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5.8k · Nov 2015
I'm Sorry
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
I just feel so much guilt,
My words and actions built,
I know, what I did was wrong,
Tried to avoid it and be strong.

Following me has been the truth,
It was hurting like a tooth.
A second more, I could not deny,
Not apologising was a lie.

I'm sorry, from deep inside,
Clearly guilty, my hands are tied.
It was obviously, all my fault,
I have opened my inner vault.

I'm really sorry for my recent actions,
Selfishly searching for your reactions.
What I did wasn't kin,
I don't know what got into my mind.

Something wrong with my psychology,
From my heart I bring this apology.
I know there are no valid excuses,
Negative feelings arguments produces.

I'm really sorry, I truly care,
What I did was completely unfair,
Hope you forgive me over time,
I feel awful about my crime.

Please  give me a chance to explain,
What I did was completely vain.
It was clearly way beyond rude,
Completely stupid, I must conclude.

I used words, I did not mean,
I need to stop-acting fifteen.
My actions and words, simply not right,
I'm sorry for my anger and spite.

Please give me a chance to explain,
There must be something wrong with my brain.
My emotions, I must learn to control,
And never hurt you, this is my goal.

I look in the mirror, feel so much shame.
It was my fault, I deserve all the blame.
Just don't know what I was thinking,
With all this shame, I feel like I'm sinking.

All the consequences, I completely deserve,
Can't imagine, where I found the nerve,
I just feel like the biggest fool,
What I did, was simply not cool.

Your forgiveness, I earnestly plead,
Without it, my heart won't be freed.
Please forgive me, I miss you so much,
Beautiful voice and your tender touch.

I agree, I was wrong,
Wish I could, sing a song,
I know you're are mad,
What I did was bad.

Nothing about it, I'm proud,
I was trying to impress the crowd.
Next time I should really thing,
Maybe even see a shrink

What I'm trying to say,
My love for you grow everyday.
We should never fight,
I need to hold you every night.

I've been lucky to have a girl like you,
I'm sorry if you only knew.
Feel so bad, for being so rude,
I'm sorry for messing up your mood.

I promise to treat you like a Queen,
I'm sorry for being so mean.
If only somehow, I could make things better,
This poem's from my heart, not just a letter.

Your inner and outer beauty amaze,
I'm sorry, for my crazy phase.
I wish to give you my entire heart,
Please forgive me, we could make new start.
4.9k · Nov 2015
First Time I Saw You.
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
It's been a year since first time I've met you,
I don't know how to explain,
It's late at night,
And I still can't get you out of my mind,
I remember when I saw you,
I couldn't believe my eyes you were so beautiful,
Nice looking,
That perfect smile,
I just couldn't believe it,
At the moment,
I didn't know if I were dreaming or what,
But you were the most amazing girl in the room,
I almost had you in all my classes,
But I was too scared, and shy to approach you,
And now,
Its like, if I don't say,
"Hi I feel like if I was,  I'm the darkest place in some universe where you are my sun"
1.4k · Nov 2015
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
I don't believe in hope,
Hope is only a feeling of expectation,
A desire for a certain thing to happen,
If hoping too high,
I'll crumble easily towards failure.

I don't even need sympathy,
Because there will be no desire,
Loves aren't remarkable if based on pity.

For me,
All I need is chance,
Chance to earn your faith,
Chance to build up trust,
Chance to know you better,
Chance to grow older together.

Just give me chance to love you better,
Give me chance to build up spark and desire,
To give all my love to you forever.

Give me chance dear crush,
Give me chance to enter your life,
Give me chance to win your heart,
Give me chance to fulfill your dreams,
Where I'll be the king and you'll be the queen.
1.1k · Nov 2015
Dear Crush
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
Is that a real feeling?

Oh, I still remember the first time I took a glance at you,
Your smile,  
Your eyes,
Seems perfect for me,
For that very moment, I thought I was in heaven.

Only if I have guts to expressed my feelings towards you,
I won't even be in this mess,
I won't.

Oh, let me be a dreamer,
At least in my dream I could dreamed,
Its the only place for you and for me together,
We get older,
There is no infatuation feelings,
Only love, lust and desire.

Do you ever felt the same way I did?
Do you ever dream what I dreamed?
Do you?
1.1k · Nov 2015
If Only You Would Notice.
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
I lie awake at night,
Hoping with all my might,
That you would feel the way I do,
Even in a slight.

But you will never see the light,
That glows of my love,
Even if Cupid shot you from above.

No matter how bright this light will get,
Even when its brighter than sunsets,
You will never see it,
For you are blind,
Or you  have to be not to have realized,
That I'm in love with you,
But it was never meant to be surprise.
1.0k · Nov 2015
So I Don't Get Hurt
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
Sometimes it's hard to turn yourself different,
Where you won't get hurt depending on who you are,
How your heart is.

Hoping this time,
I won't get hurt and it works out,
I've tried to turn into someone different,
Where I won't get hurt but I care too much.

I can't change,
My heart is different,
That's why I hurt so easily.

If it doesn't go good this time,
I'm giving up,
So it won't happen again.
993 · Nov 2015
We Are Not The Same, Right?
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
For who am I, compared to you,
For you are a lion and I'm a mouse,
Living among lies in an abusive house,
I skitter and skatter until you pounce,
For there is nowhere to hide,
And none by my side,
I feel alone,
In this broken home,
Day by day I wish and pray.
But no one listens,
For what I have to say,
For that after all who am I compared to you,
For you are a lion and I'm a mouse.
973 · Nov 2015
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
Why is it that I'm never be seen?
I'm the only one that doesn't  gleam,
Through my joyful, happy disguise,
Can't you see the pain in my eyes?

Though still I have friends,
But I locked in my head,
Hurtful words they never said.

You made me feel worthless,
Like I'm the odd one out,
But on the inside,
I have won.
805 · Nov 2015
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
We sat at the park staring at each other,
Promising ourselves a future we knew nothing of,
Are we going to stay happy together forever?
That was what we asked ourselves always,
But then we looked up and in the sky and said time will tell.

Well the beginning seemed promising,
You were my best friend,
We looked perfect together,
We promised not to hurt each other,
We were so in love with one another.

Days passed,
Months passing by,
Then problems started,
Arguments settled in,
We were both insecure,
We loved each other and the thought of letting go hurt,
The though of me seeing you walk away,
Or seeing you with another man hurts the most.

Despite these problems we held each other closely,
I promised not to let you go of what we had,
I couldn't let go of something I could never stop thinking about,
I couldn't give up on the future we had planned together,
We fought through all these problems and become victors,
I guess we are destined to be together,
I pray to God to keep us happy and stronger together forever.
760 · Nov 2015
Your Choice; Ladies.
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
If I wore a suit and tie,
And buy you anything that you want,
Would you leave that naked man for me,
Who gave you his clothes, when you had none?

What if I gave you a ring for each finger,
But his life savings could only afford the cheapest one,
Wouldn't you just throw the ring back into cereal box where it is basically came out from?

If you passed away I would remarry,
While he'll probably sulk at your grave everyday,
But I would make your wedding dream comes true,
Would you rather do in his backyard,
With all those plants in the way?

Tell me young lady who would you chose,
Show the world what love means to you.

Choose him she should,
Choose him she didn't.

She chose a man who could give her everything,
But not love,
Of choosing a man who could give her love,
Over everything else.
576 · Nov 2015
Please Stay
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
The ice on my heart cracks with every touch,
Your gentle hand makes my blood rush.
The wind it blows outside,
So quietly,
As you lay here beside me.

The fear inside rises quickly,
With the thought of you leaving,
I can't breathe when you're gone,
Without you I would die.

I don't want you to leave,
And this is why I'm crying,
Please stay with me tonight,
Don't leave me here in fright.

Please stay and love me,
Only you who can free me,
You are my light,
My heart,
My breath.
Only with you my soul can rest,
Only you can heal the pain in my chest.

Without you,
I feel worthless,
Nothing can make me feel the way you do.
I will never love anyone,
As much as I love you.

So I will ask,
And continue to plead,
Please just don't leave me.
556 · Nov 2015
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
When I see her,
Lust fills my heart,
Imaginations on my mind,
All of her body parts.

When we're alone,
My heart beats fast,
I try to keep to myself,
But her curves, I must embrace.

As we past down this path,
Where point of no return,
I notice her eyes full of fear,
Her trust I'll need to earn.

For thou I wish not to hurt,
Nor do I wish to scar,
Something so fragile,
Must I not go too far.

If this her first,
For it is surely mine,
I'll do my best,
To ensure it sublime.
553 · Nov 2015
I'll Be There
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
I'll be your needle,
If you need me to sew your wounds,
Like a fruit I'll make sure,
That you'll never bruise.

Don't worry,
Don't be scared,
I will always be here for you,
Say my name,
Say my name,
I'll be there,
Just for you,
Say my name,
Say my name,
I'll be there in a minute or two.

I'll walk to you,
I'll fly to you,
I'll cruise to you,
I'll get to you,
I don't even care what I'm doing,
I'll do anything,
Just for you.
481 · Nov 2015
Hatred or Love
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
That feeling,
I don't even know how,
Is it love?
Is it hatred?

Day by day I've been wondering,
Is it what do we call as love?
Or better yet, hatred?

I love being surrounded by you,
In the same time I hate the fact that you were around.

With you by my side,
Cheering me up,
Until late at night.

With you by my side,
Every single moments wasn't right,
We end up with fights.

That feeling,
It so ****** up,
Either hatred or love,
Our feeling is always baffled.
476 · Nov 2015
Heart Broken.
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
I don't understand,
You trash me away,
With no reason to say.

You packed your bags,
And walked away,
With no farewell to say,
I am all alone thinking,
In the darkness wondering.

I loved you,
I cared for you,
But you didn't even care,
You broke my heart as if I wasn't there.

You lied to me all along,
The love I gave you,
You took it as a joke,
I should have known,
But I have to be strong.
450 · Dec 2015
Who Do You Follow?
Unknown - KS Dec 2015
I'm a dreamer,
And I dream dreams of being things that I can only fathom.  

I have a vision for the provision of  a  new meaning.

Against all odds they beg me to keep silent.

It took my breath away,
I closed my eyes and began to pray.

I don't conform to the standards of the wicked,
The morally unjust,
Unethical and vile creatures.

I cannot put a price on what I'm trying to obtain.

I was granted the chance to live again,
So I have to make it count.

I refuse to become a victim,
To be to powerless to change.

I refined my intellectual skills and began to seek truth.

Submerged in the words of the wise,
I chose to follow the one who sees and not the blind.

The decision is yours.
440 · Nov 2015
Why Am I Still Here?
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
Why life is so hard,
And why am I alive?
When nobody cares about me,
About my pitiful life,
So, why am I still here?

Why did God creates me?
Was is so I could tip a hole through my soul?
Pull my heart tight out of my chest?
Stomp on it and watch it breath for it's very last breath?

I have no purpose in this forsaken world,
So why am I still here?
You've given all others purposes,
But you've left out me,
Does this mean I should take my own life?
Am I just an empty vessel in your eyes?

Was it mean I created as pawn in your game?
My life means nothing,
I have no purpose,
So, why am I still here?
I have no heart nor soul,
Should I take my own life?
Is that what I was created for?

Am I just an empty vessel?
That has been born and that will die,
So, why am I here?
And why was I created?
Was it so I could suffer for what I may have done in my past life?
I don't understand why am I still here.
Can somebody help this empty vessel to find a purpose of life?

I trapped in this little world,
Because my heart and soul,
Have been ripped right out of my chest,
Devoured by darkness,
I'm left here to die,
Crying for eternity,
I'm just an empty vessel.

So, for the last time I ask again,
Why am I still here?
418 · Nov 2015
Unknown - KS Nov 2015
Perhaps a few years hence,
You'd know what I meant,
When I asked you to stay;
There are feelings disfigured,
Emotions you've triggered,
That don't separate,
Making me weak and useless.

Maybe you'll never understand,
For it was truly unplanned,
When for once I asked you,
To wait, to stay, to be...
Yet you've told me,
You were busy.

I'll forget these feelings,
And wait for my heart,
That'll heal with time;
Of all things I've done, will do,
I shall never beg for you.

— The End —