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Five Fingers Mar 2015
I heard it,
a shatter.
Could it be my spirits broke?
could it be my tender heart
whose true feelings will never be spoke.
I know you don't want to be that guy,
I know you don't want me to be that fool.
But the truth is i never heard such a piercing lie,
how could words be so purely intentioned,
but cruel.

You lie to protect me.
maybe that's just what i want to believe
my heart screams "it must be"
my head says don't be naive
I been trying to move forward believe me,
I've been trying for so long
but my hands wont grasp the pieces
cause maybe i just don't want to move on.

I just want

As you are

As you've always been.

I wish there were a simpler way,
I wish the stars were better aligned,
I wish i had the courage to say

that I love you too
and i always will
Even if you really meant it,

I will love you still.
he said he loved me. then he said he was just confused.
UnderDog Feb 2015
Unwanted pressure and desire to please
like a infectionous transmitted disease
Ambitiously always seeking approval
but yet always ends up on the bitterness removal

''Fitting in'' is their only goal
always clouding their judgemental souls
UnderDog Mar 2015
Ever feel like you don't exist
feelings of neglect makes me ******
Everyone interact and have their fun
while I sit alone and have none
AJ Scott Mar 2015
He looks like a bear
but lurks like a shark
His words are unfair
more bite than bark

He's got beautiful eyes
and even prettier lips
something inside me dies
when I watch his swinging hips

He deeply invigorates me
iron butterflies in my stomach
so many that it's scary
He's just that ****** slick

His anger proves me prone
but round me it travels
in this I feel alone
and at the same time unraveled

it feels good for a minute
even when he's cruel
there's reason in it
when I say I love you
kp Mar 2015
you were so good at taking stupid words and turning them into gold,
golden phrases that made me smile because your stupid hand took those stupid words and made them into something beautiful,
there's a gift to found in those stupid hands of yours,
a gift that you only shared with me,
you drowned me in gold.
Idk he was a writer and I was a stupid girl who thought he was a stupid boy
Bella Anima Mar 2015
If i could stop being so lazy and dumb
That would be nice.
Because my dreams are huge
And i am nowhere near it.
For each and every time that i have failed,
I hurt so much
I never really liked to show it
Because its one of my biggest weeakness

But there is no one to blame
but me.

When will i ever achieve
Or will i not?
Here is to crying all night because i have failed time and time again. Just wanna die
Drifter Mar 2015
My mind is blank,

   where I should be tumbling
   over everyone who gives me love
   and ****.

Over every mother who informed me
about the "real world".
Over every leader who told me the "real words".

   Even my own self,
   queen of no *******,
   even I've been washed away.

Even I've been
                             saved for a better day.
Brittle Bird Mar 2015
I wrote a poem

My heart was a scratch-and-win

And wrote another
I haven't shared in a while, due to school + emotional constipation
...but here I am. Still alive.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
The place was packed at six-thirtyish
whenever I arrived
and I found my way to one of three
consecutive and only
open seats.

I dropped my *** on the one furthest
away from the door
and opened up a new tab for myself
by middle-clicking on
the bartender.

She brought me a sloppy pint of lager first
then reached for Jackie-D
and I moved my hand to place my palm
over the circumference of
my shot glass.

Straight into her eyes I inquire about my curse:
"what kinds of brandy?"
then she stammers, and glances at the speedrack
under the cacophony I mutter:
"Christian Brothers."
"OH! We have christian brothers!?"

Brandy or beer? Water's a good idea.

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