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 Jul 2021 Bebe
Sarah Flynn
 Jul 2021 Bebe
Sarah Flynn
I tell my story so often
that it seems like I've accepted it.
it seems like I'm recovering.

but the truth is,
I've told my story so often
that I am numb to it.

it no longer feels like my story.
I don't feel the fear and the anger
the way that I used to.
it feels like I'm reading a page
out of someone else's biography.

I have learned to convince myself
that this trauma belongs to
someone who isn't me.

when I talk about it,
I speak in a monotone voice.
I don't get emotional anymore
because I am not in pain.
it doesn't hurt to read from a book.

it only hurts
if I let myself realize
that in this book,

I am the main character,
and this is my story.
 Jun 2021 Bebe
 Jun 2021 Bebe
i said "i'd be the one"
he replied "to break me"
i guess we stand on different mountains
 Jun 2021 Bebe
First was a demo.
Second was a desire.
Third was a demon.
Fourth was a disappointment.
Fifth was a liar.
Sixth was someone who lost me.
Seventh was a charlatan.
Eighth was a Succubus.
But nineth is a different Angel,
My Angel.
My HP Poem #1925
©Atul Kaushal
 Jun 2021 Bebe
Elizabeth Preston
Hello my name is pure
My purpose is unknown
I do not exist
My name is faith
No one believes in me
My name is honor
No one lives for me
My name is peace
There is no such thing
I am impossible
My name is evil
I rule the world
My name is hate
I live with everyone
My name is death
I am wanted
 Jun 2021 Bebe
self destruct
 Jun 2021 Bebe
i feel you pulling at me
drawing me back to you
with each whisper
my bones react,
your hand on my throat
my blood singing your name,
craving destruction.
you're under my skin. you're in my bones.
 May 2021 Bebe
Yes I said it
Because **** isn't Voldemort
He who shall not be named
And I'm not a victim
I'm not ashamed
I can say ****
And talk about it too
**** isn't a bad word
**** is Bad to do
The word **** didn't take away what was mine
The word **** didn't "forget" to ask this time
The word **** didn't make me take a hot shower because
God I feel gross
I feel like I'm a ****
I feel like it's all my fault
I feel like **** didn't do that at all
**** is a word that people
Who haven't been forced to do something I said no to
Tip toe around
Because "****"  might be a trigger word
When I say ****
Why do your eyes fall down
Why did my mom teach me to yell
Instead of ****
I feel like you can see a fire
But you can't hear my fate?
Why is **** such a bad word
Can we talk about **** the way that we should
 Apr 2021 Bebe
Amy Duckworth
 Apr 2021 Bebe
Amy Duckworth
We're so obsessed with
finding someone to love us
Because we need to feel like we matter to someone
When we can't
matter to ourselves
 Apr 2021 Bebe
Sidharth Suraj
My reason to smile,
I already found that in you.
My reason to love,
is the truth I saw in you.
Your hands that healed me
keep them close to my heart,
keep blessing me with your love
until the time and seasons last.
You are blessed if someone has found their truth in you.
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