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654 · Jun 2015
Knowing God

Welcome to my poem.
I would like to introduce you to
a few words of mine.
Like a friend, they comfort me,
grow me, make sense of me.
The words come from my mind.
not always though, I can’t
remember where my mind found them.
Step on in now. My mind is open
Come, have a seat.
The words will be home shortly.
Be sure and take your shoes off
and close the door,
        we wouldn’t want to let any dirt in.

We talk for a while. Share a few
words of our own.
There is a quick knock at the door
the first words comes barging in.
Slightly rough, tired and stressed, comes up,
shakes the hand.
“Hello I am Fear”
So Fear comes in and sits.
We talk for a while. Share a few more
words of our own.
Then another knock at the door. hesitant tap, like
someone was left behind.
Fear says “oh thats my Of”
Fear yells at the door to “come in
and close the door and take your shoes off,
keep the dirt out.”

So we all sit and pass around
some words now.
It’s taking a while though.
It’s almost nightfall, and there
is one more word.

The sun is going down. Moon in the clouds.
Loud, Roaring closer and closer.
A growing light ending in my eyes.
Light entering through the windows in my mind. Come in Come in.
So glorious Light. My door is open.
The knock is loud. From every

Of is curled up in the couch.
Fear has ****** on the white carpet.
This knock will never end.

The door opens.

Of pulls it together, brings Fear to its feet.
Both Fear and Of stand and welcome this Word at the door, and together,
like a friend,
they comfort me,
they grow me,
make sense of me.
The last Word comes and sits.
All sharing words with the
Fear Of God.
Read Proverbs 1 and take to heart in prayer
642 · Oct 2015
Work it out with God
Salvation is like a muscle.
From the moment we repent and are saved in Jesus
A commitment is made
A strength is found
A reach is achieved
Like a muscle
Consistently over time
Work it out with God
Philippians 2:12 " Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling"
628 · Oct 2016
Like Flint
Christians! Have purpose!

like flint with intent
to strike a spark
to set a flame
to kindle a fire.

A fire to prepare the food
to give heat through the cold
to light the way in a dark night.

Christians. Be intentional.
This is poetry's pride
It's a poets problem

The compilation of words
Spoken like a sword wielded

All we have is voice
a noise to compliment thought

Speech is a vital choice

Maybe I'm in love with love itself

Fearing the sacrifice love requires

A love that endures all the struggle and strife

I want a love that cuts lies like a knife

I want a love that ties truth like a knot

I want love
Romans 5:1-8 (NIV)
Peace and Hope

"1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
623 · Oct 2015
Creating Direction
When all is well
We praise God
  Word holy and true
   We praise God
    When all has fell
     We hear God
      How we know who Is Powerful
     A perfect authority
    A redeeming cross
   A saving sacrifice
  A reason for hope
A purpose to life
A love unending
To create direction is to design. Design is a method of planing. Gods sovereign authority over His creation is the basis of truth. Without first recognizing the necessity of God to be in control, then the concept of making desisions has no foundation. Choices are what we share in common with God. As God chose to send his son, we choose to follow his son. Humanity is sinful and God is perfect. In order to be counted worthy to be in His presence in paradise one must first choose to follow Him in Jesus Christ to learn holiness as a student of the only Good Teacher. Gods wants a personal relationship with His followers so that we made learn of His Holy person, Jesus Christ of Nazareth the redeemer and friend of sinners.
623 · Oct 2015
Washed white as snow
I cry when I
I weep when I
I am dead
I am fallen
Dead to sin

You will not win
For the victory is
already won.
Glory be to God!
Author of life!
Giver of freedom!

I cry when I
I weep when I
I am alive!
   for the first time
I owe it to Jesus
for he loved me.
This I know.
   For He is the Washer to Snow
Psalm 51:7
615 · Jan 2017
Better Days
Better days are a memory of the past,

better days are a hope for the future,

better days are todays sunset and tomorrows sunrise,

a better day just needs someone to make it.
hebrews 13:5  Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,  “Never will I leave you;     never will I forsake you.”
604 · Sep 2015
The Gospel is sufficient
Hear the true word in Jesus' name
Life or death
   It's your choice
Live or let die?
Dead to sin
This is Gods win
To say nothing is the same
      as a lifelong lie
To not tell someone about the truth you know in Christ Jesus
          "Oh but" it's always "because"
No! Rebuke the temptation
       of the comforts within
Excuse the excuses once again
Remember Luke 17 verse 3
Forgive your friend
   Tell of the Love that wins
   For God is love and Jesus has won
Forgiveness is key
Give God glory
Commit to the great commission
For God is the defeater of sin
1 Thessalonians 5:9-11
Ephesians 5:14
James 2:26
Ephesians 2:1
586 · Dec 2015
Sinners prayer (haiku)
Through Him is my love

Resurrected, Jesus saved

Eternal I praise
" I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" - Jesus
John 15:6
583 · Dec 2015
Choices Matter
A new dawn

A new battle

A new day

Another chance

To sing, to dance

Rejoice upon

Gods glorious grace

May it be, my final glance
who we are when we go to sleep is who we are when we wake up

No one knows when our last day will come, only that it will.
The best way to find Gods will,
   is to
remember what He brought you through

   in the adventure He bought for you.

Who knew?! That Jesus still loves you! through and through!
Before He even created you, Jesus knew what He would have to do to get a hold of you.
Jesus hung from nails on a cross because I can't keep my heart straight and yet Jesus still cleans up my mess.
551 · Oct 2015
To the King in heaven
Amazing grace is the sound
So sweet to me, Lord hear my plea
Your blood shed for me
Thy yoke is light tho my sin is heavy
Fill my thoughts
I store up your Word in my heart
Oh Lord my savior how you
   bought me at such a cost
took the nails for my transgressions
Humble a True
   it is Your love that I pursue
In a broken world I come to you
On my knees I pray
Peace is your outstretched arm
Grace is your gift in glory
Joy is what we share as we worship you
Oh Lord my savior how sweet the sound of your voice
You are my comfort
You are my strength
You are my God
Thank you Lord for choosing me
   when I chose you not
Your light shines my sin away
Your love brings me to my knees
I will worship you all of my days
Let us sing in your name
Jesus the Nazarene
Jesus the King of Kings
Jesus the Creator of all beauty we sing Hallelujah Jesus is coming back
For you and me
   together we shall worship Thee in peaceful eternity
Seated before your throne
Righteous and pure in your sight
Jesus to you we reach
To you we sing
It is the name of Jesus we preach
You are with us in spirit
You came to us in person
And we wait for you in your glory.
Hallelujah. In Jesus the Christ we pray.
If you are having a tough day, write a poem of praise :) it is amazing how praising Jesua brings joy into our life in all situations.
522 · Nov 2015
Jesus of Nazareth
the king of the Jews  
•  •  •  •  •  •

He punctuated a time in history that is still present today.

As poets we choose when, where and how to use punctuation to get a point across. Use them wisely
verb: punctuate; 3rd person present: punctuates; past tense: punctuated; past participle: punctuated; gerund or present participle: punctuating
occur at intervals throughout (a continuing event or a place).
"the country's history has been punctuated by coups"
interrupt or intersperse (an activity) with.
"she punctuates her conversation with snatches of song"
synonyms: break up, interrupt, intersperse, pepper
"slides were used to punctuate the talk"
insert punctuation marks in (text).
synonyms: add punctuation to, put punctuation marks in
"how to punctuate direct speech"

mid 17th century (in the sense ‘point out’): from medieval Latin punctuat- ‘brought to a point,’ from the verb punctuare, from punctum ‘a point.’
518 · Nov 2015

Welcome to my poem.
I would like to introduce you to
a few words of mine.
The words come from my mind.
       I can't remember where my mind found them
Like a friend, they comfort me,
grow me, make sense of me.

My mind is open. Step on in now.
Come in, have a seat,
   the words will be home shortly.
Be sure and take your shoes off
and close the door,
        we wouldn’t want to let any dirt in.

You and I talk for a while. We share a few
   words of our own.

There is a quick, heavy knock at the door,
the first word barges in.
Slightly rough, tired and stressed, comes up,
shakes the hand.
“Hello, I am Fear”
So Fear comes in and sits.
We talk for a while. Share a few more
words of our own.
Then another knock at the door. A hesitant tap, like
someone was left behind.
Fear says “oh, thats my Of”
Fear yells at the door to “come in
and close the door and take your shoes off,
keep the dirt out.”

So we all sit and pass around
some words now.
It’s taking a while though.
It’s almost nightfall, and there
is one more word.

The sun is going down. Moon in the clouds.
A Word loud, roaring closer and closer.
A growing Light ending in my eyes.
A Light entering through the windows of my mind.
"Come in Come in!"
Such glorious Light. My door is open.
The knock is loud. From every direction.

Of is curled up in the couch.
"Fear" just ****** on the white carpet.
This knock will never end.

The door opens.

"Of" pulls it together, brings "Fear" to its feet.
Both "Fear" and "Of" stand to welcome this Word at the door, and together,
like a friend,
they comfort me,
they grow me,
make sense of me.
The last Word comes and sits with me.
All sharing words with the
"Fear Of God."
this is a repost of the first poem I put on HelloPoetry with a new title.

Inspired by Proverbs 1
497 · Oct 2015
Written in white
Sweet flavor soothing
Enter in
To a poem
A conversation
That doesn't have to stay on topic
Reasons are not always
   needed to knowing
what is truth
Tell of good news
This is the power of Jesus Christ
Resurrected from cross to make me just
if I'd be bold to testify He purchased my sin.
Thanking God for making that win
for me it never could have been
listen be glad
Holy Spirit come
Jesus you are freedom
Once weak and wounded
Come to Jesus once again
He loves to share in His great poem
Written in white
Before Gods great throne
Pure in all His light
filled with True Water that giveth life
it's conversation He wants in our soul
Jesus will make you whole
Things don't have to make sense at first. It takes time to get deeper understanding. The purpose to question is always to find hope in some way or another.
476 · Aug 2020
Simply Chosen
You are loved,
you are blessed.
In Christ's righteousness,
you are dressed.
472 · Sep 2015
This is the body
This is the Church
One in Spirit
Spirit of Jesus the Christ Creator of all
God is three person in one.

What does it mean to you that Jesus is alive for ever and ever?

Eternal life is unity in Christ Jesus
Who is The living Word of God
Which is the Alfa and Omega
He was and is and is to come
"For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy"

Come! Hear with your ear and do with your heart
Come! Renewal of your mind is in the True Living Word of God
Come! And worship with me to the King of Glory
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Revelation 2:7
Revelation 5:9-12
466 · Dec 2015
Jesus Love
When we love something or someone
    we find power to notice them.

love is the foundation of power
   power is the driving force, love is the fuel

In this Gods love is the power that keeps all things
    and by this love created the universe
       through this love became flesh to be the atonement for all things
           and in this love conquered death to be the atonement of all things

One day every knee

   bow before the glory of Jesus on the throne
432 · Jun 2017
Author Unknown
These lines were found engraved on a sundial:

The shadow of my finger cast
Divides the future from the past;
Before it stands the unborn hour
In the darkness and beyond thy power;
Behind its unreturning line
The vanished hour, no longer thine;
One hour alone is in thy hands,
The now on which the shadow stands.
This was quoted by J. Oswald Sanders in his book "Spiritual Leadership" in his chapter on The Leader and Time
420 · Aug 2020
In order for the gospel to go it also must come.

come Jesus come.
go Gospel go.
409 · May 2016
when death
It doesn't matter how old
   the earth is
    the wind is
     the water is
      Not even the age of the universe.

It matters
your heart is.
Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God."
397 · Nov 2015
386 · Oct 2015



Why.  ?


"Why not? ..."
Jude 1:20-23 "20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit,  21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. 22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh."
385 · Oct 2016
Guilty As Charged
Vile a sinner as I
The hearing and my trial
Alone I am condemned

I killed a man
I sent him to his death
I shouted a shout to end his life

Buried him in dirt
Sealed him in a tomb
Wounded for my name

It is my sin to blame

In that hole is the way
In that grave is the truth
Buried is the life eternal

Champion of death
Victory in the grave
This man is my only hope

The power within him
Indescribable life to win
The way the truth the life

In Him is life eternal
From the grave he bore life eternal
Ressurected he gives life eternal

His name is YHWY
His name is EL Shaddai
His name is Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior

Convicted in my place
Crucified for my shame
Guilty as charged was I
Thank you Jesus for your way
383 · Jun 2015
Sometimes I feel I talk too loud
so people don’t listen.

I feel like people don’t want to listen,
so I talk too loud.

I talk too loud.
Especially when no one listens.

Try talking loud;
People listen.
370 · Apr 2018
If the rose is the most beautiful flower, then you are the prettiest of roses.
If the pearl is the most precious stone in the water, then you are the finest of pearls.
If gold is the most valuable thing on earth, then you are the purest of all the gold.
If woman is the pinnacle of Gods creation, then you are the zenith of woman.

I just can’t believe how beautiful women truely are. Women are the loveliest part of Gods creation. I just want you to know that you are loved and appreciated.
365 · Jun 2015
Meditating on Scripture
God raised Jesus
Jesus saves
my sins
God is Love
Gods grace is
Gods righteousness is
Just is Gods wrath.
John 14:6 and Jesus said "I am the way the Truth and the Life, no one comes to The Father except through me."
357 · Feb 2019
Black Kiss
Black is my favorite color,
    for this I wish to only see black.

Black is not just for the night,
    nor set aside for death.

Black is not owned by the shadows,
    nor bent for the broken hearted.

Black is my intimate thrill,
    for it's the color I see as my lips kiss you.
276 · Feb 2017
To the broken heart
To the broken heart
Who's life seems to be torn apart

The feeling of a growing distance
With a dim rememberance

Remembering the times of laughter
Future dreams simply shatter

In time I know I'll love again
Because it is True Love who shall win

First I love God my creator
And in His Son I find my Savior

His Spirit is that who gives me love  
It is Jesus who made me so beloved

In my brokeness He makes me whole
It is Jesus Christ whom I extol

Jesus loves the broken heart
I am His work of art
156 · Mar 2020
A to Z
It’s a social
With a little
Drawn down the
In tongues
Is the mask we were trained to wear.

Stripped naked
You run in shame
With no one to

One day
They will Not
Acknowledge you.

If They did... you would have been crucified
132 · Aug 2019
Do You Know The Name
I was Davey Jones Locker destined.
There I was drowning in my sorrows.
Choking on my pride.
I was a blind man walking on the cliffs edge.

There you were swimming in the sorrows that were drowning me.
I found you where you first loved me.
I cried the prayer that surrendered my soul.
Your breadth is the voice of the redeemed.
I will forever remember the love that I saw in your eyes when I awoke from the nightmare I was writing.
Your closer than I think you are.
You promised that you are with me always, even till the end of the age.

I know that you are for me.
Like the sunrise on the darkest of nights, my hope in you is victory enough.
Hallelujah for the good things coming that I cannot see yet.
This current suffering is but a storm that you are sanctifying.

I am going to look into the blazing eyes of the Great I Am.
He was dead and buried and now he is alive and gives life eternal.

Do you know the name?!
Sing it louder!
Say it prouder!
Let me hear you hope!
Our enemy is retreating, see him cower!

Death is defeated and sin has no more.
Freedom has arrived and hope is alive.
Do you know his name?
Do you know his name?!

— The End —