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550 · Aug 2015
Head in the Lion's Mouth
Caitlin Aug 2015
Yet again, I find myself here.
Walking into the lion's den.
Unafraid, unarmed.
Fully aware of the consequences.
Putting my life in your hands again.
As fragile as a baby bird,
hoping you'll take me in.
Knowing, all I'm really doing is,
putting my head in the lion's mouth,
and praying he's not hungry today.
whoops. writing about you like you aren't sitting right next to me- as usual.
543 · Dec 2014
Caitlin Dec 2014
What do you do when you've had
the "awe inspiring" love at first sight-
and had it blown up?
Why does trying to love again
feel like settling?
work in progress
534 · May 2014
War at Home
Caitlin May 2014
We talk about war, crime and poverty..
So why not the fight in our own homes?
We talk openly, gossip even about others,
but our home is off limits
everything is “perfect"
Behind closed doors
children weep, parents fight
some wondering about making it through the night
to uphold the standard, to not embarrass those who raised us
We stay silent.
If anyone asks “Everything is great"

But for how long?
How long do we bite our tongues, fight the tears and smile?
How long is too long?
We wait too long..
Better title?
522 · May 2014
Caitlin May 2014
Mirrors and other shiny objects are said to have reflective properties.
But we disregard the most reflective thing.
Another person can show you your reflection better than any mirror.
516 · Jun 2015
It Takes Two
Caitlin Jun 2015
Everyone can see I'm still not over you.
I tried to be.
I dated another boy, let him in.
Told him all my secrets and tried to love him.
Yet, every time we fought, my first thought was always,
"you would have understood."

It's been 463 days since we went out separate ways.
You "accidentally" dated a carbon copy of me,
who was less depressed and more confident.

It took us over a year to see be able to be in the same room together.
It wasn't awkward- it was nice.
Until I realized my nails were in palms,
so I didn't touch you.
I felt you radiate heat and wanted nothing more than to curl up in your lap.
So I guess they're right,
I'm not over you.
But it takes two to tango.
why are you 5000 miles away?
514 · Aug 2014
Caitlin Aug 2014
Stop ******* with my emotions
510 · Aug 2014
Late Night Rambles
Caitlin Aug 2014
I can't sleep- and I'd like to think you are still up too.
But I know you aren't.
You are curled up in bed with the smell of her perfume
acting like a lullaby.
I'm not saying I miss you-
that would be silly.
I'm the one that ended things.
I'm not sure I ever really missed you
Just the feelings I once had-
you reminded me that I could in fact love someone.
Looking for those feelings is what keeps me up at night.
I know you are asleep because you have found those feelings
with her.
507 · Aug 2014
Perfectly Okay
Caitlin Aug 2014
I thought I would never get over you- until the day I did.
What I mean by this is-
You were the person I thought I couldn't live without.
We used to write notes to each other-
and sign them "don't ever leave, kay?"
It seemed childish then.
We were totally going to be together forever.
And as the months turned to years I finally believed you.

We ended as suddenly as we had began.
Valentines Day you gave me poems-
straight from the heart- I cried-
We were in love.

By March the love was gone.

We've said some awful things to each other in the past few months.
But now I can wake up with a smile on my face because-
it doesn't hurt anymore.
And when people ask how I am-
I can honestly respond "perfectly okay"
Which surprises even me-
the guy "I couldn't live without" was the easiest to get over.
friend gave me a title and I ran with it.
494 · Jan 2016
Caitlin Jan 2016
Wonder, worry, anticipation, fear.
Like a tight rope walker, I stand on a razor thin wire between too pushy and too distant. Too nosy or indifferent.
You’re finally opening up again, like a flower in the spring, but my over watering or cold spurs could **** it.
I have this bad habit of overthinking and seeing every bad mood-as my fault, or something I can totally fix.
How do I tell you I still want to give you the world, even if I’m not it?
I want you to be happy, even if it’s not with me.
From day one I’ve wanted to protect you from the horrors of this cruel world and that hasn’t changed my delicate flower.
So a tight rope walker I’ll stay, until I topple.
488 · Dec 2014
The Truth
Caitlin Dec 2014
Maybe I was meant to be alone.
I don't mean a solitary creature.
Friends are great,
people need interactions-
without them, we go crazy.
But, maybe I just wasn't meant for this-
happily ever after stuff.

That's not to say I haven't been in love.
But it never lasts.
Even in the happiest moments.
I question it.
Maybe I'm better off alone.
just a thought.
484 · Dec 2014
Caitlin Dec 2014
Liar liar I wish you'd catch fire.
478 · Jul 2014
Caitlin Jul 2014
You say "I don't love you" like a sultry posion that instead of headed for my heart takes its sweet time- travels through my veins and unwinds every good memory we've ever had. This happens slowly at first attacking the memories from years ago and then picks up speed as it tears apart the memory of the walk in the park from last week. Showing me- all the signs I had missed. The uninterested stare, the glance at the pretty girl that I over looked. Teasing me- as if to say I should have seen this coming. I should have seen you leaving.

You leaving never occurred to me- until you spoke those four words sweet as candy.
Rambles at 3 am
476 · May 2014
Caitlin May 2014
You with that sparkle in your eye, never let the world stamp it out.
People will try, even those you once considered friends.
Be bigger than it all. Realize that you are made of constellations.
You answer to no one. No one except yourself.
If you go to bed each night, happy with who you are then you are doing life right.
Forget those who will try and mold you in their image.
You were born an original do you best to not die a copy.
471 · Jul 2014
Yes all women.
Caitlin Jul 2014
Because I'm tired of my cup size turning me into a conquest.
A battle ground with menace on each side.
Where men- boys rather- bet to see who can sleep with me first.
When I have to judge their intentions on what I was wearing that day.
When the line between a compliment-
And a cat call are crossed
On a daily basis.
470 · Jul 2014
Caitlin Jul 2014
Everyone says when you find the one
you'll know. The world will spin,
birds will chirp, and a chorus will sing.
Every wrong in your life will become right.

I think it's a bit more like this.
Your world gets set on fire.
That person infuriates you,
but like a car crash-
you can't look away.

Sure with them,
the world is sunshine and rainbows and kittens-
that's the honeymoon phase-
it will fade.

Next comes real love.
The arguing, the screaming, the sleepless nights-
but don't worry you'll make up.
This time,
and maybe the next time too-
if you're lucky.

Then comes the end.
The defeat- the "just leave"-
or "I can't do this anymore"
The aching hole- tear stained pillows-
wondering what in the world happened.
"where did I go wrong?"

But don't worry-
just as love fades,
it will one day begin again.
Take your time-grieve if needed,
just keep your heart open.
461 · Jul 2014
Caitlin Jul 2014
It doesn't hurt any more.
I don't see your face when I wake up.
I don't crave your arms at 2:21 am-
when I can't sleep.
I don't close my sleepy eyes and,
wonder where you are.

I'm happy for you-
and the love you have found.
Isn't that when you know that it's over-
and you've moved on?
When you can be genuinely happy for someone.

I hope you are happy for me too.
I'd hate for us to get stuck in the same old loop.
The cycle of us wanting what we can't have.
Be happy for me and I'll stay happy for you.
Caitlin Dec 2014
You only text me when you're bored-
and I don't know if it's just a habit neither of us has kicked-
or if you still think of me, when there is no one else.
I'm okay with either really-
either way I must be on your mind.
That counts for something, right?
get the **** out of my head please
453 · Aug 2014
Beliefs and Character
Caitlin Aug 2014
If you believe in the "capital G" God-
good for you.
If you believe in God(s) plural-
good for you.
If you believe God correlates to the flying Santa in the sky-
good for you.
Believe in whatever you want to.
That is your right as a human being.

But do not- I repeat-
Think that because you have a belief system,
it makes you better than those who don't.
You are not any smarter-
or held at a higher standard than those who chose not to believe.
If you can choose to believe, they can choose to disbelieve.
428 · May 2015
Life is Funny That Way
Caitlin May 2015
It had been over a year since we had even been together the night you called to say I love you.
"I do still love you" became the rhythm my heart pounded to.
I felt light as a feather.
Yet it felt wrong.
And that's when I realized,
I no longer loved you.
I guess life is just
Funny that way.
427 · Jul 2014
drunken words
Caitlin Jul 2014
You would take back everything you said last night-
once the alcohol was out of your system.
Perhaps you shouldn't get drunk-
Around your new love.
I'd hate for you to say my name-
Instead of hers.
416 · Jul 2015
Searching For Somewhere
Caitlin Jul 2015
I need to get away.
My skin feels more and more like a cage.
Covered in battle scars from fighting my mind.
I don't ******* belong here anymore
I keep feeling the need to move,
out of the state, across the globe.
Then I realize I'm yearning to be away,
from my own mind.
408 · Dec 2014
/if we're being honest/
Caitlin Dec 2014
The thought of seeing you again- makes my heart beat faster than it does when I'm in bed with him.
400 · Nov 2014
Caitlin Nov 2014
Every 13 minutes someone, somewhere in the world,
takes their own life.
That's the amount of time it would take you to:
Make your bed (we all know a remade bed is comfiest)
Listen to five songs
Read a chapter (or two) in your favourite book
Take a walk around the block
Play with your pets
Do a few chores and tidy up
Check up on a friend-
Not a long span of time when put in perspective,
is it?
Every 13 minutes a soul struggles to find peace.
Every 13 minutes someone commits suicide.
Every 13 minutes someone leaves this earth for good.
Every 13 minutes hearts break.

But it doesn't have to be that way.
Spread the word.
Suicide is not the answer.
Help is available.
Things do get better.
I miss you *******.
394 · May 2014
Mirrors Image
Caitlin May 2014
I always said “I’ll be fine”
I was okay, cracked around the edges but okay
Always told myself to smile
someone somewhere has it worse than me
Never acknowledged how broken I was.
Until I truly met the girl who I had given the title
“That ***** that broke and stole my best friend”
She dated him longer than I did, true.
He seemed to trust her as much as he trusted me, true as well.
They broke up… and got back together and broke up..and ect.
When they had broken up for good, I decided to make her acquaintance.
Not out of spite or anger, but to extend the olive branch.
And it was here that I met my worst fears.
I saw a girl so hurt, broken and beaten by the guy I idolized.
And realized, take two years off my age…and I was looking in a mirror.
A ******* ******* mirror.
I convinced myself he hadn't hurt me, broken me or changed me..then I realized he’d done more damage than could be repaired.
I saw this all in another girl who might as well have been me.
funny how people lie, but I enjoy the writing nonetheless
386 · May 2014
Who Needs Sleep?
Caitlin May 2014
Explain to me why sleep deprivation seems like a fair trade for long nights up talking to you.
384 · Jun 2018
Shooting you a text a 3 am
Caitlin Jun 2018
I used to convince myself you only crossed my mind when it was swimming in liquor-
and that-
well that’d be okay,
‘cause even I can’t control where my mind wanders when my body is made up of more ***** than water,
but if I’m being honest you’re on my mind, even in the middle of a dry county.
But, just so you know when I shoot a text out of the blue in the middle of the night-
I’m not expecting you to reply,
it’s just me, letting you know, you’re still on my mind.
I’d say right person at the wrong time, but you don’t believe in soulmates
379 · Apr 2016
Hopeless to Hopeful (TW)
Caitlin Apr 2016
I’ve been there.
That point in life when the sun is shining, but to you it might as well be pouring rain.
I’ve gotten to the point where I was holding that blade, ready to watch the water around me turn red.
Done with the self help books, the friends who mumbled, “it will get better”, with averted eyes, because they don’t know what to do with you anymore.
When the “don’t do this” protests from even your closest friends seemed forced, because honestly, they were done trying to stop you and were getting ready to deal with the hole you would leave when you left.
I’ve watched my friends mourn me while I was still breathing.
When they were planning what to say at my funeral- as I stood next to them, a shell of the person I used to be.
I could have gone through with it, that day with the blade and the bath tub. The water ran high, all I had to do was get in, and make two slashes, but something changed.
I was calm, I was ready, steady in my resolve, but then-
the turn of a lock, a giggle and a “hi” from my little brother.
I was so caught up in my planning, I lost track of time, and I was no longer home alone.
That’s all it took.
Like waking up from a long nap, feeling disorientated and unsure of what day it was.
When people say it’s the little things that save us, they aren’t kidding.
Wait for it. The universe wants you here.
It might not be a sibling, or even another human being, and I know waiting is hard;
but if you hold out, just a little longer- you will find your sign.
The fog will lift, maybe only temporarily, but it will be enough to allow you to fight for one more day.
If you're struggling I ask of you, only one thing.
Wait through one more sunrise, and then do it again.
Take time to notice the sunrise, let the suns rays come through your dark cloud, and notice that the dark clouds and the rain, are no match for the sun.
Caitlin Jan 2015
Your secrets are choking me, and I’m drowning in the silence between us.
The air is heavy and I feel myself sinking.
The room is filled with your presence, you are the ghost that walks these halls. The Faceless man that haunts my dreams.
I want to tell her the kind of man you are-
but I can't bring myself to destroy your charade.
I don't want to watch the light in her eyes dim like it did in mine.
*kinda ******, still angry, might always be*
Finally wrote something again though, so there is that.
376 · Sep 2014
Call all the Shots
Caitlin Sep 2014
I finally understand why you aggravate me so.

You call all the shots-

I lack control.

I don’t have control over the situation-

and although it interests me-

it frightens me more.
370 · Jun 2018
Caitlin Jun 2018
I can't write in the silence.
I write best, when there is music playing through my headphones.
When, part of my brain is preoccupied singing along to whatever is on the radio-
and to some that may seem counterproductive.

It's like suddenly, my inhibitions and fears of saying the wrong thing disappear and I can write freely.
Like being drunk, without the consequences.

I wish I was in the point in my life, I could simply say the words I need to say, instead of typing them.
This probably doesn't even make sense and I'll probably delete it later on
368 · May 2015
I Wont Stop You.
Caitlin May 2015
I'm just a silly girl who is going to let you break my heart again.
366 · May 2014
Fortune Favors the Strong
Caitlin May 2014
Beautiful. That’s what they say.
But there is nothing beautiful about me.
I am not to be put on a shelf and admired.
I am not some fragile, stain-glass window.
I am my scars. I am the sleepless nights.
I am the suicidal thoughts at one am.
But I am also that voice that says “No live”
I learn from my mistakes.
I have earned my tiger strips.
I am a steel core of absolution.
Calling me simply beautiful, would be an insult.
358 · May 2014
Caitlin May 2014
the fact your birthday happens to be on the day of love is no coincidence
it wasn’t a mistake, it was fate.
A sign to the whole world how much love you were capable of giving out.
An outward sign to look a little deeper,
to show the world the outside view of you was just the tip of the iceberg
with more depth than the ocean and more facets than the worlds most expensive diamond
but like the ocean and a “girls best friend” you were scary and cruel at times.
Some days you were so cold you stole the breath from my lungs
and other days you brought the color to my cheeks.
Being born on the day of love must have given you the power to give and take away love in the blink of an eye.
356 · Oct 2014
Caitlin Oct 2014
I used to choke on your name like broken glass.
Now it's only a phantom pain.
I thought that was better.
Now I just feel empty.
You took my heart, my happiness, my joy.
I feel ashamed when he makes me smile-
I feel like I'm cheating on your memory.
But then I remember that you were the one who walked away,
and the pain becomes real, and sharp as glass all over again.
332 · Jun 2014
Caitlin Jun 2014
Sounds like you’re struggling again.
(I heard it from a friend)
too bad you won’t let me in.

I told you it was a tricky addiction,
and you struggled for so long,
but you wouldn't get help even when I begged,
I hope her love “heals” you instead.
331 · May 2014
Caitlin May 2014
It's always been you.
The one my mind wanders back to.
Sometimes it takes months, or even years
but we always end up back in the same place,
like nothings changed.

Laughing and joking,
like we haven't been down this road before.
Catching up like we saw each other last week,
not last year.

Why is it after all this time,
that your name brings the most anticipation,
the most excitement?

We already know how this story ends,
yet we continue, we try again.
327 · Sep 2014
Nostalgia is a Funny Thing.
Caitlin Sep 2014
A seemingly innocent phrase-
"that'd be an awkward way to meet someone."-
has me transported back in time.
A time of love- and laughter.
Even though I was with you-
all I heard-
was him.
For the rest of the day I found myself-
comparing the two of you.
Weighing the pros and cons.
Trying to remind myself,
he is the past and you are the present.
Nostalgia is a *****.
321 · Nov 2014
12 word story
Caitlin Nov 2014
Waking up to your loving face helps chase his from my dreams.
Happy 19th to me.
312 · Mar 2015
Caitlin Mar 2015
Some days I want to hate you,
Some days I want to love you,
Most days the thought of you just leaves a bitter taste where your lips used to be.
Work in progress
300 · May 2014
Caitlin May 2014
You've been gone for two months.
You say you've already fallen in love with her
You take her on all the dates we "never had time for"
You give her all your attention-
Your eyes which were always focused anywhere but on me,
never leave her beautiful face.
If you are happy, then I'm happy for you.
I am.
But that doesn't stop the jealous rage from bubbling up.
It clouds my vision and more importantly my mind.
Guess I was a two year long placeholder.
Bu that's perfectly okay.
You and your lies made me who I am today.

And who am I today?
A sometimes confused, but strong, independent girl.
A girl who doesn't need saving or fixing.
certainty not from some boy.
A girl who now realizes what it means to love someone,
and truly understands that those who love you never walk away
(not permanently anyway)
So thanks again for your fabrication.
Through the lonely days in your absence I found myself.
Gimme a title?
299 · Dec 2014
Caitlin Dec 2014
And it’s true some days I still can’t breathe when I think about you.
I’m filled with envy that she is the object of your affection.
I see red, and my throat constricts.
But then I remember,
you are only one person.
One love.
There will be others.
It’s not the end of the world, even if it feels like it some days."
old stuff i found
296 · May 2014
Caitlin May 2014
You are in all my stories, almost every thought.
So I train myself like I did, to end the last addiction.
A snap of a rubber band at every bad thought.
It worked for a while…
then..the only sound was the “snap, snap snap” of a rubber band
You are in all my stories…so I simply stopped talking.
288 · Sep 2014
Caitlin Sep 2014
I still want to call you-
gush about my day.
Hear your laughter over the phone-
feel your smile from hundreds of miles away.
I almost do-
but then I remember I haven't heard your voice in months.
I don't want reality to crush my dreams.
Can't think straight anymore- even when I'm with him...
279 · Jun 2014
12:31 am
Caitlin Jun 2014
It’s times like this when I miss you.
When I know you are the only one who understands the anger that will soon turn to tears.
When the laughter of friends has faded.
When my friends sleep peacefully-
And I just sit and stare.
Still so ******* confused as to how badly we ****** up.
Trying to comprehend the end.
Knowing you could solve this all for me-
With just a smile.
Yea..I miss you at moments like this.
235 · Jun 2014
Strings and Hearts
Caitlin Jun 2014
I feel myself slipping from reality.
My mind high above the world on a cloud.
I cannot be bothered with meager "earthly" problems.
The rest of the worlds drama holds no interest for me.
I am short, and curt with others-
I cannot be bothered.
Except for you.
Your issues and everyday drama holds allure to me.
You are the string and I am the balloon in the clouds.
You are not my anchor keeping me grounded-
but you are my string-
keeping me from floating away for good.
226 · Jan 2015
Caitlin Jan 2015
People try to sell you the whole "if we met at a different time, it would have worked." No if it was going to work it would have. No questions asked. No giving it time, bs.
214 · May 2015
Caitlin May 2015
I'm not okay.

— The End —