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Raindrop May 2017
I get so distracted with your soft lips
The heart-like shape it forms when you slightly pout―
How sinfully tempting

I wonder how it would feel like
To have it pressed against mine
And taste the sweetness it has to offer
While our bodies are intertwined
Sombro May 2017
Whoop, wow, careful now
Don't slip don't fall
Don't break into a misty skip
While dull as ditchwater sirens call

Keep your balance, toe the cord
You have stolen someone's sorrow,
Safety nets long rotted away
From expecting gone what's here tomorrow

But think with what grace you have left
And don your jester cap once more
What spasmic leaps you made, what fun
You got to see while on the saw

Up and down and Romeo
You capsuled dose of fun, you joy
Stop leaping over fields of mould
Stop making endurance your toy

I'll crack the whip and flair your shackles,
Shiver, shake, for soon you'll see
A spirit of pain has blown through with the wind,
But pass it shall, as easily
to test your luck, to push
the boundaries until they
break and let loose like

It may destroy a lot, but it sure as hell changes the landscape.

there is a sort of sick beauty
in watching something
come apart, something
terrible and mesmerizing
about destruction.  

See, there are some parts of god I understand.

And you,
always you with the other
answers, about love and
mercy and all that rot.

Together we sing the pieces, you said.

It's all we can do.
It's all we know.
more stream of consciousness than anything
Mara W Kayh May 2017
I am your bird of prey

Caught between 2 posts
And a glistening fence.

Neck broken,
beak to the ground,
Half way trapped inside
your field of green.

I am your bird of prey,

Wings on a wire,
Still soft and light,
with feathers gleaming
where promise of flight,
newly broken, fell to earth.

'Twas passion that lured me to your
nest, where the cloud kissed Sun
with time
turned ashen my listless frame.

A testament to nature's seduction,
there was no escaping
your embrace
As the warmth
slowly left
my still
Inspired by a beautiful Robin I found yesterday, stuck in a fence I had put up around a field of garlic.. it must have fluttered to death, trying to escape.
Richard Grahn May 2017
You push me
You tempt me
You twist me around
You bring me sweet promises
Of things I’ve not found

You lure me with passion
And tell me sweet lies
You move me with reason
When I look in your eyes

You offer me sunshine
In the darkest of skies
You taunt me with laughter
And the thought of surprise

You’re really so clever with
These promises that you make
I’m lost in your banter
About the chance I should take

Nothing is clear here
Though it sounds pretty good
You said I could try it
But don’t know if I should

I’m enthused by your passion
And the song that you sing
You’ve captured my memories
But it starts to sink in

I’ve been tempted before dear
And you won’t be the last so
You can take what you’re selling
And skip right on past
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
I love new technologies
all erupting every next day
with new features
and temptations

But all these technologies
are baby monsters
growing day by day
to achieve mass laziness
trapping the world
in the maze of addiction
making them lean on them
for every little things
These monsters will together,
one day,
achieve world *******
ju Oct 2011
I pull the sweater further down my thighs.
Fabric bunched in my fist keeps the hem tight,

Stops it gaping as I lean, cold feet pressed to his shins,
inhaling steam from thick-as-mud coffee.

Would like to rearrange myself ‘round the warmth of him-
tangle my fingers in his hair.

Clamber into a linseed oil and white spirit scented nest.

But now’s not the time.
Distance is key.

I drink coffee, mind my hem ‘til he’s ready to draw.

ju Sep 2011
He doesn’t draw me as this.
She appears to be sleeping.

Not hiding like me, from a light that’s too bright-
on a day that grew late without warning.

Her hand between thighs
seems to be still. And her smile whispers words for the taking.

Will they know when they see her, that those fingers
concealed, are already threaded with ***?

He doesn’t draw me as this.
Satisfied only to the point of frustration.

ju Mar 2012
My skin wears need. Like
static from an old t.v. screen-
willing you to touch.
But don’t touch me, OK?
Don’t look me in the eye,
and don’t ask.
Don’t ask 'cause I’d say yes,
when I should say no.
I’d say yes and I’d mean it.
But the whole world ‘d fall apart
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