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When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When Nag the basking cobra hears the careless foot of man,
He will sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can.
But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,
They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws.
’Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Man’s timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say,
For the Woman that God gave him isn’t his to give away;
But when hunter meets with husband, each confirms the other’s tale—
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Man, a bear in most relations-worm and savage otherwise,—
Man propounds negotiations, Man accepts the compromise.
Very rarely will he squarely push the logic of a fact
To its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act.

Fear, or foolishness, impels him, ere he lay the wicked low,
To concede some form of trial even to his fiercest foe.
Mirth obscene diverts his anger—Doubt and Pity oft perplex
Him in dealing with an issue— to the scandal of The ***!

But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame
Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same;
And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail,
The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.

She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity—must not swerve for fact or jest.
These be purely male diversions—not in these her honour dwells.
She the Other Law we live by, is that Law and nothing else.

She can bring no more to living than the powers that make her great
As the Mother of the Infant and the Mistress of the Mate.
And when Babe and Man are lacking and she strides unclaimed to claim
Her right as femme (and baron), her equipment is the same.

She is wedded to convictions—in default of grosser ties;
Her contentions are her children, Heaven help him who denies!—
He will meet no suave discussion, but the instant, white-hot, wild,
Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child.

Unprovoked and awful charges— even so the she-bear fights,
Speech that drips, corrodes, and poisons—even so the cobra bites,
Scientific vivisection of one nerve till it is raw
And the victim writhes in anguish—like the Jesuit with the squaw!

So it cames that Man, the coward, when he gathers to confer
With his fellow-braves in council, dare not leave a place for her
Where, at war with Life and Conscience, he uplifts his erring hands
To some God of Abstract Justice—which no woman understands.

And Man knows it! Knows, moreover, that the Woman that God gave him
Must command but may not govern—shall enthral but not enslave him.
And She knows, because She warns him, and Her instincts never fail,
That the Female of Her Species is more deadly than the Male.
Cali Jul 2013
every word that comes tumbling out
of your superfluous lips
is loaded with wholesome irreverence,
weighing leaded and cruel upon my heart
by the pale recycled light of the moon.

déjà vu lingers before my bleary eyes
as crumbs of flightlessness
slip through my fingers, again.
and I can see you unfolding us,
dissecting us, laying out all of the pieces
in a heart-wrenching vivisection.

and I know you can't really **** something
that's been near death for years,
but when do you give up
on resuscitation?
Caleb Jaren Feb 2010
I have written nothing
sketched a rough outline of your face
a sombre detuning of
sense and sensibility
strewn upon the page over miles
mulled and vivisected
these the entropic shards
of self
Creep Feb 2015
If you take me apart,
Shred me to pieces,
You'll find pieces of him everywhere.

On my arms are
Chains of his words,
Whispered into my ears,
Spells to get me through the worst.

On my legs,
Time zones away from you,
How to get to you
Engrained into my feet's memory.

In my head,
The music notes play
Like children in the park,
They dance around,
Merrily, joyfully to your smile,
And are melancholy when you cry.

In my lungs,
Every breath is filled with you.
Inhale all you,
Exhale all of me.

On my skin,
Warmth a lit all across,
Little bonfires every where,
Sparks trailing down my skin
Tickling, tingling.
It takes away all the cold I shivered from before.

In my heart,
Your happiness.
(Sorry if this is creepy, kiyu, but hey I'm a creep, no? cx)

By glass animals
Breeze-Mist May 2016
Unwind my body
Like a vivisection
And see if you can find
The real me

Unwind the code
Like pulling a string from cloth
And see if you can find
Humanity's reason
kenye May 2013
I feel your name


My insides 

Ottar Nov 2013
I will not talk about my losses,
where I neither gave up nor tossed
in the towel,
and still did
not come out
a winner, the winner.

Maybe I am not built to compete, I have no grit
no edge to my way,
maybe life is fun,
and we are to just play?

Maybe when you feel sorry for your self, you lose,
your edges now, are broken bits,
that makes deep cuts into your pysche,
a vivisection of the visceral.

Maybe thoughts like this are best bottled up and
tossed in an ocean made up of the tears
that rain down and pour like a wash
filled with
every dream, every goal, every first step of last resort,
I ever had that never left
the space. the gray space above my ears, which heard
my cry and my eyes which see but have no handles to turn off
the faucets that they have become, leaking saline,
while I pretend to understand Einstein.

I write and that makes me a writer and a winner,
what pray tell, are you a winner at...?

I am listening.

I will finish NanoWriMo tonight or early tomorrow morning Pacific time 50,000 words in 30 days,  third year in a row, you want to tax yourself give it a try, sound easy do it with one hand behind your back, lol.
dj Dec 2012
what on earth is this feeling
(yellowing formaldehyde)
kind of like old heartbreak reeling

a vivisection, never healing
coat & spray on the insecticide
what on earth is this feeling

criminal butterflies stealing
the cogs & screws in my arthropod insides
kind of like old heartbreak reeling

heartthrobs come frenzied then unfeeling
my vague worries preside
what on earth is this feeling

whateverphobia; a personal ceramic ceiling
to myself, is how I've always lied
kind of like old heartbreak reeling

carcass littered webs are usually unappealing
my own web has much to elide
kind of like old heartbreak reeling
what on earth is this feeling
the villanelle has been often used (for the element of repetition in the form) to express feelings of dislocation and disassociation. I've always found it ironic that such a rigidly structured poem could be used for such a feeling. (I completely said '**** it' with the meter, though)
wm jones Dec 2011
dance, climb me like a tree-
rip my heart with sharp teeth.
Tth-thump. squish.

pick apart my embarrassments
like you'd pick apart my bones.
like vultures would.

i get to watch my own slow death,
you get to kiss me to death. slowly.
it's all the same.
distance suddenly makes sense.
Vivisection: i'm
sporadic neurotic
erratic ******, i'm
the smaller wheel on a tricycle, so
we get to go in circles.

i'm the fungus you can adopt!

cutting myself open, i can see what
makes me "frrrrrick."
heartache hopeful, i'm walking into
what i know are traps, what i know
is sure to hurt. i tell myself out-
loud, eyes closed, "THIS is gonna

and i'm right. and i want more.
any and every relationship is more
and more masochism. it hurts more than
it ever heals, winds and wounds and
it musics me back to melody. hold me
hold me
hold me like
the car's gear shift, you only use me
You and I have danced for decades,
Stabbing me on the warpath as I giggled along,
You taught me to hate myself the most,
Way down to the vivisection of my soul;

Am I just shifting blame? Didn't I hold the knife too?
You gave it to me, I made it serrated and poisoned,
Hence why I'm venomous, uneven and stubborn,
Am I chaotic because I am or am I just unhealed?

I held your hand as you plunged it into me slow,
I thought you loved me, why else would you do it?
To be so obsessed and devoted to my destruction?
Isn't destruction just the beginning of creation?

It worries me that you don't leave, you keep the blade in,
Are you worried I'll bleed out or do you enjoy the misery?
Have I learnt to love you choiceless and mistaken?
Like the compass points north, the tall child feels comfort;

'A child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort'
Was I after all designed to be harmed or do I have a choice?
I'm not alone anymore though, I have my moon now,
She'll guide me home across the dark and quiet :)
kenye Oct 2013
Did you get to sleep
Or are you marinating
in chemicals?

The nightcap pulled
you down
dragged you
with your breath

You cut deep

Did you figure your
insides out?
You're inside out
spilling your guts
like an unstable

Combusting your soul
back to a black hole
Counted off stars
in your eyes
you swore were aligned
Do you know what's behind?

Or will you keep looking?
Out there the truth isn't
it's all a reality
generation of
self-prescribed nomads
It's about the journey
somewhere there lies
a destination
Lying about it's age again
and you can't touch it
it was here
the whole time
this very moment
and it's so
if you can get out
of your own mind.
Avouleance Sep 2018
Thank you former flame
For cutting me open
Letting me see inside
And scoop parts out
With cold colorless clarity
Doesn’t look much good
But now I can
Rearrange what didn’t work
An exchange is made
Anatomical accuracy is sacrificed
For an aesthetic appeal
Me but without motion
No longer spiraling down
Safely stuck in place
Drained dry of danger
Now comes the art
Reassembly into something new
Maybe former beauty restored
That would be nice
Could fill me up
Rather than left gutted
Not the only regret
But one for sure
You’ll never see it
Not scarred nor shaped
But were you here
And I still whole
Would I have seen?
Could I have learnt?
My hope and reason
For words you’ll miss
Maybe there’s a way
To have these parts
That I can be
Comfortable again at last
We wrote our names on the beach in animal bones
as a vivisection, on our love.
there, she’s whispering into shells
into their Fibonaccian, trumpeted, dresses
and full-cheeked into a razor clam flute.
I, too, gave my blood to grease our domestica
and hung names on stars over the nighttime sea
always accompanied as I were
with the shark-eye, death, of her looks.

We dressed up the walls of home in black and pinstripe,
filled the place up with lit and lightless places,
Shadowboxed, shadowfucked, and silently argued.
Spent hours inside, laying floorboards
and then laying on them
to stare at the sodium lights
and discuss the inkblots on our eyes.
We vivisected our lives,
and splashed it on the walls
and carved it into the carpets.

We set alight to christmas trees
when the kids were sleeping upstairs.
We dressed in each-other’s reddening horror
and answered the door.
Valentines day was full of bone bouquets,  
the gripper rods grew through the carpet
so on them we danced.
I prayed for the first time in the first year
and every one hit me subesquently
like I was its anvil.

I should have gone to war.
Because it makes forever shorter
things can only happen right now.

I watched everything in our domestica,
like when the static moved off the television
and played on the window
gutting me of my escape.
The smiles hung on our faces like lupus,
We had people round,
we cooked and coughed and choked
And their faces peeked round from the doorframe
and laughed.

The domestica lives
only to be a bit of fun,
but in the very same span of time
that decided to **** the birds on my windowsill
and my children’s love for me
and my dexterity.
We’ve happened to the whole world too
I promise you, my love,
my little hospice fire,
my flat tire at night at nowhere,
the lie you recognise means it’s over,
A field of a thousand three-leaved clovers,
the brightest night when you’re hiding,
your heart attack on holiday,
your bloodstained bed sheet
And sleep, whilst outside
the sleet and snow makes every emergency
harder to get to, and still the morning
much more beautiful.
I, you, we happened.
In the greater scheme of things we are all just things that happen. Life becomes an event and a performance.
Honey Crown May 2014
I make the incision now, split the skin with a scalpel.
In its white cage it stirs; I extract it carefully, fluttering against my ****** palm.
      Fear has quickened it, the fledgling trembles for escape, fleeing new emotions.

      Fragile vivisection awaits.

A search for what is missing in that which is complete.
      I wonder where to pin you.
Or leave your calming eyes, your soothing voice by the wayside.  In the grass verge beside my train of thought, and fronds of smoke will race me a thousand miles away from dreams of your affirmation.

In this misty mirror, I could write words that tap against my teeth, secrets that seep beneath my tongue.  Raindrops will wriggle down the wet pane and I’ll divine them, until the blindness of your breath erases them with clouds of lung-warm life, unread.
      I’ll strew the sandy acres of my hourglass before your feet; pray that time will trace the trail of your footprints toward me.

This tiny beating miracle in my clasp has an owner, has a tiny wound bleeding freely.
      Its only scar.
A jagged shard is needed here, a foreign broken bravery.

I’ll give this heart to that one, set it in their sober care for healing, to them that makes me unafraid to die.  Stitch it to the dappled wings of they who can staunch me against a final, helpless snuffing out.
      What it needs is a jigsaw piece, an opposite, a completion.  But all I see is a mirror, a maybe, a for-now.

And as I lean so hairsbreadth close and steam the glass between us, breathing my pulse toward you; slick a love letter upon the window that you will not take, for you do not look to see it.
      The bird in my ribs quivers for the first time, but it does not fly free.

For until it is from you,
      It is not for me.
Iskra May 2023
Rigid gurney, frigid stare
I’ll lay still to prove my love
Scalpel to skin, the only way
No choice left, snap your glove

Cut through fabric, flesh exposed
Your lash mark burning, buried
**** and press on pressure points
Check for broken capillaries

Saw through ribs to bare my heart,
There’s a faster path to follow,
Cut your way up through my stomach,
Check for what I didn’t swallow

Blade to throat I’m forced to speak
Tears trickling, blood gushing
Grimy finger prints all over
You see them in the chambers you’re crushing

Carved up carcass inside out
Too impure for your desire
Toss me aside in your disgust
All I that I did wrong was lie

You watched in sickness and relief
As you pulled me apart and scoffed at how used up I’d already been
And I gripped your wrist and pushed myself into your knife
To be sure it was enough for you
Can’t you see I was letting you win?

Just leave me here to die
This is why I lied

After you’re through with me can I do it all again?
After you’re through with me can I do it all myself?
After you’re through with me can I do it all again?
After you’re through with me can I do it all myself?
Norman Crane Oct 2020
If I grew wings
would you stab them
with pins
and add me
to your collection?

If I grew fins
would your interest
in me
culminate in a classroom

If I grew muscle
would a vivisection
or would you first crush my strength
within an iron vise?
Inspired by Sandra Wyllie's poem If I Grew Wings ( ), whose title and idea I shamelessly stole because I thought it was interesting how two minds could take those starting points and go in completely different directions!
Ignatius Hosiana Jan 2017
If only I could find the fluffy comfort of your embrace from my pillow
the chill of your touch from the smooth caress of my bed sheets
the warmth of your firm ******* from my bed while I rest
the solace of your voice from whistling of birds at dawn
or the violent murmurs of rivers soaked in pain by storming rain
If only I could find the saccharine succulence of your lips from honey
or rather from flamboyant nectarine  April showers bloomed in June
the gold of your smile on the laughing face of the  full moon
the fulfilled promise of the joy you lend my soul from money

If only the sky  were as captivating blue as your hazel eyes
and the melody of your inspiration existed in musical beats
if only the curvature of the horizon was as fluid as your waist
the company of loneliness as welcome as that of a succoring guest
in the desolate nights clogged by frigid fog of your absence
and snow flakes of nostalgia falling from the skies of despair
fueled by the perilous weather in your climatic silence

If only dusk was synonymous to your captivating complexion
only then would I say that something else would stir an insurrection
but as it stands, no vivisection can match this tantalizing obsession
You own all of me, nothing can ever have all this attention and affection...
Crafting scissors
Gardening shears
A pizza roller
Instruments of humble vivisection
I wield, I rend, I create.
Needles and pins,
Nimble and thin,
I pierce, I pull, I close.
With measured patience
I choose my weapons:
Ink, passion, time, and wit.
An armory of precision and gut.
Boulders bruise but roll away,
Fire burns, but I'm already ablaze,
Arrows lodge shallow or all fall short,
But the cold?
It slices.
The draining thought:
Is this the end of my creation -
Is there no more?
I slowly bleed out.
Inktober Prompt: Sword
Rules: The poem is whatever comes out of the pen, no edits allowed.
Justin Aptaker Jan 2024
A longing, my dear stranger


Put it all back together
I know it fits
We fit

Spiral dynamics
The mountain and
Its wet reflection
Reflected back to heaven
Upward, onward

You're in my visceral section
I'm in your sacral area
With one heart between the both of us

Severed up and down
Sectioned side to side
Earth and Heaven
Male and Female
How long we bore this cross
This vivisection
Restore! Make whole!

Pouring myself into you
Is exactly what i needed
Tonight, i receive you
Not up for interpretation

Coronal crown
life, so virile
with this eye
I see
we've overcome
Tomorrow, as though it were yesterday

The sacred serpent
Like a trumpet
To our lips
Writhed himself into us at the tip
And received our fluid chemistry
Producing musical harmony

what have we become?
when mastubation's lost its fun, my sweetest friend





Past, present, future
A single tapestry
Woven of a single fibre
Our very being
donovan Jul 2014
the familiar grip
of a chainsaw

a quick snap of the wrist
awakens the beast

hungry for a

visceral vivisection
violent, vivid, vital in nature
and vying for more.

hand finish what
fumes and metal teeth cannot
pulling the young body of pine
to stoop and kiss the skin
of the earth.

i traced my fingers
across the edges
of your spine.

i counted 7.
no, 8.
8 rings.
8 years.

what is my primate life worth?

how many rings are etched on my soul?
what color is the sap pouring
through my veins?

could i ever be worth a tree
could a tree ever be worth me?

my confessions rain
like the needles
from your hair.

i know now
that Nature's love
exists without man.

my mother always
told me that
god rested on sundays.

i always thought
that was funny.
instead, she weeps.
Each facet, a surface so resplendent,
Till ground away with endless polishing
To find innate sparkle magnificent,
O’er timeless glow that we’ve been cherishing.

O the eons spent on its perfection,
Dulled easily without the jeweler’s lens.
What gain had from chiseled vivisection?
To scratch the surface with corrosive cleanse?

What value is in diamond edges smooth,
Where lines mark surfaces with precision?
Is natural shine too luminous to soothe,
So we treat works of time with derision?

Hardened we underestimate its glow,
Its care requires the finest instrument.
The process used to make it shine was slow,
But dulls with the pressure of improvement.
Instagram @insightshurt
Blogging at
Buy “Insights Hurt: Bringing Healing Thoughts To Life” at
Ignatius Hosiana Jul 2018
I always wish we met before your first love
so that I'd have been your deepest incision and your easiest decision
and often hope you learn to love me as much as you loved him
which is half as much as I love you, for I love you to Venus and back...
My affection for you is cosmic, I've seen the universe because I've seen you
you're something of a galactic existence, an extraterrestrial
in a terrestrial world of mice and men, why's and when, nows and then
I'd tripped into the past and you've walked me back to the future...
I'd failed to learn what love really meant, I've finally met my teacher
It's my prayer you be on the final page of my lifestory,
on mother Earth you would be a once upon a time of a happy ending
and even if they say happy endings are stories that aren't finished yet
I think they're a point the twist is beyond the understanding
of the mind behind the canvas and the quill,
beyond the reach of the perilous vivisection of the pen,
am going to love you until that unfathomable point, until half past forever
a quarter a mile beyond eternity, just ahead of happily ever after.
you're the ultimate treasure, this' the hunt that counts, am never saying never...
You're my motivation, you understand what I feel, and that's something
yet it all starts from something and builds to a tale to remember
it all starts from a January and before you know it it's December
it all starts from a spark and makes Ash of what was once an enormous ember...
you're a war I'd fight the universe to win,
a journey of a million miles and ain't about to surrender...
My only regret is I didn't know you when you were younger
so that I would have Loved you longer
in this lifetime, and this bond we share could be stronger...
and my biggest worry's the rest of my life might not be enough
for me to love you in the million ways I believe I can...
My deepest pain is even these words don't really say what I feel...
they're merely a construct my hopeless mind could make
of the turmoil in my heart and soul, for what I feel is more than what my mind can take
Strangerous Aug 2023
"We'll divide our time
between living and dead,"
they said to themself
getting out of bed.

"Today we'll die,
and tomorrow we'll live."
Then they showered, got dressed,
and left for work.
© 1989 by Jack Morris
KD Miller Dec 2015
after anne sexton*


Here is a vivisection,
my dull operation,
  cutting into my epidermis,
pulling out maggots and rat pups,
scuttling across the scalpel,
Armillaria inside of my tendons
this itself is: a deposession,
a sort of pneumic
   inquisition, the
paucity of the gold striking someone
   sick running down my shoulders
quadriplegic in motion,
  temperament boiling
hissing now stovetop unattended
foaming at the mouth falling into the hot ,
  moving and finally
over the edge the foam sick bile like
Sliding onto the voided floor

stitch me back up.
Dylan Jul 2014
The horizon's bending backwards,
stretching sideways 'cross a vision
of glimm'ring hieroglyphic superstitions.

My body's feeling heavy
but my psyche just won't let me
return alone into the void.

No voice can seem to reach me
although their pleas beseech me;
can't I stay right here a little more?

I'd never stop to question
this painless vivisection
of what my life is for.
Milliedawson Apr 2020
Your father used to call you “mouse”
When you were wild within his house
Just a mouse, before we kissed
Before our vivisectionist

Used our eyes to test
What tears would make them redden best
Before love made you strip for me
Inside it’s dark laboratory

Stopped me to your hidden shae
And made you re-appear
A super-mouse, wearing the cape
Of a human’s unlistening ear
Eye spine a different nine, stolen time
Tombstones compliment our skyline
A coffin slipping itself into its grave
Shallow dirt under the cement
Did she find what she was looking for?
A shadow slips behind the stage
Vacant household in a silent silhouette
Masterpiece purchased for its frame
A Head mounted on a wooden plaque
Taxidermist trophy husband - prideful
Mistaken muse entropic groping
"I want you inside me "
Vored perception of a lustful vivisection - a pause
My keys- the door
Jonathan Finch Jul 2017
It was a slim blue book, a pittance of acutely sounded words, dropped from a shelf and fell upon the floor, rustling its pages from the full extension to the readers’ counter; and I felt its unmistakable attraction touched in late October of last year; and thought : “This poet who has chanced his world and been ignored, beckons and shields himself from vivisection by an absent readership but I shall tie the broken, knot and mend, stamping today the slip with lustrous ink.”
glass Oct 2023
i only wish to tell you
the things i cannot say
its not that its a secret
its just that i am physically unable
and so i remain
forever aching to convey the unconveyable
Poetic T Feb 2017
Vivisection of now sunken residue
         even though woven in unsighted glares

She graces her surrounding with afterimages
         of what was, but now only sees inwards.

All is witnessed without viewing reflection.
          Perceiving the world through hands of oblivion.

— The End —