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 Jun 2015 Kale
I don't really care about Ohms law
But I'm more so amazed at how you seem to have no flaw
At all
I sit and I wonder in my physics class if
The refractive index of glass can explain to me
Why everything I think or see is you
And it seems like not even specific heat capacity
Or the equations of motion
Can break the spell or undo the potion
You have placed on me.
 Jun 2015 Kale
Deontra' Demeritte
Day by day,
night by night,
such a cliche opening;

I hate it.

I can sit & write unbounded
but recently my brain's been
cleaved into microscopic encryptions.

It seems almost impossible to
...elucidate my mental paradigm
...or maybe to accept it?

I find myself
yearning to write about nature
but then I begin to cogitate on
how aesthetic nature is.

Trees and flowers.
"You and me.
..under the trees.
R-O-L-L-I-N-G the flowers.
You and me."


Don't get things misconstrued,
I just love,
writing about love.

There's a girl I've never met
but mentally it feels like,
we share telepathy.
I feel like
...within the distance between us,
there's this distinctive cryptic aura
and I yearn to decrypt it.


...told you I just love writing about love.
Ironically though,
I'm far from ready for it.
                                                             ­Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  -d.b.d.
 Jun 2015 Kale
Deontra' Demeritte
For 18 years of my life,
I've never dedicated Valentine's Day
to the true love(s) of my life.
I've wasted years
attempting to make artificial temporary women
...only to be left stranded weeks later.

This new epiphany
forces me to dedicate today to the women
who've stuck by my side for all my life,
not once wanting or attempting to detach themselves.

To my Mom,
you gave me life
and you continue giving me life.
You're far from openly emotional
but there has been a myriad of times
where I've derived some sort of buoyancy
within you,
forcing your heart to double its beats.
There have been times where
...I've witnessed you at your worst,
tears streaming down your face
as you comfort me when it's you who truly needed the comfort.
You're a strong beautiful woman
and you are my Valentine,
I love you and wouldn't trade you for anything.

To my Aunt,
sometimes I fail to see how you're human.
You're more like a radiant sun that never sets.
If I need someone for absolutely anything,
I know it's you to run to first.
You go out of your way to ensure
my success and positive energies remain at their pique.
There isn't a thing you don't know about me
but no matter how extreme,
the love you emit towards and for me never seems to change.
Our relationship goes beyond,
aunt and nephew.
We're more like best-friends
and you are my Valentine.
I love you and wouldn't trade you for anything.

I've been through so many futile relationships
and these two are my only lasting ones,
seemingly sempiternal.
No matter how many women enter my life,
my aunt and mom will remain the top women in my life.
Happy Valentines Day.
 Jun 2015 Kale
Could you find your own identity
And stop trying to be me
I am sick and tired of trying to
Swallow back my words
In order to avoid me being a part of
The herds
Others who
Who all look the same.

Could you please find you own identity
I am sick of you trying to be me
Sick of you mimicking me
Sick of you trying to do
All that I do
And passing it off as your own.

Where has uniqueness gone?
And why do you
Regard me with scorn
As if you are the one who
Hadn't succumb to
Stealing another's identity
Oh would you please stop trying to be me?

Be you
Do you
Do not compare yourself to me
Can't you see
That you are beautiful
In your own unique way?

Listen to me
And listen to me well
It would be a cold day in hell
That I would allow anyone
On anything
Take away my own originality
And you as sure as the sun shines
Can never have the talent or personality
That is mine.

You can never be me.
Can't you see that it can never work?
Why don't you put more effort
Into finding yourself
Instead of trying into cash in on
The wealth I have found in myself
Because the same riches lie inside of you
Could you please please please
Stop trying to be me
I'm really sick and tired of copycats.
 May 2015 Kale
Lecia Alane
Lying awake in my arms,
but she's dreaming of another place.
There's nothing I can do or say to make her stay here with me in this moment.
And against my better judgment, I hold her closer,
trying to keep her here for a little longer.

You're no good for me, I keep this on repeat.
A litany to help me keep you at arms length,
a lifeline to pull me out of the depths of your eyes,
and a self-reminder not to fall for your sirens call or lies.

No, You're no good for me.

Her lips, they whisper silken lies, I wish I could believe.
But I can see them in her eyes,
I can feel them in her touch.
Her willfully deceitful lies that tell me that I'm enough.

I wish I didn't know that you're no good for me.

I can tell myself the same things all day long,
But I'll keep wishing she were here while she wishes she was gone
 May 2015 Kale
Rhet Toombs
Leave both parties behind
Fear of memories fractured
As underneath I let you sleep
These small words
Used as hopeful bricks
For loving structures
You're my only angel
These secrets of your deepest well
Flowing purity from beyond
So cruelly
I pulled you from the wreckage
Steered from broken lovers
Diminishing light
This heart now boils over
Perished systems renewed
Until decay
And a belief
Of trust
In the highest plateau
Never leave
Your voice is the echo
Of machines
Hammering the iron of my heart
Back into place
 May 2015 Kale
What if
 May 2015 Kale
"'Mom, I'm tired.."
I said, as I walked slowly towards her
My arms weighing me down
Hanging by my sides, T-shirt no sweater

"Go take a nap sweetheart"
She replied in a sweet, soothing tone
Wish I had said something more
Cause where I'm going, there isn't a phone..

I've withered and got down to my goal
It's a shame more people didn't realize,
No one took it serious enough
I never felt like I was the right size

I couldn't feel anymore neither happiness nor pain
If this is what it took then I'm glad the job is done
I loved you all so much so please forgive me
But I think this nap will be my last one
If my illness takes me before I'm ready to go, at least someone somewhere out there will know
 May 2015 Kale
 May 2015 Kale
I've been trying to find myself
With my eyes wide shut
And the visions of the future
Keep changing
And my head and heart
Keep paining
When I think about it.

I don't know what I want
Just what I don't want.
That's good and bad.

I just keep grasping at air
To catch me before I fall into an abyss
I just keep grasping at air
To catch me before I shatter to pieces.

No one sees
No one cares
No one notices
Because they don't ask
Because I don't let them know
God I'm falling and falling
But ironically
My fingers can never let go
Of the atmosphere
That lets me fall
Oh who am I to call?

I just keep falling and falling
Grasping at dreams with my eyes wide shut
Bracing myself for the pain
Of either wings sprouting and letting me soar
Or from crashing and my skull cracking on the floor
 May 2015 Kale
At least He's still around
A real man fears God
A real man knows his Master
So whatever storm or great flood,
he's still standing, holding onto **His power
Psalm 1:1-6 (ESV)

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
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