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Carrie Ross Dec 2011
Real men don't tie their shoes
or wash their hands before eating
but should revert back to the Stone Age
at least three days a week
Yenson Sep 2018
The clone walks and enjoys such wrongful adulation,
Urban myths, falsehoods, lies, such awful fabrications
Knowledge is power make sure its transmogrification
Smears and stench is vital to put our clone in isolation
Defamation and slander in abundance not in moderation

The real man looks awestruck at this nefarious transformation
Sees truth murdered and honesty and decency held in toxic strangulation
Humans have a greater propensity for lies, its has much richer fascination
Lower minds desires basic mental gratification not tedious logical education
They want no news about joy and do-gooders, more about sick disfiguration

The Real Man sees his unblemished life soiled and tainted to sorrowful extinction
To look innocently becomes wantonly ******* women and gals, a ridiculous insinuation
Innocent speech to primed recipients takes on salacious unintended
bent and corrosive modifications
His just and precise actions mangled and their gross interpretations begets their erroneous  illustrations
Clone now walks with character traits and form  far from nothing like The Real Man's true disposition

Then news by lovers now state the Man is the best ever ***** passions without constatation
Not one or two or three ex loves now talks of a smooth hard soft Dolphin and swimming in hot magical elation
Passion, style, rhythm, rock and roll unsurpassed in lustful cool sexxy celebrations
Alas, We can't damage this real prowess so just demonize and ******* and ruin his physical reputation
Talk dirt, turds, talk stupidly about water and no *****, angry little men scream  and stomped in exasperations

Well, Clone shares same as the Man's famed ding ****, and even though hated lives in some females imaginations
And became a guilty secrets and fantasy lover for some knowing ladies when in relaxations
Think of that Charismatic clone with that  magnificent hard pole close and tight in amourous actions
All ready a bone of envy and dread for their menfolk, their worst fears now lives in their women's vivid minds realisations
My clone now makes sweet passionate love with my tool to different moisty **** ladies with my deft cool moves in delightful motions.
While the real Man is banned to loneliness and sentenced to involuntary abstention
My lucky clone is rampantly *******, licking and ******* in fantasy lands from imaginations to vivid imaginations

There you go Clone..Yeah!..move it..darling, yah! move it!....that's it! Wow!!...Oh..Oh...Oh.....,!
Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.

The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.

It’s not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.

You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
Like sentinels of days gone by
They're silhouettes against the sky
A headstone for those still below
A monument we proudly show

Of times when our tin was the very best
when quality counted not paying less
When the work was hard and the day was long
And the mines were filled by the miners song

Their hymns tell tales of life in the deeps
where darkness surrounds and dampness creeps
where disaster can be just a minute away
and you thanked the lord for every day

For generations all our menfolk
proudly joined the line
never once imagining
that we'd outlast the mine
Don Moore Oct 2016
Winds from far foreign climes beats upon the Lizard rocks
Gulls driven towards the blackest of crags, yet pass over safely inland
In the darkest skies they wheel and spin as if torn by some giant’s hand
White horses gallop crests of waves as they rush towards tiny harbours
There to crash savagely and rend cut stones from their secured places
Men work to save their boats, fighting the storm which mothers sent
Nature conspires to take their very lives as they struggle with her might
Rocks gnash their teeth and boats not safe yet, pass near their faces
Hoping for the safety of their port, men’s white faces line their gunwales
Black, white, red, blue and yellow, boats colours lost within the spray
These same boats that forge the men they carry out upon the sea’s wrath
But now just seek to bring them safely home to their worried wives
Their women stand upon the quay or stare worried from their windows
Churchyards on the hills above seaside villages filled with headstones
Men’s deaths caused by storms in past times of fishing for their living
Leaving spouses, their children to carry on their traditions and religion
Headstones cut from the very granite of the weather worn Lizard cliffs
Menfolk deep beneath the Cornish loam, there to rest for all eternity
Whilst below in the thrashing storm, the families fight once again
Then as quickly as it came, the storm blows out, waters return to placid
Men stretch their aching backs, those hidden from storm turn out
The ******’s mission helps as it can the fractured families
And church maybe rings for those lost out to sea, never to be seen again
There will be time to mourn, and the village will then lament together
And those who are left, they return to their sacred craft of netting fish
Return to shining calm, to ply their trade, to bring food to this isles shore
Writing a Cornish Faery tale presently, and I felt parts of the book would benefit from some prose at the beginning of a chapter...

Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

Most illusive and elusive
Like the devils of Congo forest
Is the impish poverty
Permeating all seals with vicious wily
Into the midst of callous humanity
Biting country men and country women
With carnivorous dentalities so ruthless
Putting man to a forlorn shame
As the wife looks in desperate flaggerbastation
Putting matriarchal womenfolk to humiliation
As the expectant sire wallow in the askance of looks
Condemning communities to status ad absurdum initio
Thinning man from man, culling woman from woman
Eating flesh by flesh social koprpers of man
Eating the native flesh in the farms of Brazil
Tearing the ***** steak into ghetto lacerations of Chicago
Whizzling sombre morning tunes to the Zulus in the black tundra
Cementing pale casted clusters for the Patels of India
Commanding suave drills to poor (wo) menfolk; left! Left! Left! –abouuuuturn!
With its accomplice Mr. Hunger son of starvation, they both command drills
For black factory workers, Maids and gravediggers to dance
Watchmen, thieves and prostitutes to match
In the hinterland of Africa all the riff-raff in deep despair
Dance in a tandem to the irritating drills of the duo;
You come on! Left! Right! Left! Right!—fowaaard match!
Backward match! Left! Right! Left! Right! Sharpp uuuuuuuturn!
The duo communiqué; Go home and wait for your pay announcement.

Surely; what colour is our poverty?
Phil Lindsey May 2015
When you find her love her
Hold her real tight
Get her coffee in the morning
Keep her warm at night
The last thing that you ever want
Is to drive that girl away
So when you find her love her and
She will always stay.

Might take lots of lookin’
Good woman’s hard to find
Admit it man,
You and me, we ain’t no prize of any kind.
We’re rough around the edges
Ain’t got no smooth lines
So when you find her love her
And she will treat you fine.

Yeah, when you find her love her
Hold her real tight
Get her coffee in the morning
Keep her warm at night
The last thing that you ever want
Is to drive that girl away
So when you find her love her and
She will always stay.

See women they are wary
Far as menfolk are concerned
Seems somewhere in their lifetime
Most all of them’s been burned.
She’s gonna look right through you
Deep into your soul,
So when you find her love her
And she will make you whole.

Yeah, when you find her love her
Hold her real tight
Get her coffee in the morning
Keep her warm at night
The last thing that you ever want
Is to drive that girl away
So when you find her love her and
She will always stay.

She might have some baggage
Made a wrong turn or two
Better look into the rearview mirror
King of baggage might be you!
Then both you go and pack those bags
In the trunk of that used car
And read the map together
So you both know where you are.

Yeah, when you find her love her
Hold her real tight
Get her coffee in the morning
Keep her warm at night
The last thing that you ever want
Is to drive that girl away
So when you find her love her and
She will always stay.

Last thing that you ever want
Is to drive that girl away
So when you find her love her
And she will always stay.

Yeah drive away together
Bags packed and stored away
When you find her love her
And she will always stay.
Phil Lindsey 4/24/15
jeffrey robin May 2014
/    \

Star-lit night

( pure the dream )




We will build a world !

Out of the rubble of this hatred


( we know --- why

Even if we don't know --- how )


I  ( softly ! ) see you

I do !

Somehow I can feel you

And be with you

And there is no time passing

Any more


On the hill

Touching ( with permission )

The stars


We are still children
( we know )

But there don't seem to be no menfolk round here

And so ------ (?)

The burning fields


We are the masters of dominion

We are the guardians

Of the sacred world


My sweet girl !

I see you watching everything

I will lend to you my strength

I trust that you will treat it well

And that tomorrow may find us

Gathering all children

With the story they need to hear

With the story we need to tell
Nicholas N Nov 2017
Your pupils dilate when you daydream of me,
I'm the focus of your erratic emotions.
Big birds and sharks circle below and above,
I'm your very own psychotropical ocean.

Goddesses weep that they'll never have me,
I'm the desire of all women and menfolk.
You're just a drop in my nicotine sea,
I'm your Revelator, forever and amen.
I open the book with seven tight seals,
Peter man's the gate to a white scale paradise.
A place for us who can heal the sick and lame,
You darling dear will know nothing  of this.

My eyes full of water I struggled to see,
The physical signs of repeated emotion.
They opened my skull so they could finally see,
The darkness inside that caused all the commotion.
Mother boiled water and she made me some tea,
The darkened swirls combined with the clear water.
She mixed it then with some sweet honey,
Made me promise you'd never be her daughter.

Your pupils dilate when you daydream of me,
I'm the focus of your erratic emotions.
Big birds and sharks circle below and above,
I'm your very own psychotropical ocean.
Written as if I myself were a psychoactive drug.
Ben Jones Jan 2014
There's many pairs I've fathomed
A poets stock and trade
A thousand couples counted
And a hundred poems made
But I'm awash with bafflement
A word eludes my wits
My sleep is interrupted
And it's getting on ****

Nothing rhymes with 'women'
I've run fresh out of words
I'm sick and tired of 'wenches'
And bored to death with 'birds'
It's hard to write a love song
To 'crumpet' or to 'totty'
Yes, nothing rhymes with women
Those women drive me *****

There's loads of rhymes for 'menfolk'
And equally for 'men'
’Aggressive' goes with 'Passive'
And 'Possessive' now and then
My brain is drained and knackered
And almost rhymes with 'lead'
I'd like to rhyme with someone else
And leave them in my stead

For nothing rhymes with women
And I loath abbreviation
There'll surely be no rimmin'
Or unsightly punctuation
The odds are stacked against me
So, exhausted, I persist
To find a rhyme for women
A word to coexist
Alan McClure Nov 2012
For a modest subscription -
say, £100 a month -
you can receive my weekly newsletter
outlining the manner in which I undertake
to steal your jobs,
besmirch your womenfolk
(or menfolk, if you like),
impose my religion upon you,
undermine your financial system,
eat the swans in your local park,
raise/lower house prices (as your current need dictates),
contribute to a nameless sense of dread,
dilute your cherished national identity
and produce more illiterate children than the welfare state
can reasonably support.

I will do you this service
on the understanding
that you will stop attributing blame
to your undeserving neighbours
and get on with your life
like a decent human being.
Just twelve, I swear, I must have been
The day they took the Witch of Steen
And put a halter round her neck
To teach her magic some respect.

The women in the village square
Tore off her clothes, and pulled her hair
Then called their menfolk out to view
Who crossed them there, what they would do.

They tied her hands behind her back
The rope around her neck was slack,
But tied to Jethro’s stubborn mule
They led her naked, like some fool.

And all her secrets lay out there
Uncovered, in the open air,
She looked quite beautiful to me
Her naked form, such artistry.

The mule dragged her, painful and slow
Along the lanes where they would go
As gusts of breeze blew out her hair,
Revealed what she was hiding there.

And I, I followed, just a lad
Whose eyes were full of her, by god,
Whose ******* were pert and firm back then
Whose thighs held secrets, hid from men.

I saw that tiny tuft of hair
That hid her womanhood in there,
That plagued me since, for every night
I’d think of it in dread delight.

But still they led her, lane and field
No place that she was not revealed,
They took her to the ducking pond
Where life or death would lie beyond.

And when they laid the ducking stool
With her aboard, across the pool,
Her voice rang out, this buxom maid
With words the villagers dismayed.

‘For all that you come judging me,
Look to yourselves, your pedigree,
What sons and daughters sprang at night
From phantom fathers, bred in spite.’

‘When husbands were out tending fields
And wives would wait, temptation yields.
What shadows stood by window ledge
Gained entry to some marriage bed?’

The women quaked before her spell
And screamed, then ducked the witch to hell
And would have left her there to drown
Had not the menfolk brought her round.

In mercy then, they set her free
And she had screamed, ‘A curse on thee!
‘Your cattle will roam free and late
Your catch won’t hold the cattle gate.’

‘Your crops will flatten in the fields
When hail and sleet destroy their yields,
And mud will fill your village hall,
Your church collapse, your roofs will fall.’

She left there with a final shout
The things she cursed, they came about,
But I was left a lifetime dream,
That naked witch, the Witch of Steen.

David Lewis Paget
It is the bells I fear
when at 6pm the menfolk trudge up from the glen
and evening flicks its greedy tongue
into the eyes of the dying day
and the beasts that room within the evening gloom
are no longer held at bay but free to roam.

The darkness has no home
not in my heart
I want no part of it.

The eyelids of the night blink
and in them
I sink into another death
where the stinking breath of doom
invades me.
All pervasive
persuading me to go
Into what I do not know?
Nor want to.

At 5am the menfolk wake and that is when
the lingering night spits into the face
of the coming light
and then I feel alright.

But as the gloom retires
it is time to light the parlour fires
to rid myself of the chattering chill.
The night will always frighten me
the bells will always make me see
the beasts.
Scot Powers May 2013
Journeyed  from
a far off land
through the forest
across the sand
like a restless beast
never at peace
wandered for years
laughter and tears

A family of wanderers
have traveled the path
acrobats and see'ers
jugglers and rats
all move together
for it would seem
safety in numbers
they're often seen

Raven haired beauties
with large almond eyes
pry coins from the menfolk
tell them sweet lies
they stay for awhile
then they move on
when their welcome
is truly gone

for hundreds of years
the travelers have wandered
despite all our fears
the gypsies have lived
like we wish we all could
living and laughing
loving as they should

don't be so hard
on those you don't know
could be a friend
let you in from the cold.
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Verily, verily, I wilt thole
the strenuous measure
Without thee in mine
Reach. Thine countenance do I seek in
Sainthood luster;                                      O' how I needeth thee mine
                                         beloved of cherubic power,
                 Tis the moonlight hour's I dieth to layeth mine brow
Upon thine own.

Sweat cover's me, I needeth mine
Abode, for thou art mine home;
In which I hath sought after
Since afore the age of Noah.
                                                         O' how this locution screameth out loud to the crowd's of emptied lonesome-hearted mad
Men. Mine darling, àgapi mou, best friend. Tis not the end-
Only the beginning.                        I glance keenly dearest jane-

Into meadow's wherein the pool's of life art made for one man
And his wife, as godly intended;

                                                      ­   Foregone art the soul's that shalt
                                        wait ourn arrival, they've been waiting endlessly to enter us inside.
O' Queen Jane, Filipino treasure of mine;

O' how we shalt dine and feast amongst the golden pathway's and see-through streets, bare **** feet to lead ourn spiritual direction, ourn agápi reflecting Yahweh's glow in three-
Dimensional complexion.

One day to be as babes, Unchained, not slaves to menfolk's rule-

A place wherein one enters by the amount of love they've given
And hath shown, a kingdom
                                                   Wherein we shalt be renewed.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedicated
Verily - truly
Thole- endure, suffer.
Wilt- will.
Tis- it is.
Layeth- lay.
Afore- before.
Àgapi mou- my love in Greek.
Wherein- in which.
agápi- love
Foregone- past

If wanna hear this on SoundCloud. Can go find me
SoundCloud and look me up Brandon Nagley
Type in my name should see poem ( glancing into the pools of life) though part or two was cut out because stupid recorder... Or well. Enjoy
Thanks for reading!!!
Olivia Kent Feb 2015
Clothes held close as menfolk left.
Clutched close to wifely bodies.
The scent of that last embrace.
She smells his left behind clothes again.
Nobody else knows his smell.
It tickled her nose.
Memories of last moments of closeness.
This moment maybe their last dance.
Uniforms of formality in such organised organisations.
Firm protection of noble nations.
Action stations, yet again.
And the death bell tolled.
And the trains rolled into the station.
Waiting to clamber on to the war bound train.
Walking away.
Heads held high.
Stiff upper lip.
After kisses goodbye.

Which of the bedfellows will survive?
It's a long drawn out slog.
This war is a dog.
Still alive?
(c) Livvi
Sophia Nov 2018
There is a land top-filled with woe,
And poorish sorrows that go unseen,
Where candle flames toss o’er the hearth.
And maidens' gentle ******* are torn

By their menfolk’s leave for noble wars.
Threads of grass spangled o’er with dew
Are trodden down by silken slippers,
Bitwixt the dusk and coming morn,
A princess weeps, her heart grief-stricken.

And in the pale and rising dawn,
A flame rolls over the orchard hills,
And blossom falls in bloodied paths
Of Wallach men marching Dragul trails.

As the maidens brush their gentle hair,
The window slits are lit aglow,
And brave menfolk return at last!
The bloodied wars have ended fast,
And Szelyk troops were struck aghast,
Hence no sorrow shall be rooted there.

Landed true their dying blows,
For thought of gentle women near,
The phoenix men felt no wordly fear.
And poorish sorrows go now to grave
Where kisses fall on those not saved.

There is a land now decked with cheer.
Amrita Dutta Dec 2013
Today I walk,
hesitating and scared.
All the way I wonder
will I be spared?
At home stay them,
those loved ones
who debate within
imagine me chased by guns.
Today is the day
all my folk are silenced,
taken for granted,
eternally fenced.

It is me,
the voice
of the women who surrender,
those very women, victims of the thunder.
those very women
whose bodies have been scarred,
those very women
whose lives have been marred.

By what means,
By what reason
Am I exploited,
maimed by treason?
Who gives menfolk
The power to ****?
To ******, to remove
the dignity I drape?
I have every strength,
I have all you do.
In fact much more
and rationality too.

All I declare,
all that I make clear
Enough is Enough,
Do you hear?
I've given you more
than you've ever deserved.
Gone are the days
I acted reserved.

This shall not be repeated
so get it right.
Touch me and beware
of the wrath of my might.
An Ode to Nirbhaya and all the other nameless victims of our nation.
Olivia Kent Aug 2015
The land it's name was faraway.
A land so pretty,
The land where fairies play.
The grass verdant and succulent.
Glows in the midday sun.
The trees bow inadvertently to the fairies passing by.
Fairies bearing various gender.
Girl folk with flowing straw like hair, bound with strands of strawberry flair.
Menfolk wearing doublet and hoes.
Black and green.
Obvious features, all fairy men folk sport a pointed nose.
Elder folk, they have aching knees.
Hair tinged with tiger stripes of grey and black.
Could have been zebra stripes,but the elderly fairies, can be just a little spritely, temperamental at times.
They sit under willow trees.
Writing, busking rhymes.
Listen without witness, you'll swear you'll hear them sing.
Leave a pretty penny in the spot where you have been.
Walk silently away.
Peer over your left shoulder and you may just glimpse the fairy queen.
If you should be so lucky.
Jenny Gordon Oct 2016
...besides the LORD, and my menfolk:  Nobody.


I meant to 'gin:  Officious.  Sunday thence
With echoes of religious duties they'll
Assure you's needful, 'til in sheer betrayl
Tis sin to not be there and an offense
To sleep-in, whilst the shabby bow from hence
To cold hauteur and know god has a scale
Whereby we measure worth by gain's detail--
But I've forgotten whither, in a sense.
Come, which is better?  Oh yes, to be sure
Like he said 'long ere:  "say whatever--" to
Add, "--but stand on it too."  If church is poor
Cuz that's pretense, so is aught falsehood.  Do
I be a hyp'crite in love too, well you're
Allowed to censure me.  Who owns me?  Who?

Yes, we've a Dukes of Hazard car which counts this intersection routine, passing through for years now, and I can't begin to number off the rest, in addition to diesel pickmeups and don't let me begin on Harleys with straight pipes.  Sunday.  Is a lovely day in the Fall.
Arcassin B Sep 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

In a trance with a different light in mind,
I provoke,
Like the entertaining women dancing for their menfolk,
That's a joke,
Degradation of women is not the subject mostly when
Need to be told,
I guess it might be getting old,
Solid gold,
Chambers with secrets in it like Harry Potter,
Feeling elevated off the ground like a helicopter,
Cops and robbers,
Tell the coppas that I did not shoot the sheriff,
Guess they'll shoot me down anyway call them
Heart stoppers,
Have no beef with anyone , I'm more like the safe haven,
More like a beacon, if you want heaven then just behave and,
Life is too short to be worried about a grave and,
Your mom just lost her job and your dad is on the deep end,
Do what's for your life despite the things you've seen around
You're a..
Lost cause to them, but you'll make it , they won't be better than You,
You buss your *** everyday to pick up on the homework but you can't
Concentrate on the lessons because of a kid that that picked at you and bothered you your whole life,
But your more than meets the eye, okay.
jeffrey robin Sep 2010
when it really matters
i know
you will be here

we know

we can
play games
in the dark

but not in the light

we are too real for
such stuff anymore

we know too much already

the mothers are crying
the chidren are hungry

the menfolk are crazy

and here we are

it really matters now


be here
right here
right here
jeffrey robin Feb 2015




The clock tower

The Day
                         falls down


In the shadows
broken hearted children

Looking old
( enslaved )


Lonely mothers

Objects of scorn
Of the howling mad laughter

Of the menfolk
In their uselessness

( so afraid
Of appearing

Afraid )


Crumbling down days

( broken Dawn )

Evolution and God

One and the same

( and they both are gone )


The clock tower

Crumbles / ( all is Lost )


Humble children

It's time to be gone
There were sisters three, and they all were free
In a town called Tavistock,
Freer than they would want to be
As they stared at the Town Hall Clock.
‘Our time is running ahead of us
They will soon call us ‘Old Maid’,
Said sister Jill to the younger Phil,
And the eldest one, called Jade.

‘So why don’t the menfolk look at us,
We’re not that ******* the eye,
Certainly better than Betty Watts
Who married the stable guy.’
‘I danced with him, did you know?’ said Phil,
‘By God, he’s a clumsy oaf,
He kept on tripping over his boots,
And stamped on all of my toes.’

‘I had a line on the fisherman,’
Said Jill, ‘and I thought I’d win,
I’d give it a month or two to set,
And then I would reel him in.
But Nancy Croft got her hooks in him
And I see they’ve tied the knot,
I said, ‘but you were going with me!’
He said, ‘Oh! I’d forgot.’

Then Jade had turned with a waspish look
And she said, ‘Well, look at me!
I’m the eldest and should be wed
By rights, the first of three.
There’s only a single guy in town,
He’s the only one that’s left,
I heard him say he’s going away,
He’s an army boy, called Jeff.’

But Jill and Phil said, ‘He’s not yours,
It’s the one that gets there first,’
They were in favour of drawing straws,
But Jade had stamped and cursed.
They said they’d ask him around to tea
They’d cook up muffins and toast,
And then they’d see what they all would see,
By whom he talked to most!

He came attired in his uniform
His scabard by his side,
Placed his sword on the mantelpiece
Where Jade stroked it with pride.
‘My, but you’re a fine gentleman
And I see you play the fife,
How sad, you’ll march to a battle cry
Without a beautiful wife.’

He sat perturbed, and he looked at them,
At each one in their turn,
‘If only there were three of me,’
He said, but his cheeks had burned.
The sisters jostled to catch his eye,
Were heated and dismayed,
‘I know a way we can settle this!’
And Jill had reached for the blade.

She swung the sword and before they knew,
The soldier lay in halves,
She’d cleft him, clean through the waist, and then
She’d cut off both his arms.
To Jade the head and the torso went,
To Phil, arms worn like a shawl,
Which left Jill what was below the waist,
(She had the most fun of all!)

David Lewis Paget
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
by Michael R. Burch

Walk here among the walking specters. Learn
inhuman patience. Flesh can only cleave
to bone this tightly if their hearts believe
that God is good, and never mind the Urn.

A lentil and a bean might plump their skin
with mothers’ bounteous, soft-dimpled fat
(and call it “health”), might quickly build again
the muscles of dead menfolk. Dream, like that,

and call it courage. Cry, and be deceived,
and so endure. Or burn, made wholly pure.
One’s prayer is answered,
“god” thus unbelieved.

No holy pyre this—death’s hissing chamber.
Two thousand years ago—a starlit manger,
weird Herod’s cries for vengeance on the meek,
the children slaughtered. Fear, when angels speak,

the prophesies of man.
Do what you "can,"
not what you must, or should.
They call you “good,”

dead eyes devoid of tears; how shall they speak
except in blankness? Fear, then, how they weep.
Escape the gentle clutching stickfolk. Creep
away in shame to retch and flush away

your ***** from their ashes. Learn to pray.

Keywords/Tags: Holocaust, poem, ashes, crematorium, chimney, smoke, gas, chamber, Auschwitz, starvation, walking dead, mass graves, genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, antisemitism, fascism, cruelty, brutality, inhumanity, horror
jeffrey robin Oct 2015

so many stories to tell



One tree grew in the depths

Of the desert

One man grew in the fierce

Utter hatred of these days

••. ••

One old man

Gazing out the window

1000 men whose child

Has been slain


( oh woman ! )


--           --


What's there to say ?

what can we do ?

We ourselves are "  bwokin"

We are       Helpless




You're not gonna try to live !

You're gonna keep senselessly and lovelessly

Fuckingly and cutting

And writing about it

And.  Relating    & getting

"Bwokin "

And basically



******* !


I know


**** that ****


You know

We are all dependent on

Each other !

For love

For support


We know we are being manipulated

Into playing these perverted love stories

But we PURPOSELY keep living out

The same ******* scene



It all leads to death


Compassion !

For what


You're just

******* !


Cool foxy **** *******


( with **** for brains )


The young boy

Old cloak

Torn boots

Upturned collar

He's escsping thru the woods


The wolf follows

To protect him


The girl follows for she too

Would be free


The 1000 sons

Song of the beating heart


The 1000 lovely maidens

Cross the field

They shall not yield their dignity

To any man

The mothers throw down their fears

& pick up their righteousness

The menfolk throw down their

Religion and acknowledge their

The lovers decide to actually


To know the purpose of *** before

Perverting it with  maudlin pride


The old man looks out the window

And for the first time in centuries

He is not ashamed


And the years are washed away

And a new world is seen

Right behind this monstrosity

Of matrix

& lies

And we stop being such fuckingly *******

Content to **** & die

To hurt and be hurt

To distort and deceive

And we become human beings



Wouldn't THAT be nice ?
In the name of Jesus
Begged to be alive
In the name of God
Trying to survive

In the name of Whisky
In the name of *****
All of us are clowns
All of us are Pooch

In the name of Martyrs
Killed for what they believe
Confounded, nothing but ****
Simply all they receive

In the name of Devil
Deceiver of menfolk
All of us are just mortals
He is the Herrenvolk

In the name of Damnation
In the ******* void life
All of us are asinine
Please **** me with a knife...
Inspired by the soundtrack of "In the Name of Father"
jeffrey robin Dec 2015

The cold winds are blowin


( child beware )

Child beware

But don't be frightened


No .. 0 .. 0


The flutes are callin

The mountains are there

Soon soon

The heroes shall



Maiden soft ******* eyes so fierce



The menfolk are dead

O child

You're the only ones here


True love now

Or never



transmitted ****** talks
(partially presented pablum pertaining
     particularly - president ***** (PAC -
     ******* action *** mitt tee)  
     portfolio ******* philandering)

baneful boorish boastful bullheaded
     Brobdingnagian beastie boy balks.
conspicuously cavalierly crudely curtly
     cavorts, capitulating, claiming,
     championing crying chauvinistic
     concupiscence, ****** cupidity caul
     king crooked cowboy cakewalks.

Donald daringly, dastardly, defiantly,
     demonstrably, deplorably, deprecatingly,
     devilishly, divinely dumbfounded,
     duplicitously desultory, debauched, duckwalks.
eccentric effrontery, egregiously enervating,
     excitedly exculpatory, extremely evil eyestalk.

"fake," faultily fervently fiendishly flagrant
     fool, frightful.
gaffe galling, gamesome gawker, generating

harboring hectoring heinously hellishly
     hideously horrendously horrible hulk.
ignominious illicit ilk, imbecilic immodest
     immoral impetuous, impishly impudent,

     incarcerate, incinerate indecently, indecorous,
     iniquitous, intently intolerant, irascible
     irksome, itching ii incite iv iiiiii ix ******* izards.
jowly ******* jackdaw jackknifing jaywalking
     jumping ****, jilting jinn.

knowingly keeping kryptonite, ***** Kardashian
     kvetches, kris kringle ken kool, kissing kitty,
     kosher kumquats kippered, k-nine kooky korps,
     kowtowing ku klux **** kinsfolk.

legal leafstalk lawlessly locked, lacerated,
     lambasted, languished lost lively lust,
     limped, legal levity limited.

menfolk made macho mission. many moons
     monthly mandate marked maybe mars,
     mercurial maladroit monkey manumission modified
modus mystifying maze moonwalk.
Julian C Jaynes Sep 2020
Fiery tongues
Mysterious places
I pray my lord finds it
Within his good graces
To spare him the rod
And sever the tongue
No longer will truth
From this mouth be wrung
Of this matter here
Will he no longer shout
Nor speak, nor whisper
To people of doubt
We would steal his power
His talent to sway
And then turn the menfolk
To our cause today
And he will not speak
Of our place of no name
Here where we meet
And make men our game
Then when victory is nigh
Bring him out for display
As the crowd cheers
Have him slain where he lay
This is the price
A man such as he faces
For a fiery tongue
In mysterious places
jeffrey robin Oct 2015

human kindness

Gentle soul

One with the

Holy Power !

•          •


For da Man !!




Waiting for da Man !



Human kindness


All the menfolk

Are gone !


Everybody surely knows

We are maxing out on pain

But we just accept the death

Cause we don't wanna make waves  !

:::: ~~~~~ ::::

Come now from your hiding places

( you've already been seen )


Human kindness

a loving  human being


Lovely human being
Chicken and Fado

They eat a lot of roasted chicken with chips
in Portugal, once it was a rare food now it is eaten
with gusto most days, it is cheap and filling.
What sets Portugal apart is Fado,
I know of no other country with music that grabs
your heartstrings and makes you cry evokes
memories of yore, bitter and sweet.
I don't know the origin of Fado but to my ears
it has a mysterious Arabic undertone.
On TV there is a “Festa” from one of the many villages
in the interior of Portugal, the faces are dark brown
from the outdoor work, accordion music
is played, quick tunes the women sways and the menfolk
stay in the background drinking wine.
Here the old and the young mingle there is no drunkenness
only good humour from the land of harmony.
Since pledging my troth
to the missus July 25th, 1996
after the comma error
punctuated mein kampf with disequilibrium.

Ever since the notions
of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
coalesced within the mindscape
attributed to one
or more anonymous forebears
way before the advent of civilization
when written language preserved
(**** sapiens communicated
virtual primal groans and grunts),

nevertheless witnessing inchoate awakening
visa vis dawning enlightenment
bajillions of years after
earth, wind and fire
affected ideal environment
for Beatle browed foo fighters
Nirvana oriented proto humans
among rival capital one group
of beastie boys versus another.

Each subsequent generation embodied
propensity to acquire heavenly delight
characterized courtesy
storied primeval human associations
to wrestle with promotion
of mental, physical and spiritual autonomy.

Once self-determination awoke
animal hides did cloak
daggers if antagonism occurred
especially as high society
coaxed fibers inviting village people
to invent legislation to evoke
amity particularly once firearms
witnessed proliferation of gunsmoke
(and the Western genre as film noir)
after shoot-'em-ups erupted,
when scapegoat mustered courage

(after chomping powder milk biscuits)
bad to the bone bully underestimated chutzpah
courtesy said shy person,
yours truly did invoke
adulation and garnered
within figurative keystroke
generated winning vote
cast strictly by menfolk
if I vouchsafed would
NOT be pig in a poke

as happened countless millenniums later,
when forty fifth president
of lands slated to become
United States of America
would try to revoke
his successor mudslinging him,
(the latter, a common joe biden time),
a veritable teetotaler,
who swore, he rarely took a ****.

Blame aforementioned
blue collar Scranton boy yup
blimey bloke woke up
after leaving Oval Office
early one Autumn morning
bright eyed and bushy tailed
after an eight year stint,
whereby the electorate majority
approved former occupant
of “Executive Mansion”

(circa 2020 - 2028)
admitting admirable administration
donned hat of clown
earning a living wage
and taking page from playbook of bozo,
who brought good humor and laughter,
where tragedy wrought woe
visited webbed wired wide world
(once trod upon by the noble savage
as described by Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

whipping out trademark Dobro,
(a contraction of "Dopyera brothers"
and a word meaning "goodness"
in their native Slovak,
who introduced said instrument in 1928)
kickass nimble octogenarian
(accompanied by the band
Tripping Up Stairs)
performed outstanding show
capering, dancing, gliding,
high jumping, et cetera across the stage

hither and yon, to and fro
contagiously gifting, letting riotous hoopla
ring out across Land of Lake Wobegon
spontaneously kickstarting
audience of senior citizens
(including yours truly)
to shuck off mantle of senescence
(and clothes in the same process
after gaining courage
to join Barenaked Ladies)
hooting and trumpeting nouveau
playfulness summoning
rebirth of childlike spirit.

How carefree and ideal to identify
with mindset of Alfred E Neuman
Mad Magazine what me worry
unfortunately as a little boy
yours truly beset with mental health issues
Anorexia Nervosa the most serious
potential to develop healthily
self starvation eradicated
courtesy the expertise of psychiatrist
Ted Goldberg my parents did employ
subsequently eating disorder

manifested as hair obsession
with a vengeance,
when maybe some dozen years later
while completing a co-op
linkedin to enrollment at Antioch College
at facility I chose called
Chicago Ecology Resource Center in Illinois,
and who should make
a small teleporting cameo appearance,
but none other than Leonard Nimoy,
albeit his likeness manufactured as plastic
popular gewgaw enterprising toy.

Courtesy the most flimsy tenuous
designs linkedin to above lines
availed and linkedin thru
Unitarian Church affiliation while a youth,
(now negligible participant,
who would never join any group
that would accept me as a member)
an important connection throve with 1976
Norristown Area High School alum
Frankie Augustine Junior a brain,
plus admirable ruler
of tribbles and klingons to boot.

As an otherworldly webbed wordsmith,
I befriended said lad,
who became best earthling chum,
whose birthday (January eleventh
nineteen fifty nine) two days before mine,
our camaraderie did rattle and hum
until he attended Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute (majoring
in nuclear engineering)
landing himself a plum job.

Our friendship since foundered
unlike the enterprising television show,
which captured the imaginations
of countless young and older people alike.

By 1986, 17 years after entering syndication,
Star Trek considered
the most popular syndicated series;
by 1987, Paramount made $1 million
from each episode;
and by 1994, the reruns
still aired in 94% of the United States.
liz Jun 2018
i had a whisper of a dream
that i was a priestess *****
and ritual ******* was the norm
so i got on my knees
before the swirling painted legs
of the Indigo Man, whose brutality
was unmatched, whose lust was unrecorded
save for the whispers from crackling fires
of peat and smoking women,
soot covered brows and hairy legs
banded torcs encircling throats
used as holy receptacles for the children
they could not afford to bring life to
in the bleak nights under vast stars above
marsh lights and howling screams
from invaders as fierce as monthly aches
and menfolk's savagery against nature
among the savagery of the wind and sea.
idk what this is. can't get it out of my head tho. might be influenced by the Indigo Man from Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, or old folktales from my crazy family, or maybe Johnny Noir's women of stinky toes and unbridled wildness. regardless, it's something and i've had a mental block for two weeks so i'll take it.
Yenson Mar 2021
Get out the fog horn
and scream it all as long
as a piece of string
mind your ailing lungs though
for seafarers have read the weather charts
and sailing News reports no weather changes
one can only conclude
some villagers like screaming
or they are hearing voices in their heads
the calm sea breeze
does do strange things to some people
tis known that when the menfolk
are too long at sea
the womenfolk do get a touch of the hysterics
and the men start kissing fishes
but as far as I know
I see no needs for the fog horns
and paddle my own canoe anyway I chose
sophomore — means 'a wise fool.”"
Yenson Sep 2020
In the Academy of Dunces
they parade feline strangers
unnaturally in my front sight
they hold they are teasing me
that I do not get for I care not
for strangers who are mindless
its debasing and objectifying women
something I will never believe in or condone
I need to know and like you
before you even make it to my fantasy
much less my dreams or my desires
but these ignorant tribes are uncouth
thick and raw lacking sensibilities
they cheapen themselves greatly
I do solemnly declare
I am in no way like them
menfolk or womenfolk

— The End —