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20something Jul 2014
I'm so tired of pretending like I feel nothing for you;
acting like we can be just friends now,
no longer sharing secrets and 1am laughs,
and missing those kisses like no one is watching.

My mind is weary from holding back the memories of "us",
the sly ones that creep up every once in a while.
But now "we"

How are you not exhausted?
Are you forcing that smile when you see me with him,
like I do when I see you with her?

Doesn't it sting a little
for you to think of me baring my naked soul to someone else?
Because it's killing me everyday
to imagine you holding and touching another girl,
the same way you did to me

Sometimes I think I see it in your eyes,
or maybe it's just wishful thinking,
that you might miss me as much as I miss you,
or maybe it's just my weakness coming through.
20something Jul 2014
If you understand that beneath my skin,
there is more then blood running through my veins;
scars have tattooed every inch of  me
and now I barely have room left to breathe.
My rhythm is a little off beat,
and like leaves in autumn,
my branches sometimes lose their leaves to the return of colder weather.
In the graveyard behind my eyes,
there lies the memories I've begged my mind to forget.
As long as you know that i can't stand to be looked at for too long;
gasoline to the burning flame of stares
that I can feel from behind the safe haven of my hair,
and sometimes when you touch me I may flinch,
but the tenderness blooming from your fingertips
is a serendipity that my senses are not accustomed to.
Give me time.
And in return I'll give you my sleepless nights.
you'll still want me in the morning.
20something Jul 2014
And it occurs to me every now and then
that I may never be able to make you smile like she does.
I pray and plead,
I make promises to gods that I don't believe in,
just for that fragmented bit of desire
sliding into an unguarded piece of my mind,
as I float in and out of consciousness before I sleep.
How I wish I could transform this from a thought to a reality.
I can almost feel the cool touch of the palm of your hand in mine
and the hot air intertwining between our lips
and just for a fleeting moment,
You and I exist
with no maybes,
or in-betweens
20something Jul 2014
I march to the beat of my own drum, but I have no rhythm.
The path diverges in two ways and I choose the third.
My head is a labyrinth from which escape is fruitless.
Please believe me when I tell you that my heart holds more dark corners than most because the sun just doesn't shine as bright as it used to over here.
And it's not often that the gates come down long enough to let others in,
so welcome to the road not traveled.
Now the moon has become my guiding light to eventual freedom,
escorting me through the shadows of the past.
I need your fingers locked with mine as I share the secrets buried so far back I almost forgot where I put them.
You gave me this and more
or so I thought
because now...
Now I worry that the corners are too black and your eyes don't adjust well in the dark
and you too are lost in the labyrinth with little hope for return.
The road worn and beaten by footprints is the one you choose to journey on,
for my path has too many thorns and poisonous plants that choke whoever dares attempt passage.
And as you fade into the distance,
I can tell that my cacophony of percussion will never allow me
to be able to match the melody
of the soft, steady pulsation that emanates from your very core  
but you knew that all along,
didn't you?
20something Jul 2014
here it is,
i'm laying it all out, just for you;
all my cards are on the table.
and it's not a winning hand.
yet it's all the things i desperately want to say
but won't leave my lips,
all that I need you to know,
to understand.
i swear im not pushing you away.
my fingers grasp your shirt because I'm so **** scared you'll slip away.
your wings are made for more and you deserve to see them spread wide.
sometimes I wished you never met me
because I've clipped them and now you're here
close to the ground,
next to me.
if i blink
will you be gone ?
and then with whom will i share the parts of me i've tried so hard to destroy
but none of it matters in the end because the damage is already done
the walls have shattered and collapsed all around me
and i see you through a single crack, standing,
waiting on the other side,
blood staining the knuckles of your crumpled hands
so here goes...
20something Jul 2014
your teeth scrape against my neck,
and my fingers clench your taut back in anguish,
will it keep me above water
safe from drowning in the abyss of what's left
and that which you have given up to me
legs twist and weave
arms tangle like ivy
winding its way up an abandoned house that hasn't been lived in for ages,
our lips possess an urgency,
I know you feel the tremble beneath my rib cage
as I struggle to tread the water
I thought it was under control
but this tide dragged me out further than I realized
and something
something about the way you keep pulling me under,
until the waves start filling my lungs
you are destroying me
from the inside out
  Jul 2014 20something
the Sandman
Words belong to everyone
but you could put some together
in the order that you wish
like no one else could
and they become yours

Words belong to everyone
these mystical, magical things
they can be twisted and turned
to the way your tongue talks
and they are your own

Words belong to everyone
*but some of them are mine
I've always found it amusing how a group of words can be put together by a person the way that nobody else would be able to and that just becomes *their* way- and then those words in that sequence become theirs.

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