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4.3k · Jun 2020
Devour myself
Raven Jun 2020
If I did not have to feel
I would like to peel
All my skin
As would a snake
Without to break

If I did not have to feel
A knife made of steel
Would slice through my flesh
Meat so fresh
How it would taste
Nothing would go to waste

In the end
It is my own
Nobody must condone
I shall do it myself
Getting undone

Maybe it will be
Well done
Though I prefer
3.0k · Feb 2020
Eat you up
Raven Feb 2020
I want to dream more about flesh being eaten
How the blood in my mouth would begin to sweeten
Soft meat would part between my teeth
I took it from you, does that make me a thief?
I could not decide for where to start
So I took your whole body apart
All those delicious fresh slices
Adding only the best of spices
In each part of you can then be found relish
But don't fret, I'm not that selfish
At times I am quite generous
As if I couldn't share, how ludicrous !
I would invite my friends to a soirée
And greet all of them with a delighted enchanté
An entire evening we would feast on your meat
And I would fondly recall how prettily you bleed
We shall repeat this again and again
Until nothing remains for me to eat and torment
2.4k · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
I will eat you up
A piece of your flesh
Don’t tell me to stop
It needs to be fresh

A clean cut
To the bone
Blood to ****
I hear you moan

Let me cook
For both of us
Give it a look
You’re delicious
1.4k · Jun 2020
The fall
Raven Jun 2020
Can’t take it easy, not this time
Watch, I am covered in all this grime
Wish it was easy, just this time
Hear, I am wheezing a mournful whine

I think I will let myself fall
The way down is not so long
I never reached your height, never was tall
I never was as strong and now I’m gone

In the end
I wish I could see
But there is nothing to mend
And no reason to flee

In the end
I wish I could feel
There is no reason to stand
Or even to kneel

In the end
We all die alone
To death we bend
Lost without a home

Now it seems so easy to me
I let myself glide through the wind
This is my only chance to be free
1.2k · Feb 2020
The Wendigo and Raven Stag
Raven Feb 2020
Deep inside a forest
Hushed whispers can be heard
A creature of humanity bereft
Has got the nightlife quite disturbed

Eyes as black as blood
Reflect in the moonlight
Bare feet buried in mud
A sharp smile widened in delight

Skin pitch black
Leather to the touch
Antlers on its head
A stag in its clutch

Sharp claws caressing its snout
An unusual couple
There never was a doubt
That the stag would either
Bustle, shuffle, struggle or buckle
Instead it muzzled, nuzzles, cuddles and snuggles
All the while the creature subtle chuckles

Blending into darkness
Ready to strike and attack
You can feel each others fondness
Of him and the black feathered stag
1.0k · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
It's in my head
Come on
Use your belt
Oh please
Can't think straight
Help me
Let's make a trade

Get some rope
Get some knives
Get some sticks
You may *****
Feel me thrive
On your licks

Take me
Break me
Hit me
Nit me
And reverse

**** me
**** me
Choke me
Soak me
In your lust
710 · Mar 2020
Lonely shelf
Raven Mar 2020
If my feelings were written in words
The lines would never end

A never ending story
Of pages filled with nothing
And everything at once

As if my life was nothing more
And without wouldn't be at all

Now everything that is
Sits quietly in your hand
And without a single glance

I am put back
In just another ones dusty shelf
372 · Jun 2020
Raven Jun 2020
Oh, what have I done?

It was war
I saw you standing on the other side
From afar
Gliding through dead man's shadows at night

Fighting lost causes
I watched you succeed
Blood as red as roses
Bodies fell like dead meat

When I was past reason
I got trapped in your gaze
Everybody knew you won
As I fell into a haze

Oh, what have I done?

I saw nothing but you
You did not raise your hand
I had not had a clue
But I stopped to pretend

That is when I started walking
Straight towards you

Oh, what have I done?

When we faced each other
eye to eye
It was as if I said goodbye
To everyone who abandoned me

I know exactly what I have done
It was then I realised everyone else was gone
I stood alone until the end
What will I be, foe or friend?
354 · Jul 2020
Oh just shut up
Raven Jul 2020
Keep your mind
I have my own
I am not blind
Now leave me alone
309 · Jun 2020
Raven Jun 2020
I want to see what is hidden
I want to see what is forbidden
In the darkest of darkness
Covered and clothed by shadows

It is watching
At all times
It is waiting
Shackled in binds

For when I see
It waits with glee
It will be free
To hunt me
308 · Jul 2020
I wish I could
Raven Jul 2020
When all you want to hear
When all you want to feel
Are raindrops falling

I wish I could curl up in the wood
Could gaze as long as I want to look
At leaves falling

Could take in all the sunshine
Did not have to watch the time
From passing by

Songbirds chirping
Wildlife lurking
idyllic and peaceful

Oh what would life be
If I just could be me
I want to be free
291 · Feb 2020
Lucifers Fall
Raven Feb 2020
I live in hell
The underworld
Because I once fell
I didn't take it well

Bitterness is what everyone sees
Some say my heart may as wll freeze
All day I can hear these desperate pleas
And sharp words, meant to do more than just tease

Why, I never realised
The solitude
And loneliness I despised
Helped me staying disguised

That's why
My words drip venom
And cut like a knve
The burn like lemon
In a wound to thrive

That's why
I inflict pain
Although I gain nothing
Except disdain
So I try to keep on laughing

That's why
I never complained
It wouldn't make sense
I am left restrained
I'll never stop being tense
284 · Feb 2020
Christmas scent
Raven Feb 2020
It smells so sweet
Just like a treat
Of cinnamon and vanilla
Gingerbread and camilla
Oranges and pine
Walnuts and lime
And don't forget the thyme
There's a bit of mint
Inside a pint
Rosemary, sage and lavender
Combined in a suspender
And just a breeze
Of anise
Some cloves and nutmeg
And last but not least
Of course, chocolate!
281 · Jun 2020
Raven Jun 2020
At least try
At least try

Listen to the sounds
Of rustling leaves and birds
Drink in the sunlight
A calm breeze cooling your skin

Just a deep breath
All those noisy thoughts

Do you smell the wet earth?
The fresh cut grass and flowers
Take a deep breath
And settle down

Until your mind stops to shout
Until it gets easier
When it's too much I like to go outside, away from everything and let myself calm down in nature
244 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
Es ist dunkel
Es ist Nacht
In aller Stille
Es ist vollbracht

Hört es fließt
Hört es tropft
Verzerrter Mund
Wurde gestopft

Tanzende Lichter
Tanzende Menschen
Dolche im Schimmer
Nur so glänzen

Hört es fließt
Hört es tropft
Verzerrter Mund
Wurde gestopft

Sanftes Wiegen
Sanftes Singen
Lassen das Wimmern
Nun überklingen

Hört es fließt
Hört es tropft
Verzerrter Mund
Wurde gestopft

Nasse Gräser
Nasse Hände
Mit warmen Blut
Durchtränktes Gelände

Hört es fließt
Hört es tropft
Verzerrter Mund
Wurde gestopft

Reibende Verse
Reibende Körper
Eine Menge
Alles Mörder

Hört es fließt
Hört es tropft
Verzerrter Mund
Wurde gestopft

Roter Mond
Roter Leib
Liegt am Boden
Das tote Weib

Hört es fließt
Hört es tropft
Verzerrter Mund
Wurde gestopft

Es wird Tag
Es wird hell
Schau Sie flüchten
Nun sehr schnell

Nichts mehr fließt
Nichts mehr tropft
Sowie das Herz
Nicht mehr klopft
192 · Jul 2020
Raven Jul 2020
One day, my mind screams, one day. But I have waited. I have struggled. I am hanging on bare threads but I don't know for how much longer. Some day they will rip. I will fall. Will somebody catch me or watch how I splatter on the ground? Will they enjoy the sight or mourn the lost possibilities? Will they pity themselves? The only consolation for me would be to never have to listen again. Disappointement came and went whereever I stood. Never enough even when I gave everything I had.
Now, do you see? Why I reveled in your gaze? Bashed in your intelligence? Thought fondly of our conversations? Could truly call you friend?
Do you understand? Why I needed you? Why I had to be seen by you? I wanted everything you could give, I could take and vice versa. But still. As always. I am not enough. A disappointement I might be. A tool for many. I thought I was your friend, Hannibal. Maybe it was for all these things together.
A friend who disappointed and did not become as envisioned so the only option left was to use me like another tool in your favour. And look how well that played out. Ever the genius, Hannibal. When the world has forsaken you, there is nothing left. While I never harmed and you slaughtered, I got caged while you kept pretending and living on the stage that is called life.

And look how the spotlight is set on you.

A life for an act and an act for a life.

The crowd is loving you
175 · Jan 2021
Raven Jan 2021
Mama's gonna hear you
You don't have to cry
Mama's gonna hear you
There's no need for fright

Mama's gonna calm you
Hush now take a breath
Mama's gonna calm you
I'll protect you even in death

Mama's gonna hug you
Now please don't be sad
Mama's gonna hug you
It's not something I'll ever regret

Mama's gonna love you
You can tell me everything
Mama's gonna love you
You'll always be my darling
173 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
Lonely, I am so lonely
I feel like you're leaving me behind
I never knew I could feel so strongly
But it seems you do not mind

I want to hug you, never leave you
But I guess now it will end
It doesn't matter how much of this is true
All this time, it is spent

I have to say my goodbyes
When it gets dark you can hear my cries
I miss your arms, I miss your smell
I miss your touch and how it felt
168 · Jan 2021
Raven Jan 2021
If you can't feel it

Imagine there is softness
Imagine there is a kiss
Imagine you're covert in blankets
Imagine there is a hug
Imagine there is a tea filled mug
Imagine there is warmth
Imagine there is a caress
Imagine there is no stress
Imagine there's only love
Imagine you can be yourself
At least
165 · Jan 2021
Raven Jan 2021
Oh hush now mind hush
A swift sweep of a soft brush
hush now mind hush
A caress on the rose teint blush
hush now hush
164 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
Drifting through waves
Washing away
I think I am dissolving

Hollowed by streams
Sinking in dreams
Nothing to keep on hoping

And if this
Is what it takes
Then I’m
Giving in, giving in

And if this
Is what it takes
Then I’m
Gone, way long gone

Freezing to numbness
Setting to stone
This seems to be the end now

Losing my way
Everything gray
I guess this is farewell now
149 · Jan 2021
Raven Jan 2021
When did it stop
When did I stop
being able
to ask for help?
145 · Jun 2020
Some things
Raven Jun 2020
Some things might never end
Some things might never start
But that does not mean you have to bend
With everything you have got including your heart

Some things might make sense
But truly do not
Some things might not make sense
Although they did

Some things might be true
Some things might be wrong
But what is it to you
If not only an opinion

Either if I live for myself
Or somebody else

Things that I

Who knows who you really are
Who declares what you have to be
Who can tell you what to feel
143 · Jan 2021
Raven Jan 2021
Oh please
Grant me this wish
It's just a punch to her face
I have this fist to raise
Something to find relish
My own conscience to appease
If I may judge
It serves her right
I would feel no regret
Each time we met
I felt I just might
I am asking not for much
137 · Jun 2020
Raven Jun 2020
If I could talk to life
I’d like to tell it
No, I am not angry
I am just disappointed in you

For all the times
When I got the feeling
That everybody else
Was disappointed in me

It seems that
Whatever I do
I just can not

And is that
Not sad
135 · Jan 2021
Mama, I can fly
Raven Jan 2021
Maybe I will try
to fly
Once there was a time
That I believed
I had.
A dream come true
Feeling of butterflies.
I can't remember
how it felt
to be so happy,
so youthful free...
134 · Jun 2020
Me and my demons
Raven Jun 2020
It is time again for all my demons
To come visit me
When I am alone
I search for my bones
This is all I will ever be
When I am under earth and stone

I greet them like old friends
Always by my side
Never abandoned me
When I ran into dead ends
Soothed my fright
Showing sharp teeth with glee

I can feel them sitting on my shoulder
Weighing me down
Each day they grew bolder
Dragging me to the ground
My hands are getting colder
While I hold them close to me

I could not let go
Although it was freezing me
I even tightened the hold
If not for me then neither they should be free
133 · Jan 2021
I'm counting
Raven Jan 2021
I just have to hold my breath
Trying not to drown
Dead body all blown
Mercy or torture awaiting death

Keep counting from ten to one
As long as your mind is not gone
Time will come around
127 · May 2020
Raven May 2020
I cry into the night
save me
save me

I feel so much fright
hide me
hide me

I am always too cold
I've got no one to hold
I want to cry into the night
I want to hide all my fright

I crash my knees into the ground
oh please

My sobbing the only sound
I beg you
I beg

I am always too cold
I've got no one to hold
I want to cry into the night
I want to hide all my fright

I imagine my death

I try to hold my breath
not enough
not enough

I am always too cold
I've got no one to hold
I want to cry into the night
I want to hide all my fright

Get me to safety
I'm no one for bravery
I've got too much to carry
I am timid and weary
123 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
It’s so cold in the night
Why don’t you come out of your hide
We can stand side by side


I want to gaze right into your eyes
See through all of your lies
Until you have to cut all of your ties


We have to run down
Down to our path
I had always known
Known of the bloodbath

It’s your stone cold face
All I ever wanted to embrace
You dance with a coldblooded grace

I see

Everything you create is art
But now you need a new start
We should never ever be apart


So tell me now
Now where’s the crime
Do not act so low
Go it is time

I know you inside and out
Once upon a time I had doubt
Now I know you are proud


Let me take your hand
Life without you I could not stand
My skin shall be burned by your brand

Set me on fire

There are people who watch me
Me and my cage
I wanted to break free
That’s when you came onto the stage

Take me away
Take me I’m yours
Let me follow you

Obtain me

Don’t leave me behind
Watch me unwind
What you may find


Everything is a riddle
Why don’t you dare
Put me right in the middle
I can feel your stare

Get me chained
I want to be claimed
Leave me stained

Devour me

With you I want to slaughter
You can hear my maniac laughter
Without you I’m drowning in water

You’re encompassing

Let me feel the blood flowing
Painting our bodies
Corpses beneath us are growing
Hunting and killing our hobbies
Alternate Ending: Will and Hannibal don't jump of the cliff, instead they become something magnificent. Together.
121 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
Sinking and slicing
Mincing and dicing
Fighting and biting
Gliding and riding
115 · Sep 2020
Raven Sep 2020
I am sinking
Sinking in soft cushions
Pillows to hug
Blankets to cover
Everything warm
Softest embrace
Without a face
I find no calm
Without a lover
Only a hot mug
Giving up on wishes
I've got to start drinking
115 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
I like bodies
Hollow inside
Able to hide
Gaping open
By my hands
Intestines token
Nothing prevents
Your ribcage being broken

You are my canvass
My brush
A slight caress
Now hush
114 · Jan 2021
Let me sleep
Raven Jan 2021
Let me sleep
I just need
This little retreat
Where I lead
Into darkness
I will rest
For the best
I will detest
114 · Feb 2020
Merry Christmas
Raven Feb 2020
I guess I could say merry Christmas
It's this time of the year again
Where we wish each other some happiness
And hope there'll be snow instead of rain

Our homes will be decorated in light
With candles and greens making us smile
There will be a Christmas tree shining skin bright
So you want to sit down and gaze for a while

It smells of cinnamon, oranges and pinecone
Of baked treats, vanilla and punch
A time when nobody wants to be alone
And a shared smile can do so much

When everything is warm and comfortable
Soft music starts 5o play in the background
You know this moment is incomparable
Everyone joined together from all around
113 · Feb 2020
Life force
Raven Feb 2020
It is blood red
112 · Jun 2020
I shed tears
Raven Jun 2020
Wreck my heart
It hurts so much
This aching part
Worse if touched

Every day now
I start to cry
I wonder why
Every day now

I don’t feel
Is this real
More years
More tears
To come

I live alone
I eat alone
I sleep alone
I breathe alone

I miss company
Before, it was a symphony
It was supposed to be harmony
Now I am just lonely

I lie down
On the ground
I regret
112 · Feb 2020
Bück dich
Raven Feb 2020
Bück dich
Ich pflück dich
Bestück dich
Zerrück dich

Ein Glück
du bist nur ein Stück
Ich bin verzückt
111 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
Vor langer, langer Zeit, da war einmal.
Als es dann war, war es vorbei.
Das war so kurz, da dachte man;
Ach wie schön es damals war
Times flies by so fast
108 · Feb 2020
Hanging tree
Raven Feb 2020
I'm gonna hang on a tree
jumping free

let's have some fun

I'm gonna get me a rope
lay down my cloak

let's have some fun

swing baby swing
let your body swing
whistling in the wind
108 · Feb 2020
Graveyard of thoughts
Raven Feb 2020
My head likes to spin in circles
Round and round it goes
An endless river that flows
Thoughts lined up in rows
Green grass and tombstones

You wait

My head likes to spin in circles
I think I am going crazy
My vision going hazy
Movements becoming lazy
My mind plugged like a daisy

You end

My head likes to spin in circles
Way down I go
Until I rest in a hole
Upside down below
I watch daisies grow

You bury

My head likes to spin in circles
Shouting opinions
Shouting opinions
Shouting opinions
Shouting opinions

You thrive

My head likes to spin in circles
Why don’t you shut up
Why won’t you stop
Just once let it drop
Don’t push me over the top

You know

My head likes to spin in circles
You like to torture
Waiting like a vulture
You want to nurture
Create a new future

You plan

My head likes to spin in circles
You’ll make it snap
Impale me like a stag
Cut it from my neck
Without any regret

You relish in it!
Give in
106 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
Gentlest touch
Becoming too much
How will I ever survive

Crumbling down
Back to the ground
I won't get up no more

I am craving
While I'm hating
The ways how you can destroy me
106 · Feb 2020
Mirror flames
Raven Feb 2020
Can you feel your blood pumping through your veins?
Be careful you might cause stains
We will wait until it rains
So nothing remains
Only my claims
No blames
No blames
Only my claims
So nothing remains
We will wait until it rains
Be careful you might cause stains
Can you feel your blood pumping through your veins?
106 · Jan 2021
Raven Jan 2021
In the quiet of the storm
There's not much going on
But if you touch the walls
It will rip you into parts

Stay put
Don't move
Close your eyes
Feel the destruction
103 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
Shining like glitter
I see it flicker
What a sight

Pouring on my skin
Let me see you grin
Causing pain

Streaming from my wound
Painting the cold ground
Where you stood

Flowing down your face
Crafting a salt trace
The end nears

Gazing at my eyes
Telling no more lies
Lose your hold

Farewell H
Will says goodbye to Hannibal
103 · May 2020
I don't know
Raven May 2020
What if I just don't know?
What if life is too much?
When I hate decisions,
Am afraid of expectations,
Detest forced exhibition.
When no one is close to you anymore,
What am I even working for?
Am I still working anymore?
I think I just don't know anymore.
101 · Feb 2020
And the knive said
Raven Feb 2020
I have wondered
For so long

How it could be
I aint strong

So I waited
All my life
I got baited
By a knive

It once told me
I'd be good
Sound of glee
I never understood

Hush, now listen
My advice
Blood should glisten
Loose it's ties

I will help you
Letting it flow
This intense hue
I made my vow

You may kneel
On the floor
You won't feel
Any gore
101 · Feb 2020
A short breather
Raven Feb 2020
The touch of raindrops
On my face
I try to taste

Feather light touch
Caressing my skin
I try not to cling

A sigh of wind
Runs through my hair
I try not to shiver

Can I be at fault
For I prefer nature
Instead of the assault
Of some humanly creature

I fled into the woods
In search of protection
I stood beside a river
And gazed into my reflection

In water I was drenched
Upon each sound I flinched
My hands were tightly clenched
Of blood my clothes still drenched

Sunshine trickled down my body
Soft and warm
Until dawn
Then, I was gone...
100 · Feb 2020
Raven Feb 2020
There once was a small boy
I didn't know his name
I've never seen him with a toy
Nor playing any game

He always seemed so small
As if a wind could break him
Many times he would fall
Standing up again with a limp

I have never seen him smile
It was as if rain would never end falling
He seemed to be so fragile
Compared to his relatives, who were quite appalling

Whether there was sunshine or rain
If it was burning or freezing
He always looked to be in pain
Having a hard time with breathing
Raven Feb 2020
I wonder 'bout this blue shadowed sky
What's it covering, a lie?
For I can't stand the thought
It all was nothing but for nought
What's it that sun chases away
So only on dark days it will stay
If there'd be only some light
Maybe I could forget the thought of night
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