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LittleFreeBird Jul 2020
Wild spirit  
dancing under
Moon lit
bathing in  
Her nocturnal


Shadow twisting
around the fire
naked skin
toes skimming
in exultation

jules May 2020
i sit in the bathtub
surrounded by
lit candle wicks
allowing tears to flow
feeling the comforting
cleansing of the water
wash over me gently
as i connect to my breath

the new moon
allows for manifestations
and new beginnings
so, i grab pen and paper
and jot down:

when i see myself in the mirror
i want to look deep within
and see the divine being i am
instead of
someone i wish not to be

i wish to cultivate
self-love, stillness
and harmony;
giving myself the space
to slow down and reconnect
while loving myself tenderly
for all that i am

i wish to spread
this love of self
unto others in my life
and to the collective
beings on the planet

in hopes that they too
will see the beauty
that is already within them

thanking the four elements:
earth, air, fire and water
for their guidance
and protection,

i step out of the bathtub
blow out the candles
dry myself off and
step out of the sacred space
releasing my intentions
into the wild.
Virginia Eden Mar 2020
She dances
moonsoaked and citrine
with pale paper skin,
smooth palms open toward the sky
and from her desert-kissed lips
spill wildflower prayers.

She knows she is but
 a fleeting impression 
against the canvas of the night
so she betrays all her silver secrets
to the all too eager wind
who whisks them away
to some dusky autumnal den.
Sydney Nov 2019
Purple, shiny with edges, nooks, and crannies
Light bounces off and dances along the walls
Starry Aug 2019
A Wiccan woman
At her witch ball
And off to space
As she contemplates life
cs May 2019
burning, burning,
sacred wood;
cleanse the air that lives around me.
with quartz, and sapphires and emeralds I pray,
please o' please,
keep me safe, keep me grounded.
Harry Roberts Mar 2019
I guess the spring king has risen
Protruding from her wisdom
Growing fire everyday
Not to burn but grow and stay.

Willing death in these life making wombs
Raising up guilt like a coffin exhume,
All of the chaos don't dare to presume
All of the synthetic **** you assume.

I think we are one but divided by views
I see a six while you see the news
Resurrected from Styx and your fate I allude
But to the state and the stars you ******* collude.

I think we are one but divided by news
Media slant only shows you some views
Karmic imbalance yes the West it accrued
Born in a storm all the East children slewed.

Resurrect the Goddess & see the Summer King burn
Alive for to long his essence a concern
Abrahamic in nature foretells us our urns
Prospering marigold an infernal season turns.
Spring King
alexandra Jan 2019
Dancing among witches.
Among fire and ashes.
Between demons who may have ravished souls.
****** the life out of thyself and made you mad.
Necromancy,is singing to ****** moons.
Old scripts still hidden under filthy cabinets.
The corpses are moving in perfect sync.
The cinematic atmosphere of the medieval times makes our stomachs turn black and sore.
You may be dancing among witches and warlocks and sorceresses but thou shall not forget how pure their souls are.
Shooting stars,blooded eyes and sharp tongues are the gifts  of tonight.
Enjoy this blowout before they eat you alive.
Before you become one of the dark ones.
Brynn S Nov 2018
Cigarette burnt skin
Rise from within
Marks of the mind
Memories unfold
Unraveled and intertwined
The moments were left short
Though all traces last
Falling to the sky
Racing lungs bite
Pinching and clutching breath
What is the punishment of lust?
Could their loves be condemned?
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