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Big Virge Nov 2020
Now This Piece of Wordplay’s...
Gonna Speak On Frames...

But Has NOTHING To Do...
With A... Snooker Game... !!!

Or Where Pictures Are Placed...
To Make Them Look GREAT... !!!

The Frames That I Speak Of...
Go A LONG WAY BEYOND............
THAT Kind of Stuff... !!!!!

Like The Frame of Mind...
That You Have To Find...
To Write Great Rhymes...
Like The Kind That I...
Now Sit And Write... !!!

About How... Frames...
Can Be What... SHAPES...

EXACTLY How It Is....
That You Choose To Live...

And Who It Is That You Pick...
To Have RELATIONS With... !!!

It’s A Funny Old Thing...
When You Really THINK... !!!

Because It’s Just A Word...

But When It Is OBSERVED... !!!

Can Prove To DISTURB...
The CALMEST of Nerves... !!!

When Frames ENCASE...
MORE Than Your Brain... !!!

You See THAT’S A Frame...
Where Going INSANE... !!!

ISN’T Far Away...
From Where You Stay...
And Choose To Lay... !!!

It’s A DANGEROUS Place... !!!

When Being Framed...
Can... “LOCK Away”...
A DERANGED Mind State... !!!

Or... Leave You To Face....
The Type Of Court Case...
Where Police Accusations...
Bear... NO RELATION...
To What Is... TRUE... !?!

EVEN WHEN There Are Clues...
That Provide CLEAR PROOF...

That Police Have Played...
The... Framing Game...

To Convict By The Use...
of FRAUDULENT Moves... !!!

You See Frames Are DEEP... !!!

And REALLY Do Reach...
WAY BEYOND The Beach... !!!

And Indeed Can Feed...
........ HUMANITY.......

In Various Ways...
That AREN’T Always GREAT...
Like... BEAUTIFUL Lakes... !!!

Because Frames EXIST...
In A LOT of Things...
From Home To Abroad...
Frames Create ACCORDS...
As Well As... WARS...

And That’s For SURE... !!!

They’re A POWERFUL Force... !!!
That SHOULDN’T Be Ignored... !!!

As I Said... BEFORE...
When It Comes To The Law...
And Those Who ENFORCE... !!!

And What About The Frame...
Where Politicians ROAR...
In The Commons And Lords... ?!?

Because I’m Really NOT SURE...
What They’re Roaring For... ?!?

Is The Frame That They’re In...
Really Worth ANYTHING... !?!

To Those In The Frame...
of The Modern Slave...
Who Works EVERYDAY...
For A Paltry Wage... ?!?

While These Heads of State...
Try To Make The Case...
That Their Policies Frame...
A Way For Them...
To Avail MORE PAY...

When What They Relate...
RARELY EVER Demonstrates...
That What They CLAIM...
In The Things That They Say...
Are Things In The Frame...
Or... REALMS of TRUTH... !!!

That... Help To Improve...
How Society Moves... !!!!!!!

Because To My Mind...
What They Frame Are LIES... !!!

Pretty Much... ALL THE TIME... !!!!!

Which I Guess Is WHY... ?
Within Human Kind...
SO MANY... Try...
To... Hide Behind...

The Frame of Deceit...
And Of Course DENIAL...

Well My Frame DEFINES...
An... HONEST Guy... !!!
Who NO LONGER Has Time... !!!

To Join The Frame...
of Those Who Play Games...
With OTHER Peoples’ Lives... !!!

Because They LIKE To Play...
With... Peoples’ Brains...

In Ways That Are...

It’s Such A SHAME...
That... ALL They Do...

That Prove That They...
Really Have NO SHAME...

Which Is Why These Days...
The Decision I’ve Made...
Is To Keep These People...
OUT of My Head Space... !!!

As Well As The Place...
That I Have Made...
That Keeps Me SANE... !!!

And Now Is The Name...
of This Poetic Wordplay...

That Is Simply Called.........

....... “ FRAME “.......
A broader subject, than it, at first appears........
Ayesha Nov 2020
I sit on this leather seat
looking out a world
this pretty, pretty strange world—
houses laden with rubble and dust, yet breathe,
paints that creep away in nights, the loyal grey.
people—oh people! So bruised
People, so tired—
Freshly moulded, boldly wounded;
Hung up on chains and dried on flames;
fed to birds while the hearts still beat.

I sit on this leather seat
looking out a world
So huge, so huge—we’re out of breath
I could dissolve myself in her shallows
could open up this skin— split me whole
vessel by vessel—poem by poem
note by note
and bury it all beneath her pages,
Taped to her empty words—forever
over hills, in windy deserts,
under dusty, unheard, seas

I sit on this leather seat
as the car goes on—
Through days and years, it goes by
going nowhere, nowhere—nowhere
so used to bumps, it barely shudders
and the world passes by,
she waves her winds courteously at us
People pass by
And the sky is still—
as birds fly along the same route-less paths
And the car goes on
as I stare out the window
at the world so huge—so mine—so not

and I could dislodge myself
scatter around the sky—all his empty depths
his silent hues—oh the softness of those lips
as they collide into her cracked moors;
volcanic oceans—barely holding on against his
— her— serenity.
I could disband this self—wave by wave
—grain by grain—thought by thought

but I sit here on this leather seat
—as all the words crumple together
Folded and squashed, squeezed to wrinkles
Like intimate threads—inseparable.
Tucked somewhere in here—old, torn clothes.
Caged—all of it.
all of it, in here.
all of me, in this tiny self.
barely—barely in—barely so.
like when he licks her dried meadows to life,
as he touches all of her, yet none
and she shudders, and houses fall, and people run
she shudders—and she shudders—and shudders
and shudders still—quietly— out of breath.
shudders — and shudders on
— never explodes.

I stare out the window of this car
at a land that never moves, never stills.
a little pair of eyes looks at me through the glass
—so mine. So not.
Big Virge Nov 2020
Ya Know......

These Days I’m MORE Discerning....
When Studying My Learnings...

of How Some Minds Be Working...

Because To Me...
It’s Quite DISTURBING... !!!!!!

From TWERKING To Jerking...
Most Now Seem QUITE CERTAIN.... !!!

Is Just A... NEW VERSION...
of ****** Type YEARNINGS... !!!!

Well These Days I’m Smirking...
From Things I’m OBSERVING...

Cos’ I’m MORE of A THINKER...
Than Those Who Wear BLINKERS... !!!!

And These Days TOO MANY... !!!
Are CLEARLY... UnSteaDy... !!!
And Seem To Be READY...
To... ARGUE Their Point...
Like Some Kind of OINK... !?!

By This I Mean... WELL...
Heads That Now SWELL...
With Thinking That Dwells...

Somewhere... UNWELL... !!!
And I DON’T MEAN Hell... !!!

Somewhere MUCH WORSE.... !!!!!
Because Their Heads HURT... !!!

From Thought Waves That SMELL...
of Somewhere Where THINKING...
Is CLEARLY Left... SINKing... !!!!!

And Harrison... " FRANTIC "... !!!

These Heads FOR SURE...
Just... CANNOT Afford... !!!
To Let Their Thoughts RUN...
Because Their Blades CUT...
Like Their Thinking Is DUMB... !!!

FINITE Like Tom Thumb... !!!!!
And FILLED With ***’... !!!!!

Whose Thinking Functions...
Up On... HIGHER LEVELS... !!!
Than These Thoughtless Devils... !!!

But TRUTH Is... THESE Heads...
Even HADES... REJECTS... !!!

Because Their DEFECTS....
... “ IGNORAMUSES “... !!!!!!

HOLD UP And Just... CHECK...
… What It Is I Just Said... !!!

If They’d INFECT THEM... ?!?
Then They’ve Got REAL PROBLEMS... !!!!!

BELIEVE IT Hell Yeah.... !!!!!!

You See THINKERS Present...
..... BETTER Arguments..... !!!

And Therefore RESPECT...
Is Something THEY GET... !!!!!

But NOT FROM These Plebs...
Whose Thoughts Bring DISTRESS...
To Them In Their Beds... !!!

And Cause Their Heads STRESS... !!!
Like Headz That Are... “ METAL “...

When They DROP Instrumentals...
Where Vessels Go MENTAL... !!!!

UNStaBLe... And UNABLE...
To Sit At Round Tables...
Where Rhymes Are Designed...
By Knights of DARK TYPES... !!!!!

Whose Mind’s ALWAYS PRIMED...
For THINKING To... SHINE... !!!

That BLINDS CRIMINAL Minds... !!!
CRIMINAL... “ Thinkers “...
Whose Blinkers Wear BLINKERS... ?

You See When You THINK...
You... DISMISS Weak Links...
And The Need To See Shrinks... !!!

Because You DEFINE...
A Mind LESS Inclined...
To Let Your Weak Side...
OVERRIDE How Your Life....
Is Shaped And Designed...

MY MIND Like Dark Knights...
Is... ALWAYS Inclined...
To Be On The RISE... !!!!!!

So DEFIES Those Whose Minds...
Hold Thoughts That Make STANDS...
Where IGNORANCE Lands... !!!

BELIEVE... I’m THAT MAN... !!!!!!
With BATMAN Type Vibes... !!!

My Thinking You’ll Find...
Delivers TIGHT Rhymes... !!!
That PROVE I DON’T LIE... !!!!!!

My Thinking DENIES...
DECEIT From It's Tries...
To POLLUTE My Mind...
With Thinking That’s TRITE... !!!!!

And Speaking In Riddles...
That TRY TO.... “ Belittle “....
Thinking That’s MIDDLED...
Like A Viv Richards SIX... !!!!!!

With Thinking Like THIS... !!!

When Thoughts I EXPRESS...
Leaves Their Thinking FOR DEAD... !!!

Cos’ My Thinking DIVESTS....
Like Bullets Do VESTS.... !!!!!!!!

With... HEAVY ARTILLERY... !!!

So You See My Mentality...
Will NOT COURT Insanity... !!!

I BYPASS Like Bradley... !!!...
Cos’... LIMITLESS Thinking...
While Others Are SINNING... !!!

From End To BEGINNING...
So Are... Mentally Sinking............

INTO.... “ The Mire “....
To Be Soon RETIRED... !!!

Like... “ Spensers’ For Hire “... !!!!!!
When Facing The FIRE...
of Truth Cos’ They’re LIARS... !!!

Whose Thoughts DEFINE FAKE... !!!
Because of Their Ways...
And How They Relate... !!!!!

Through Things That They SAY...

It’s TRUE Nowadays... !!!!!
It’s CLEAR That Some Humans...
Have SADLY... Become...

Who Are MOSTLY... NOT...

..... “ Thinkers “.....
We could probably do with a fresh breed of them right about now ....
Big Virge Nov 2020
Now I Have To Say...
That In These Strange Days...
My Use of Wordplay...
Is In A RICH VEIN... !!!!!

From Reflecting On Things...
That Are Proving To STING... !!!

Like Corona Pain...
And Societal Strain...
Due To Deals About Trade...

To Election Campaigns...
And Debate TIRADES...
From Names Now Displayed...
That Seem To Have NO SHAME... !?!

There’s Much That INFLATES...
That DEFINE What’s POOR...
And That’s Fa’ SURE... !!!

From Provisions For...
... A Corona Cure...

To... Media Views...
That Seem Far From Shrewd... !!!

From These Journalists...
Who Lack Balance So Twist...
And Then FLIP Scripts...

To... Right Wing Fascists...
Whose Views Seem RACIST...
To These Centrist Leftists...
Who To Me Are Now Visceral...
Liberal... CRIMINALS... !!!

While Words I Use...
Are Those That Peruse...
Todays’ World Issues...
Without Getting Confused...

Like Those That Ensure...
That Tough Times Are In Store...
For The Poor And More... !!!

Because of Those...
... In The Commons...
And Those In The Lords...

Whose NONSENSE AIN’T Shocking...
To Me... Anymore... !!!

And As For Those ABROAD...
From... American Shores...

Their LACK of Thought...
And ABUSE of Laws...
Is A Thing SO POOR...
That They Shouldn’t Be Ignored... !!!

Because I Wouldn’t Advise...
Ignoring Their LIES And Political Ties...
In These Days And Times... !!!

From The Left To The Right...
Their Talk CONTRIVES...
To Feed Bias And PRIDE...

That Is POORLY Used...
To Keep People Confused... !!!

With... Election News...
And POOR Interviews...
From Political Crews...
Who Choose To Allude...

Or To... What’s IMPORTANT...
Like Being Straightforward... !!!

What They Do Is TORMENT...
The Truth To Feed Falseness...
In... What Their Reporting... !!!

So Proceed With CAUTION... !!!

Cos’ It’s A CIRCUS Show...
That... Constantly Flows...

That’s POOR Beyond Belief... !!!
When You Hear Most of Them Speak... !!!

These Media Teams...
That Are TRULY WEAK... !!!

It’s Like Watching A Scene...
From Some Kind Of Movie...
Where The News Is Just USED...

To Sensationalise And SKEW...
Somewhat Like... PREDATOR Two... !!!!!

I Guess It’s Nothing New...
From NBC To Fox News It’s TRUE... !!!

Their Crews Have Got More Letters...
Than These Alphabet Genders... !!!!!

And Their Crews Are Those...
Who Have Them As Presenters...
That’s Right Women And Fellas...
Who Are FUELLING Agendas... !!!!

That Try To Play BOTH Sides...
of What’s... Now In Sight...

... Political Fights...
Everyday And Every Night... !!!

While People Now DIE...
From... Corona Vibes... !!?!!

I Wonder Sometimes...
If What They CONTRIVE...
Is What They TRULY Believe...
Or Do They Just Deceive...
Every Time That They Speak... ?!?

There’s A Lot That WREAKS...
In Their Daily News Feeds... !!!

of... HYPOCRISY... !!!

That’s POOR And Sustains...
SO MUCH That Is LAME... !!!!!

That I’d Rather Not Name...
Those Now In The Frame...
of Today’s News Game... !!!

As They’ve Already Gained...
And... Rates of Pay... !!!
For Their POOR Displays...
of What They... “ CLAIM “...

To Be Reporting That’s Straight...
Or INFLATE What's FAKE... !!!

Well While They Play...
Their DODGY Games... !!!

I Stick To What’s RICH...
Wordplay Through Lyrics...
That... DO NOT SINK... !!!!!

Like... TITANIC Ships... !!!

That Now Seem To Exist...
In The Media Links...
That Are Now Being Shipped...
That Now Need To Be CURBED... !!!

Because They Seem To PERVERT...
Rather Than... OBSERVE...
... Engaging Brains...
With The Type of Thought Waves...

That Like This Piece...
of Big Virge Wordplay...

Are CLEARLY Those...
……….. of A ………..

...... “ RICH VEIN “..... !!!
This years election news, has truly been something to behold, and much like the first debate, has been far from great !
Karijinbba Nov 2020
Well I was born a self existing
Yellow Star on April 16 AM
a portal to heaven a seed star,
more then half a century ago.
Under a brilliant star I was told
like Jesus Christ I too was born.
Only I am female though
this must be a parallel world
remembered in the negative light wrongly perceived isolated
while all I do is love, give life
save lives protect loved ones.

I'm barely known or viewed even here
persecuted like Jesus was
Just look what happened to Him!
strangely in a way, I've lived His life
I heal myself and others by telepathy
with my healing hands and touch.

The same things happened to me
around the time Mom's birthed me
where she nursed me newborn
one deceiving snake covertly hid.
Later on another bit my leg
immunizing me for what was to come of me that I survived poisoning torture rejections jealousies
envies and was trashed mocked
and sold yes just like Jesus was sold
but for more $ the Jesus was
by a Catholic lunatic nun at age twelve
Perhaps because I am also
God's daughter and my fathers name was also David.
Wasn't Jesus from the house of David,?
I was plotted to be banished
as a baby and later on survivied
while many times left for dead.
Yes death is my friend, it didn't stay
or it released me every time
back to breathing
and among the living
or is it with the dead walking,?

Well then, I hope the Angels lift me up
from this grave called apartment
I shall conquer
death's final sting.

How about you? Describe
your life to me in a story poem.
By: Karijinbba
True story poem
living a parallel reality wish to influence
the errors so I can change this outcome.
Bhill Nov 2020
if the barrier suddenly opened up
what would appear in your view
would it be a cleansing for new times
or the continuing of unpleasant news
I would hope for a fresh and welcome world
where society all got along
go back to sanity and reason
and return when the nation was strong...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 302
Big Virge Nov 2020
It’s CLEAR That...
... Government Tactics...
Are Now Causing DAMAGE... !!!

To Employment And Lives...
That Are Now COLLAPSING... !!!

Due To Tactics UNWISE...
That Are Now Causing PANIC... !!!

Because They’ve Downsized...
What Was Once Known As LIFE...
Through Tactics Ill Advised...
Due To CORONA’s RISE... !!!

But Could It Be SCARE TACTICS... ?
That Are Being Employed...
To Make Heads PARANOID... !!!

For A BIGGER Agenda...
Where What They Will Render...

Is A World of CONTROLS...
As New Tech Unfolds...
To Create A New Mould...
Where Humans Get Told...

Where It Is They Can Go...
And... WHEN To Do So... !!!

A Tactic That’s BOLD... !!!
Where Freedom Is Sold...
To... Corporate Folds...
And Those Who Uphold...

Lockdowns And Tech Goals...

That Embrace...
... Track And Trace...
And Corona War Games... !!!

Where New Tech Takes The Place...
of Us Being... HUMANE... ?!?

These Tactics... DISMAY...
When They LOCK AWAY Brains...

In Ways That RESTRAIN...
And Causes World PAIN...

Due To Low Rates of PAY...
And Jobs... TAKEN AWAY... !!!

Because of These Tactics...
That Clearly Are LACKING... !!!

A Way To DEFEAT...
This Corona Disease... !!!
WITHOUT Tactically Needing...
To Create... VACCINES... !!!

May Be Used FORCIBLY... !?!

For People To FREELY...
Travel And Walk Streets... !?!

Well Their Tactics To Me...
Are Those That Now WREAK...
of Something UNGODLY...
That People DON’T Need... !!!

But Their Tactics Are Working...
When People Are YEARNING...
To... Once Again Be...

Earning MONEY...
To Feed … VANITY...
ABOVE Staying HEALTHY... !!!

A Tactic That’s Worked...
To Make A Human Breed...
Who CAN’T Even See...
That These New Policies...

Are Those That Will STEAL...
Their Right To Be... FREE...

Freedoms RESTRICTED...
By Tactics HARD HITTING...
That Aren’t Finger Licking... !!!

But What Is Their Mission...

Where Heads Are CONDITIONED...
To... IMBALANCED Living... !!!

These Tactics Invoke...
A World of NO HOPE...
For Lots of POOR Folks...
As Well As The OLD...

And This Is NO JOKE... !!!

These Tactics Are COLD...
And May Dig Some Deep Holes... !!!
Where Folks DON’T Want To Go... !!!

I HOPE That Down The Road...
People DO NOT FORGO... !!!

A Level of... THINKING...
Where MASSIVE Resistance...
Is Something That’s Shown...

To These People In POWER...
Whose Tactics Leave SOUR... !!!
Tastes In Young Mouths...
Whose Futures Face Clouds...

That Are Darker Than Men..
Who Choose To BEHEAD...
Teachers Who Are French... !?!?!

Because of Things Said...
In Things They’ve Expressed...
That Made Them Get VEX... !!!

… Tactics So DREAD... !!!
That They Now Lead To DEATHS... !!!

Like Those Caused By FEDS...
And This Virus That’s Sent...
A Whole Set of Tactics...
Now Claimed To DEFEND...

The Masses From Ashes...
And People Left DEAD... !!!

But As I Have Said...
They’re Causing PROBLEMS...
Between Congressmen...
Presidents And PM’s...

Because of These Tactics...
That Clearly Have Bred...

Words of DEFIANCE...
As Well As DISSENT... !!!

From Political Heads...
And Their Constituents... !!!

And Of Course Now Racism...
Is... Tactically Driven...
From Being In Vision...

In Films And Folks Thinking...
As If THIS Makes A Difference...
To Those In Positions...
Where Racism's Hidden... !!!

Well My Poetic Tactics...
Deal In... REALISM...
In Things That I’ve Written...

Like Minds Now Held CAPTIVE...

Like Slaves Taking Lashes...
Because of Their Ramblings...
That Now Seem OUTLANDISH... !!!

In A World That's Now...

Which May Simply Be...
Because of...

" SCARE Tactics “.......
In such a crazy time, one has to wonder what tactics are being used, and for what purpose, when it comes to the powers that be ?
George Krokos Nov 2020
There are some people in the world who are very good liars
and quite a few others who also happen to be their admirers.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Nov 2020
There’s something for everyone here in this world of ours
and all that anyone really has to do is to put in the hours.
So as to get whatever they may desire or perhaps wish to be;
it’s the same for those who in their efforts try to become free.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
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