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Brandon Conway Aug 2018

One tower falling
We all gazed, boss yells at us
"Get back to work!" CRASH!
Trying to combine dark comedy into haikus.
Nyx Aug 2018
Break and tear at my skin
Pull down the covers
Reveal my true sins
I'm not a real lover

Chip at my fortress
That I've build high in the sky
Knock down the door
Its within there I hide

Fight the dragon
That stands in your way
Pass by him with ease
As he's quite easy prey

Scale to the furthest tower
Within there I lay
A lonely girl hiding
This is where I stay

The walls mean nothing
Nor the doors that are bolted
That dragon so fierce
Is weak though devoted

Its easy to break through
Its simple to get in
But the real question is
How do you win?

The real challenge wasn't
The doors and the riddles
It was whether or not
You could cure me, even just a little

To rid me of this curse
Lay upon by a witch
To forever feel this loneliness
Though I am a complete *****

So tell me darling do you know
The way to set me free?
Or will you be like the rest of them
If so, go on and flee

I'll stay in this tower
Dont you worry
You weren't the prince for me
I know that the truth is that I'm the one
The only one who can set myself free
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2018
Moon shines with wisdom
Happy thoughts within this mind
The stars, my lanterns
Queen Lyn is looking at the stars from her chamber, with high hopes for the future after her achievements today!
Lyn ***
Colm Jul 2018
At the top of every ivory tower
        Is a steeple proud and tall

At the top of everybody's body, is a head
        Be it hollow or whole in all
Short Tower
Cardboard-Jones Jul 2018
To what does the world owe to her beauty?
A beauty no one has ever seen.
Locked behind a door, a barrier of sort,
But not to keep the world at bay.

She speaks to me through concrete and wood,
Curiosity growing fonder by the day.
Her voice echoes off the empty manor
To which my ears captures
And my mind constructs an image of her.
I can only assume she does the same of me.

I sit of hours in that sturdy chair outside her chamber,
Engaging in conversations we’ve never had before.
With each spoken word we unravel more layers of ourselves,
Layers we both feared of discovering.

I mustered up the courage to reveal feelings,
Feelings that quickly became a bouquet of clumsy words.
She laughs at my blunder
But not in mockery.

I place my hand on the wall.
I hear her footsteps grow closer.
I imagine her putting her hand up as well.
The closest I will get to feeling her touch.

My Rapunzel won’t let down her hair
But granted me access to her tower.
Frustration tells me to abandon this endeavor,
Yet hope yearns to see it through.

I return to that sturdy chair once more
To continue our routine as always.
My ears prepare to capture her voice again
Hoping to be greeted with the sound of a door creak.
The bedroom light sneaks from under the door
Accompanied by a woman’s fragrance.

I long to see the face she hides.
I long touch the skin she protects.
I long to break down the wall between us.
Brandon Conway Jul 2018
Sitting at the bottom
Of the sun-kissing tower
I hear you crying for help
Could I make a suggestion?
     Stop cutting your hair
          And blaming the scissors
               Instead of your own hand.
Rose May 2018
my words are empty murmurs to an old man,
who thinks his worth is more than mine.
the inferiority of my *** is inflicted by your tone.
one day you will be brought down from your high tower of injustice.
so many times my *** has brought me shame, for what knowledge can a woman know? the answer is so much.
My mind is a castle
Caught up within clouds
Dreaming of fairytales and knights
Or a prince with a crown
Thinking true love is the answer;
My first kiss will break the spell
Making wishes on all the pennies
I’ve thrown into wells

I am a princess in a tower
I’ve been waiting for the day
When the walls around me crumble
Will a hero come my way?
But my castle in the clouds
Isn’t real, it’s make-believe
This hero doesn’t exist
It is my heart’s own cold reprieve.

So I will climb down from my tower
With my own bare hands and feet
And I will wrestle every dragon
Until I set myself free
I will bleed and I’ll break a few of my bones
And in the leaves of the trees I’ll make a new home
With the birds and the sky, the grass and the earth
Because I don’t need a man to make me feel my own worth.
Michael King May 2018
This is a metaphor of my own life. WARNING. IT IS LONG. I don't expect anyone to read it.
A shadow claws up your skin tonight.
Combing each wrinkle with heightened delight.
Each pin ***** tendril sends an ecstatic
amount of confusion into your mind.

And you wonder...

If fortune was true... then what of the man
who came in a storm, while before him ran
an energy source he named Midnight Eve
who caused him to rise. To fall. To believe.

For while he was nothing, with time left to squander
his feet were too restless, for him to just wander.
Though the dark of the sky, clouded his eyes
and the tower above which rose through the skies

set a sample of truth which was hard to ignore.
A sample of face. A chime sounding core
which left behind music, friendship and charm
and fought against peace to cause some self harm.

Yes he strove by the day. Every minute and hour,
possessed by a height, a young,  dying flower
which in truth was a game to confuse and deceive him
but he knew, he foretold, and refused to believe in

a whelp made of feathers, claws and two wings.
Meant to defy him, and rip hearts of kings.
But moved onward, further, forgetting her name.
He played his own style. He played his own game.

He moved on...

He had a hand in throwing down the tower.
Each step he took, deprived it of it's power
til at the last he looked back at the sky
and saw a sight his mind could not defy.

For in his huge desire just to escape,
and maybe soon his mind would not be *****,
the blackened sky produced a single light
which held his gaze forever from that night.

That light beheld the shadow on his brow
and brightened up the sky, still up til now.
The God made structure fell, to dust it crumbled.
And he was free, so onward he stumbled.

Time carries on...

Oh Midnight Eve, he longs to see
your dark shod eyes revived.
For in those pools, he is a fool,
a piece of life denied.

He met a God, of light and waste
who tried to snare his bell.
He picked her up and tossed her off
the world and so she fell.

Wanderer returns:

While he travelled he often stopped
for rest. On one such occasion, as
he slept, he was visited by a beast
claiming to be a friend. This beast
gave him wings and power and
disappeared into thin air.

The wings were snares.  The power
was contradictory to true strength
and offered him only chains and
lack of hope.

The sun sets:

Winter has fallen,
yet he must find her, his light
before she moves on.

Always she's two steps.
And no matter how he runs...
he never sees her.

The truth and an end:

He caught her once, peering at him
through a different reality A sphere he
could never perceive.

He clove at that rounded ball,
impossibility chipping his wings,
stripping his power, yet always
she smiled at his efforts, love in
her eyes.

It drove him crazy with desire, to
see sadness within those beautiful
slanted eyes, and with his last bit of
strength he forced his hand into
another world, touching for a second
her beautiful cheek.

Then he was gone... and she was alone
again. She looked at his gravestone,
and with her love, inscribed it with
his own heart...

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