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Charlie Gnarly May 2018
Sometimes I wish I really was a bin.
Trash could fill my surrounds, and in.
******* would be in my mind,
I sometimes I could hope,
that a coin
might land
A graphically pleasing poem written about embodying my alter-ego transformation.
stargazer May 2018
Don't cry for me
I am not worth your tears

Do not mourn me
I am not worth your sadness

Don't comfort me
I am not worth your time

I am not worth your affection
I am not worth your care
I am not worth your worry
I am not worth your efforts

I am worth little more than the dirt on your shoes
Which you cast away in disgust

I am worth less than the trash you throw away
Which you hurry to get rid of
So it will not ***** your hands any longer

Pay me no mind
And I will try to give you no trouble

But I am like litter
Out of control
With only few willing to clean me up

I seem so inconsequential
And at times I am
But litter only spreads filth
D A W N May 2018
after all those years
chasing people and hopeless dreams
falling in love with boys
who weren't meant to be
I've convinced myself
things aren't always what they seem
I see six, you see nine
i see black, you see white
I've built walls high above the ground
And I've let them turn it down
and i kept chasing and chasing
hoping they'd finally face me
embrace me and my flaws
but no..
they drew their claws
slashing and gashing.
with gnashing jaws
i shut myself away
away from monsters
who embody my sanity
and I convinced myself
maybe i dont need people.
for the people who tell me why i dont care. this is for u :))
Ron May 2018
Wanna sit on beach somewhere
Cold drink, without a care
Not a thought in my mind
About stress or self doubt
Just alone with some time
Enough to clear my head out
Gotta sort through the mess
Sort the trash from the treasure
Katelynn Vens Apr 2018
Your doe-like eyes
And light the skies.

Your child-like bark
And light a spark.

Our eternal love
Fits one another like a glove.
About my dog who I absolutely worship.
Brent Kincaid Apr 2018
We heard there are poor people with money
And as Republicans, we don’t find that funny.
At first we thought it was a horrible joke
They’re supposed to be broke.
A kind of liberal poke.

We’re the elite, the complete package.
The blue ribbon, the absolute cream.
Don’t say we’re not or we’ll scream.
We know we’re right
Because we’re white.

So, dance the Republican Mambo
We’re the real Americans by Jingo!
Just like Billy Rose’s Jumbo
We dominate the dance floor
But that is what we live for.
We mow down opposition like Rambo.
Don’t question us again
Just send your money in
Get paper and pen quickly
And send money to the RNC!

Yes, we let a few of the other kind in
But only when we have to now and then.
They are exceptions of note
Designed to get the vote.
They’re each a Judas goat,
And they speak by rote.

Darwin said it well, even though he’s a fake
Survival of the fittest means we can take
Everything and everyone we may see
And knock them to their knees;
Grind them up mercilessly!
We get everything we see.

So, dance the Republican Mambo
We’re the real Americans by Jingo!
Just like Billy Rose’s Jumbo
We dominate the dance floor
But that is what we live for.
We mow down opposition like Rambo.
Don’t question us again
Just send your money in
Get paper and pen quickly
And send money to the RNC!
Marcus White Apr 2018
You don’t no how much I can’t stand you. I just want you to be hurt the way you did me. Man I was the dumb to believe that something with you would be hard as concert. What you did to me feels like the ultimate defeat. A heart made of gold broke like glass and thrown in the trash. I gave you my all and you just kicked me in the ***. Then for you to turn and move on so fast. That hit me hard than a mentor crash. Hurt worse the a rash on my ***. You took everything thing I had use me like a tool.
Nicole Mar 2018
Pen and pencil residue
Scribbled across a crumpled page
My words
His words
What do they all mean?
Still they make me feel things
Tears staining old papers
Not sure where these thoughts come from
It's been a long time now
Though it feels like just yesterday
These empty vibrations we put out back then
Still find a way to reach me now
This sting will last an eternity
Unless I throw it all away
And let the memories fade
Be thinner be smarter
Be the perfect daughter
Smile and laugh
Such a piece trash
Just agree
Give in to their lying
Your hopeless, but dont stop trying
No one truley cares
Don't ignore the stares
Stop holding teddy bears
Run your fingers through your hair
Your an adult now
Fix your self up now.
I'm not really sure where this is going but oh well
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