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Poetic T Jul 2019
Were one race the human race.

We all have a different sunrise
       and we all set differently.

Who decides how we awaken
and how we slumber.

       its our life,
we choose what we open our eyes to.

And we slumber on the thoughts

                       of everyday passing.
Dré Jul 2019
We love each other broken,
and maybe that’s our curse.
I catch my reflection in glassy shards of you,
scattered across countless hotel room floors.

relentless reminders
of the things we love
and can’t stand.

Everything and nothing.
Together and alone.
Here and there.
I can’t be in this body;

Exit stage left when bloodied soles
remind me of my inability to make you whole.
Imminent failure lingers over me;
a wet blanket putting out a fire
that was never meant for fighting.
anastasia Jul 2019
like a tree alone at night
my father sits in our garden
the lone star in the sky showers him with radiance
and apart from the wind tussling around with his parchment
the furious scribble of his pen
he is silent
and solitary

he is eternities away
lost in his mind space with no suit
and I can no longer recognize him
until suddenly
he jumps
taking a graceful swan dive into the untold
with no mission control relaying actions
just his mind

before he emerges with the sun
steadily walking towards my mother as she stands on our patio
the sky behind her as if it were painted by Van Gogh himself
turbulent and swimming with passion
I can see him again through the parted clouds
he is different, yet the same

as he turns towards my window
giving me the wink he always has
I realize:

no matter how far he travels
and how long he stays away
my father is still my father
and there is nothing that can make me feel any other way
hi :) this is the first poem that I've written and I'm ecstatic to write more and to improve my wordsmithing
Dominique Jun 2019
Physics acts on every one
Of the baffled little parts of me;
Gravity refuses to leave,
Drags my eyelids down to active sleep
(I chase after life in each scene)

And in the morning, right outside,
I fail to hide from the hands of the sun
Its filthy fingers pressed to my skin
Letting the heatrays in so easily
You'd think I was a plant.

(I need it as much as if I were green,
It turns my fears golden
And lights my eyes clean.)

Eager to grab control
From my little follower who rules it all
I pull muscles and harvest bruises-

Newton's third law, impact and force,
Of course:
Heads against shoulders,
Leather and walls,
Thighs against doors,
Lips on lips and disappointed synapses
That serotonin can't quite reach.

If I am blood,
Fresh experience is bleach.
(A dark little figure of speech)

But I light candles sometimes
Just to blow out the feathery flame
To feel temporary, precious
Like rosy musk enhanced by rain
And fill up the tightest corners in my mind.

Life, in the end, is stupidly kind.

And in the evening light, she and I remain,
The world entangled in my limbs,
Breathing in, and out

And in.
title translates to "not alone"
Poetic T Jun 2019
A footstep can
     Change a

A thought can
     Change a  

An idea can
   change the  
             world forever.
Abbas Dedanwala Jun 2019
Slender and sunset spotted
I glean your legs and climb your
Taking in every sound your skin makes
as my finger guides the words
off your lips
and into mine
eye roll pita-patter
that went to flatter
the doily with a queen in absentia
but her placenta wear halter in zebra
to fabricate ***** but a summer thrill up yonder
in a bat cave wonder
with blond tenderness so blind
yet her sunken ***** there
her patriarch kind butter
this ice grab yellow
Asonna Jun 2019
Living your life behind window panes, blue.
Life feels like a daydream,
voices screaming to give up,
what are you even doing this for?
Sometimes you breathe, but all you feel is pain.
Sometimes you cry, yet your skin is untouched.
Most times your loved, though you still feel alone.
There's a war in your mind and you don't know what for.
You don't want to be sad forever,
you need to escape those panes of blue.
Hand to heart, feel it beating still.
You won't be sad forever,
I know this to be true.
You're wonderful,
and even truely loved.
Just breathe and take your hand with mine,
I also have scars, they're painful inside.
Let us harbor our pain together, not alone.
We'll be fine.
OpenWorldView Jun 2019
Come with me,
take my hands.
Let's be free
and leave these lands.

We run away,
to escape the norm.
We do not stay
for the storm.

Let's build a home
just you and me.
A place to roam
together - till eternity.
Home is where your heart is.
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