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Audra Mar 2015
I once kissed a boy after too many shots and lots of stupid decisions but I haven’t stopped thinking about him since
S R Mats Mar 2015
I'm addicted, an addict in the night.  A rift, a fault, a weakness,
Something makes me fall.  I crack.  

So sad to be so intelligent and, yet, to be so stupid.  

In the middle of night you say to me, that "it just is."  I am blind and I am deaf.  
I cannot know what "it is" if I cannot see it, feel it.  

It just isn"t...O, love!

I once knew a brilliant young man who put a piece of wood under his chin
And played beautiful music.  

I wish that you were him.
The other day my kid asked me some questions about the human body, and with my intelligence, I decided to let him know...

"Why have we got ears?"
"So that our glasses have something to rest on"

"Why do we have eyes?"
"Because otherwise our eyelids wouldn't protect anything".

"Why do we fingers?"
"well, fingernails need to grow off something!"

"Why do we have noses?"
"Because if we didn't, we'd look like Voldemort"

"why do we have *******"
"So that we can make a face with our stomachs"
Btw, I don't have a kid haha I'm 17 and single so....yeah... Lol
flustered Mar 2015
i want to hold your hand
but the mere thought
of our fingers brushing
leaves my palms sweating
and chest pounding
i want to see you
but that requires you seeing me
and it makes me want to fold myself in,
all the parts of me i'm not proud of
there are too many
because to you i am only a fleeting star like all the rest in the sky
but to me you are long-lived galaxies taking up my headspace, lasting, lingering
even after the last star burns out.
what i'm saying is you were never mine, but you'll still haunt me long after all of this is over
JustChloe Mar 2015
I'm fat
My stomache stretches out of its place when i eat
Don't eat
I want to look in mirror and be happy
People shouldn't tease me because I'm not skinny
be skinny
Who cares if I'm unhealthy
As long as I'm pretty
Ella Gwen Mar 2015
Your kindness has killed me.

It wasn't too sweet, not saccharine,
you came with a hint of lemon-sharp smiles
and mischievous eyes, cheek slipping off your tongue
to fall on my skin like a bluntly barbed-caress,
each laugh a knife that cuts me to remember.
I barely knew you but even so, I think it was enough
to slip into loving him who I perceived you to be.
Reg Mar 2015
"Once is enough," He said
All truth has fled,
Though, he trusted me

Candle light and razors blades
Each branch, shingles and shades
"I know it's tough," He cried
In the darkness of a cherry tree,
she shied

"It's just a phase," they taunt
But, smiles they flaunt?
You think that's easy don't you
You think that I can do it too?
Go right ahead,
"Tomorrow," is said, yet I crawl in bed?

"I understand what you're going through,"
You think you're so funny, don't you?
I'm sick and tired of it...
Nessa dieR Mar 2015
Messy, blind, deaf and dumb
Goofy, stupid and stubborn
It's all I've been for you
It's all I have become
Haggard, skinny, ugly, insane
Goofy, silly, slow, in pain
All this I have been told
completely uncontrolled.
You noticed this
But said no words
You could've warned me
**I deserved to know.
S R Mats Mar 2015
Head trust, heart must cuddle,
Care and,
“More wine over here!”

Is this a dream?  All things are,
It seems,
Because I always wake up to something

I am forever goddess
By candlelight.  Poke out the eye

Of love,
That blind it might be,
And stupid,

Stupid, stupid.
But, there’s another crumb in my bed,
I just know it!
My thoughts are heavy and loud
they make my head pound and my neck sore
my body begins to shake
Quaking in my own significance
i dont want to exist anymore
Let me go
I have no idea, i likef the first few lines and went eith the rest so whatever you think is appreciated. ENJOY
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