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taylor morgan Mar 2016
i cried you did not care
i cut you did not stop me
i cried because you lied
i still cry because you don’t care
i about done but when
i am I’m done you care that
i cried over you
i cut because of you
i cried because you left me
i thought you cared
i thought you would be there for me
i thought you where my love
i thought you where my boyfriend
i don’t care any more
i don’t cut any more
i dont cry any more
i don’t want to be with you any more
i miss you
i need you
i want you back
i know you now care
i know now that your not lying
i know now that i cried for you
i know now that you are my mach
Katerra McDonell Aug 2012
This is the BEGGING of the story of Us....

Where dreams werer made..
Where promises wrere made..
Where kisses were played
Where hugs mad you happy...
Where when you cryed you were always together..
Where smiles where always there..
Where you started a new life....
Where you found your love....

This is the END of the story..

Where dreams where smashed...
Where promises were broken...
Where kisses were fake...
Where hugs were used in vilance...
Where when you cryed it was always cuz of him...
Where smiles turned in to frowns or eveil words...
Where you found your self all alone
Where you found your heart broken on the floor...
Last night Gary Facebooked me:
11:03 PM
"Can I ask you to be crazy with me?"
Gary said he had been flirting with this girl, May
for six months.
She wanted to see him in person tonight,
And he needed a ride.
Gary and I met 11 days ago.
Strangers brought together in the streets of Freeport by pokemon GO.
he spotted me holding my phone out from a mile away.
"Team Instinct?
Lightning cracked above us
as we cryed in harmony:

My knowledge of him consists of three things.

1. He works as a security guard
Is first responder for medical emergency
Tackles felons and escorts people with restraining orders.
plays it up like he's a security guard for something mysterious
He is a security guard for Wal-mart.

2. Gary buys peoples affection.
Throws his money aimlessly
Pointing at his trophies
Prooving he too is expensive

3. To Gary,
there is nothing better to do
from 12 - 5am
Than wander Looking for pikachu.
With me.
besides visiting this May.

"A taxi would be $80
but I'd rather pay that to you, Bro."

On the drive there,
He is Squeeing, Singing,
Flipping out.
"I've got knots in my stomach Bro."

Upon arrival,
He readily jumps from my car
"Go catch 'em Brock" I say.

When I get back to Freeport
he sends me a messege.
1:04 AM
I think she fell asleep waiting
I'm not inside yet."

I park my car in Freeport,
Finish catching a Weedle.
"I'm on my way, stay safe."

"Man I'm so down."
"She's not coming to the door Nick."
"I'm just gonna curl up on the ground and cry."
"I've called her 24 times"

He heavily thumps his backpack into my backseat
Slumps down into my car.

"There is"
"no shelter"
"the storm"
"In my heart."

We stare out the window.
At the two homeless men
With no teeth
That he didn't beat.
He's holding night vision binoculars
And a clean Knife.
"I'm sorry I got you involved, Nick
I asked you to be crazy with me."
"There is"
"No shelter"
"The storm"
"In my heart"
Filling up, wide eyed, breathing deep
Avoiding the spillage, the jerking motion
Rowers giving elbow grease to churn out sobs
Of substance, grandiose design to sorrow
Bold, emblazoned tears of texture, relay
Racing to the jawline finish, backup tissue
Business flourishing, mopping up the fast flow
Red eye fostering their talents with  expertise
Glooping globules on rain dance alert, dancing
The tango, the rumba, the belly dance parade
Of unchained dam busting, snot ravaging
Sodden and damp, choking its route outta here
All cryed out, on empty, exhaustion reigns, eyelids
Closing the stop tap to the off position, rearranging
Priorities to sleep mode, sinking down into sprung
Heaven, resting heavy lashes to bed, curling up
To while away the hours, silencing the alarm
Of solitude and inner turmoil, resting the think
Tank, cells charmed habitat of hybernation
Booked and paid for, down payment secured
Aryana Mar 2014
She wanted to die
She was sick of the pain
This wasnt a lie
She just wanted fame

She wanted to be just like them
But they sat and made fun of her
They laughed and called her name
They picked on her, her life was blurr

She cryed and she moped
But she finally couldnt take it
And ran all the way home
Her heart had split

She lost all hope
To every be loved she only got a face full of fists
She filled up the bathtub
And slit her wrists

Her parents found her
In the bath full of red
They cryed and weeped
"Oh my god shes dead"

The father grabbed her and sobbed
His beloved daughter gone, in another world
Now there older
And still grive over there girl

They set up a thing
For anti bullies called no more suicide
They atracted many people who went throught the same
Dont commit suicide, come to us, dont hide!!!
KJ Nov 2014
When it seems like the light is coming through
the darkness comes back
like a PARASITE  attached to an animal anxious to get out
the animal might seem loud and rambunctious
but its true disguise from the predators after it
just another scared animal
by itself, all alone in the huge world do despair
why doesn't the parasite
just let go,put the little animal out of its misery,leave it alone
for all the parasite knows the animal loves it
the animal spends its days putting on a happy face for every one else to see
but when it is alone
it cryed Mississippi and Ohio rivers
the parasite was all fun and games at first
while a HUMAN was caring for the little creature
seeing what the parasite was doing to it
crying in pain getting weaker every minute
he came one day and rescued her from the parasite
instantly the little creature knew what love felt like
a handsome MAN and his beautiful furry LITTLE WILD ANIMAL
the end on the parasite
the end on the horrible attitude and thoughts
but why does she still miss the parasite
if all it was doing was causing the animal pain
then why does she feel so empty
Katelyn Foley May 2014
Henry, You lost the love I love the most....
                          You ginger hair is the suns warm rays shining upon a blue eyed angel who doesn't see the love coming from the one who needs that angel to save her but she realizes he needs to be saved, she is his angel who is there to shine light upon a broken wing who needs to fly up above those blue skys so hey can together become one In harmony, not to be broken not to be frayed not to be left in the rain but to bring back the Tenerife sea in his eyes, to make her glow like a bright sunrise in a cloudy sky, she needs him as much as he needs an angel to make him shine, nobody understands why their love is so strong and deep and why a beautiful angel is with a broken wing but nobody knows that he is her everything, hes not only a majestic thing he is her sunlight on a rainy evening, he sees the angels scars but doesn't think they make her unlovable, shes difficult, but angels need to love too, no love story can save this angels broken wings but this broken thing will try to make her see that if she believes she can be saved, he doesn't see the love that she is trying give but Is not receiving, she doesn't understand why she is pretty but she understands that she is unlovable, she is making a permanent scar on her arm unlike the one that she can only see, he doesn't understand why she doesn't see what he sees but cant tell her these amazing feelings.... they both say why as their love is starting to die, the cry, they fight, they love, they sceam, they hurt, and they bleed, if only that broken wing came to save the beautiful angel dieing, bleeding, screaming, and crying why as she died... He finaly started to wonder if she is going to be alrigt so he decided to go in the middle of the night to fix things to tell her these amazing feelings and when he  got there he fell to his knees, crying in front of this broken beautiful amazing angel that saved him but couldn't be saved, he held her and cryed out ”please don't leave me, I need you, I love you, im so so so sorry I never told yu that your beautifula nd perfect for me, PLEASE PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!” he never understood why god let this beautiful angel die for him? but one day as he was going through her journal he cried as he read the last sentence that she wrote and it was about him, it said “If my angel were to ever read this, I didn't leave because of you, I left because I am not fit to be a mother,” he stopped and thought “A MOTHER?” and continued to read the letter “I know what your thinking what is she talking about? but im carrying our daughter, I didn't know what to do who to tell, I couldn't let me ruin you future, your so smart, live your life and continue to succeed, I know that you will be anything that you want to be and I know you will find someone thatloves you more than we ever could, im sorry for all the pain I have cause, we love you -your broken wing” he cried and cried and cried and screamed “WHY GOD WHY?” he never understood why until 6 years passed, he was a journalist with 4 best author awards, he always new that he had an angel watching over him, the day that his first daughter was born was the day he realized that, that angel couldn't be saved but needed to save him, he wasn't a broken wing any more, he was an amazing thing who had these 4 beautiful daughters and a loving wife who would never hurt him, he understood that his angel was set free!
Its a personal story that means a lot to me, its sort of a poem but its just something that makes me cry everytime I think about that beautiful childs blue eyes....
t w i r l i n g              
w r a p p i n g
around my
            i n s a n i t y
Why did you have to leave me
Why couldn't you give this a try
Why do I still care, cause I certainly shouldn't
After all you have done
After all the tears Ive cryed
Why do I still love you, the one person in this world that continues to hurt me, starve me, abuse me, use me
Just give me a reason
A glimmer of hope
But the question lies in the answer
and my thoughts continue to lie in the word
Little thing we ever were    
Should I still love you.
Peter Cullen Jul 2014
On St.Michael's layline,
a dozen miles from Dingles coast.
This was where young Luna May
was to meet the Holy Ghost.
High upon the rocks of Skellig,
awoken by the angry waves.
The ground beneath began crumble
opening the ancient graves.

The ocean calmed,
as angels fluttered,
danced and sang beside the sea.
Young Luna May just watched in wonder,
shedding tears of disbelief.
She checked her pulse and shook her head
cryed out loud "how can this be?".
Blessed herself before she fell,
gracefully onto one knee.
She looked up to the skies above,
eyes filled with fear
and filled with love.
The clouds gave way to brilliant light
and she could sense that God was near.

She asked "why have you chosen me,
what is it that I can do?"
This is when the Ghost appeared
forming from the morning dew.
It led her up the ancient steps
Clasped her hand,
yet she felt free.
Sat her down upon the grass
kissed her gently on the cheek.

As it did, her life went flashing,
like lightening bolts before her eyes,
thunder roared inside her soul,
as she slowly realized.
"Am I here because I've wondered?,
doubted all I felt within"
This is when the Ghost would speak,
telling her "doubt is no sin,
all you need, has always been".
"All you need, has always been".

Then suddenly..........
her eyes shot open,
jolting upright in her bed.
This is when she was to realize,
"I've spent too long living dead.........
Then with grace she was to realize,
"I've spent too long in my head."
James M Vines Jul 2012
From Wyandotte to Nokomis Falls
I would follow her that far
Follow my heart follow my dream
A lonely rook searching for his Queen
The journey of the heart is rittled with the sweetest pain
My armor is tarnished from tears cryed in vain
My sword is broken but not my will
I push onward my quest to fulfill
I wear my Queens colors upon my chest
My body is weak but I cannot rest
My soul struggles with my mind
Thoughts of all I've left behind
Minutes are ages and ages are fleeting
The noble heart knows no retreating
So I close my eyes
And continue dreaming
Alan Vollmer Mar 2010
Bring in me
what you could not
in a dumpster baby

in the sun

it hurted the mummsy,
she cryed

I once saw a whale
eating a preying mantis
as it chewed
I swooned
clearing my throte
and loosing a mating call
to the wind

it blew away
just like your sweet rememberance
deenah Dec 2012
when mama died i cryed alone like a dry die dripping from my eye  but when i was crying i finally dried up my tears to start being shy
muhammad usman Mar 2015
when i was 1 i weighed 100 ton
when i was 2 i fell in poo
when i was 3 everyone hated me
when i was 4 i was poor
when i was 5 i got stuck in a bee hive
when i was 6 i had lots of nits
when i was seven i cryed till i was 11
when i was 8 i had no mate
when i was 9 nothing was mine
when i was 10 i was chased by a hen
when i was 11 i was told i was 7
kyle Shirley Sep 2015
These eyes* have never seen a love like yours.
These eyes have missed out on true beauty.
These eyes are all I have left to see what could have been.
These eyes have never cryed like they do from you.
These eyes stare at the empty bottle in front of me.
These eyes see past the blood and crime.
These eyes  look upon damaged hands.
These eyes still undress your picture's.
These eyes now see the next moments pass like a blur.
These eyes see the end of the rope.
These eyes watch my last breath escape my lips.
These eyes cry their last tear for you.
now watch
these eyes go blank, lifeless, and hope dies.
Life is like a fuse, short and burning fast.
Derick Van Dusen Dec 2010
Can't you see me standing there
My fingers running through your hair
I whisper gently in your ear
Hoping desperately that you hear

I'm trying to tell you
That I love you
I'm sorry for the pain I caused
I'm sorry for the tears you cried

I'm fallin so help me
To get back upon my feet
Then I'll show you
That I'm worth it

So let me prove to you
Just what I'm willing to go through
So you know what I will do
So you know I still love you

I want to feel your breath upon my skin
I want to lay side by side with you
Until slumber takes this weary sheep
And when I wake I want to see you lying there

Inside my wanting heart
You'll always be a part
Inside my wanting soul
Your love will be held whole

Your stronger than I'll ever be
For putting up with stupid me
Your better than I'll ever be
Cause you see what I can't see

I whisper gently in your ear
Hoping desperately that you hear

I'm trying to tell you
That I love you

I'm sorry for the pain I caused
I'm sorry for the tears you cryed

I'm fallin  I'm broken
I'm disintegrating  into nothing
Without you here by my side

I'm fallin  I'm broken
O5 again and again I wrote alot that year
Jane Doe Dec 2013
You like the hiding behind closed doors smile
Don’t you
You like the Shushed, Hushed hub bubs
Don’t you?
You like the long silences and awkward pauses
Don’t you
You like the “Shh, don’t tell anyone what. We. Did”
Don’t you?
You like keeping secrets and letting people say
Don’t you....
You like locking people like me in closets, knowing that my clothes will never be closed to people like you and your sick twisted...
Don’t you’s.
Well this virus isn’t going to go away, thats right I’m here to stay and nothing is going to get in my way so baby sit tight cuz it’s only going to get harder, better faster and finally stronger.
Don’t you
think that this is getting old, maybe we should try something else, maybe you should get over it and let me go, from this fun house mirrors
Don’t you
wonder if one day I’m going to realize that you are not.
Who you want me to be
Who they look up to
Don’t you
Know I’m going to take the edge and step from it
I’ve out grown all my briches and
Brunt all my bridges and
Cryed all my rivers
I’m trying to get over it but
You don’t know how hard it is to let it.
You like the “Quiet timing”
Don’t you?
You want me to stand back while you
Hurt me?
Here we lay,
broken at best
Shattered Pieces
Shattered Rest
Left alone
Dead beats in my chest
Cold and hard
lest we let go
Lest we rest
Lest we think over this terrible mess
Don’t you
Know about the ending the finish
Don’t you?
Think maybe we should give up
while we are ahead...
lotus lord Dec 2014
Your my best friend  

Not matter how annoying I am
How many time you've told me so
Sat there as I cryed
Or was there when I need you most

You were always there

When I get by a stupid football player you sat there wanting to tare him limp from limp for what he did but yet you stayed with me

You and the best friend I could ever ask for oh wait I could ask for it cause your one of a kind
James M Vines Jul 2012
Im loving you like your still here
I hear your whisper in my ear
Your kiss is still on the tip of my tounge
I still feel the silk of your night gown as it comes undone
I can still taste the earth from the garden on your skin
On sunday mornings I can still smell the coffee and the cinnamon
Im loving you like your still here
Like all of this is really real
Like I never left and you never cryed
Like we didnt pretend
That it was not goodbye
Jay Jimenez Aug 2011
she grasped her daddys hand as they walked
daddy told daughter that he loved her and he'll try and call her everyday
he said make sure when im gone you send me a photo on your birthday
send me a picture when you do something great
and please please dont give your mommy to much trouble
she promised daddy and they gave their secret handshake
well daddy told daughter you cant follow me no longer
daughter cryed
daddy wiped each falling tear from her eyes
each were like a torpedo hitting his already sinking ship
he the the fear in his daughters clinched fists
her shiverring lips
he hates to put her through with this ****
he curses god in his head
and his feet feel like his dragging a bag full of led
as the handcuffs get locked on
and the door shuts behind him
he knows that he will never see his daughter running in the grassy meadow they once played in
he knows he will never get to lay around and eat candy and watch cartoons till they both got yelled at mom to get ready
his hearts so heavy
he should've never went out on that night
he should've never put the key in the car and drove
because hes not the only one feeling like this
theres another man
that will never get to do the same things with his daughter
Atta Jun 2017
ever heard of broken poem?
when i trie d too hard
When tears ztreaming down my cheeks
When my kips stain is everywher when
My macsara is ruiend by tearz
When there iz knife waiting to be used
When i got 2 bottles//packs of pill
When i cryed so hard my stomach ache
And when
i start to thinj
To edn e erything?
And that's how i wrote my broken poen.
Jay Jimenez Jan 2011
His soul I could feel struggling in my hands
as I choked his memories and all his love he ever had
every smile he layed
every tear he  cryed
every time he fell of his bycycle as a kid
and every time a bully knocked down his lunch tray
was all rushing through my hands
as his face went purple and his skin went dry
His eyes rolled in the back of his head saying goodbye
to his life of not making the cut
to his dads temper and his lashing out on the boys back
the smell of leather feared the boy
and the lack of social skills made him a easy target
He stepped on the wobbling stool
He wrapped my arms around his neck
and with one last scream
he said thank you
Jay Jimenez Aug 2012
When the world gave up
I hid behind my covers
my sheets
tucked in for the world not to see

the beautifulside of me
I cryed out too you
I was like baby
im a new person
a different leaf
a different type of storm a new root
that can grow
a new tree that was once cut
but now I've found
my way back
my way back too
Amanda Edmonson Jan 2011
He was.......
everything to me
and it hurt to let him go,
i cryed the most for him.
I was trying to change,
my parents did'nt like him
so in order to change
i had to set him free
as i let him go i wanted to take him back.
Hearing him beg to me,
was the biggest pain in my life,
he knew me so well
and loved me like no other.
to my love
Dakota Carter Mar 2014
I did not cry when old yeller  died, nor when my ribs broke under nth a bulls leg, or when i lost my uncle. But i cryed when you left and broke my heart. i loved you and you messed with my feelings. i drank  for  weeks trying to make the pain go away but you came back. i put the bottle down and stayed  by your side. your love was my armor fate my sword and shield. i never left your side till i passed. as you cried i was there not in life but in death and i am always watching over you. i am the whispers in the wind the dirt in the ground and the house you live in. i am every were you r my love.
Micaela Apr 2014
The devil was inside me
Tonight, for the very first time.

I ached and cryed out for
him to let me be
I'm sure he loved every
Ounce of breaking skin
For him, still for the very first time.

Sorry father for I am weak,
Too weak to bare reality
So pains will do otherwise to soothe my wretched soul .

Sorry father for I have sinned,
My groins and arms in agony

But still I fake this half hearted grin,
**** this life I am living in . Ball my eyes and for what reason other than inebriation and unhappiness built within .
lotus lord Dec 2014
You tell me you love me
I tell you I'm in love with you

For month I said this
One day you said you might be inlove with me

You ask me to go to your house to hang out
You hold me, cuddle with me, kissed me, made out with me, told me you missed me

It felt like old times
your family was happy to see me everyone missed me

Then two weeks later when I tell you that your the one for me that your the one I hold dear

You tell me sometimes feeling change
And walked away

I cryed and your friend came and hugged me 3 times

You left me crying feeling like I'm dead inside
This is how my day went felt like I got hit by a bus
Thapz Kolatsoeu May 2017
miss you nights

Where you used to be
There is a hole in the world
And a role left un-played
And prayers left un-prayed
There is a hole
which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime
and falling in at night
Missing you night
A thousand words
couldn’t bring you back
I know this because I tried
neither could a thousand tears
I know this because I cried
I know this because I died
Through all I've said I never lied
To bring you back
I might have left behind a broken heart and happy memories too
But I never wanted memories
I only wanted you.
Cause I miss you night
I realize that we are miles apart
But just know my feelings
for you are still the same
There blame is on me
Just seen your name
makes my heart race
I feel like am unto heaven grace
I miss you more and more
I understand we brooke up
Failing to make up
and just the thought of you
Hurts me even more and more
You can say i lied and you cryed
I left, and you stayed
You ripped my heart out
and after all this still just thinking about us makes me want you back
I want the best for you
even if the best isn't me
I miss you night
Just know that where ever you go
I love you
Some mornings
still feel like the night before
I’m just waiting for the days I don’t miss you anymore.
You said am doing less to be in your life
What more was I to do without givin a chance to be in your life
If getting us back together won't be luck on my side.
Till a day I won't miss you a nights.
muhammad usman Mar 2015
the Holy Prophet was the best
he was better than the rest
he knew more than me and you
all this is very true
the Qur'an was sent to him
to tell him what is good and what is sin
his childhood was sad
but all this was not all that bad
these are no lies
he was very wise
he was a man of love and careing
he never went around swearing
he never lied
though he sometimes cryed
he had a wife
she helped him all through life
the prophet went to war
he also helped the poor
he never stole
he played a major role
people tried to **** him
but they did not win
he faced loads of pain
this prophet was the main
prophet Muhammad (saw)
ashlee allee Jan 2015
Once apon a time in london de vor poetry was hidden and never seen before people came all around people were quiet too no one came out there for the king and queen had a daughter name rose when she came out of the palace she was different from the others sure she was a princess but she like riding horses and fishing as well but her favorote thing to do though was poetry that was her thing she did most of the time she wrote the story of her life before she died and the people that were in her life she made peoples lives alot better after she died people everyone cryed she brought hope and happyness to others but no one will forget about her storys it will go on in history of the true beauty of poetry. That left the hearts of of happy ness shes the goddness of all the poetry the stories and all of time

By ashlee allee
class home work I did yesturday
Kera Daniels May 2019
A long time ago
you may not know
there was a younger me
She was as happy as could be
She did balla
never once did say
I want to die
I want to cry
A long time ago
that little girl cryed and cryed
throughout the night
She soon realized that no one was there to hear her fight
over and over
again and again
She soon stopped loving
She soon stopped caring
only letting one person in
To this day
she hides the pain away
crying and crying
out of sight
Keeping the knife
away from her life
just to see that one person in her life.
Mr Xelle Oct 2014
Well quit kicking me under the table..

I don't have what you looking for!
Well what are you looking for?
What are you looking at? Didn't you want me gone ?
Didn't you want me just to be there
But when I'm there
Where do we go
We go to another
Oh my brother
You push me until I'm bothered
Without the R we are getting Further
I've seen this happen to me and Joshua
Please don't do this
But if you wanna
I'm out of..
Reasons and breath cause
I've been chasing many in this life uhhh!!
Why do you smile at me?!
Why do I smile back and shake your hand?!
When did you comeover and layed with me like a lover?
When did you just sit at my house and kissed me because it was funny and until we
They can think what they think brother!
Well quit kicking me under the table!
Take your plate cause I'm not really hungry..
I love company  more then I'm thirsty.
If you ever read this.
Yes I'm trippin..
No, I like your company more then I wanna go or do somthing.

I'm full
Walking like a dead men alive.
Jumping the gun while no one shoot.
Feeling depressed like mental disturbed.

Everyone look me like a monster.
Looking in the world like I don't belong there, like a fish taken out of water and willing to return back .

Everyone were putting shame on me.
Tears fall several times and questions with no answer's were internally asked.

Sleeping with nightmare and scream in the middle of the night.
Beginning to stand in my feet.
Asking God if my blood is black than others,or anything I did roughly.

cryed and confers to him who created me,set me free  and make me
My life out of nuisance and make it nonsense to the one who made it in my life
Jay Jimenez Jan 2013
We danced yes
We laughed yes
We cryed yes
We stepped on eachothers toes
as the music played
We were both horrible at keeping up
with the beat the music played
but our hearts kept up with eachothers beats
your hands were warm
your hair was soft
as it brushed against my neck and back
I wish I could save this moment forever
locked away in a locket in my pocket
I promise
I'll never let you go
as long as the music keeps playing
and our hearts keep pounding
Mr Xelle Jan 2015
Miss the way you lie.
Miss the way you kiss me
Miss the way you miss the way you miss the way taunt me
Miss the way you cryed
Miss the way you knew me
Miss the way you miss the way you miss the way you showed me.
Thought you knew me?
You say you owned me?
You didn't show me...
Don't yell at me!
When you sayed "I needed you and you can't get over me!"
You missed me..
I was gone before you said anything.
chainee lynn Oct 2015
When I think of him
I think of what used to be
Think of all the I love yous
All the good nights
When i got mad you would tell me its all alright
You could make me blush just by blinking one eye
When I finally found out that you were gone I cryed
Days on end
Re reading our texts
Listing to our song
Wondering if everything you said was a lie
Did you mean it????
If you did why would I be here in tears wondering what I did to deserve this
This is dedicated to my ex
Ruth Jul 2013
Have you ever felt betrayed by the ones dearest to you?
Or cryed yourself asleep by the ones that treat you like trash?
Did you ever needed a hand and was never given one?
Did you ever wanted to punch love in the face?

Because i did and i got tired of the pain.
Tired of the tears and always picking myself up.
I got tires of everything. Mostly you love,
I'm tired of you the most.
" How far the crow flys they say .
I watched intently as the crow suddenly took flight ,
above dense grey clouds it flew ,
far above chimney tops ,
and the smoke that billowed out heating comfy homes ,
and little boys and girls dreaming of Christmas toys from Santa .
Where air was thin ,
Somewhere between heaven and earth !
Where night and day , sun and moon ,
and rain ,
are somehow forgotten .
The crow landed on a branch ,
below a most beautiful garden .
Streams of living water gave life to its plants ,
Where no **** could be found .
No rain ,
No Sun ,
No moon by night .
Something more splendid ,
Holy ,
Walked this place .
Why have you brought me here I cryed ?
What right do I have to stand in this place ?
I. Was born ,
Not of love ,
But of lust .
Hated by my Father ,
Left for dead by my Mother ,
Dragged up from the gutter ,
Bread and cheese .
Yet my Woman and daughter I loved ,
Begged , and tramped for bread to feed their pritty heads .
Crushed to death ,
With no grave to rest my head .

Then I saw a naked man reach up to grab some fruit ,
Without a thought he took a bite ,
and a sneering snake took root .
'" Where are you what have you done ? "
I heard a voice did say
My bird took flight from paradise ,
I watched it fly away .
Far above the starry night ,
above where angels sing
and lead to far greater things
Than I could ever dream .

— The End —