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ConnectHook Sep 2015

The dawn is nigh at hand. The clouds
begin to lift above the grange.
Arise, O Phoebus, bless the crowds—
let poultry roam the range.

I’ll bind a broom of gathered hay
to sweep the hen-house free of hate.
Let roosters hail the crack of day
and chicks with ***** tempt fate.

A fractured self and a challenge hurled:
they left the shell, but found it rough
because our bigoted barnyard world
cannot get queer enough fast enough.

They flutter through the *******’s farm
subverting gender’s useless role.
We feel their pain, and mean no harm—
yet question this progressive goal.

They cluck a brand-new barnyard song:
Gender Identity Obsolete!
(As long as they claim God hatched them wrong,
biology signals their defeat.)

While poultry scratches rhymes for “hen”
and chicks are combing crests for *****
let’s ring the dinner bell and then
we’ll synchronize the global clocks.

Let Mankind’s unmanned race delight
at Jesus’ gender-free return.
Soon Africa shall see the light
and Araby’s sun more brightly burn.

Then dawn shall break o’er Russian plains
to liberate the Tartar races;
loose their limbs from Gender’s chains
to stride with polymorphous paces.

China too, and Southeast Asia
swift shall follow in their train
celebrating ***-aphasia
joining in the West’s refrain.

Hindu multitudes will rise
to vanquish gender, caste aside
and shake the slumber from their eyes
with metro-ambisexual pride.

Carib isles, with Latin kingdoms
From the tropics to the mountains
Shall announce they too are Wisdom’s,
drinking from de-gendered fountains.

Juveniles, raised to simply be
shall pioneer new modes of life;
explore horizons happily
set free from biologic strife.

Then shall our earth, in glad array
***** dirt upon Tradition’s tomb;
unshackled from that dark dismay
to grieve—but nevermore exhume.

Alas, the global dreams descend.
We’re back in the barnyard, gender-queer…
where hens have ***** and eggshells bend
transcending Nature’s reign of fear.

The henhouse still votes hetero;
their eggless chickens cluck for rights
biologists, ex utero
are born to further futile flights.

(Because I was almost one of them
I’ve earned the right to make fun of them.
Time alone will tell if the trend
remains coherent to the end.
Months of stale, cigarette smoke
and spilt **** water pleasantly
offset the stench of cheap cologne
and ratty, abused furniture.
Fictitious stories occupy this tiny, dim
apartment, birthed on the lips of
rebellious juveniles whose tongues
pierce the ears of our elders.

In a forsaken corner, Jeremy lounges
awkwardly on a grubby-plaid sofa that
suitably complements his button-down shirt.  
I join him.

Behind his right ear rests a lonely cigarette, while
another sits snug between his lips, set ablaze
by the 1968 Slim Model Zippo he inherited from
his beloved grandfather.

His transparent sense of self-worth emanates
from his grubby, grease-stained hands, scuffed boots,
blotchy-checkered flannels, and faded blue jeans
that are completely obliterated with holes.

I look into his pale blue eyes, the depth of which
often goes unrecognized.  Jeremy is a soft-hearted,
pudgy youngster with the kind of chunky cheeks
that all grandparents love to torture.  

But his marred, acne-ridden face betrays the transition
that has been forced upon him.  Slowly, his trademark
grin appears across his face – subtle, mischievous, and
typically without reason.  But this time it appears justified.

Jeremy takes a moment’s break from his cigarette to drop two
hits of acid.  A new drug for him, he hopes to find relief from
his seething anxiety, evidenced now by the wide expansion of his
chest as he takes another, more lengthy and powerful pull from his cigarette.

The mundane chatter that fills the room continues, a seeming
necessity to offset any potential awkward silence. I feel as if
this noise is closing in around us.  But just as suddenly as I
feel overwhelmed by this sensation, the noise stops.

I look around, noticing everyone’s eyes staring in my
direction.  Jeremy is still next to me, now giggling
like a little school girl.
I begin to feel sick.

Jeremy swiftly leans forward, giving his
cigarette a premature but honorable
death, eliminating its glow as he smashes
the cherry into tiny bits against the ashtray.

As he sits back against the couch, I can see that
his eyes are now indifferent. Foreign.  With a perplexed
and fascinated stare, he watches the pearly-white smoke
slowly slither upwards towards the ceiling.

There’s no question in my mind that his
soul has fled. Jeremy sinks further into the
couch, turning his vacant eyes in my direction.
I want to *****.

His high-pitched giggle has now subsided into a
low whimper.  Gradually extending his left arm into
the air, he tilts it from side-to-side, examining it as if
an infant discovering his genitals for the first time.  

Bike wheels appear in the corners of the room.
Entertained, his eyes rapidly zigzag from the
corners of the walls to his hands. He asks me
if I can see the wheels. I don’t respond.

Intervals of psychotic emotion begin to cycle. Jeremy’s eyes
fill with tears as he tries to understand the hallucinations
engulfing him.  The expression on his face betrays the reality that
he has stepped onto the never-ending theme-park ride from hell.  

Together we leave and walk to the bus station, Jeremy
walking slowly and whimsically. The bus arrives,
and I hand him a few crumpled, single-dollar
bills as I attempt to instruct him where to get off.  

All I can envision is his mother’s first reaction to her son’s arrival.  
Would she collapse at her son’s knees, crying like a mother whose boy
has come home from war?  Would he forever be an awkward guest
at the dinner table? Would she disown him?  Would he become a feral child?

I no longer know what day it is. I am surrounded by lockers
and students, trapped in a tunnel of shadowy walls.  As I stand
alone, I find myself entranced by the blinding, January sunlight
that floods through the double doors a mile away.

My vision is unexpectedly blocked by a figure
standing in front of me. Clothed in little but jeans
and a bright, white t-shirt, Jeremy stares at me, his eyes
mirroring the emptiness I now feel.  

“Do you have a lighter?”  My hands pointlessly search my pockets for
what I already know is not there. “No, man. Sorry.” A look of confusion
spreads over his face, and I suddenly cannot help but notice the sick irony
of the scene in front of me - Jeremy flooded in light as if born again.  

My thoughts linger here too long, and just as swiftly as Jeremy
appeared, he is a mile away sauntering out through those double
doors. Estranged, I continue to stand here, hoping with
futility that this isn’t the last time I have looked upon him.
Year: 1995
Argentum Jun 2017
When they get to the aquarium, the  kid asks if they have a Great White shark exhibit.

The volunteer says no, we don’t.

The kid asks, “Why? are you afraid he might try to eat people?”

The volunteer chuckles at this and tells him no. no aquarium has successfully held a Great White shark live for more than a few days.

You see, in order to stay alive, Great Whites and other sharks, like hammerheads, swim on their own continuously through the ocean, never stopping, never slowing, tramping a perpetual journey with many miles to go before they finally reach “sleep”. If they stop, the oxygen rich water around them no longer flows over their gills and into their bodies and they suffocate from the strain of being at rest. So they keep going, like lost children searching for their parents in a very large amusement park.

This need to keep moving, this need for space, has made it extremely difficult to keep them in our meager glass human death cages. When the Monterey bay aquarium managed to capture a juvenile that didn’t thrash itself to death like the adult sharks they netted before, it bashed its head against the tank’s sturdy walls until the shock of being dragged out of its home and put in the equivalent of a coffin killed it.

But, the volunteer continued cheerfully, we have other kinds of sharks here. We have zebra sharks, which don’t need to swim nonstop. In their natural habitat, they just lie on the ocean floor all day. The kid agrees to go see them

The zebra sharks are not lying on the floor nor do they look like zebras. They swim slowly  past him, leopard spots dotting their ridges on their backs, their fins, their long tails. “They’re called zebra sharks because of the zebra like patterns of the juveniles,” the volunteer explains. The ones we have here are adults.When they become adults, they get the spots and those ridges you see. Sometimes people mistake them for leopard sharks, which are a totally different species.”
The kid stares at the zebra sharks for a full ten minutes, looking for a sign of resignation at being called something they weren’t anymore, at collectively being referred to by a childhood nickname they had long outgrown. They did not seem to care.

He gets bored and goes to other exhibits, the split fin flashlight fish blinking on and off in their darkened tank, the touch pool, the medusa jellyfish with their trailing tentacles. But the sharks are what he remembers when he leaves, and they’re what he remember when he returns three months later, six months later, two years later, three, five, ten, this is what stays with him, the sharks in our tanks and the sharks in the ocean.
This was for school
JoJo Nguyen Mar 2013
Where are all the anarchist tonight?
Have they all disappeared
under disgruntled lovers throwing acid,
bleeding misbeloved employees glocking no joy,
displaced juveniles servicing denial
at station number 3?
Where are all the anarchist,
my friends, the needles of hay,
stacked balefully, systematically
against the marginalized barn
side door beneath exit sign 4.
Where are all the anarchist tonight?
Have they drunk too many Molotov
and can't find the Way,
and instead burn car, smell bushes burnt
and forgotten the **** up?
Md HUDA Jan 2013
Hey flossy! Don’t offer this smile anymore
Mysterious smile torments the heart
That smile raises up the thirst.
If you agree to surrender all your mysterious smiles to me  
In return I will return your love with the usury of love
And with time’s compound interest rate.

If you turn down to surrender your smile
Then know the consequences of it,
Taking incalculable stars as my co – operator
I will abduct the  celestial curve moon on the land.

Hey belle! Don’t turn your face away
Tell me,
You will be the reason of how many wars,
And the cause of scrimmage amongst the juveniles?

If you don’t pay attention to me today
Then know it, You spectacular lady,
In the theater of mysterious smile
I prosecute for the execution
Of your heart snatching smile….
CommonStory Jan 2015
Lights and colors, Lights and colors dwindle in numbers

Set a step in coordination

Fully exasperated

nonsense passes by, through images

Lenses smudged by illusive thumbprints

Who are you

Are you speaking cordially

heart trusted intuition and guts mustered

Seeping into the depths of darkness

see a surprise unseen by eyes of seekers and juveniles

Founded a resolve

Sturdy foundation like a trunk of a tree

Feed me turds quench my thirst with poison

Wrap a child sleeping soundly in a blanket of lava

Let's follow the righteous side even when full of lies

Stray from a darker path were the light of truth is easier to find

Follow the good where everything a light

and turn so you won't have to face the knife

Inject a form of lies and cast the mirage of truth over your eyes
©  copyright Matthew Marquis Xavier Donald
Warren Jun 2019
This is the story of the Central Park 5

5 young black boys who were picked up in Central Park 1989, after a white female jogger was ***** and left for dead. They were among over 30 youths in the park that night, they were also the youngest.

Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam and Raymond Santana - All under the age of 16
And Korey Wise who was 16 at the time and who only went to the police station to keep his friend Yusef company.
Other than Corey and Yusef, they boys had never even seen each other before the night of their arrests.

The boys were coaxed into signing a Miranda card that waives their right to representation,
They were bullied and coerced during interrogation, into signing false statements, without their parents or any guardian present,
Corey, who remained in the station for Yusef, was later pulled in by detectives who needed someone to make the story fit. Suffering with both hearing and learning difficulties he was the perfect patsy for the police to force into a false confession.
The boys were all found guilty despite the lack of any DNA or physical evidence placing them at the scene, All but Corey were detained as juveniles for 5-10 years, whilst Corey was tried as an adult and sentenced to 15 years in an adult prison.
he spent the majority of his sentence in isolation to escape the beatings and abuse for a crime he didn’t commit.

Injustice -
When every bone in your body is screaming out your innocence,
yet the world has you on mute.
The hope that tortures you everyday, waiting for someone to hear you, believe you and
set you free.
How long before that hope fades, how long before the last glimmers of light extinguish , how long before you sink into the dark places that you can never fully come back from.

“Their story - My words”
Written with love and respect.

It’s the narrative that leads the pack,
Change that - and watch them stutter,
A verdict is more addictive than crack,
Whilst the truth melts away like butter.
The lies and scheming  - leading us screaming,
To a sentence we didn’t  deserve,
An innocent teen can ever be seen,
If justice has lost its nerve.

Politics reign over the rules of the game,
The scales have lost their balance,
Democracy has taken flight,
With  innocence in its talons,
It’s never about only us  in chains,
Not of prejudice and pride,
Our fathers and mothers,
Sisters and brothers,
Are imprisoned on the outside,

What have they created,
Other than hatred,
The voice of what’s right sounds so wrong
Our downfall is imminent,
They lock up the innocent,
The resistance to change is too strong.

There’s no adverts for convicted,
Our fate was predicted,
No Vacancies found for the lost,
They created us guilty,
It’s their hands that are filthy,
But they’ll never know the true cost.

So what are we supposed to do,
We’re free for sure - but free for who,
We can’t escape the stares or guilty whispers,
No matter where we’re always seen,
As guilty kids from that tragic scene,
We’re a haunted story played out in tainted pictures.

we can never be like you
We’ll always be last in the queue
We’ll never get to leave this social prison,
Victims of forced circumstance,
A twisted chance  of happenstance .
They took our chance away so none would listen,

What’s done is done - they’d made up their mind,
Irrelevant of what they’d find,
Once started they never turn back,
So our story is thus -
That when they see us,
It’s the narrative that leads the pack,
Corey went up for parole several times, but part of the process is the verbal acceptance of your guilt for 5e sentenced being served. Corey wouldn’t confess to the crime he didn’t commit. After several rejected hearings Corey stopped going.
In 2002 Corey and the 4 boys were exonerated after the confession of a fellow inmate ‘Matias Reyes’ stated that he acted alone. DNA backed this up.
Corey was released and the 5 eventually won $41million in damages,
To this day the 5 men acknowledge that money can never give them what they lost.
Justice took them from themselves, now they must spend the rest of their lives being who they are.
I see you trying to play the badass
In a Japanese car, I would have to
Only laugh and say you ain't going far
So many ******* juveniles clamor for this and that
They only have to ask their mommies and daddies
For **** that their too lazy to do themselves

Get me this, get me that
I want this, I want that
Christmas comes and they get it
Because if they don't they'll throw a fit
A ******* disrespectful fit to their parents
No kid has any ******* respect anymore
What the **** happen to respect your elders
No, they would rather steal from them
And push them out in front of a bus

I say punish these kids
Take away everything the parents bought for them
Because they feel guilty they didn't grow up with
Much of anything. And if that doesn't work
Use the ******* belt on these ungrateful pukes
Yenson Jan 2019
I can smell their cowardly fear
their frantic desperation is palpable
they stink frustration and boiling envy
their lies, scams and foul smears unravelling
coercised crowd seeing them for the scums  they are
they garner contempt hidden for fear of not belonging
a lot afraid to tell them they no longer buy into their mischief
behind their wicked backs the immigrants are disgusted and sick
sick of their characters, their indulgences and their empty arrogance

The immigrants know it's all racist hatred
they now know the poor man did nothing wrong
know how pathetic and sick these wanton devils are
know these spoilt ignorant rabbles are souless juveniles saps
laugh at them behind closed doors amongst themselves silently
while pathetic thieves and dim-wit associates boast of their power
power of cowards and scums and workshy semi-illiterates sad fools
resenting success and hard working people who put in the hard graft
jokers and fantasists too stupid to really see what's happening in light
Sarina Oct 2012
We have touched so much since December,
steeping teas torrid and arctic ice cubes
a thousand fibers, prince bee his princess
generous blankets papering flu
the drizzle on wedding dawns or departure’s eve
pieces of candy for holiday celebrations
even the ending of a movie –

these are wild fingers that we have
rebellious, juveniles in mind
singing summer stories through knuckles  
bodies long slenderized
and they are more than myself

to them, I have no name
but my brain and I are their mother
a well-mannered woman in command

I feed them lotion,
then play in the sand apathetic
whistles papercuts that sting with
mouths as lions tigers bears sharks leaves
asking which hurts most significantly of all we
have loved –

and then again, what enduring does not belong?

The adolescents scoff at each of their
five circadian baths, and I hear cries
for showers because soap makes them crack

but it is in your best interest, I say;
you touch everything that gets in your way

to move is beauty and transitioning more so:
my hands are dancers, pirouetting
on stage to fall harmoniously with
bashes, revelations, words I care to mean
yes, these are what causes the bleed of
my aging hands, and throughout their years,
rings dying them green.
Aaron Mullin Sep 2014
"Don't tell me the poets ... "

I write poetry that is both incorporated
And incorporeal ... and un and un and un
It is done

On the pad : and off

Hop - Lily

On the tailgate
In the truck
Boots on the ground
In the muck

Put on your Carhartt's
It's time to get *****
Even better

Grab your Old Man's work clothes
Finish the job
That He didn't want to start

Don't tell me the poets are ******* crying

We're living
And we're dying

Careful though
The warlords have come into the jungle and slaughtered before

But we live again
A little more angry
A little less wise

--> **** **** up, juveniles

Shoplifters of the world ...
Unite the left cause it's right and make sure you know how to use a compass cause we all have **** for brains
Leah Riley Mar 2012
The decrepit and the sacrificial juveniles
sit like stones
behind tarnished shadows
and I wonder how grandma can age alone
not missing the empty echo of orange juice
on good porcelain
never used for breakfast
until the tumor spread past his eye
but her eyes
still veil something

she says deeshes
just like she did before
when he was fighting
to find her
through chemicals
where syllables are
out of order

despite my best half-holiday smile
she still takes care of that
40 year old teenage aunt
still a victim
of a world that will never give her children a chance
but maybe it’s healthy
like orange juice
just before

I could still see
in the shadows behind of a vacant pupil
had changed
Seema Sep 2017
Rivers flow
Humans grow
Stars glow
Humans blow

Toxic waste
Air pollution
Humans haste
Perfect solution

Beggars hungry
Homeless ****
Humans angry
Robbing wills

Bullets fired
Tanks raged
Juveniles hired
Humans tagged

Terrorists warns
Lives lost
Families torn
Priceless cost

Lust gains
Humans pained
No brains
Love insaned

Lots learnt
Media zooms
Orders sent
Countries doomed

Hunger peaks
Children sick
Humans weak
Diseases leak

Money priority
Humans exported
Marking territory
Guns imported

Humans kidnapped
Women rapped
Lives begged
All taped

Tears lack
Government slack
Manics back
Terrorist attack!!!

Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
faint glimmers crackle,
smoke fills the air and lungs,
laughter fill ears.
secrets are exchanged,
jokes are told,
memories are relived.

All underneath
the moon who watches
our sins.
also check out my other poems!  :)
Sir Tech Feb 2014
In the space of a second it started out in silence
Occasionally laced with evidence of a deeper sense
**** was tense for a while as a couple of juveniles
Got you flashing them shy smiles but couldn't change my style
Who was I? What were my reasons for doing what I did?
Even as a kid it was borrowed time until a bid
Can't understand how you decided I should be your man
To caught up in my scams and too cautious to take your hand
A ******* who never had a plan to succeed
Could never plant his seeds or be there for the things you need
As the years slid by I knew out ties would soon sever, so
I don't believe her when she tells me it's getting better
Receiving these letters dotted with tears, I have no choice
Reading, "After all these years, I still need to hear your voice"
I pick up the phone for a moment and listen to the tone
Dialing all but one number, I'm better off alone.

[PART 2]

It was such a surprise the first time we said our goodbyes
Caught on the spot by the teardrops that fell from your eyes
Just a sucker for a woman who cries, who would have thought?
Got me making these promises to give it another shot
Soon as I give it a go, the regrets begin to show
Got me taking my steps, walking with my head low
Depression will soon follow later replaced by questions
Face to face with myself asking "why can't I learn my lesson?"
Looking in from the outside makes it clear I can’t decide
Sitting on four flat tires while trying to steer the ride
Now it's time to pass the blame for the **** we share the same
The pointless game with the aim of spitting on eachother’s name
Knowing in the end it's going full circle once again
We got it down to an art and it's useless to pretend
Now that we both played our parts and left with two broken hearts
What else are we to do but go right back to the start.

[PART 3]

I’ll probably never understand your ways until the day
Me and you can finally call it quits and break away
Yesterday you ruined my life, *****, today you make it rich
This **** contradicts itself, it's like we don't have a niche
I swear somewhere there's gotta be a place to clear the air
Cause we wouldn't still be together if we didn't care
Instead of arguments and claims of years we both resent
How can we vent the pent up pains and be content?
These are the memoirs of a man tired of hitting the bars
Downing shots of Tanqueray drowning my memories scars
In the beginning the perfect couple we envisioned
Lost momentum when all we tried to do is be like them
Making a living, white picket fence and a couple children
The American dream split and left another ending
Perhaps the time spent together was a lapse in judgment
No second guessing, now were reflecting on lessons lent.
in their formative years*
these stars burnt bright
movie theatres took them
on a stratospheric flight

they became famous
for being kids of talented nerve
the rolling camera's
showing their dynamic verve

yet the tinsel clad images
weren't portraying the true self
child actors were a studio's
road to greedy pelf

when reaching the teenage
period of their existence
drugs and alcohol plagued them
with much persistence

something was absent
as they grew to adulthood
little or no care given by
pushy parents in their childhood

tiny stars that once twinkled
did fall ******* the ground
their careers in dream flicks
bought them all unbound

Hollywood's picture factory
wasn't substantive in its part
which left many juveniles
*to feel so aggrieved of heart
Marleny Mar 2014
As juveniles, we are at a stage of being different.
For others, it's indifference.

It's the ripe years of teenagerdom that makes
a youthful adolescent old, but still not wise.

At this age, it's when you realize the things that *******
the very foundations of your childhood.

We have become a legion of sarcastic,
depressed, and misunderstood *******.

We introduce each other by judging.
We talk in the form of rumors.

It's the era of headphones to drown the noise
and drugs to drown our thoughts.

It's stupid crushes, confusion
but mostly, it's hatred for highschool and people.

Misanthropy is not the reason for other's stupidity
,but through our own follies.

We are not untouchables because we are of a lower class,
but because our own class treats each other like taboos,

Heavily frowned upon in society.
Iris Rebry Apr 2014
abridge the air above the aria
because basically I'm bent on balancing books
center to the capacity of culpability
derived from the demonic disappointments
entering my ethnicity.
Forget the foul fate
of  so greatly glazed
a high horse
inside an icy inescapable
jail, where juveniles jinx
Kublai Khan, knocking the kimono
lying lazily upon the lamp.
Mortifying my middle man
never negating the negotiations
of an open opinion
perhaps a pernicious
quagmire, quietly and quickly,
ravenously rages,
sickly. Stop spewing
this title to tempt
under the universe
very volatile in
waiting. Wonder why
Xanthippe from   Xian is
yearning for your
zenith and zeros in

on your words.
if this is all for nothing.
coming up asundering.
their voices thundering.

and I am
staring into a world undone,
wondering where the sun
could be.
And seeing,
it's right behind of me
And I wonder how I got
where I ought to be.
my food for thought is free.
it's the words inside of me.
I tried writing this poem for my school's slam poetry contest, both my mother and sister didn't get it. Poetry is not something that should be explained, but should be felt.
Flor Boetsch Nov 2015
She exclaimed an internal squeak,
feeling like nervous wreck,
surrounded by the tainted air
from the class of the juveniles
I wrote this few lines in chemistry class, it was originally in Spanish.
"exclamo un llanto interno rodeada en el viciado aire de una habitación rebosante de pubertad"
Cómo llenarte, soledad,
Sino contigo misma.

De niño, entre las pobres guaridas de la tierra,
Quieto en ángulo oscuro,
Buscaba en ti, encendida guirnalda,
Mis auroras futuras y furtivos nocturnos
Y en ti los vislumbraba,
Naturales y exactos, también libres y fieles,
A semejanza mía,
A semejanza tuya, eterna soledad.

Me perdí luego por la tierra injusta
Como quien busca amigos o ignorados amantes;
Diverso con el mundo,
Fui luz serena y anhelo desbocado,
Y en la lluvia sombría o en el sol evidente
Quería una verdad que a ti te traicionase,
Olvidando en mi afán
Cómo las alas fugitivas su propia nube crean.

Y al velarse a mis ojos
Con nubes sobre nubes de otoño desbordado
La luz de aquellos días en ti misma entrevistos,
Te negué por bien poco;
Por menudos amores ni ciertos ni fingidos,
Por quietas amistades de sillón y de gesto,
Por un nombre de reducida cola en un mundo fantasma,
Por los viejos placeres prohibidos,
Como los permitidos nauseabundos,
Útiles solamente para el elegante salón susurrando,
En bocas de mentira y palabras de hielo.

Por ti me encuentro ahora el eco de la antigua persona
Que yo fui,
Que yo mismo manché con aquellas juveniles traiciones;
Por ti me encuentro ahora, constelados hallazgos,
Limpios de otro deseo,
El sol, mi dios, la noche rumorosa,
La lluvia, intimidad de siempre,
El bosque y su alentar pagano,
El mar, el mar como su nombre hermoso;

Y sobre todos ellos,
Cuerpo oscuro y esbelto,
Te encuentro a ti, tú, soledad tan mía,
Y tú me das fuerza y debilidad
Como al ave cansada los brazos de la piedra.

Acodado al balcón miro insaciable el oleaje,
Oigo sus oscuras imprecaciones,
Contemplo sus blancas caricias;
Y erguido desde cuna vigilante
Soy en la noche un diamante que gira advirtiendo a los hombres,
Por quienes vivo, aun cuando no los vea;
Y así, lejos de ellos,
Ya olvidados sus nombres, los amo en muchedumbres,
Roncas y violentas como el mar, mi morada,
Puras ante la espera de una revolución ardiente
O rendidas y dóciles, como el mar sabe serlo
Cuando toca la hora de reposo que su fuerza conquista.

Tú, verdad solitaria,
Transparente pasión, mi soledad de siempre,
Eres inmenso abrazo;
El sol, el mar,
La oscuridad, la estepa,
El hombre y su deseo,
La airada muchedumbre,
¿Qué son sino tú misma?

Por ti, mi soledad, los busqué un día;
En ti, mi soledad, los amo ahora.
Sí, yo amaba lo azul con ardimiento:
las montañas excelsas, los sutiles
crespones de zafir del firmamento,
el piélago sin fin, cuyo lamento
arrulló mis ensueños juveniles.

Callaba mi laúd cuando despliega
cada estrella purísima su broche,
el universo en la quietud navega,
y la luna, hoz de plata, surge y siega
el haz d'espesas sombras de la noche.

Cantaba, si l'aurora descorría
en el Oriente sus rosados velos,
si el aljófar al campo descendía,
y el sol, urna de oro que se abría,
inundaba de luz todos los cielos.

Mas hoy amo la noche, la galana,
de dulce majestad, horas tranquilas
y solemnes, la nubia soberana,
la d'espléndida pompa americana:
¡la noche tropical de tus pupilas!

Hoy esquivo del alba los sonrojos,
su saeta de oro me maltrata,
y el corazón, sin pena y sin enojos,
tan sólo ante lo ***** de tus ojos
como el iris del búho se dilata.

¿Qu'encanto hubiera semejante al tuyo,
oh, noche mía? ¡Tu beldad me asombra!
Yo, qu'esplendores matutinos huyo,
¡dejo el alma que agite, cual cocuyo,
sus alas coruscantes en tu sombra!

Si siempre he de sentir esa mirada
fija en mi rostro, poderosa y tierna,
¡adiós, por siempre adiós, rubia alborada!;
doncella de la veste sonrosada:
¡que reine en mi redor la noche eterna!

¡Oh, noche! Ven a mí llena d'encanto;
mientras con vuelo misterioso avanzas,
nada más para ti será mi canto,
y en los brunos repliegues de tu manto,
su cáliz abrirán mis esperanzas...
Toni gomez Mar 2017
2 juveniles 1 adult
A mini van, sliding doors;
Intoxicated by the alcohol
Driven by the adrenaline
Eyes glued to the windows,
Looking for an enemy:
One of them smiling
Describing violently how he's going to put an end to them;
Driver trying to calm them down
One last time we drive around
If you see them
start Hopping out

Light turns green
Heads turned right
Car brakes screech
Car door slides
One ***** back
And That's the end of that
Macstoire Feb 2014
This field feels the rhythm
The ground beneath me beats
And the breeze gently hums
To harmonise a choir who bring back the love
In an echo that electrifies the sole

Never has a day started better
Than with ****** Mary in generous glugs
To wash away the lingering ache
of the devilish night before
and I find myself in my element
celebrating the knight of nowhere
conquest reign to the wobbly log

From my horizontal viewpoint
I’m soaking up the suns shining rays
Whilst overlooking jesters fight sock wars with small children
But my skin wont suffer for these friendly strangers
Have lubed me up with their compassionate oil
No-ones really a stranger in this Small World, so it seems
Not if the tug-of-war has anything to do with it

The eclectic collection of eccentric events
Is rounded off delightfully when we sit
together in a burning sauna
to outlet amongst ourselves the toxins
absorbed as an energetic additive to the atmosphere
At this festival everyone is your friend
and there’s no shame in ****** here

In close proximity we endure the heat
Until we are saturated in sweat
and then plunge ourselves one-by-one
into a bath shared with mischievous children
making weapons of the ice cold jets

Feeling fresh faced and cleaner than before
I finalise the feeling of freedom as a **** pull-along
For a child’s’ home-made truck
The juveniles journey accelerates as my liberation overwhelms me
I’m fulfilling an accomplishment I never dreamt I’d meet

But the succeeding element of this festive environment that I most enjoy
Is the fact that here none of this is odd
the last will.

The danger I see in them wanting to change me is that
I may become a stranger.

I may just be a face in the crowd in the mass of the voices calling out loud but the crowd knows me to be who I am,
do not change me into your kind of a man

And who could relate to a state that would halter the wild and the free?
I see anarchy ahead
I see the streets running red with blood
I see them boys of the hood reigning supreme
I see through glass eyes, cracked
I see all movements tracked and how smart is that when they fire dumb missiles to take out the juveniles.

Bud, a friend of mine, twenty nine, says,
'they'll be coming for you very soon
and it's no use you hiding they're riding a broomstick fully loaded with radar, they'll pick you out from the crowd however loud you might be and silence you, silence,
you will never be free'

Finally in the land of the 'look see, wait and prepare' there'll be nobody there, no one to work, no one to pray, no one to brush all the danger away and I will be a stranger.
Actually I see fig trees and an oasis of calm,  tranquil scenes played out in my dreams.
This is poetry self harm, blood not included.
MdAsadullah Aug 2015
O you sparkling , bubbling teen.
O you  adolescent unwise, green.
Time has acquired wisdom in piles.
It is for all immature juveniles.

But wisdom is a thing much valued;
And time is also a merchant shrewd.
To get wisdom a lot it'll make you pay.
Your Youth it'll take n hair will turn gray.
wisdom adolescent Youth gray
En la amplitud benigna del contorno
y rompiendo el mutismo del paisaje
flotan como poema de consuelo
las estrofas metálicas
de las torres parleras;
retratan el matiz de la llanura
en su inmóvil pupila
las vacadas dispersas en la margen
del río que abandona en su corriente
sus vellones de armiño
y refleja del puente en las columnas
su música de acentos virgilianos;
y parece que el alma de las cosas
más imponentes del nativo suelo
me saluda con voces fraternales.
El rumor de una interna clarinada
resucita del fondo de mi mente
a los preclaros héroes del terruño
y me siento orgulloso de la sangre
que hincha mis arterias juveniles;
miro que están en pie los viejos muros
de la casa paterna
y con los hilos frágiles del sueño
reconstruyo el momento de la dicha;
las jardines fragantes
disipan con sus prados luminosos
las obstinadas nieblas de mi invierno,
y con su nota azul me torna alegre
la familiaridad de las montañas.
Vuelvo otra vez a tu clemente asilo,
tierra de amor donde mis ojos vieron
de la existencia las primeras luces,
y al llegar a tu abrigo me conforto
con el sano perfume de tus brisas;
en el mudo jardín de mi tristeza
evocan las escenas de la infancia
de la dicha los pájaros locuaces;
oigo la voz solemne del pasado
sonar alegremente en el silencio
de mis desolaciones interiores;
y al ver el apiñado caserío
que guarda entre sus muros paternales
a la mujer que iluminó mi senda
haciendo que brotara mi cariño
en románticas flores,
miro apuntar la aurora sonriente
en la noche sin fin de mi congoja,
charlando en los aleros de mi alma
la errante golondrina del recuerdo.
¡Oh tierra bendecida que idolatro
con el más reverente de los cultos,
con qué júbilo inmenso reconozco
la religiosidad de tus matronas
y la hidalga nobleza de tus hijos!
En tu regazo amante se mitiga
el rigor de mis duelos incurables,
me das el dulce título de hermano
y con ansias anhelo,
como en un insinuante panteísmo,
ser el bronce que suena en tus esquilas,
una roca prendida en tus picachos
o un álamo llorón junto a las tapias
de tu dormido y grave cementerio.
JP Mantler Aug 2016
I had this beautiful dream of myself looking through my window to see that there was a downpour

And there was a row of single file juveniles walking with their rain gear

I thought this storm would wash them away but I'm trying to be one of those children

Their neon pink and yellow therapy gave me a shock
Molantwa Mmele Jan 2016
I was once bullied, beaten
Burned and buried
With sneering slurs

I was an introvert
I gave them love
My compassion
I gave them all I had
They took advantage of me
And still I kept giving
And they took everything
And left me with nothing else to give
But hatred

I was afraid to say no
I felt feeble to stand my grounds

They made fun of me
My ragged garbs
And I could only watch them
Having fun amusing each other
Ripping my soul apart
My heart full of scars
Moaning in sorrow

They made me hate school
I was afraid to raise my hand
Ask when I did not understand
Afraid to do presentations and orals
And I failed…Morons
I called them friends
My Classmates

They filled me with vicious resentment
Burning in my chest
My eyes bleeding Vengeance
My breath became a feral windstorm
Terminating my feelings
I saw nasty curs when I grimaced at them
I tortured and killed insects
Burning them alive because all I could see
Were their evil faces
And I was killing myself
All along

Along the road I forgave them
And started to hate myself
For being a victim of cowardice
I have no one to blame
But myself
They did not chain my hands
Or latched my mouth
I was a coward
I couldn’t man up and defend myself

Maybe I wasn’t scared of them
I was scared to become one of those undisciplined
Oaf minded juveniles

You shouldn’t disguise your actual self
To look better
To conform with friends
I am who I am
Not who they want me to be
I trashed myself more than they did
And I have learned my lesson
Mary E Zollars Sep 2017
A herd of sheep without shepherd
A jail of juveniles with no crime
A pair of glasses with no frame
A rubber band without stretch
Trees falling without any sound
Bricks layering with no plaster
Fish ordered to climb mountains
Pigs told to fly through storm
We are not variables without solve
We are not homes without light
We are the future of this nation
We are the future of your life
Treat us with respect, liability
Preserve life, trust, loyalty
We can create a new planet
Or we could destroy this one.
It's your choice.
Tú no eres en mi huerto la pagana
rosa de los ardores juveniles;
te quise como a una dulce hermanay gozoso dejé mis quince abriles
cual un ramo de flores de pureza
entre tus manos blancas y gentiles.Humilde te ha rezado mi tristeza
como en los pobres templos parroquiales
el campesino ante la Virgen reza.Antífona es tu voz, y en los corales
de tu mística boca he descubierto
el sabor de los besos maternales.Tus ojos tristes, de mirar incierto,
recuérdanme dos lámparas prendidas
en la penumbra de un altar desierto.Las palmas de tus manos son ungidas
por mi, que provocando tus asombros
las beso en las ingratas despedidas.Soy débil, y al marchar por entre escombros
me dirige la fuerza de tu planta
y reclino las sienes en tus hombros.Nardo es tu cuerpo y tu virtud es tanta
que en tus brazos beatíficos me duermo
como sobre los senos de una Santa.¡Quién me otorgara en mi retiro yermo
tener, Fuensanta, la condescendencia
de tus bondades a mi amor enfermo
como plenaria y última indulgencia!
Yenson Aug 2019
The Gamers on their consoles
sporty juveniles and adolescent matures
The Liars are as per usual giving it the burn
The warped Politicians always in the murky throes
The sheep will always be baa baa baaing all day and night
that's all they do except when they gambol hopping and skipping
To the twisted obsessives its become their raison d'être what else here
The realist, truth-seeker and grounded sages know
the rules of the game is there are no rules to chase
what bars honest fellowship but dishonesty
what stops genuine acts but dis-ingenuity
Truths never know fear to reach out
A real angel knows the numbers
of all the stars in the sky
and can touch the crown
If its real, if its real, if its real
smallhands Mar 2017
is it a second chance or the twelfth?
the stars around my heart are fighting again,
sparking up the little adolescent muscle in my chest
because the danger in metaphors caught up
with me and they convince me I'm not living

in the real world, I bite my lip
I walk alone

but when I think of you
my heartbeat-
you take it away

these faulty stars know ways to go and stop
and start again
but they are still only juveniles

the twelfth chance spins into the thirteenth
so I let go of my lip and slow down or
run ahead to meet you
and my heartbeat becomes me

Yenson Apr 2019
Too intelligent and matured
to be swayed or polluted
by the unsophisticated minds
used to the trivialities of their stations.

what person of note and decorum
conducts life in such limitations
values of the unsound juveniles
expectations of the crass and the backwards

oh, they do take themselves seriously
but unfortunately we are worlds different
and I was never able to learn their language
and avoided experiencing them at close quarters
quite honestly the narrow minded are always so so boring
values, life's view and perceptions all rather limited, you know!
Ha muerto Rubén Darío,
        ¡el de las piedras preciosas!
Hermano, ¡cuántas noches tu espíritu y el mío,
unidos para el vuelo, cual dos alas ansiosas,
sondar quisieron ávidas el Enigma sombrío,
más allá de los astros y de las nebulosas!

          Ha muerto Rubén Darío,
          ¡el de las piedras preciosas!

¡Cuántos años intensos junto al Sena vivimos,
engarzando en el oro de un común ideal
los versos juveniles que, a veces, brotar vimos
como brotan dos rosas a un tiempo de un rosal!

Hoy tu vida, inquieta cual torrente bravío,
en el Mar de las Causas desembocó; ya posas
las plantas errabundas en el islote frío
que pintó Böckin... ¡ya sabes todas las cosas!

          Ha muerto Rubén Darío,
          ¡el de las piedras preciosas!

Mis ondas rezagadas van de las tuyas; pero
pronto en el insondable y eterno mar del todo
se saciara mi espíritu de lo que saber quiero:
del Cómo y del Porqué, de la Esencia y del Modo.

Y tú, como en Lutecia las tardes misteriosas
en que pensamos juntos a la orilla del Río
lírico, habrás de guiarme... Yo iré donde tu osas,
para robar entrambos al musical vacío
y al coro de los orbes sus claves portentosas...

          Ha muerto Rubén Darío
          ¡el de las piedras preciosas!
Ellie Shelley Sep 2014
I’m sitting in this court room and everyone hurries past
The girls heels clip the floor
Juveniles sit around me looking like they are about to cry
People that look so out of place in the clothes they wear now
All they want is for the judge to take their side
They look so nervous
You can tell they’ve spent months trying to prepare themselves for this day, but its never enough
I see little children looking so naive and scared
Their angry parents trying to win the love and affection
Really just trying to break the others heart
Thinking this is what they need to do
MJ Feb 2021
Hey you.
This is me telling u to just STOP.
STOP what you are doing.
STOP what you are hearing & seeing
Just STOP.
Just breathe, breathe what you do have.
Realized, you could be in a worst situation.
I listen to juveniles in the corrections of what they feel & yet their stories is what you wouldnt call a home in their minds.
It bothers & disturbed me where i want it to just STOP.
Breathe. Cause at the end of the day away from work i realized i dont got it that bad.
I may be sad & my heart is broken
My logic in life i could be in a worst situation.
So, STOP & breathe cause theres alot more in life than you can endured.
Moonchild Nov 2018
Of two juveniles engrossed each other's hearts.
Where therefore thee an exquisite love awaits,
The velocity of the winds went across and mold a grandeur flow
With the world that's against their tranquil love,
A ravishing tragic begins.

Youngsters who thee behold charm and ethereal presence,
Who seek of pure love in such of an innocence.
The total madness of the air entered their silent souls,
The flesh of faith remarked the comprising truth.
The pleasure of no grandiloquence but with nothing to forestall.

Stared at the windows of their souls,
And a flamboyant heartbeat was born.
Of thousand nights that detained two lovers,
Shallow and deep words were uttered before.
No one can cease their hearts all alone.

Oh love, not eradicated by the broken winds and fiery wounds,
An intense merge of faith of thee I know was true indeed.
To love showed transparency of the world they could not know.
How are they supposed to pass these through?
And of a hombre who took his best all along and will always prove.

Who knows of their love that exists?
Exists in a cloistered world where no one shall deplete
Neither of them was a catalyst and both just cherished memories.
No art of atrocity was privileged.
An unmitigatedly deprived love was opt to be conquered.

To the cycle of this tragic love,
Made a quest of a lifetime where no one broke the chains of thee.
With blood, sweat, and tears,
Of galaxies they thought would collapse beneath the scarcely theme.
'Till death do they part.

Their souls were dead right before their naked eyes have seen,
The immersed blood of vengeance remained at the state of a deafening silence,
The living ghosts crashed their nightmares and killed themselves because of an intense love they always prevail.
Now one day, beside the heaven they seek
Death brought them back together and in the name of love their fate was written in their blood forever.
Como atento no más a mi quimera
no reparaba en torno mío, un día
me sorprendió la fértil primavera
que en todo el ancho campo sonreía.     Brotaban verdes hojas
de las hinchadas yemas del ramaje,
y flores amarillas, blancas, rojas,
alegraban la mancha del paisaje.     Y era una lluvia de saetas de oro,
el sol sobre las frondas juveniles;
del amplio río en el caudal sonoro
se miraban los álamos gentiles.     Tras de tanto camino es la primera
vez que miro brotar la primavera,
dije, y después, declamatoriamente:     -¡Cuán tarde ya para la dicha mía!-
Y luego, al caminar, como quien siente
alas de otra ilusión: -Y todavía
¡yo alcanzaré mi juventud un día!

— The End —