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Lawrence Hall Jul 2021
Lawrence Hall

                                     When the Rescuers Stood Down

                                               Surfside, Florida

As the rescuers stood down last night they left
Their prayers, their desperate hopes, their bitter tears
Upon those troubled rocks where they poured out love
They poured themselves, and they are empty now

What’s left must soon come down:

Concrete and steel, toys and dolls, Mama’s pictures
Letters from friends, ‘phones that won’t ring anymore
Eyeglasses, fountain pens, lesson plans, books
Spare change, unfinished poems, unfinished lives

The rescuers will return, and try again
Because their hearts are in that wreckage still
We live among heroes.
Mohamed Nasir Jul 2018
O rescue help the boys in dreadful cave.
Those adventurers could meet their demise
Unless in hour of crisis comes the brave;
But one by one emerge and none yet dies,
Unscathed though bruised from historic ordeals,
Escaped the jaws of death. Those left behind,
Our prayers they overcome their perils.
The tears flowing freely cruel minutes grind.
A strange surging water locking them in,
The force push them up to higher chambers.
Upon a mount waited; with anxious kin,
With families, monks believe still embers.
We salute rescuers' courage to save,
And one to God his precious life he gave.
This poem is to the boys and the coach of a football team trapped in a cave in Thailand. But thanks to the rescuers' most had been rescued and one of the rescuers died in this attempts to save the boys. Except a few left behind. Our hope they would be saved and hope all will go well.
SøułSurvivør Sep 2016
The desert is a killer
An unforgiving foe
Be careful how you handle her
Take things very slow
If you are lost in her confines
Be careful where you go
It is best to hunker down
If you're in the know

Your enemy is water loss
Long sleeves are a must
Head cover is primary
A wide brim you can trust

Cover every inch of skin
Cover up your mouth
Do not expend your energy
Go north instead of south

North of cliffs you hide from sun
It's the sun that kills
Stay where you are... IMPORTANT!
Unless you have good skills

You can find water sometimes
By following the birds
Deer and other animals
This is what I've heard

Pile stones in cairns
Make arrows from sticks
Showing your direction
So rescuers find it

Always move at night
The temperature will plummet
Sometimes it gets very cold
And people do die from it

It is best to wear light clothing
Conserve body water, dont sweat much
The desert rats drink often
But do not eat their lunch
It is best not to eat it all
Or eat cactus fruit and such
It contains good water
But don't eat a lot. Don't munch.

water, Water, WATER!
Drink this at all costs!
Find shelter from the sun
If you do get lost

Going to the high ground
So you can see the land
Finding habitation
Of folks living in sand

Carry maps when possible
Carry Bowie knives
If you wear thick glasses
A fire could save lives!

Make a fire in the desert
Create light and smoke
Magnify the burning sun
With the glasses of which I spoke

Hand sanitizer can be a help
In starting any flame
Put lots of stuff creating smoke
Getting helps the game!

But stay out of the fire's heat
Unless you're very cold
Always conserve water
It is liquid gold!

Carry a Camelbak
A backpack with a tube
To drink the water easily
These are often used

Travel light! Important!
Conserve your energy
So you don't lose water
Analyze your ***

If it is light like lemonade
You're probably ok
If it's very dark
You'll need water that day

Keep your head, don't panic
It's best to keep your cool
You can think! You have a mind!
These tips are simply tools

There are other tips
To Google in your strife
Carrying a cell phone
Could just save your life!

(C) 9/18/2016
Carry and drink lots of water. Even for short hikes. Get under to stay cool. Deep shade is your friend. Look for cottonwoods and other large trees. Any tree that needs a lot of water. But don't assume all water is potable. Be very careful what you drink. If you ***** or get diarrhea you will lose water. Yelling out will not help. You will lose water through your mouth. Cover it and breathe through your nose. There are other ways to start a fire. Look those up on the internet. Be prepared!

Every year people are found in the desert. Dead because they did not prepare. Know your enemy. The desert can be a deadly foe! You have a friend in God. *PRAY!*

I am so sorry that I can't read or respond to commentary! I will endeavor to do that today. Thanks for understanding!

I hope this read was enjoyable and informative. Take care!

Marshal Gebbie Feb 2011
Enter the dragon with death and disruption
Pride and tradition cataclysmically thrown,
Magnificent structures reduced to rubble
Distraught people bereft of their homes.
Chasms of heartache with bodies of babies
Strewn with the bricks in vast disarray,
Dust in the air and the howl of the sirens
Shouting police on a horror filled day.

Christchurch is bleeding, her confidence shattered
Our keynote cathedral is lying in shards,
Vacant eyed people are clinging to strangers
Jagged black holes in suburban back yards.
Christchurch is bleeding, our torn, gracious City
The nation arises in hurt and alarm,
To face the challenge with strength and resources,
To nurture our sister with healing and balm.

Sympathy shown by the myriad faces
Racing to help from all parts of the globe,
Expertise offered with money and labour
Students with shovels and priests of the robe.
Sadness and torment for kin of the missing
Frustrated rescuers work till relieved,
Moments of triumph with lost resurrected,
Agony felt when the dead are retrieved.

Led by the strength of the Mayor of the City
Courageous citizens help where they can,
Moments of bravery, moments of agony
Inspirational feats of elan.
Poignancy shown by the sad Maori Warden
Guiding the aged through the strewn broken glass,
Aiding the ambulance crews in their labour
Proud to be Kiwi as folk show their class.

Christchurch WILL arise from the death and destruction
Once again people will overcome grief,
Pride and resilience will triumph with the passing
And time will repair with deserved relief.

Victoria Park Tunnel
25 February 2011
DEREK Jan 2011
Honor our nations hero's,
Honor our police, fire an rescuers who serve our city's and towns.
Most of all honor those who had and have an still are serving in the military.
Do not show disrespect to them or to any hero that risks all for others to live on.
Stand with them support them shake there hand and tell them what a great job they are doing.
Never disrespect our hero's that have past away that lay buried in the ground.
Do not Disrespect those family's who are saddened by there lost love ones they may never see again till all comes to a end.
Do not make graves of our loved ones who have died either in battle or in the line of duty, or in saving a life of another at a cost of there own; for political gain or anything along those lines.
Respect those we have lost, respect those who have lost brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, husbands, wifes, young ones.
Honor those hero's that still live and those who gave there life for others in there place, Do not dishonor them by saying something that never ever should be accompanied to our hero's who are a live or died they do not deserve that.
What they deserve is our respect, our thanks and everything a hero needs to hear to know what they do is highly honored by everyone they serve for.
Siji S Ram Feb 2023
The chilling nature who stood still,

Once decided to dance her way,

Inflicting a stir around as she moved,

Causing the world a great loss.

Thousands took their last breath,

While countless lost their shelters and families.

Rescuers sweat day and night,

Holding on to a fading hope.

The city that was once smiling,

Turned to a mass of shattered rubble.

Homes that were once full of laughter,

Declined to a mass of ****** dust.

The nature stopped her dance and left,

Leaving behind a cracked dance floor,

Leaving an air of cold death,

Leaving the whole earth mourning.
Olivia Kent Jun 2015
Stranded the shore the loneliest row boat.
Laid on the shore as if a grounded whale carcass collecting barnacles.
No rescuers ro save this noble beast.
The tide may come and take it home.
Depending on the time of tide.
The setting sun brings with it relief.
Cooler in a peaceful air.

A lonely gentlemen elderly in years.
Walking his chocolate labrador, Charlie, stumbles across an old wooden rotting oar.
Was going to sling it back into the sea.
Further along the shore he spies a lonesome row boat.
A perfect pair..
Row boat and oar reunited.
(c)Livvi MMXV
Watch this space...part two to follow.
Inspired by a picture sent to my Facebook page x
“We are all actors in an idiots play A tale of sound and fury,
meaning naught. Yet who would care to be a wise man's pawn
Where every twist of fate is well deserved And where a single flaw
could ruin lives? Far better to be in a madman's mind At least for
those (and are we all not so?) Whom fate has smiled on more than
we deserve If life were fair, earth would be hell indeed.”

“Macbeth” William Shakespeare.

From out of the darkness I can see an ever increasing
glow. Intensifying with luminosity as it gets closer and closer.
The blinding eye of fate is upon me. I am thrown with
tremendous vigour. Into where? I have no idea! Surrounded now,
by the blackest of blacks. I can only liken it to a bubble in a pool
of crude that flows wherever the black tide takes me. All I have is
the familiar company of my own voice. A continual narration that
one could expect from a television documentary. The life and
death situ of Michael Simon Jones, filmed in black surround
vision. It reminds me of oh so many nights, when all I wanted to
do is sleep. My mind just wants to stay awake, spouting that
continuous torturous soundtrack into the early hours of the

Through the darkness a piercing light, coming to me and
then gone, to me then gone. Do I dream? Perhaps of the high
seas. I picture a large tower, It protrudes out of a vast nothing.
The only safe path to steer by is a beam of light, cast down upon
me, from up high. Its beam Revolves continually around, a never
sleeping sun. A light that prevents many flimsy craft, from
grounding onto the craggy rocks that are hidden in the darkness
of the stormy oceanic swells, that roar below.

Again the quiet is shattered, am I not to be allowed to
It can only be a dream, for through my bleary eyes I see a figure
of a man, sporting a bright yellow helmet. He seems to be
holding a huge lobsters claw, it is chewing its way through shards
of steel that seem to imprison me. His mouth moving, but I hear
nothing. I half expect to see subtitles appear below him, like an
old Buster Keaton movie. Then he is gone and once more I drift
into that blackened void.

Now a shadowy figure appears. Bending over me his hands
are holding something over my face. I think I can feel myself
struggling against his advances. He is too strong, I can’t breathe,
is he is killing me?

What sort of nightmare is this? Flat on my back in the
darkness, I am gliding speedily along the ground. Intermittent
lights flash past my closed eyes. I recall the deep red on-off glow
of the light, diffused by the blood that rushes through my closed
lids. Can somebody turn the ******* light off, I’m trying to sleep.

Gaaaaa………… I am blinded by the worlds brightest
light! Where am I? The light subsides and I can see, but nothing
is clear. It is like looking through a frosty glass window. There is
movement below me and the bleeding blurs of colours finally
evolve into recognition. What is this? What’s going on down

Rather, what the hell is going on up here? How did I get up here?
I am suspended in mid air. Look I can move my legs. Holy Mary
mother of God, I’m naked! Naked and floating around what looks
to be a hospital operating theatre. Hovering above several
gowned professionals in the toil of their labour.

A naked satellite orbiting above the planet NHS.

Now tell me if there is something wrong with this scenario, but
this is totally not normal is it? I just hope I don’t need to have a
****. I believe that there can only be two possible answers for my
predicament. First is that I am in fact having one totally out of
my head dream.

Second, that I am experiencing some sort of out of body
experience. If that is so, then I can only assume, that the person
lying on that operating table, somewhere under the mass of green
hat and gowns spread eagled on that table below, is me! If only
that fat doctor would move his head out of the way.
Bah! Only so another head can immediately take its place. I think
I now know how a ****** feels when he cant get a clear shot. Oh!
Hang on a second, the assassination can go ahead. I can see!
No that don’t help, I can’t tell who the guy is, he has a mask
covering most of his face and more tubes coming out of him than
a Scottish pipe band. Oh my God! Who else do you know with
that tattoo? I should of known that an indelible red cartoon of the
devil would not be the luckiest thing to have etched into my skin.
I wish now that I’d gone for the Sacred Heart. That might have
been the healthier option and may just of tipped the scales in my
favour. I can’t really see Saint Peter letting me through those
pearly gates with a picture of Beelzebub brandished for all and
sundry to see. Oh ****! That’s me okay, and from this position I
don’t look at all in a healthy state. Can a spirit or whatever I am,
throw up?

But how did I get here? I can’t remember anything that could of
led to this. I do remember going to bed last night, I had an early
night, don’t know why though cause I never get to sleep before
4am. Its a bit laughable I suppose, an Insomniac reading a book
called Insomnia. Perhaps a novel called sleeping tablet would be
more apt?

Unless of course…………… If I can’t remember anything since I
went to sleep then perhaps it’s because I’m still asleep and that
this is merely a dream. That makes more sense, doesn’t it? What’s
happening down there? Something doesn’t look right, things
seem very intense. If only I could make out what they were
saying, everything is silent.

“Hello! What is happening down there? Hello! Hello! Can you
hear me?”

They can’t hear me, no, of course they can’t but why can’t I hear
them? What if this is no dream? What if I am really dying on that
table down there? I can’t make out what they are doing to me but
it doesn’t look good.

There’s a lot of blood.

I wish I had taken more notice when ER was being aired on
television. The only thing I know for sure is, that is a scalpel the
surgeon is holding. The guy at the head of the table should be the
anaesthetist? the woman to the left whom looks like a nurse and
is passing the instruments, is a nurse. But the others I don’t have
a clue.

If only I could hear what they were saying. ****. This is a
nightmare, I can’t believe this. I can see them, why can’t they see
me? Oh please God let them hear me.

“I’m up here, listen to me you death ******* I’m up here.”

So close yet so far away. This can’t be real, this can’t be
happening, not to me. I’ve, never done anyone harm, I've worked
hard all my life. Always been a popular guy, never had a problem
mixing with people. What’s that the nurse is pushing around on
the trolley. I think its one of those crash box things. That’s it, a
defibrillator! *******! I don't think I'm breathing. Look at the
screen, I’ve seen enough movies to know that the green line
should not be one continuous solid.

Oh no, I’ve flat lined! I’m dead! Oh God no, not like this. Looks
like they are going to try and defib me. Here they go.


Oh no, the line is still flat. They’re going at it again.


****! Still nothing. What they doing now? No don’t stop!
What are they talking about? What have you got to discuss? Just
get on with it, this isn’t a ******* seminar. I’m dying down there.
Just crank that hunk of scrap iron up and send some volts through
me. God, I sound like ******* “Frankenstein,”

That’s it, he’s greasing up the connectors, here we go, here we

_When I came back to the real world I had been in the land
of Coma-City for almost three months and for all of that time it
had been touch and go. It was later explained to me that I had
been involved in a RTA.

It had been surmised that due to my sleeping disorder I had fallen
asleep at the wheel of my car (A classic American 1950’s plated
Cadillac) and had veered into the oncoming traffic. Hitting at
least one vehicle and careering off road and down an
embankment. Finally coming to rest three parts of the way
through a brick built structure, this in turn supported a steel
constructed dome. Used as a point for ramblers trekking high
above Sheermont Cove and offering excellent views across the
horizon and out to sea. An ideal location in particular for budding
photographers to shoot the best possible images of Sheermont
Bay Lighthouse. The Caddie precariously balanced with its long
bonnet hanging over the edge of the cliff top.

In fact I believe that it was the domes heavy steel frame that
secured my fate. The brick walls now demolished beyond
recognition caused the now unsuspended dome to fall onto the
roof of my vehicle. Pinning it solidly to the spot, it crushed the
roof in on top of me, also saving me from plunging to the depths
below and almost certain death. I was trapped under the structure
for almost six hours. I remember very little of the ordeal as I
tripped in and out of consciousness. My rescuers had to cut me
out of the vehicle, with a tool commonly referred to as the Jaws
of Life and I was flown to hospital by air ambulance.

And here I am to tell the tale. But!

Did this metallic redeemer smile on me that fateful night? Saving
me from that almost certain death, on the rocks below Sheermont

I think not.

The Dome. It saved my life I know this but the price I would
have to pay was far to high a toll. As I spend the rest of my days
drinking my food through the proverbial straw with only my own
mindful narration forever keeping me company.

I pray to die.
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012

Boisterous to me life a high powerful stormy sea will I ever see land again those peaceful
Dales the trees so deeply rooted in there canopy the swaying seems as undersea waves so softly they
Stir as at play deep valleys and hills below above aluminous sun light makes a rich glow in its tow I go
Ever so slow the sea grass moves in a musical undulating fashion the same as the grass on the plains
Colors diverse with coral markers at depths that unrest at the surface doesn’t reach the frothing foam
As it were a great goblet filled for god to drink a offering of thanks for such wonder that can be a
Complexity at once filling heights of emotional strands then instantly terrifying foreboding illustrious
Without equal so vast stretching all the bounds you have ever known by the sea blown tales that are
As voluminous as the sea itself adventure in the raw highlighted with charm by the cawing of the seagull
With the same speed they dive and climb on the surface races the dolphin the embodiment of joy and
Laughter the sea rescuers has been some of their duties to the blessing of many lost mariners in cold
Chilly waters these bubbly ones was the difference between life and death the sea does spray as with
Glory unbound in this all concluding vesture that is seamless all consuming tiring but invigorating once
The sea salt has entered your blood there is no escape its lore hypnotic unbreakable break waters will
Carry you inland by that she granted your greatest desire after she has reared her head and gave you
The Undeniable look at deaths watery jaws but when on her mercy you survive or in some fashion are
Flung on the shore you lose your emotional tiller and blubber like a baby then the manly part curses all
She Put you through you know one thing for certain never will she catch you a float but little do you
Know her winsome call withers all about so you hungrily crave the sea tossed tempest its excitement is a
Drug that a ****** has no cure for it puts robust living in your path all of your days while the timid land
Dwellers only look on in awe and admiration
Aeerdna Mar 2016
looking for a fresh page
a new start
but I fail
the lights are still down
in the back of my brain
seems impossible to come out of this alive

looking for a hand to hold mine
a friendly smile
a saviour
but I am only lying to myself
as I know,
today's heroes are the ones
who tomorrow will shoot you down

I look for love
and kind words at night
I look for the star that's gonna make light on my path
I look for someone who'll tell me
that it is gonna be all right

I look around for rescuers
I picture them in my mind
I smile when I think that I might one day find
they're real
and I forget for a few moments
there are only temporary heroes
and the ones to save me today
will tomorrow be the first ones
to **** me with their ****** hands

I look around for temporary heroes
and I forget
that my only forever lasting hero
lives within myself
gotta learn to love myself
inspired by this voice
Nitsua Asemed Jan 2017
Anna, are you still there, my friend?
I'm sorry we're in this mess.
I think Fate is jealous with us,
It seems so, more or less.

But really, how could we have known,
That we'd be trapped in here?
This rubble once a train station,
Now doomed in silence queer.

Anna, are you still there my friend?
Don't worry, won't be long.
Until the rescuers arrive,
With help and curing song.

But sorry, if I pressured you,
To come with me today.
I did not think, nor imagined
That it would be this way.

You left your plans and went with me
How noble were you dear?
And now leaves me in agony,
Of what had happened here.

I should have heard the breaking news,
Of heavy earthquake dread.
And I's relieved that I'd no scratch,
But your right foot was red.

I'm crying so much, I just laugh!
And now I promise true;
After rescue from this place,
I'm never leaving you.

I want to hold you everyday,
Like this, as if it's last.
And l'll love you in everyway,
So let's leave this place fast!

I love you, Anna, stay with me.
Forever and much more.
And though you're bleeding still on foot,
It won't be long before--

See! I can hear the rescuers!
They're here with aid and flare!
I'm glad, Anna, we're still--


Anna. . . are you still there?
Two Maronite schoolchildren practice their English…

“Cedars! Cedars! Cedars!”
“See theirs, seethers, Caesars,
See her cedars Caesar?”
“See here, a sea-fare and see there?
And oh, I see Sir?”
“Do you see her? Yes I see Sir, -Caesar!”
“Cedars! Cedars! Cedars!”

And they are descendants of Solomon’s thirty-thousand, the great-grandchildren of Hiram’s workers.

“Sol Indiges!”
“Sol Invictus!”

“Now children, how do the three monkeys act?”

“Sol, the root of solar and it means the Sun, it means also to see or sight as it infers the light of seeing.”

“Am means fire but it is also the meditative word, Aum, therefore it cannot render evil through sound!”

“On is Egyptian and it connotes speech so it represents hearing.”

The instruction in language is not terse. Requiring broad-based understandings of how the West characterizes ideas. These two are particularly adept being taught from birth in both Maronitic and Latin and now English, in preparation for their exodus, as home has become a battleground where they must leave soon. Only in the West can they find peace and practice their faith so expressively. Only in the West can these two girls attend school if their lands are befallen…

“Now children, what does this mean?”

“See no evil!”
“Speak no Evil!”
“Hear no Evil!”

“And that children, is the Wisdom of Solomon!”

Breaking news! CNN reports that a car bomb has exploded in the ancient Lebanese town of Mejdeloon. Shocking footage now of a series of homes that have been reduced to rubble near a Maronite Church where rescuers are just now pulling out the bodies of two young school girls. Christopher Talias reports live from the Lebanon.

“Sol Indiges is the voice of god,"

Sol Invictus, in light, his mind;"

*Sol-Ammon is the understanding and wisdom for all time!”
The name Solomon can be broken into three languages as three roots words representing the phrase, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." There also happens to be three gods that have names holding a similar meaning to each part of the phrase.
BlueRain Feb 2017
[To the outside world]

I am trapped on an island far at sea,
There is no glimpse of life around me.
Alone, cold and desolate,
I was shipwrecked by ‘FATE’.
I have been here for many years,
And the time spent is starting to give me fears.
Fears I may never be able to leave,
Fears I am gradually starting to believe.
Each day I wait in anticipation of a rescue,
Yet each day my hopes are dashed anew.
All I see are the waters before me,
Seagulls flying above in silent mockery.
Flaunting their freedom in ways they please,
I yearn for such a [sweet] release.
To whoever may read this,
I am stuck in a place of ‘anti-bliss’.

I am exhausted in both mind and body,
I no longer care what lies ahead of me.
My skin has been deadened by the scorching sun,
An unfeeling being I have now become.

Violent winds have undone me,
I no longer see Life’s beauty.
Only a fragment of hope remains,
That my rescuers will not find my rotting remains.

To whoever may see,
Have in your in heart some sympathy.
I am trapped on a island on this deathly ocean,
Where loneliness is a slow killing potion.

Each day Nature drops a subtle clue,
That my underworld sojourn is long overdue.
This is my last-gasped petition, a last chance plea,
Whoever you are, PLEASE HELP ME!

                                                          ­           Time is running out
                                                             ­         Signed: Desolate islander…
Craig Dotti Mar 2013
Hope, at times for them
Is a once-great passenger ship
Breeched and sinking fast

This vessel is one that sees the Mississippi,
Floats on it for a brief period
But has no idea that it's being dominated
By the mighty, muddy beast

In these instances responsibility
Becomes government reports that are long,
Arduous and too thick to be stapled

"Many people will die." they say,
"200,000 people will be displaced."
This incites the mantra,
Home is where the water is not

The ship that was a home is made of steel
Neither black nor white
Its grey, so grey that it is without true color
It finds itself trapped in the womb of the dense, delta mud

The people;
The brave, the bold, the idiots, waiting for their ship to come
Sit on top of their roofs,
Now islands where they can soak up Indian Summer Sun
For the abandoned, perseverance is a suntan


Words spray-painted white on black shingles
The rescuers, government, American people
Are suddenly illiterate

Federal law states:
Energy (money) cannot be created
Nor destroyed
But the ship is gone,
The people are in watery graves
The City is a large crescent with greedy bites taken out of it

6 years later the laws of the universe are disbanded
Ferrel dogs rule the day
And love is never having to say you care
For Linus, Smitty, Craig and the others of the Lower 9th Ward
Keith W Fletcher Apr 2016
Do they know
While in the foggy depths of
Or the level to which they rise
As they hurl stones at the hapless dove
In absolute retribution
Spewing lies
Denial.... set to rile
The now lost and soon to be tossed
Back into the reality prescription
Overdosed on the rhetoric
Left in the vacuum
Of the imploding star of incredulity
Launched by nothing nearing reality
Into the frenzied - hyperactive atmosphere
Deflated and overrated
As masses of mud frames somehow sated
By hate built absolution
Humanity lost as demonstrated
By evil personified
Non-- inclusion
As helpless friends stand by disillusioned
As if the loss they now invision
Confounded by the lack of any solution
Were they drowning - hope would exist
For rescue would be welcome
Not something those sinking would resist
The Living Dead will soon be discarded
By the furor and the faithless pretense

Pushed out the gate
Fired.... from the crumbling tower
By the big cannon in retreat
They stand- dazed and amazed
At what they know they've lost
By paying homage
With the only valuable thing that they ever owned
Trust - Love and Understanding
Who couldn't save them
From drowning among the throng
Into which they were sunk by simply standing among
And refusing to see the reality
Of what it takes to watch the rise  
Of an evil soul - out of control

Being fed on unbelievable lies
When the gate slams shut
And the dogs are let loose
The street will be full
Of those whose faith was sadly abused
As their mud forms were simply being used
Can they ever return? IDK.
a tide of much strength
wrenched the struggling surfer
under its briny churn

shoreline rescuers
hauled this stilled person
onto golden sands

whereby commenced
a resuscitation act
to fill starved lungs

with stocks of oxygen
reinstated by life guards
salvation granted
Daniel Rowe Jan 2013
squadrons deployed. everything permanent is still removable if you ignore it enough. revising your lackadaisical list of priorities. repeat play and an ashtray full of roaches. at this point even nostalgia feels classic. cross your t’s and then just x out everything. circle the names of your favorite cities. hands held, grudges kept. i swear somewhere i’ve got something left. in my head the rescuers are always gonna be the ones who go down (under) in history. everyone else is just running their mouth or grinding their teeth. there are some lies left over but who cares? this might be the worst ever. or the best yet. i guess we’ll know for sure soon enough. i right clicked through this like five times because of what i’ve got flowing through my veins. sidenote: i miss you.
It seems to me that I am a *****,
Cheap a *****,
Perfumed flower of the Day...
What else, what else I wasn't there...
Here and there...

I lost the one I thought too good,
She had a mission,
All too great... It's over, now.
I may just die, from their end...

True, true... They need no prayers,
They need no rescuers of their souls,
They're that good.
Or' Maybe they have no soul,
No soul they have...
She May be just a *****... I am too proud for this...
But would you care...
Oh, yeah, you showed all the care.
Maybe she didn't have a choice...

I'm just a *****, among other things,
I like to dance... I like to think...
Your Perfume take, quite cheap,
Cheap, cheap romance,
Cheap romance
Like an ocean breeze.
Do you think she doesn't care,
She has no feelings, o' heart, no brain.
Maybe she didn't have a choice,
Wish we were all much luckier...

I'm Just a *****, dear, what did you expect?
Of Just Justice and Miracles
Snehith Kumbla Jun 2016
after years of fending Mathematics,
hiding disastrous test papers as guerrilla tactics,  

lolling in the shame of discovery,  
followed by parents' sherlockian commentary,
how they came upon the dreaded documents, accidentally,  

I thank the gods who gave writers nibs, quills, ink,  
how their tales became shields,infused life in print,

these angelic saviours from Darth Vader menace,
famed rescuers from teacher disguised fiends,
dear, beloved school education, I forgive you all your sins...



































Zach Davis Dec 2012
I sit at the table too high for me,
Slipping the poison down my throat,
Sewn shut my mind through mouth,
As I feel the darkness bloat.

Yet I know it’s due to me alone,
My hand the wretched doer of the stab
Which rends my heart at my bequeath,
Yet how can I help who I am?

The invisible flame all too bright,
Casts my shadow invoking fear,
I willingly forget not to shun
The things I held most dear.

My mind falls deeper into the mire,
Shallower with each sinking death,
I tell them to ignore the silent screams
Though I cry for help under my breath.

And though these echoes are not heard,
They crash and boom and threaten to break
Innocence is swallowed whole again,
As I stand chained at the hand of fate.

A different man I stand today
Than the one who failed once before,
Yet I fail again, this time completely,
It is being me I must endure.

For leaping only leads to falling,
First time jumping interceded by floor,
Sitting in shame that isn’t mine
How can I hope to jump ever more?

I ask with a resounding
Question “Who am I?”
Praise from the edges of my view,
But never from the distant sky

Yet somehow the light appears ahead,
The rescuers lifting me from the shadows within
How could I have sought this ugly fate,
When there were others bright that could’ve been?

I’ve wasted time on distant stars
So shining, beckoning in my mind.
Why should I wait longer to start the rest of my life?
It’s time I left that path behind.
Mouth Piece Dec 2013
There was a rich man trapped in a dangerous pit along a less traveled path in the desert... another traveler heard the screams but did not move to help because it could possibly cause him harm… as he walked away he suddenly recognized the mans voice and remembered his bountiful wealth…in an instance he ran to the pit and extended his hand at much risk to his health—
He raised the rich man on his shoulders rejoicing as he carried him back to his land. Only a minute into their journey they stepped over a half eaten carcass contorted in the sand. What a disgraceful way to die they both agreed….. Changing the subject the rich man vowed to make a statue of his courageous rescuers face and in reply the traveler exploded “No need I’m just happy your safe!” But deep in the invisible dark silence of his soul he brooded violently about how much reward and recognition he could possibly receive…

The day before the rich man was rescued there was an elderly man that was blind and mute and for hours he frantically tried to track the location of desperate screams to their roots. He clapped his hands and stomped his feet risking his very life by chartering blind in unmapped terrain....Even in his greatest effort he missed the pit by 50 yards. The rich man in the pit heard his noisy attempts and all along cursed his name for not helping but still that didn't stop the blind and mute man from trying. Within his persistent attempts he critically gashed open his leg against a jagged stone and began bleeding out. Alone the old man cried himself to death as his blood soaked in the grains of the dessert. He could still hear the rebukes of the man in the pit cursing his soul as the coyotes fought over his wounded flesh....with his last bit of life the old man wished in his heart that the man in the pit would be safe..............................
zhouli Aug 2013
The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small,
uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him,
and every day he scanned the horizon for help,
but none seemed forthcoming.
Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of
driftwood to protect him from the elements,
and to store his few possessions. But then one day,
after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky.
The worst had happened; everything was lost.
He was stunned with grief and anger.
"God how could you do this to me!" he cried. Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of
a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him.
"How did you know I was here?"
asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied.
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad.
But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives,
even in the midst of pain and suffering.
Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground
it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.
For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves,
God has a positive answer for it
Mosaic Dec 2016
Exhibition devoted to relativity
Looks like it could be genetic and luck
Experts believe it's not repressed
Rescuers evacuated

Such an animal
We make attempts in a single field placement

Because there in nothing to language
It becomes as simple as a beacon of eternal
Wake up the body the mind will follow home
Spend sometime within half an apocalypse
Otherwise live lives of the ordinary

We are green and private
The breakfasts and feasts of each other
They being sweet and fresh coffee with spices
Closer to the light
Compatibility is so little simply become the window

Set fire
Creating the edge
All absolutely somehow magnetically mythical
This stolen memory surfaced
Neurons sacrificing is the process of forgetting
This time is local association
Remembering is asphyxiation

If it is comfortable
Heat the impression
Then they shall come for you
Otherwise it is a Winter morning

At the entrance time is new and can be branches
Seasons can procrastinate too
Take advantage of every day

That is the forest of approach
Some outweighed by different states of transmit
We were lost even just reversed versions of ourselves
Confused in a network
In which lover is theater

Adopted in the desert I do not addition to this quiet
my favorite light
Falter not in daydreams
A place of stumbling
Paradoxing lost and found
In early morning
Different style approach. Been reading too many existentialism books.
Reformed Stream of Consciousness. About knowing yourself and questioning love.
Sam Temple Oct 2015
Pressed hard against warm flesh in the barely illuminated darkness guesstimating the blessings of your fresh mess, I ingest the best and leave the rest unstressed. Soft caresses underneath the dress bring visions of ancestral ****** in jest. My accentuated ******* bereft of the simplest zesty scents leave jesters lamenting about the repressed nexus of flexing wreckers. Flickering trestles rustle as the mesh lays lifeless after undress and the pressures of the rescuers sheds ravenous blushers rushing and undulating such as plush calves do. Fissures, wet, impress impresarios investing in resting besties and ******* lechers; a pitcher, ditched by the rich, flashes in the marsh stressing the finches and leaching petroleum onto the beaches.   I reach for another peach and beseech the mashed potatoes makers, “just take a rest” –
John F McCullagh Jun 2015
He stared at the words on the paper-
at least a dozen times.
At last he gave a little laugh and said.
“I can’t recall if these are mine.
I recognize a familiar style; a well-worn rhyming scheme.
Perhaps I may have written this back when still a teen.”
Beneath his façade of outward calm, I thought that I espied
a too familiar horror in his bespectacled eyes.
I saw the fear of loss of self, of dignity, of mind.
A brilliant wit now silenced, aware of its decline.
His mind was like a drowning man who panics in the brine;
eluding would be rescuers, going down for the third time.
He handed back the paper and I was too kind to say
that this was the piece of verse he finished yesterday.
Forget me not, It seemed to say. Please don’t leave me behind,
although the better part of me has died before my time.
A therapist and his patient, a victim of Alzheimer's, pursue poetry as therapy
I well remember the Hermit who
Lived up in the public park,
He never ventured out of his cave
Til the sky and the fields were dark.
He was, ‘…the only Neanderthal
That survived the coming of Man!
Don’t get too near or you’ll rouse his fear
And he’ll chop off both your hands!’

The cave was deep and mysterious,
It hadn’t been there for long,
The entrance had been uncovered by
The blast of a German bomb,
As kids we’d run in the daylight sun
Right up to the entrance there,
And scream ‘Hello!’ in a long echo
When the other kids would ‘Dare.’

Then deep within came a rumbling
Like an Ogre, clearing its throat,
In seconds then we were tumbling
And I tore my best blue coat.
Just once we saw him out of the cave
With a beard, down to his waist,
Shaking his fist and grumbling
So we screamed, took off in haste.

The years went by and I asked my Dad,
‘Just who was that Hermit guy?
The one that you used to scare us with
In the public park, near Rye.’
He pursed his lips and his face was grim
‘Aye, that was a tale, my son,
Back in the war, a soldier there
And a ****** great Ack-ack gun!’

The Germans used to come every night
And the guns would open up,
With searchlights all criss-crossing the sky
We’d get no sleep or sup,
The guns would go, ‘Ack-ack, Ack-ack,’
Which is how they got their name,
The Home Guard took it in turns to shoot
Each time that the bombers came.’

‘Well Martin Shaw was an older man
And he shot a Heinkel down,
He stood and watched as it burst in flames
Then dived, and hit the ground.
But then a Dornier dropped a bomb
And it hit beside the gun,
It blew a hole in a cave below
Surprising everyone.’

‘The gun fell into the cave below
And so did Martin Shaw,
We said, ‘That’s it, poor Martin’s gone,
We won’t see him no more!’
But he survived in the cave below
And refused to come on out,
So when they were trying to rescue him
They were looking up the spout.’

‘The first one trying to come in here
Is going to lose his head!’
Martin screamed at the rescuers,
‘Come in, and you’ll be dead!’
He fired a couple of Ack-ack shells
To underline his case,
So they all backed off, and went to tea
And left the gun in place.’

‘The years went by and he stayed in there
Long after the war was done,
They knew that he didn’t have any more
Shells, for the Ack-ack gun,
So he’d only walk abroad at night
Catch rabbits and steal his veg,
They said he suffered from shell-shock
And was pretty near to the edge.’

My father had almost had me there
‘Til I saw his sneaky grin,
‘You’ve had me on again,’ I said,
‘You really suckered me in!’
He laughed, ‘I haven’t the faintest who
He was, but just a loon,
But there, that’s something to tell your kids
On a Sunday afternoon.’

David Lewis Paget
Odonko-ba Aug 2016
The sound was deafening
The earth griped groaned and grumbled
Beneath their feet
Seconds of mobocracy

Followed by
An eerie silence of confusion
Shock and awe

The sun sat high unnerving
As the dust settled
Exposing the grotesque macabre
That is now their reality

Tear trickled traces speckled with blood seared
Upon muddled faces covered of soot
Stood surreal against the carnage
Unabled to grasp what has happened
Trudges about in symbiotic aloofness

Slowly a crescendo of wails
A wretched affair
Sliced into the mid day air
Sending chills to all within ear

Sirens heard from the distance
Approaches quickly
Adding to the cacophony of sound
An orchestra of pain
Reminiscent of
Dante's Inferno
Rock rescuers to the core

Bodies strewn and dispensed
Lie unrecognizable
Young and old alike
For death does not discriminate

As neighbors extend helping hands
Black and white
Slowly the healing begins
We can breathe again
Live again
Trust again
For surely hate cannot be
Allowed to win

The outpouring of support was astronomical
The love felt was undeniable
People say I'm ideological
But love conquers hate
And that's
The purser can still hear the cries
on that night, on the cold seas
the haunting shouts in the darkness
muffled shouts of help the helpless

That terrible night that the lady sank
when the lights went out replaced by stars
waiting and praying in the darkness
waiting for rescuers some just for release

In a distant lifeboat a child was sobbing
Mummy please wake up Please
and they turned her over the side
giving a hand to the next in the water to survive

The ship unsinkable
was a ship sinkable
made to the depths of the sea
with chilled patrons liken to you and me

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Joe Wilson Jan 2016
At year end oft, we think to say
Look back no more, as comes new day.

Some will see it with their spoons engraved
Though sadly, many remain enslaved.

But Hopeful ever, we press right on
As we search for good in everyone.

In store and warehouse food is bailed
Urgent supplies for when crops have failed.

While shattered lives in tents on hillsides
Families caught in the refugee tides.

As earthquake victims lie underground
Courageous rescuers listen for sound.

Some must rely on drug-lord’s favours
In lives that no sane person savours.

Yet here are we in our clean safe home
From which we’re always free to roam.

Complaining often, we fail to grasp
The richness of our situations
In truth we live in comfort zones
Free from terror and deprivation.
Whilst some no luck they ever see
Until in death at last they’re free.

And who should tackle such terrible woes
It should be us, plain as your nose
So we elect fine politicians
Who mainly only serve patricians
From whence they mainly are derived
Plebeians forgotten, of voice deprived.
For even though your vote was cast
And Bills you disapprove get passed
You only get to vote one way
And never really have your say
Your troubled mind creaks with unease
As those in charge do as they please.

And in inertia nothing moves
The rut of hopelessness just proves
That though we feel the pain of others
Around this Earth we all are brothers
The comfort zone adapts to fit
The place within in which you sit.

Meanwhile, those victims still in tents
Await such help as we have sent
Which waits in ports in rotting state
While shares are argued in debate.
We did our bit they all will cry
But did that stop young children die??

©Joe Wilson – Those who are at the end of the queue, always…2016
BrittneyBrannum Feb 2014
Underneath the Australian sun,
we have begun to gather wallaby grass
for the night's fire. It hasn't signaled
anybody, but scorching flames keep the wild dogs
at bay.  Losing count, four

nights, I think, have now passed.
Mother and father must be ill
from worry; we've
never been far this far out before. Amidst play
of seek and hide, Frank went in search
for the perfect spot -- a fairly good one
as it took two hours to find him--
but night arose, and father's compass
had been left upon the porch's rail.

A few days later, we managed
to find a small amount of water,
but it won't last
with three of us; and I can already see
the exhausted expressions carved upon
my brothers' faces. Though Isaac
continues to search, I believe
even he shall soon relinquish the hope
that rescuers will arrive.

It's been a week. At what point
will the police discontinue our search?
When a month has passed?
With no food and the last drops
having evaporated onto our parched tongues
before the sun was set,
how could we survive that long?

But the question wandering deep
within my mind is, “Does anyone
even believe we are alive?”
Perhaps it is not worry
our parents are now suffering,
but grief.

Though I cannot tell the boys of my suspicions,
nor can let them see my fatigue
This is based upon "In the Wimmera 1864", from the series "Haunted Country, 2006." It is a pigment ink print by Polixeni Papetrou.

February 2014
Tasman Suitor Oct 2016
Grappling. Grasping. Reaching. Sinking.
Cocooned in this pit of mine.
Enveloped in its darkness.

Calling. Shouting. Hoping. Nothing.
No rescuers left to help.
Just me for company.

Accepting. Settling. Slumping. Resting.
Tired of survivals effort.
Weary of the ache.

Holding. Listening. Thinking. Waiting.

Luckily I managed to learn to climb.
Terry Collett Mar 2012
The city reminded her
Of a room full of dark flies;
The constant sound of buzzing;
The frightening hitting of

Bodies against the sides; but
Something more disturbing was
Brought to mind: the memory
Of Mr Danzinki who

Died in a room up on Eastside,
And no one found him for months
On end, and the flies got in
And laid their seeds, and they came

To fruition and buzzed in
Turn, and when his rescuers
Opened the door of the room,
There was that awful smell of

Decomposition, and a
Swarm of flies, and the image
That someone told her as a
Child of the sickening find,

Took up residence in her
Mind and stayed there, and somehow
Related to the city, and
The whole buzz and noise of the

Place, and maybe some dying
Corpse down there in the moving
Throng, and a sense of death and
Dying in the city's air.
Frank Key Feb 2015
I am more free now than I've ever been.
Money, time, the horizon stretches out.
If I had wings,
It would feel like they were set on fire.
More than clipped.
I'm not thrashing. Like
A cut bird would be.
I'm frozen here.
The air is bubbling and I can't breathe.
There's barely bone left to walk on.
I could maybe stumble. Get a job
Daze through workdays.
But my head is frozen. Thwacks from
Bats. Shrieking cracks coming through.
I can't think Everything is so
The thwacks aren't rescuers.
They're not breaking me out . They're
Waves crashing on me. Adding to the
Every piece of mail,
"Have not met our
Academic Standards."
And I am deeper in the sea.
They're so many whistles to go up.
Friendly porpoises saying I can still go
But the waves are pulling me
Jodie LindaMae Dec 2013
Maybe one day I'll come to a stoplight
And see an old Mercedes sedan
And think the driver to be you.
Maybe so.
I'll never be able to completely cleanse my mind
Of the memories we made;
I know that.
Some day, I'll have my radio blasting,
"All You Need is Love" will play
And perhaps I will shed a tear.
But I won't know until I get out of this rut-
Pry myself from this dark, cold hole
And try again.
Maybe one day I'll see a teenage girl walk by
With a Let it Be shirt on
And you'll be the first person to come to mind.
Perhaps I'll use my Mercurochrome once more
And remember how you introduced it to me.
I'll remember that not even Mercurochrome
Can fix my broken heart.
Nothing can. Except the second chance
I'm giving myself.
I also suppose I will never stop at a BP for gas
And I'll never be able to look at Elton John
The same way again.
I can live with that.
I'll forever be reminded of you
By the Rescuers ornament on my Christmas tree
And James Bond.
One day,
I'll be dusting off my records.
One by one, cleaning their plastic covers
Until I reach Band On the Run.
Then I'll have to smile fondly
And laugh at the fun we had.
I suppose you'll always be on my mind;
A year can do a lot to a person.
But one thing I'll never forget
Is our fun memories
And your old Mercedes sedan.
you think the boundaries are all the same

imbued with meaning by the hand of time

not records of some old forgotten crime

but guarantees the world is safe and tame

that there are limits set to hate and flame

so we keep back the fury and the grime

of human nature and wall in the slime

of all our hatred that is the full game

now miracles come extra that's the rule

you must expect as we deploy each troop

of brazen rescuers who'll save the day

in proper form and manage to stay cool

keep things in order and then all regroup

off to one side while others come to play

— The End —