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Austin Barlow Apr 2015
Science is a wonderful thing, it is
Science is here, there, and surrounding all.
From the mines below to the rocketships above
Technology surrounds us, one and all
We have mixed substances to make concrete
And use concrete to create our buildings.  
Science is such a magnificent thing
And for a couple reasons you see.  
Today, lasers that can destroy aircrafts
‘Morrow even colonizing planets
But one thing is true and one thing is real,
Science is really our true compassion.  
As we search for extraterrestrials
As we look towards spatial expansion.
First sonnet written ever
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
die nacht  aus alle verewigung -
verewigung die nacht - in immigrant German
spoken - not spoken, hälfte, hälfte,
pork-chops go go got taken with Australian *******...
cos selling the body saved you with the crucifix from
selling something like your soul, hence the accord to
be ready for critique of selling the magic potion of drinking
iodine... i was a fetus back then... when the atom
**** got the plastic elasticity of tangling
to wanking a didgeridoo... magician's syndrome:
**** that tightened fist and i'll assure you
you'll get the white flag of piracy's peace:
meaning they never robbed the rich men, pirates
just robbed the artists... hey wooden plank,
knock knock... don't make me into a wooden chair...
take a creaking floorboard and make it into
a shimmy toothpick... knock knock... who's there?
Jude? Jude who? hey i'm Jude? Judy Jew who?
a Jew who chewed propaganda and hid Jude.
fair enough, Jude's the everyday Jew.
no, she's the Rabbi! Rabbi who?
the Sabbatical who knows who.
some say i know god.
well, good luck with that, mostly asserted
on death row.
at least that place is given a fabric of a team effort.
by the time i think about next week's trash
i'll have written something akin to it being
taken out into a pig's trough of what resembled
the dating scene in New York...
hardly reminiscent of the gay Utopia:
so much anger yet still only the vote,
so much anger yet still only the vote...
           the intelligence poured in, but the
quiff only wanted the algebra of x
to match it up to a presidential race success with some donor's
y, and later + and squared and equals to make
those family holidays affordable.
- winter-night... deutschekaiser....
i swear it would be cheaper to build a wall
around the middle east...
like the European Union really
wanted to invest in dates... cos we were
ready to make a Sabbath from a Ramadan...
like we waited for the loss of % on added debt...
we waited, and waited... and waited...
we got McDonald's instead... and that was all
in the inventory... and that was all in
whatever we got, if we got anything:
deutsche schmutzig machen... is that perfect
German muddy - herrbzigg - or alter
Philanthropist zigzag - howdy howdy **?
dots the avenue...
and the many riches coming your way...
make muddy, or muddied already,
takes one swipe of the credit card,
ends up with 110 to nil streaks of ****
bothered about Star Trek... and the cellphone...
and the extraterrestrials of Mexico (or he co & co; huh i?)...
got the gangrene green if you
like the Licorice tangle of blank Ovid saying:
mahogany, mahogany, mahoney... mama got all da
honey... n she got the 2Pac shaky shaky core blues;
mind the albino in the hood:
or Mars the red planet, Earth the brown planet,
scary they thought of dinosaurs with dragons prior...
didn't think of Martian life prior to government
conspiracies, way before Darwinism and crowd control...
life on Mars: well, it was once there,
long before dinosaurs, and bacteria and yogurt...
long before the circus, and the commuter caterpillar...
i believe that there was life on Mars,
given the timescale... it was there...
but it ain't there anymore...
                           which might explain the U.F.O.s....
don't believe the government's audacity to have
created something so phosphorescent Zulu
as to invoke an engraving of lawless Voodoo...
before we knew of dinosaur remains we drew dragons...
before we explored Mars we were given
the proofs... life existed on Mars, long before
Earth was made the 2nd laboratory of a deity...
then it died, given the life-cycle of stars...
Mars is rocky... earth is rocky...
whatever life existed on Mars in its full potential
is long gone... is this really as weird
as what pop culture makes of man and monkey?
kettle and carpal muscles evolving from
oysters? we really can become equally ridiculous to
the extent that we turn on each other...
it didn't take much to divide Hindu from Muslim
into India and Pakistan... this won't take much thought either...
i'm just trying to counter scientific negativism,
and counter the timescale of both physicists' big bang
theory and the anti-historical Darwinism...
i'm starting with life on Mars, at a time when
Earth was inhospitable... volcanic... i might be among
the many people treated as being "mentally ill"
when the government claims to be so advanced as to practice
such projections of phosphorescent objects,
when it's dumb as Donald *****... because NASA is
not theoretical enough... and the government seeks
control by claiming NASA isn't the end result...
the usual suspects: lies... and more lies...
the Venusian Art... the pick-up artists...
i read it, never tried it... wish i did... but i also wished
for a herd of goats too...
but that's the best explanation of sighting a UFO i have...
before Earth was made habitable, Mars came prior...
Mars is rocky... is Earth... our fantasy is about discovering
life on Mars... life on Mars left a long time ago...
it's gone... gone gone gone...
the sun is cooling down before it becomes a dwarf...
before the perfection of this glasshouse of plants and animals
Mars came before us... and it was perfect...
later came this whole God and Devil debacle and plagiarism...
the first supreme, the second mildly similar...
but altogether worse... i told you, a phosphorescent object
in the night is hardly a government project...
the government is not capable of such things...
if they are, then they're like a man with a 4 inch
***** telling a girl he's a millionaire and has a fetish for
watching his girlfriend get ****** by a stranger with a 12 inch ****...
do the match... get a mud-bath.
the Welsh drew dragons and the Chinese too,
long before the dinosaurs usurped the happy-times
next to a bonfire... i'm just like that...
life existed on Mars long before we decided to look
for microbes on that red Ayers orb...
i'd be looking for sodium rather than twin oxygen trapped
into liquid by hydrogen, then always alienating laws
by ice, the said liquid and vapour...
my theory is that the original life on Mars,
didn't experience hydro sodium chloride... i.e. the seas...
Mars had only sweet life form... given the Devil
plagiarised Mars with earth, we received the seas...
we received the hydro sodium chloride... salty waters...
so if i was heading to Mars, i'd be mostly interested
in finding sodium chloride (salt) than anything...
not life... if i was heading to Mars i'd be trying to find salt...
not life... salt... salt... salt... Angie Jolie film (2010)? Salt.
because we forgot our individual intuition,
and we chose to have individual intellect that might be
easily swayed, because of this we allowed
collective intuition to arise... which we couldn't
intellectualise, because a collective intuition gave rise
premonition, prophecy and such artefacts of similar attention...
no collective intellect could ever be grasped:
atheism and Christianity and Islam and etc.
are such examples of what we lost... once we gave up
individual intuition, to replace it with a collective intellect,
we couldn't revise individual intuition with an individual
intellect (how many adherents of Marx does it
take to change a light-bulb?) - so we invested in
a collective intuition, whatever you call it, it's maxim
is still unshaken with the words: the sun will rise tomorrow.
a line from Heidegger concerning this observation:
every man is born as many men and dies as a single one -
like me, how i discovered the difference between
the man and the mass, intuition and intellect...
how man reversed the intuitive continuum of animals
to converse with an anti-animal invigoration of
intellect, and transcend the continuum of replicas,
and therefore invest in embryo, or the book of Genesis,
"original", in that, also a continuum by ontological inspection:
i.e. continually revisionist... Einstein preceding Newton...
Orangutan Joe preceding King Kong was never
really going to happen.
We may not be alone
in our belief
we're alone.
Mattea Marie Nov 2013
You are an alien
Your language is foreign
To me
You electrocute my skin
With yours
Leaving me floating
I cannot predict you
Not your fingers
Not your words
Not your lips
But you trace
The bend in my spine
With familiarity
And kiss my lips
With innocence
We are
To one another
Yet already
I crave the comfort
Of your extraterrestrial
And winds they wither and they accentuate cosmic dithers
Ducks become swans and butterflies fly in the air of rivers
We should soon begin to question who we are on this plan-et
A bucket or cube, a form of strings finding tune
They said there’d be purveyors and pilgrims
These sages would then show the way in a web of disarray
So the picture plays and their gleam is seen
Incarnating from distant streams
’yes they call them starseeds

They have been helping societies feel secure, giving answers
Contributing to the developments thereto
Some called them heroes, psychics or star-soldiers
It was forgotten that they were merely messengers, creating vortexes so the many
Would get to the essence or heart of Creation and Divinity
The problems began with the worship of the commissars of Divinity
And the gods their parents, being merged into a monotheistic god
For artificial synchronization of stealing light and doctoring it into dark light
To subdue the power of Darkness
So with more people being manipulated and hooked by crystals
And chips, scrapping their memory of their once absolute multi-dimensional divinity
They began to forget and this energy was channeled to the heads of darkness and their fortresses
And as such humanity grew weak and the solutions were left to be found by the so called heroes

With the growing human-farming, as the hybrids being created then were used as mere sheep or even cattle  
With the decaying or ceasing dignity of the human conscience, they were made to be intermediary-conscious
And so the lives of the Messengers and their affiliates became the epitome of living for the many
Absurd as it is, the human races with its varying colours and fragrances, each soul being unique in its right
And now with this bombardment of doctrine that set a standard of being
These laws not culminating the commonwealth of many
Not governing humanity in its best interests, so the heroes began to be sacrificed
Their lives weren’t pure, they were planned before they were even born
Corrupting the consciousness of individuality and essential or sincere being

And they came in Kings/Priest Kings or Sorcerer Kings
And who would blame them, it is their Parents who set out or designed these paradigms
And so these corrupt thought forms of half truths and duality and dark light became hereditary
The times changed and these heroes took on the impressions of Presidents, Wealthy business men or Emperors of Commerce
Finding themselves in the modern Capitalistic World,  a world which was manufactured prior to their reign
The grave concern is the death of Identity and the Integrity of the Soul
And the lives of Pastors/Chanellers/Pilgrims/Shamans  or what have you became the mirror of Divinity
As opposed to Divinity mirroring in the clear view of people having identity and a sincere embrace of the heart’s mysterious logic
So it is safe to say that this would create a world robotic

This wouldn’t last forever though for some Parents are responsible and they care
So the Earth then would be visited by the Golden ones once more
Apparent with the recent UFO Sightings, crashed UFOs and the bodies of Extraterrestrials
Alien Abduction confessions, cavern findings
With this people would begin to remember and would not load their worries or problems on the shoulders
Of a few individuals as they would learn how big the world is
As Humanity would identify, if for the first time, who or what God is
Furthermore Who or WHAT THE Source is
And once the lives of heroes would cease to be manipulated, so too would the lives of the many
We would learn that there needn’t be “special” people for we will have found the Divine elements in each of us
And that the sooner we can enhance Intelligent Life working together without the need for hierarchies we can soon develop a
High Level of Spirituality and be an Independent Race
Heroes are beings too who have lives and ambitions, have flaws and afflictions, have faced convictions and submissions
The gods are beings with their mistakes as well, some who have lied and have not revealed the whole truth to
Protect their children for it could have been noted that they were too “young”
But humans will grow and God they will know, the Source furthermore, and there will be a shift in thinking and thus in being and Living
It has begun, Finding the answers following the Dignity of the Conscience,
Cosmic blueprint, a song sung for parents absent
A play of star glow, uplifting the wayward ways of the big show
Living in the Integrity of the Soul, following the Dignity of the Conscience.
This is to all the starseeds, indigos, orbs, rainbow children and star-hybrids who have been tortured and alienated. The wounds they have suffered due to social rejection, all that physical pain hinders their functioning and delays the missions they have here
This is to all the Presidents, Kings, Priests and Reformists who have been manipulated, used and sacrificed.
And this then an effort to sound the voices of those stuck in (hell) Inner Earth who have a Messiah-paradigm instilled deeply in their thinking, an effort to stretch the Light so they too can stand and access the True Light of Divinity...

Preparing for the Golden Age
K Balachandran Mar 2013
Huge boulders, blocks of rocks,
shapes of prehistoric memories,
strewn all along the hillside,
merging with the meditation of green,
arranged in mysterious patterns,
evoke the presence of timelessness.
Like a  hidden message for extraterrestrials,
the rock garden beyond time stands,
against the backdrop of a hill,
an ascetic in its disposition.
A Jain* temple observes complete silence,
on the bank of the vast pool of tranquility.
*An Indian religion, predating Buddhism, prescribing a path of non violence to self realization .Observance of silence and periodic fasting are given much importance, as effective means to control mind.
Amy Perry Jan 2021
Under the Babylonian sea
Lives a place hid from you and me
And in this place, broken in two in the sand,
Known as a fault line cursing the land,
Is the place where we return again.

You and me, citizens of the earth - we’re people from the center of
The earth
And we search out to the stars
To try and find our birth.
All while the truth lies under our feet.
But don’t ask me.
This is the mystery you see.
The mystery of me.

Not to make the story all revolve around me,
But I lived for lifetimes as nature’s pulse,
A most high pixie maintaining the roses,
All the little vines and terraces,
And I was whimsical and wise
And greatly cherished.
I lived to be about a thousand years,
And died of self-sacrifice
In 2005.
As our planet grew more and more technical,
Avoiding the organic, skeptical,
It was for a simple reason:
The present goes in two directions.
The present goes forward and
The present goes backward.
And somewhere in between
We have our fate,
Our choices.
Free will drives this place.
Don’t think too much of gravity
Or relativity.
Free will is the ingredient in this Universe
Holding it all together.

So the extraterrestrials that guard this planet,
They guard like a gourd
Rotting on a hot Saturday.
They guard like a hound
Pitched on a chain
To its little box of a house.
They guard like an abusive stepfather.
Like they are the way.
And I know them.
They killed all the mermaids,
When I reigned as Queen.
That is for another tale,
Or tail?
I forget what sort of humor is
Current at this age,
But puns are a sign of great wit,
So with them, I’ll spit.

I reigned as Queen of the Mermaid people and indeed all of the people. I reigned when there were humanoids
Similar to you, but stouter.
It was before your race mated with
My race.
We raced
Towards death.
You captured my people with the utmost brutality.
I see it done to my cousins,
The porpoises and whales,
And it hurts me
To see it happen again.
You stab these creatures in their blowholes,
Just like you stabbed my sisters
And eventually, me,
In our wombs.
The pregnant ones howled the loudest.
You brutally desecrated my people.
You did it again on the land
To the people we were most connected to,
The original tribes of North America.
And not that it’s you, people of the land.
I am one of you.
That will not change in this lifetime.
As Earth Mother for a thousand years
I obtained the Earthly information,
The muscle memory
Of the plants.

We call it a planet
And terra,
Like Mother Earth is a plant.
We see her as affectionate
And beautiful,
But some has seen her wrath.
She shakes,
She fears the madness
That lives on her skin,
And burrows into her,
Deeper and deeper,
Searching for her heart.
But I, as Queen fairy,
Took the honor
Of self-sacrifice
And took her heart
And hid it
In an average baby girl.
Will she realize her goddess heritage?
Wiped her mind and by-passed the sacred
Earth Mother heart.

Baby girl grows up in Babylon.
The chances of her
Freeing her Beast
Are as low as it goes.
Half of the pixies wept
Half of the pixies cheered.
Then they chose sides
And the positions, they veered.
Francie Lynch Feb 2016
Laughter is universal.
Extraterrestrials **** themselves with it;
Martians **** their pants;
Venutians titter til they cry;
Earthlings **** themselves with it
Splitting a side,
Rolling on the floor,
Chortling all the while.
Politicians shake hands gleefully,
Snickering, cackling,
Standing us against the wall.
A good roar, hoot or howl
May be good for the soul,
But is dangerous,
Especially if you
Have a fit
Of tee hees, ha has and yuk yuks
While orbitting.
Title a twist on Mason Williams' "Classical Gas."
Paul Butters Jul 2019
Since ancient times crowds of men have asked:
What is the purpose of life?
Me included.
Since my later teens and into my sixties
I have wrestled with this question.

To me, it was never about wealth or status.
People waste their time
With such things.

So what should we do
That is Really Good?
WHAT is “Good”?

For me, Life as such is Good.
What use is the Universe,
With its sprawling galaxies
Of fire, rock, dust, water:
Incredible vistas
Shock awe
Eternally Infinite
What use without
A Witness?

We are that Witness,
But should we be much more?
And all I can think
Is to cherish all that lives,
As life itself
Is the most wondrous thing
Of all.

Our purpose then is to nurture
Life at it’s best:
To make it better and better:
Stronger and brighter
More intelligent
With more Love and compassion.

Some will say
Why ask?
Extraterrestrials may have
Another View.
We may be but bacterial infestations
To be cleansed away.

Yet other “Aliens” may well agree
With every word I type.
And like many of us humans
They may be warning
That we must take
Much better care
Of this Paradise
We call Earth.

I call myself a “Lifist”
A believer in
Christianity at it’s best
(But Not it’s worst),
And other Religions too…

So let’s take the best
Of these Beliefs,
Nurture Nature,
Love Life
And just
Get on with it.

Paul Butters

© PB 31\7\2019.
Amen (a longer poem than my usual).
Brooklynn Nights Aug 2015
Whenever anyone hears a beautiful and unique sound,
they assume its creator to be a mirror image,
but with beauty in the classic sense
of symmetricality between doe eyes, smooth skin, and plump lips,
and uniqueness only to a certain extent-
obscurity conjures fear
in a world where everyone just wants contentment;
nothing too confusing or high maintenance
oh, but you with your black hole eyes and illuminated fingertips,
i'm not sure how, but i've been abducted
-really, more like saved-
the twisted nest that is your hair is home
to all of us misfit extraterrestrials,
and your space craft is your stage
the strobe lights hypnotize, but also make us feel alive
you have instilled a heightened awareness
in all of us,
and the only way we can repay you is with our applause
for the brief moment before you shrink
and fly away at warp speed
STLR Oct 2016
Analytical beast I have a knowledge in my locker

The swarm screams for the author

The red then spills from the blood oath offer

Higher than extraterrestrials and their flying saucers

Universal football we kick meteors like soccer

We battle in coliseums, mediators are awkward

They fear the slanted enemies eyes and their lean postures

They find it so astounding, there movement in green pastures

Hunters become hunted, prey becomes stalkers

They seem to breathe steam and move faster

Engaging renegades will never make it easy for these *******

Thunderous parades of pain reported from the mental telecasters

Wizards from faraway lands land by spell casting

Time is forever lost but what they found is still lasting

And what Is bound is surpassing, it's an smashing

The lands crashing, the world will regenerate but the swords will keep clashing.
Joyce Joadiyce Dec 2018
A galaxy of world's
Stars to moons
Our cosmos

You may share my poems

Copyright 2018 Joyce Joadiyce
I don't believe in luck
I believe in fortune.
I don't believe in fate
I believe in destiny.
I don't believe in aliens
I believe in extraterrestrials.
I don't believe in ghosts
I believe in spirits.
topacio Aug 2022
It is nightly,
I shift from person
to sleeping archaeologist,  
as I shut my eyes
and fall into you.

And it is nightly
I set out to
decode the great
of your sky,  
etched out by
or maybe the great
ancient spirits,
who try to
relay simple
answers to
heavy thoughts.

It is is evident to see,
after my nightly research,
that you are simply
the dancer's ribbon,  
and the beings
yet to be written,
the ghouls in the attic,
and the poet's poem,
the union of electricity
and circumstance
colliding to
put men in
their place.

And as I fall
deeper into
the excavation
of my slumber,
I hear your whispers
dancing through my sheets,
saying: yield to me
when we one day meet,
not like the lunatic soldier,
but like the silken lover
who is reliably there
upon your awake.
Disengage my molecular structure . Hold within suspended animation conveyance , fed within laser , fire it on course to Messler 31 ..Transformed into light , signal collected by planet not unlike ours , feeding alien race with my very soul via photosynthesis , warming the environment  , performing feats impossible to do on Earth .. My glowing apparition , reflected back to home planet , picked up through telescopic lens , Genesis II , first contact ,  shot through  prism , revealing colors never seen , hues that defy scientific logic as we currently know it .. With healing properties , answering long sought after questions on life , extraterrestrials and the Universe !
Copyright October 4 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Joyce Joadiyce Jan 2019
An unknown alien of the stars
Visit world's as extraterrestrials
Hidden from aliens Native Martians
Stargazing the universe planets

@copyright 2018 Joyce Joadiyce
Yuvraj Jha Oct 2013
What if;
Colors were flowers
And flowers were men
And men could swim to the sun?

Would it
Then be
Any different, would we
Still have,
Bombs and guns?

What if;
We were
The winds and waters
That cover this illuminant earth?

Would it
Then be
That we
Would fall
To berths that haven’t taken birth?

What if;
Had meanings and wisdom
And lips that spoke the truth absolute?

Would it
Then happen
That wars
And darkness
We spread for glory, we would mute?

What if;
The stars were hungry
And extraterrestrials
Our friends, and met us one day?

Would it
Then matter
What race
Or creed,
Or random colors our shadows went astray?
Moonsocket Nov 2016
Angry anarchy anticipates arcane action

Bruised banshees beckon bulbous bull blowers

Can calamity come calmer?

Climbing cold cobbles continues confusion

Disregard demented dinner doodles

Excited embryos excrete extravagant extraterrestrials

Forlorn figures fund future folly for fragile freedoms

Giants gather grinning grandma's grasping grand gargoyles

Hindsight hides huge hurdles helplessly

Introverted insight inspires ink infused instinct
Nathan Tuy Feb 2018
Aliens are real.
At least I like to believe it that way
Because the idea of loneliness terrifies me.
But I dont ever want to find out that
They exist for real
Because that would make them real
And if they're real, I'm going be lonely again.
They're just going to be ignored like
The rest of the 7 billion people
That I pretended don't exist.
I want them to be real just the way
The cigarette smoke that would
Disappear right after the moment it was created is real.
So, please, Extraterrestrials, be real for me.
And leave me alone
So that I wouldn't be alone.
Robert Guerrero Feb 2015
The endless sky seems so dead
A fortress abandoned by wondering eyes
Haunted by the cataclysmic fears
Of asteroids and meteors
Supernovas too close to home
Black holes slowly eating away at the heavens
It all seems so endless
The possibilities of reaching extraterrestrials
Learning what the face of neptune really looks like
Even something so endless doesn't have many secrets
The sky is the sky
The stars are stars
The moon and sun dance together in eternal rotation
Maybe one day I'll get to see
Just what it is out there for me
Why I'm able to survive an endless life of despair
When all it would have taken
Was the 3.2 seconds it took to destroy a car
Joyce Joadiyce Dec 2018
Moons like ours
The universe
There the stars

Copyright 2018 Joyce Joadiyce
chaouki Jul 2019
what do you see in tunisia's future? we always get asked that in a denial of our present.
i don't like that concept for me not to fill up my mind with more stressful thoughts.
is the present not satisfying enough for us to travel further to the future?
i see myself as a dancer, a guitarist, a pianist, a scenarist, a writer and an active thinking and responsible intellectual.
however these are no good concerning these unsatisfying conditions.
how do i see myself in the future? more precisely in tunisia's future.
i'm certain i'd be exactly one of those mindless spinless creatures guided by money and lust, having those peaceful moments at night when i think twice about what i used to do.
i wouldn't relate to anyone of my future enviroment and no one will look or sound the same in a denial that we are all suffering inside.
unsatisfied we lay down and believe the lies we tell ourselves.
i see those herds of zombies heading to their office, to their jobs, thinking about the tasks they were ordered to do.
creating another generation of dead walkers.
same way we were raised, we'll also raise our kids.
i see trees falling down in the future, animals being deprived of the freedom we had when we were young impeccable and cleanheaded.
with every fallen leaf, we made a decision we regret.
one more reason to grief.
the future is relative, my thoughts are negative.
in the near sorrowful future i already feel neglected, we'll all feel rejected.
from a deadly society, we're headed to a deadlier one.
to the ironic anti-social society.
in the future, inside an estuary of waste, i fix my eyesight up to the industrial foggy sky seeking a tiny glimpse of the stars, praying to escape this monstrocity.
my childish imagination creates this spaceship that lands right infront of my thoughts.
i prepare my answers knowing that these extraterrestrials are gonna quention our existence.
the image blurrs and the aliens fade away, "run" i'd say "leave, don't be a victim of this cruel globe"
i pity whoever joins us humans,
us humans, us tunisians, we'll be known by overlooking the valuable bonds.
friendship love and affection, wouldn't be holy and true anymore. would be just another ficiton written on pages, forgotten through the ages.
at a similar time, in a similar situation, hypocrisy would be contagious, trust would only be a part of our imagination,
thrown away by inhuman archers, i would rather die than to join those emotionaless marchers.
to all my future surrounders, admire, forgive, love, give, for the damaged souls.
enjoy, live, hurt, heal, close the slits cut open by the ruthless life knife, but try not to to relive.
As I fly through galactic congregations -
will I become static on the receiver of -
an alien nation
A race consumed in the thought of
extraterrestrials , a tiny blip recorded
at a radar station
I would fly into their greatest population
center , meet their leaders , address their
teachers , baffle their scholars and brief
their doctors
Leave them with a poem from Whitman ,
a song from the Beatles , tales of oceans ,
mountains and country hamlets complete
with tiny , smiling stick figures
Drawings of lakes , bluebirds , skyscrapers and city lanes
Green grass , blue sky and flowered plains* ...
Copyright January 12 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Please don't let me become a dalliance
Don't treat me like a defenestration  
Don’t be so reticent  
Don't be so hesitant with me
Just because I’m moonstruck
Don't throw me away
Because the light that reflects off of me is too bright

(in other words, don’t let me be something temporary, extraterrestrials are supposed to be immortal)
dalliance- a casual romantic or ****** relationship. defenestration - the action of throwing someone or something out. reticent - not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
Midnight Power

Midnight, power escapes
from bowels of the universe
soaring, surrounding, wounding,
no laughter enlightens.

Lanced, damage begins,
like a swirling staircase,
ripping away from reality,
ending in another place
and time..

Energy flowing, with broken
promises surging forward,
completing life's triangle..

Silent words have no meaning,
power traps each moonlight
a night with sparkle and fame,
a fresh awakening, plunging
with understanding..

Point your finger in the other
direction, it is powered
with energy shooting toward
the heavens, taking in charge
every living soul, our maker
takes us home..


Space filled with wonder, where we
Search the universe for answers
there are none, not yet, where we
have established space stations, they
multiply, finding life underground of
Mars, the red planet, escaping death,
they find a new way of life..

Searching for other worlds for a sign
of extraterrestrials, we find, through
time travel, many dimensions, life
years apart, we now establish more
about God, and his creations, searching,
finding, accepting, we move on into the
mysteries of the universe...

Space is the ace of the deck, highest
you can find, where knowledge is
only one step away from our
accomplishments, a score much too
high for betterment....Space, vast,
filled with life. specks, dust from

We shall continue to send out ships
to other worlds, finding more and
more answers, while we may of over
looked the true depth of our belief.....

The heavens will continue when we
are gone, answers will be sought,
solving many question unknown,
space, our true destination, has no
beginning, no end, life a mystery
of mysteries that shall go on till the
end of time...

Without Warmth Of Love

Without the warmth of love
I would close my eyes forever;
darkness would cloud each thought,
never know what life was about,
without love light.

Without the warmth of a smile, why
would I want to smile; it's worth
a lifetime to find a diamond,
one who knows the warmth of
life, the sparkle of love..

Without the warmth of a gentle
touch, how could I live a normal
life, when the freshness of the breeze
no longer exists..

Without the warmth of loving
words, life would be a lonely place,
where silence, like an Island, only
touched by a quiet whisper.

Without the warmth of a kiss
why should my lips whisper
words of love, when a kiss,
cannot find a home, a place
to rest desire..

Without the warmth of my love,
heavenly light would not exist,
only emptiness of a heart living
a life alone...


Passion falls outside
my door. each time
I smell the flowers..

The passion of life, never
stops when a breeze
of love flows through
my hair, sent from God.

Passion grows, desire
living on, warm touch
of life devouring richness,
renewing, surrendering. a
Opal of life, black with fire..

Passion for love, desire, sweet
desire, food for the heart, the reason
to live life to the

Listen To My Songs

Listen to my songs my love,
there sung from the very
heart of me...

Your the one that makes
me sing you're the one
that makes me smile,
you're the reason for all
I do..

Listen to my songs of
love, they flow like
raindrops from the sky..

Listen to each heartbeat,
each beat is for you my
love, like beating drums,
wildly flowing across
the mountain pine..

Listen carefully my love,
you may hear the echoing
of my haunting songs, but
you can't see the love I hold
for you..

Must I

Must the light stop shining
now that you have gone?
Must my life stop and pause
a second, to realize part
of me has melted away?

Must the glow of life fade,
when each day is a new,
must there only be one
heart beating now, when
two I've heard for so long?

Must the candlelight of love
dim forever, without another
flame to light my way?

Must the freshness of each
summer rain, have no breeze
to chase away the darkened

Must the darkness turn
darker around me, when
dreams have disappeared,
leaving only shadows
of doubt?

Must the silence make
me weep, and the shade
of summertime bring

Must I keep remembering
your smiles, kisses, sweet
embrace in the night of no
more tomorrows?

Must I walk alone among
the weeping willow, watch
the stream of life stop
flowing the other way?

Must I lay my head down
under the oak of life's
force, and surrender
myself to my master?

Must I give up, and give
into the pain I carry,
the tears I shed in vain,
when time is now running
out to hold you once more?

Must I believe that you
will return, when I know
it will never be, you have
been reborn into the masters
kingdom, leaving me all alone
my love..

Love Is Forever

Love is forever peaceful,
never letting go, a touch of
heaven, flowing free.

Love is forever growing
among all nationalities,
it lives within all of us..

Love is a forever thing,
never letting go, flowing
through time..

love is not forced,
it's free, need is holding
on, not free. but love lives
within each soul..

Love is a lasting
thing that brightens
every heart..

Love. power of the
the universe, it multiplies
over and over again,
living forever.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Multiply 8 (the average number of planets in
a solar system) by 100,000,000,000 (the average
number of solar systems in a galaxy) by
2,000,000,000,000 (the estimated number of
galaxies in the Cosmos) and you will have the
approximate number of planets in the Cosmos.
But remember, the Cosmos is infinite.

And yet, while planet Earth is a little more than
4.5,000,000,000 years old and human beings
have inhabited it for about 200,000 years, Earth
remains the only planet in the infinite Cosmos
that we know sustains human life. In terms of
probability, how can this be true? What is most
surprising is not that extraterrestrials may or may
not have visited planet Earth, but that they have
not yet landed in the Rose Garden and held a
news conference to introduce formally themselves.

Do the math. We are certainly not alone.

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He recently finished his novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.
Under the watchful stares of the midnight skies
walking down the lonesome road in company of the stars
nOBODY knows my fears like my tears
we share a common bond formed not with loyalty
but we blend through blood and scars
our darkness is our solidarity
The night as our lover intimacy is our cover
my mind my weapon i spill blood like ink on paper
i stain my pain my intoxication is my inhaler
In fantasy i thrive like a commoner
Clothed in passionate desires
i am engaged to obsession my desire is my messaiah
drawn to oblivion i am lost in lust
none of the seraphs
nor the extraterrestrials
is as adavnaced not even technology
to decipher and reveal the unseen
my mind is a weapon and its loaded with beautiful sins
Joyce Joadiyce Aug 2019
Planet Earth ours for Earthlings
The extraterrestrials the galaxy
Looking up the aliens see our Earth
A ufo for the out there universe
Joyce Joadiyce Jan 2019
I tried to protect you
But you made me mad
You tried after me
I now am mad
I don't care if the world knows
I'll tell
Kepler-22 b is of extraterrestrials
It's the aliens

You may share
effie ebbtide Jun 2018
the distance from a mouth to a note,
the space the lies between notes in a song
the distance between lips and straws,
the space that can be found in the neuron unfired,
an idle synapse,
an untuned radio.
the sound the bed makes when it's old and you're
too big, overgrown, your lovely new york skyline t-shirt
won't save you from the groans of disowned metal.
the space under a keyboard key before it becomes a letter
and the space between letters and words, indefinite.
an undisclosed location where extraterrestrials are
meant to be is currently beds and lost hopes and bits of paper
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Midnight Power

Midnight, power escapes
from bowels of the universe
soaring, surrounding, wounding,
no laughter enlightens.

Lanced, damage begins,
like a swirling staircase,
ripping away from reality,
ending in another place
and time..

Energy flowing, with broken
promises surging forward,
completing life's triangle..

Silent words have no meaning,
power traps each moonlight
night with sparkle and fame,
a fresh awakening, plunging
with understanding..

Point your finger in the other
direction, it is powered
with energy shooting toward
the heavens, taking in charge
every living soul, our maker
takes us home..


Space filled with wonder, where we
search the universe for answers
there are none, not yet, where we
have establish space stations, they
multiply, finding life under ground of
Mars, the red planet, escaping death,
they find a new way of life..

Searching for other worlds for a sign
of extraterrestrials, we find, through
time travel, many dimensions, life
years apart, we now establish more
about God, and his creations, searching,
finding, accepting, we move on into the
mysteries of the universe...

Space is the ace of the deck,highest
you can find, where knowledge is
only one step away from our
accomplishments, a score much to
high for betterment....Space, vast,
filled with life. specks, dust from

We shall continue to send out ships
to other worlds,finding more and
more answers, while we may of over
looked the true depth of our belief.....

The heavens will continue when we
are gone, answers will be sought,
solving many question unknown,
space, our true destination, has no
beginning, no end, life a mystery
of mysteries that shall go on till the
end of time...

Without Warmth Of Love

Without warmth of love
I would close my eyes forever;
darkness would cloud each thought,
never knowing what life was about,
without loves light..

Without warmth of a smile, why
would I want to smile; it's worth
a life time to find a diamond,
one who knows the warmth of
life, the sparkle of love..

Without warmth of a gentle
touch, how could I live a normal
life, when freshness of the breeze
no longer exists..

Without the warmth of loving
words, life would be a lonely place,
where silence, like a Island, only
touched by a quiet whisper..

Without the warmth of a kiss
why should my lips whisper
words of love, when a kiss,
cannot find a home, a place
to rest desire..

Without the warmth of my love,
heavenly light would not exist,
only emptiness of a heart living
a life alone...


Passion falls outside
my door. each time
I smell the flowers..

Passion of life, never
stops when a breeze
of love flows through
my hair, sent from God.

Passion grows, desire
living on, warm touch
of life devouring richness,
renewing, surrendering. a
Opal of life, black with fire..

Passion for love, desire, sweet
desire, food for the heart, reason 
to live life to the fullest..

Listen To My Songs

Listen to my songs my love,
there sung from the very
heart of me...

Your the one that makes
me sing, your the one
that makes me smile,
your the reason for all
I do..

Listen to my songs of 
love, they flow like
raindrops from the sky..

Listen to each heart beat,
each beat is for you my 
love, like beating drums,
wildly flowing across
the mountain pine..

Listen carefully my love,
you may hear the echoing
of my haunting songs, but
you can't see the love I hold
for you..

Must I

Must the light stop shining
now that you have gone?
Must my life stop and pause
a second, to realize part
of me has melted away?

Must the glow of life fade,
when each day is a new,
must there only be one
heart beating now, when
two I've heard for so long?

Must the candle light of love
dim forever, without another
flame to light my way?

Must the freshness of each
summer rain, have no breeze
to chase away the darkened

Must the darkness turn
darker around me, when
dreams have disappeared,
leaving only shadows
of doubt?

Must the silence make
me weep, and the shade
of summertime bring

Must I keep remembering
your smiles, kisses,sweet
embrace in the night of no
more tomorrows?

Must I walk alone among
the weeping willow, watch
the stream of life stop
flowing the other way?

Must I lay my head down 
under the oak of life's
force, and surrender
myself to my master?

Must I give up, and give
into the pain I carry,
the tears I shed in vain,
when time is now running
out to hold you once more?

Must I believe that you
will return, when I know
it will never be, you have
been reborn into the masters
kingdom, leaving me all alone
my love..

Love Is Forever

Love is forever peaceful,
never letting go, a touch of
heaven, flowing free.

Love is forever growing
among all nationalities,
it lives within all of us..

Love is a forever thing,
never letting go, flowing
through time..

love is not forced,
it's free, need is holding
on, not free. but love lives
within each soul..

Love is a lasting
thing that brightens
every heart..

Love. a power of the
universe, it multiplies
over and over again,
living forever..

By DerenaBree
© 2019DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
its revolting, my scars are open
can you throw the first stone to smote em'
im the sutre torn apart till the flesh falls off the bone and
don't forget the shady residue that lingers on your teeth
is the secrecy that keeps you secretly like me

. no need for proverbs here
to solve this problem here
im a flow like faucet water
than disappear in smoke and mirrrors
im the product of disease
the problem fostered by my peers
who never had my back
and it bothered me for years
they tried to fix the problem
but it haunted me to tears
i watched my father turn his temper
to a weapon when im near
couple years i started feeling weird
my friend became my fantasy
i startedthinking **** im ******* queer
this isn't really  happening
but instead of facing facts
i feared of what the **** id here
from the ****** hating friends i had
that never seemed to care
so i started fooling with a dog
to make my urges less severe
but the worthlessness emerged
the surface looking perfect,
while  regrett became a constant
it was like walking in a moshpit
watching bodies drop like dog ****
i was doing lots of drugs alone
and nobody here  could stop it
id just go down inside my room
and keep coughing in my coffin
id been lonely all my life what
was another day, no problem
when your haunted

what do you do when you cant breathe
everything seems like a bad dream
the shilouette of memories between the credits and the last scene
turn into photographs you imagine but you  cant see
*** if you ask me, i    just wanted to be happy

life became a story book
and in it i was cautious
not to eat the toxic spores
that made magic mushrooms
feel so awesome
i started selling *** i thought hey cool
i get acknowledged
i had a gf that was freaky
and i was giving non stop ****
she use to be my locket and my
heart would be the lock pick
we did a lot of drugs and ******
but i was fighting with her constant
my jealousy enveloped me compelling me
to drop it
so one day my bro got talking and we ran away to dauphin
ill be honest it wasn't five star it was kinda like the projects
but i just wanted to get my **** inside a **** ******* squa *****
so i musta fathered many children that haven't try to call yet
but **** it next what happened i was at a social dance and
some gangster started scrapping next he asked me something
but i never really answered
so he ran to mike and smashed his jaw like it was ******* soft as plastic
i started into panic *** i wasn't use to scrapping
i went out to the field he disappeared like it was magic
than about this time i realize im going to get my *** kicked
i asked for peace instead im greeted with a right hook landed on my **** chin
i started seeing white like extraterrestrials just landed
i threw my hand so fast he landed on his back after i smacked him
and than it was my time to get my ***** lil *** kicked
i blacked it, time elapsed in a flash of what happened
i tried to stand than ******* ran
before i started collapsing
i took it like a ***** but i wasn't use to that action
i made the trip to the emerge
but felt a mental reaction
in the days that ensued i began cracking my head like a gasket
i wrote a blood stained letter to my friend i thought backstabbed
i began imagining the bad things that happened
my memory was fuzzy like a caterpillars back is
i developed mental illness as fast as you spell dummy backwards
i started hearing this chatter, became mad at their laughter
i was convinced that i had died andwas a new person after
but no matter,
shortly after i was prescribed me some pills
i was now a cog inside the mind of the mentally ill
my dad was distant from me *** i looked ready to ****
but still i was confused, overdue for some answers
instead i found a way to make myself a societal cancer
the noose began to choke in, the hope i had i still mattered
i met a dysfunctional partner, and began falling backwards
we had two kids there after, it compacted the matters
i shattered like glass and returned to my habits
soon me smoking crack was not unusual practice
but im too high to re hash the badshit
so ill let you have this crotch grabbing
impression of Michael Jackson
till i beat it for you ******* billie jean
was an unmatchable actress

— The End —