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Strung Jul 2019
Who does not do enough,
You who is tired, who is angry
At yourself and at the world
For making you do it.

You who is scared to make mistakes
So you never leave your head.
You who is missing everything
Trying to keep it all
For the future.

It is you
Who is tired and who is painfully bitter
At yourself
Dyl Jul 2019
I miss the soft droplets of the rain
That wash away the days pain

I miss the wind’s soft whines
The begin to revive my mind

I miss the rolling thunder
Comforting me under my comforter

I miss the bright lightning
Who brings the thunder as it’s striking

There has no rain for too long
The pain has drawn on

I feel I have not seen it in years
It’s been long since the sky has shared tears

I am wasting away
Wishing the rain would come and stay
Dyl Jul 2019
Most nights I lay in bed
Waiting for tomorrow
As my head case of a
Mind buzzes and crackles
Like blaring T.V. Static

My brain wanders to
Unknown, dark places
Imagining the things
Like a faint scar across
A perfect canvas, why

My hands kept at my sides
Not letting them or my brain
Wander to uncharted waters
Deep, alluring, unforgiving
Needing to contain control
Lydia Jul 2019
I’m so angry it’s not good
I have to go in to work in about twenty minutes
and yet I don’t know if I wanna scream or cry or sleep or all of it
Let me start by saying I think my anxiety is through the roof
I feel like crap and I’m so out of it I don’t even know how I got here
sometimes I want to be babied
I want someone to help me get ready and cater to all of my needs
Keep me safe under a wing like a mother does
Like I do for my son
Tell me I’m so smart and cute and funny
In those exact words
Tell me I will be helped and safe
No one does that when you’re an adult
It’s literally you against the world
So me against the world
Me against the world
Against the world
The world
Lucid Jul 2019
no one likes to think they're selfish. i've denied my selfishness for years, because being selfish would mean that all those people were on to something when they said "you remind me so much of your mom." my dad is going to die soon. my teenaged brother won't live to see 30. yet, all i can think about is how the hell I'M supposed to wake up tomorrow, knowing this.

i've come to greet bad news like an old friend. instead of crying about it, i immediately head towards the liquor cabinet.

i went to my friends baby shower the other day. she looked happy, so i tried my best to be happy for her. everyone made comments about how they couldn't wait to have their own kid and blah blah blah. but as i sat in her living room, surrounded by the hopeful, happy faces of the girls i grew up with, i realized that i will never ever be like them. i realized that i wish i could be.

the most selfish thing a parent can do to their child is bring them into a world like this.

i think being wise means being able to see things for what they are and see people for who they are, and i can't help but figure that's why the smartest people are the most depressed.

my favorite teacher from high school just died. of all the students she ever taught, she once claimed she liked me the most. i didn't go to her funeral. in fact, when i found out, i felt absolutely nothing at all.

i recently earned my degree. after 5 years full of (literally) blood, sweat, and tears, I finally earned my degree. but as i sat in my chair, waiting for my name to be called so i could cross the stage and shake hands with the dean, i felt so ******* disappointed in myself. even my therapist can't explain that one.

2/3 of the people i love most in this world most likely won't be here in 10 years. i want to go to sleep.

sometimes i feel so ******* trapped that it becomes hard to breathe. then i remind myself, "you're doing everything they said you're supposed to be doing", but all it does is make me hyperventilate harder.

i can't tell my mom i love her without wanting to die.

it's cliche, i know, but i've come to truly realize that all you have in this tragic world is yourself. the only person you have to live with is you. so if you hate yourself...well i guess your **** out of ******* luck. ha
everything is tragic, it all just falls apart
Chrissy Ade Jul 2019
When I told you that I was famished
I didn’t imply that you should keep
Spoon-feeding me the same, old lies
As if I wouldn’t spit them out again  
My stomach wails and moans because
I refuse to swallow your inedible lies
That plagued my mouth with a rancid taste
When all it wants is something to eat  
When I told you that I was famished
I realized that my words had fallen on deaf ears
And you would never understand the gravity of my needs
I asked you for the truth and you failed to deliver
So now I have chosen to look for something better
This body is need of food and will not survive if I
Continue to live empty with someone who thought I was full
Lies are like candy, sweet but not filling.
Joshua Penrod Jul 2019
Bury me up to my neck in water

Soothe my like you would a preachers daughter

Like someone who’s sore from bowing at pews

Who’s secretly ****** up

And never amused

“Nevermind” -JP
Human amused tired bewildered alive dead acceptance process religion religious sin truth lies deception real
Hello Prolly Jun 2019
these, why seasons are
so many
why (we) changing
way too often

stepping out in sandals
enter freezing blizzards
wearing scarf and mittens
get burned by melting hot

about to smell the scent of lillies
breath in troubled dust
rushing out to driest desert
my naked knees soak through mud

being seasoned seasoner
seems not help enough
forseeing unseen-able
ends up rough

these, our seasons
reckless in motion
thus locking us
in motionless loops

thank mindseasons
Laokos Jun 2019
you know, the
weight of this ****
isn't very poetic.

the long days alone
do ******' hurt
sometimes -
guess i'm not as
tough as ol' Hank
or Ernie -
guess i'm still
just one lazy beauty
away from
having the guts
to end it.

jesus, some days
I just want to
crack my head open
to get rid of
these feelings and
voices and imaginings.

I think ,
      "just one girl who truly cares would make it all ok" , but
I know it won't.
in time, they'll leave
me too
and I'll be right back
here suckin' on the

****, I need something
to begin in me,
something with grit and
indifference and ingenuity
and terrifying passion.

I'm so tired of
these days of chewing
the gravel and flat
echoes ;
     of waiting to die ;
     of waiting to live.
Sammy Jun 2019
You look at Her
All She wants is to take your eyes off me
I don’t think She cares about my feelings or yours
Has She ever?

She hurt you
You know that by now
You still want Her

You said,
“This doesn’t change us”
But it clearly does
Why else would you stop saying you miss me?

This hurts me more than I think you realize
It’s not all your fault, I know that
I’m not saying it is
It just hurts

I’ve been hurting for what feels like an eternity
A couple weeks, maybe longer
It started before you told me
You stopped texting like you had been

Looking through old texts
I can see where it started to go downhill
One day it was “I miss you <3”
Next it was almost nothing

For days I blamed myself
I thought it was all my fault, you didn’t want me anymore
I guess, in a way,
I was right

I know full well I’m being overdramatic about this
That’s who I am I suppose
I need to rid this from my system
It’s eating at me from the inside out

You once said you just wanted to hold me
I said
“One day”
And that day passed by in an instant

You put your arm around me the other day
It was nice for a moment
Then I realized it didn’t really feel right
We’re still off

It’s gone
There is no turning back
You have feelings for Her
And I’m caught in the middle

I thought that I had a decent life for once
Things seemed as if they were going my way
But it’s somehow
Always Her that steals my good times

We’ve had a complicated history, Her and I
I wish we could still be close friends
It might make this a lot easier, maybe a lot worse
But that’s over now

All I want is for you to figure this out
I want you to be happy
Whether that’s with me or not
We’ll find out soon enough

It seems like it’s pretty close to over
I’m sorry for that
I’ve ******* up a lot
Relationships aren’t my thing

You deserve someone better
I really thought that was me for a moment
The likelihood of me being the right one for you now
Is probably close to nothing

This has been longer than I intended
I’m sorry for everything
I hope for your own sake you can get over Her
You need to

I’ll still be there for you
I was throughout this last year
I can do it some more

Maybe not
But that’s not a problem right now
We need to sort this situation out
So that’s what we’ll do
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