, and going back at home late night. It's good to have a routine but sometimes It's suffocating to be just in your routine. And not exploring more in life.
Jul 2018 · 997
The Dark Is My Own Comfort
Sachiko Jul 2018
Someone whispered “There’s peace in the dark”
At night, she was calm and feeling better
But she heard noises outside the boarder.
Eventually, she was disturbed by it and surprised by the spark
It was massive. An intense explosive.
She kept walking trying to find; trying to stop.
And until she can’t feel her legs anymore.
The pain was unbearable.
The noise was unbearable.
She tried to close her eyes to ignore,
But she started crying.
Until she decided to breakdown sobbing.
In the end, she was betrayed by her own consciousness.
She fell into the trap and started to feel helpless.
She shouted her heart out with full of sadness
She thought the dark will kept her stable.
But the truth is the dark will set you free with your heart and soul inseparable.
I wrote this at night when my mind is bombarded with a lot of negative thoughts. After writing I cried because this poetry is very personal, and I wanted to share this but at the same time I am scared to let other see me being vulnerable. But here I am sharing it with you guys.
Jul 2018 · 293
She is hiding.
Sachiko Jul 2018
She is in the midst of hiding from the people who is babbling.
They applaud when you soar high,
but after reaching the peak you see yourself with a sigh.
She is silent for a little while.
She is gathering an energy to walk from the pile; A pile of hardships.
But still she smiles because she knows she will eventually get through it.
She might have been hiding.
But she is preparing.
She might have been hiding.
But she closes any negativity.
So she is detaching,
Detaching herself from the people who fake honesty.
She is a diamond.
She is clearly shining.
And that’s why she is hiding.
I actually wrote this when I was in a bus going to work, and by looking at my environment nobody was being real.

— The End —