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D Mar 2017
Maybe it wouldn't feel so hard had you not
brought it to the front of my attentions
Maybe after too many of the same conversations
I can't find it in myself to believe you again
Maybe if I act like you and use
the same old tired excuse, you'll finally
understand how it feels too
Maybe this has nothing to do with you or us,
and it's all me who keeps on ******* up
Maybe I'm just a ***** that doesn't deserve to be in love,
who never really knew how to be the loyal one
once was enough
Ryan Long Mar 2017
Dear Lord above
please hear my prayer,
The cries of your child
Let me know you are near

I'm weak in my flesh
Sin is so tempting
It dances on the edge
Ever calling and beckoning

Who would know?
It calls out to me,
Go ahead and enjoy yourself
There's no one here to see

But this is not a sin
That just involves me
Another is a part of this
Careful is what I must be

My spirit in a rage
begins to burn bright
It yells at me inside
Don't give in you must fight!

You are more than conquerors!
Does the Good book not say?
He's given everything you need
To come out the victor this day

Dear God I come before you
With tears in my eyes
I need your strength to win this one
Before all my hope dies

Please forgive me Dear Father
For the sins of my mind
Wash it out with your Holy Spirit
And let your Word in it bind

Lord we're trying so hard
We want you in our midst
Please help us focus on you
And your truths not to miss

We're weak oh God
We can't do this on our own
Give our spirits strength to stand
And sin not to condone

Jim Davis Mar 2017
Keep your moonbeams
On the top shelf
Within reach
But high

Hold fast to
The spider's strand
It will lead you
From it's lair

You cannot take your  
Things with you
Thus it pays
To always travel light

Cling to those
Who love you
They will guide you
Through the night

©  2017 Jim Davis
Changed third set of verses up a bit, I like this better!  Apologies to those who read the first version.
D Mar 2017
don't tempt me or tease me
I give in too easy
MP Martinez Feb 2017
We were so in love that we forgot
What are the priorities and what are not
To the immense feelings we had drown
To the fire, we were both thrown
Bodies ached with intimacy
As our heart sang its rhapsody
We drove ourselves to sin
And we bathe to it like clear water spring
To the devil's muse, we can't win
As we knotted more of our fated string
But lo such happiness is ephemeral
To people who only knows carnal desire
This body of us were only temporal
Soon it will burn as we keep playing on fire
But heart always win against brain
So we payed no attention to shame
Both fell into the depth of oblivion
To lust we swam into the sea of temptation
Samantha Lee Feb 2017
The puzzle of temptation,
some don't heed issue at all.
Surrounded by a gleaming ocean,
indulging is the water's call.
As the waves roll in,
a bright sailor's sky feigns delight,
what is promised tomorrow
by today what is in sight.
Temptation can pull you
to a raged and stormy sea,
it is not until you are in the middle
you realize you are not supposed to be.
JAC Feb 2017
In a world where natural tendency
And temptation is feared
But hatred and ignorance
Make us comfortable
We that love and we that see
Are crushed by responsibility.
In response to some of what's going on in the world. This is just one response, but one that may be shared.
Crimsyy Feb 2017

When I'm with you,
I'm overcome with temptation
to release onto you
all my lamentations,
but I don't want to be
an extra weight on your mind,
I know how hard it is
to lift yourself up sometimes.

Because sometimes you
are the heaviest thing in the world,
and the world doesn't
understand that,
blaming triggers,
applying bandaids to wounds
that'll bleed long after the
bandaid's ripped off.

We're both hemophiliacs
drowning in breathtaking chemicals,
in our bones, fragility seeping,
our skin continuously bleeding.
But you and I
are more than this,
more than a shortage of bliss.
We're the passion felt
through a tender kiss,
We're addictive,
like the magnetic pull
of your lips.

I hope you know
sometimes I have to
force the monster out of me
to escape life's bitter bite,
but she loves you just the same,
and I hope you know that
in her, you summone the light.
And when she's with you,
she's overcome with temptation
to release onto you
all her lamentations,
and everytime,
you feel so safe,
she almost does,
she almost does.

*Thankyou for reading! Please comment your thoughts on this one and your favourite part/line and why it's your favourite. ^.^ Your comments make my days.
Mysidian Bard Jan 2017
She stretched out across the bed,
her body curved in serpentine suggestion.
Seductive whispers, bedroom eyes
and the beckoning motion of her hand.

What sinister intentions are behind
this divine invitation to partake
in the pleasures of our flesh?
Mio Seanachaidh Jan 2017
Forbidden always attract the curious mind
It's like playing with fire

Once started, it can't be stopped
Something forbidden always seem to be good
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