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Cody Cooke Mar 2019
Look at this Mess the Messiah made
You’d think He’d have kept up with things
But all he’s good for is bringing good honest people together
In a place where it’s easy to ******* shoot them
CLARYT Mar 2019
She said he only did it once,
A lie, we all know now,
Her black and blue explained away,
The scar above her brow,

Her hair tied tight to hide the bald,
The clumps of hair he tore,
The telltale signs of running scared,
the make up that she wore,

The cancellations she would make,
Excuses wearing thin,
Her friends, becoming distant now,
Her signature false grins,

And now she sits explaining how,
She hit back way too hard,
A life cut short, a payback show,
She really marked his card,

If only she had said it once,
If only she had left,
He hit her once too often, now,
His prison sentence.... death..
Domestic violence is a horrid thing, and every now and then, a victim will fight back, only to become the violent one...
(C) 25/03/2019
Lizley Mar 2019
Did you hear that?
Violence against violence;
Arrogance against arrogance;
Can you see it?
Pure evil—
Monsters your imagination
is even afraid of;
Do you feel it?
It's here—
© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog)
The world has gone mad. :'(
FreeMind Mar 2019
Red imprints of your hands are left on my neck
Purple kisses of your fists are left on my thighs
I lose my breath when we cuddle
My fingers go numb when we hold hand
As you decorate my body with your glance
I begin to find beauty in the unique designs of your creation

March 20, 2019
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
so many colours on a scattered on a page,
too many scars on a pretty face.......
for my friend who died two weeks ago
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
a little headache,
and father running for doctor,
now ,
makeup hid all the scars,
a little lipstick and a little blush on,
to hide the injured lip and the cheeks that are dark,
a daughter had now become a a wife,
a daughter in law,a mother
this goes to all women out there being tortured by their husband,one of my friend died two weeks ago .the doctors told us that she was being tortured physically and mentally  by her husband and her mother in law....this really broke my heart.......
Tiara I S Mar 2019
Hey- it's the emo kid you never knew
With Brown skin in the place of White
Clothing black- as my heritage
Multiple shades of darkness
Stripped of their specifics- boiled as one
Depression rampant within my home
Trauma plaguing my scattered peoples
Beaten- Whipped- Stolen- Neglected-
Murdered- Skinned- Hunted- Sold- Collected- Experimented- *****-
Anxiety trapped within my veins
Coiling my nervous system taut
Genetically- stress should have murdered me
I shouldn't exist-
So when I open my mouth to protest my sufferings--
Centuries of punishments left untreated- undiagnosed
Passed on generation to generation to bear
--Listen- Hear me- Listen to us and-
Be blessed we aren't out for Blood
Because an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and
I see color
I dont ignore the past grievances but-
In spite of them keep going
Black Lives Matter (Too)
[I shouldn't have to add the "too" for yall to get it]
Eliza Prasai Mar 2019
He’s not mad nor a murderer
He doesn’t crave any violence
Nor his principles ask for any
He pleads, prays and bows down
No, he doesn’t have an appetite of flesh
Nor a thirst for any blood
He wants the same thing
Just like most of you want..
“To raise his families in peace.”  
Just like you all, he also exists
The difference is- his religion doesn’t
Not at least in the minds of his fellow people
A man, Just because
He chose/inherited to bow head instead of join hands,
Is forced to lay down with lifelessness
Amidst the prayers of good life and prosperity
“Is he allowed to speak?”  
“Yes or No, if he does he’s a terrorist.”
Little did that three year old
Laying lifeless in front of his own Masjid knew
His white hat would bring so much despair,
Which even a million apologies can never repair.
Hope Mar 2019
His words were bullets, his mouth was a gun
And in everything he said, he never knew he killed someone.
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