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violetstarlights May 2019
they said it was hard, not impossible
but does it look like i have the energy for that?
Jack Brandon May 2019
Therapy Session,
To release the misconception.
Turn the depression into a lesson into a message.
The stem of the universe trapped in a mind,
Questioning existentiality like a child learning to ride a bike.
The root of the issue seems to be external,
But the issue is no more than the perception of a mortal.
We see, we think, we do,
We misunderstand, we think, we choose.
The clouded screen that obstructs our vision,
Is in reality what makes our decisions.
Is the judgment what lights the spark?
Or our perception of the words thrown at us that light the gasoline?
To breath and step back and accept the truth-
No one can truly judge you, except you.
We respond on emotion
Without thinking through,
The more gentle truth that tells you that it’s really not you-
No one can truly judge you, except you.
We feel attacked, abandoned, betrayed,
Like the things people say hold some meaning that should sway,
Our views of our self,
Only bound by our self.
When they look you in the eye and tell you the lies,
Others do not decide who you are,
Do not let them define you;

You are

Who    you    are.
This is a poem that I wrote after waking up in the middle of the night.
Rae May 2019
Unavailable for your games and wicked schemes :
Unavailable for your nonchalant attitude and your confusing words .
Unavailable  for my voice constantly repeating the same thing to you and not being heard .
Unavailable for your lies .
Unavailable for your high pride .
Unavailable for your “ Cocky persona “ when others are watching .
Unavailable for the  countless “ I’m sorry and   “I’ll do better” .
I’m unavailable for the broken promises
And the missed calls , and putting up with you through it all.
I was always available to you but you were always “ unavailable ” to me .
So now I’m unavailable because I’m tired of trying.
No more excuses ,
mind games ,
and crying
Unavailable to you and anyone else
Who think this type of relationship is satisfying .
I was thinking about what a lot of women go through to be loved and even my own personal experience and that’s how I came to write this .
violetstarlights May 2019
incorrect, inconsiderable, invalid
by default, i am the bad guy.
all my efforts, sacrifices, and pain
goes nowhere
and is nothing.

the tear stains on my glasses
are simply "completely fake"
and all i feel is plastic
despite the "excuses" that i "make"

so what change would prove you?
will bloodshed give proof?
will breakage give proof?
will brains give proof?
will brawn?
of course not!

for proof is only what's tangible
because you monsters can't feel pain
your intentions are not for justice
but only for personal gain

but when say such things out loud
you tell me i'm wrong,
incorrect, inconsiderable, invalid
the list just goes on-

shut up!

for this is the reality YOU have created,
and you are not running away from it itself,
but the consequences that it brings

and my, you are a wonderful runner
and i'm tired of chasing you

but you'll wear out, eventually
you'll admit it, eventually
you'll apologize, eventually

and you'll get back up

and start running again, eventually
and there'll be nothing else i can do but chase you again, eventually

and i'll catch you, "eventually"
because good always wins over evil,

so the true question is,
in the gaslight eyes of fate,

who is who?
so yeah summer break's going just great for me
Sarah May 2019
To be a young girl
drawn in by Death
Her innocence still radiant
And flowers bloom where she walks
Yet she yearns for something
More careful
Than the chaos of spring
Enchanted by cold and called by Winter
She trades her blossoms for
Unaware that her flowers now bring only tears
maureen May 2019
my bones are tired
all energy stripped away.
my love, you're my rest.
Justina Julianna May 2019
I am wide awake. Awaiting answers, a love story, and a place that feels like home. But what happens when the answers arrive, I love, and I’m home. True bliss won’t begin until the fighting for basic necessities is over, and everything I thought I had to fight for won’t matter anymore. Fate in revenge, even for the empathetic.
Madison Greene May 2019
I've been scolded for using the word 'love' too often
throwing it away, as if it had to be secured for romantic encounters or within a length of time
like it might become tired or meaningless
but what if I am so full of love I can't help but overflow with it?
what if I've known platonic love, tender love, fervent love?

so I'll say 'I love you', only when I mean it
and I hope my abundance of it never runs dry
I hope it flows out of me effortlessly, because there will never be such thing as loving too much
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