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Here rests a future
Untouched and eager
for light
Wanting to exude its aromas
of which I neither looked
nor cared.

She handed me the match
fresh, burning bright,
a new sense in my familiar room.

Baffling confusion
overtook as I blew her match
so stubborn
to extinguish
in a faint stream of
smoke still thinning.

Was I
the stubborn?

Subsequent darkness
Once a sweet home
Now a paralyzing loneliness.

Match burnt, candle gone
future still…

Will another offer to
light my dark corners
--myself willing,
with a newfound scent?

A day may come
to end my night,
but I only care to see
the one I once hid from.
The kind that say "I've not done such and such in days."
The "Such and such" being something needed to sustain life

Who sit on their phones after telling you that YOU are hosting them
On a Thursday night

Whom dodge non-academic questions because they're hard
And afraid the answer you expect is correct

Who say things just because they want your pity
Even if those things aren't true

The kind of people who are ungrateful

The kind of people who are stupid because
Maturing and learning is too hard
"It's much easier to pity myself and stay ignorant" they say

Those people frustrate me
Perhaps they frustrate me so because there was a time
When I did a few of those things
People are stupid.
Steelhaven May 2015
I dive down, discover the lake,
to hide, scream, survive.
She always lights a monster in me,
a hope to brave the night.

The hot, cruel, stormy nature
was jungle river blue.
The thick, misty, daylight danger
leaves frightening fields in you.
They gave us a list of random words with a really limited number of repeated pronouns and articles. The instructions are as follows: make a poem using only those words. No repeats.
Get angry with me
yell at me, hit me
do your worse.
no matter what happens I will always love you.
I will always be there
I mean look at you.. how could I say no?
We can fight and make up
what is not to love?
I'm going to hope for the best
I should not even be speaking to you. You don't got that broken look, & your edges aren't sharp enough.
That exoskeleton never saw the light of day, it laid down and died before ever being concieved. Boy, you ain't no mystery. It kind of breaks my ****** heart though, yknow?
No, ydon't though.
I mean, yknow how it feels to bleed out all your aura, feeding it to, **** I don't even know, the unknown. Dark energy. The infinite divine, the great conundrum.
Givin it to god? Wherever you find him or her or whoever. Whatever.
I guess it doesn't really matter as long as you're happy.

In the dust clouds of the destruction the bedlam be loud & disgusting & lovely & you may find solace if you so choose. That ***** is  hiding specifically there, you just gotta look. But it WILL be exhausting & exasperating & emotionally draining.
All the ice'll melt before it bubbles & becomes vapor & you won't believe it, all cause you can't see it but that's ******* stupid.
They say people don't like to be called stupid.  Yet the sad reality is a lot of them are, or at least they just got a lot of really stupid tendencies & would rather not address those kinds of things. But see... man, I don't think anything's sacred anymore.
So simply. **** it, go with the flow, just...float.

Oh I wish.
I could take myself serious, so others might take me serious but I end up sounding crazy either way. I think we're all losing interest here. & I'm gettin real sick of tryna make sense of myself, to myself, to & of everybody else.
So if anyone needs me you know where to find me. I'll just be kickin it in the middle of "the ****" like. This is my normal.
Just put down whatever came to mind.
Martinez Apr 2015
I gave you everything.
I showed you things I'd never shown
to anyone before.
I believed in you.
I kissed you.
I slept with you.

I was in love with you.
I felt used.
I felt *****.
After that day,
I couldn't see myself in the mirror.
I was disgusted with myself.
In the end I realized that I
was in love with the idea of you.
But why?
I have no idea.
Belle Victoria Apr 2015
remember last year and how ****** up everything was
well the mess we made back than didn't clean up itself

please step on my heart, break every single piece appart
burn the ashes of my soul till nothing is left

brainwash me and make me yours
use me like a doll, I will play along
treat me like Im not worth seeing the birds in the sky
and still I will be the person who is there for you at 3 am

everybody knew that we had to much fun
spending all my time with you talking about things I'd rather forget
things that didn't even matter when she was around him

the stars turning into different constellations tonight
and we both knew from that moment we kissed again
nothing could be the same anymore

maybe the world was in love with the idea of us being in love
and maybe at one point in my life I was in love with that too

I dont know what I want

the stars were out and I was crying
the universe was dark and everything around us was dying

I always told you I loved your blue eyes
but maybe I was lying.
poor miserable heart we are in this together, again.
Kelvin Apr 2015
Desperate times calls for desperate measures,
Desperate mind, peer pressure?
Are you blind or are just a tester?
Leave her behind, IT will not give you any pleasure.
desperate people.
Marium Iqbal Apr 2015
We stand in a crowded hallway.
But it feels empty.
It’s just the two of us.
Staring blankly into each other’s eyes.

Wondering whether or not to say “HI”.
Or to walk away and stay as the strangers we now were.
We stare into each other’s eyes debating whether or not, to hold the door.

Wondering if it was worth starting a conversation.
Knowing we wouldn't work anyway.

We were friends at some point.
Then something more.
Now were merely strangers.

We tore apart before we really ever were together.
We left each other waiting for the other to make the next move.
We left each other open and vulnerable.

You shut down.
And shut me out.
You packed up
Left town.

You left and I stood waiting.  
I awaited a hopeless tomorrow.  

You eventually came back.
Apologizing, saying you don’t know how to say goodbye.
And I left saying, “I don’t know how to say goodbye either”.  

Here we are today.
Nothing but strangers.
Passing each other in the crowded high school hallway.  
With nothing but blank stares.
carolyn Apr 2015
why do you have to laugh like that and smile like that and why are your eyes the prettiest colour ever known to man it is just so frustrating
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